November 2008 International symposium on the First Republic of Armenia held at BU rofessor Simon Payaslian, holder of the Charles and Elisa- Pbeth Kenosian Chair in Mod- On October 20 Professor William Keylor delivered an invited lecture to the Ev- ern Armenian History and Literature, ergreen Program in the Conference Auditorium of the George Sherman Union. organized a symposium on the “Legacy The title was “Foreign Policy Challenges and the American Presidential Election.” of the First Republic of Armenia, 1918- Graduate student Jolanta Komornicka attended the conference “The Devil in 1921” held on September 27. The confer- Society in the Pre-Modern World,” hosted by the Center for Reformation and Re- ence probed the long-term impact of naissance Studies at the University of Toronto;she presented a paper entitled “The the republic on the Armenian people Devil on Trial: The Changing Role of the Devil in the Trial by Ordeal.” both in Armenia and in the diaspora. The October 2008 issue of the American Historical Review contains Professor The conference was co-sponsored by Nina Silber’s featured review of Drew Faust’s This Republic of Suffering: Death and the BU’s International History Institute, American Civil War....Professor Silber, along with Professor John Matthews of the the Department of History, and the De- English Department, organized a panel on the “Global South” for the October 3 partment of International Relations, conference on “American Studies in Global Perspective” sponsored by the Boston and by the National Association for Ar- University American Studies Program. She also presented a paper for that panel on menian Studies and Research (NAASR) historical scholarship and the global south. in Belmont, Mass. Professor Eugenio Menegon’s essay “Jesuit Emblematica in China: The Use of Professor Payaslian commented that European Allegorical Images in Flemish Engravings Described in the Kouduo this conference was a celebration of the Richao (ca. 1640)” was published in the latest issue of the Chinese studies journal ninetieth anniversary of the re-emer- Monumenta Serica....Professor Menegon also presented a paper entitled “The Ma- gence of Armenian statehood in 1918 as nila Experiment: Jesuit and Dominican Evangelization Strategies for China, 1580- well as the republic’s independence af- 1630” at the “XII Jornadas Jesuiticas,” a large conference on the Jesuits in the Iberian ter the disintegration of the Soviet Un- empires held in Buenos Aires September 24-26. ion in 1991. The conference brought to- Professor Marilyn Halter gave an invited lecture entitled “African and Ameri- gether some of the best scholars in the can: West African Newcomers to Southern New England and Beyond” at the Uni- field to share their analyses with the versity of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, as part of a colloquium series on “Immigra- community. Since the final collapse of tion and Transnationalism” sponsored by the Department of Sociology/Anthro- the first republic in February 1921, the is- pology. sues surrounding its rise and fall had Graduate student Jonathan Koefoed presented a paper entitled “Bildung and been highly politicized both in Soviet the Republic: Intellectuals and Education in the Life and Thought of James Marsh” Armenia and in the diasporan commu- at the annual meeting of the New England Historical Association, held October 25 nities; as a result, no more than a hand- ful of serious studies exists on the first See EVENTS OF NOTE, page 3 republic, and certainly there are no scholarly works on its legacy. This con- In the afternoon session Dr. Ben- Betty Anderson ference sought to fill that void in our jamin F. Alexander, Towson Univer- understanding of the long-term politi- sity, Maryland, presented a paper titled granted tenure and cal and cultural significance of the first “The Thousand-day Republic and the promotion republic. In his opening remarks, Pay- Assassination of Archbishop Tourian,” aslian thanked the co-sponsors of the in which he examined the connection In October Professor Betty Ander- conference and especially Professor between contested memories of the son learned that she had been awarded William Keylor, Director of the Inter- first republic and the polarized percep- tenure and national History Institute, and Profes- tions of the Tourian affair, 1933-34.The promoted sor Cathal Nolan, Executive Director paper presented a comparative analysis to the rank of the institute, for their cooperation of the different interpretations of the of associate and advice in organizing the event. tragic event as presented in the Arme- professor at Payaslian invited Ms. Nancy Kolligian, nian community newspapers and the Boston Un- President of NAASR, to say a few words extent to which the coverage reflected iversity. on behalf of the organization. the ideological predilections of the Professor In the morning session Professor dominant diasporan parties in the Anderson’s Erik Goldstein, Chair of the Depart- United States. Dr. Razmik Panossian’s research fo- ment of International Relations at BU, paper, “The Impact of the First Repub- cuses on so- presented a paper titled “Great Britain lic on Armenian Identity in the 20th cial, educa- and the Re-emergence of Armenian Century,” explored how the first repub- tional, and political developments in Statehood,” which discussed the Brit- lic shaped subsequent Armenian politi- the modern Arab world. She is the au- ish fascination with and involvement cal thought both in Soviet Armenia thor of Nationalist Voices in Jordan: The in the Eastern Christians and how Brit- and in the Armenian diasporan com- Street and the State (University of Texas ish engagement in the region became a munities. The paper looked at Arme- Press, 2005) and co-author of History popular cause. The paper then focused nian national identity and nationalism Handbook (Houghton Mifflin, 2003). on the extent to which the pro-Arme- and at diasporan politics. Dr. Robert Her current project, under contract nian groups in the British government Krikorian, George Washington Uni- with the University of Texas Press, is a influenced foreign policy in WorldWar versity, presented a paper titled “The history of the American University of I and finally on the reasons why British Legacy of the First Independent Repub- Beirut. support for the republic collapsed. Dr. lic of Armenia and the Collapse of So- She teaches a lecture course and sev- Ara Sanjian, Director of the Armenian viet Power.” His study examined the eral colloquia on the history of the Research Center at the University of historical paradigm shift which oc- Middle East as well as the core course Michigan–Dearborn, then presented a curred in Soviet Armenia during the for concentrators, hi 200; in spring paper titled “Continuing the All-Rus- democratic movement in the late 1980s 2009 she will introduce a new course sian Revolution of February 1917:The and analyzed the competing historical entitled “Americans and the Middle Challenge of Land Reform.” His talk narratives and their political implica- East” (hi 393). examined the attempts to introduce tions in Armenia as the Soviet era ap- land reform in Eastern or Russian Ar- proached its end. Krikorian focused on menia beginning in 1917 and subse- the memories of the first Republic of quently during the republic. The paper Armenia and how these memories analyzed the social and economic pro- acted as a competing narrative and un- NEWS grams of the ruling Armenian Revolu- dermined Soviet legitimacy. N tionary Federation party in the republic of the History Department and the various approaches proposed at Boston University by the other political parties. Dr. Victo- is published monthly September ria Rowe, University of Greenwich, through May at the department office, UK, presented a paper titled “Women GRADUATE STUDENT MILESTONES 226 Bay State Road, Boston, MA as Political Actors in the First Republic 02215, telephone: 617-353-2551, E- mail: [email protected], Website: of Armenia and in the Creation of In- Ellen Horrow passed the language ex- www.bu.edu/history. ternational Networks of Refugee Relief, amination in Hebrew. 1918-1925.” Her paper considered the po- Editor: James T. Dutton, Depart- litical status of Armenian women in the Mary Mason Williams’s research paper, ment Administrator first republic and their activism on be- “Contested Memory in the Cradle of Items of interest for publication and half of the republic at the League of Na- Liberty: The Bicentennial of the Ameri- changes of address should be sent to tions. She then discussed the resulting can Revolution and the Busing Crisis in the editor. legacy of political participation of Boston, 1974-1976,” was accepted for women in the Armenian diaspora. credit toward the master’s degree. Page 2 NEWS EVENTS OF NOTE (cont. from page 1) lition and Creative Progress” (October Mugar Library News 9-11); the paper was entitled “Angolans at Endicott College. and Gold Coasters in the History of The current issue of the Journal of New York.” Contemporary History features a special Professor Andrew Bacevich’s recent by Donald Altschiller section on the United States in the publications include: “He Told Us to History Bibliographer 1970s that derives from the second an- Go Shopping. Now the Bill Is Due,” nual BU-Cambridge conference that The WashingtonPost (October 4); “Sarah fi convened at Clare College, Cam- Palin and John Winthrop,” Huf ngton he BU libraries recently sub- 2007 3 bridge, in . The issue includes four Post (October ); and “Bush’s Third scribed to RefWorks, an excel- 27 papers from that conference plus a War,” Los Angeles Times (September ). lent web-based bibliography commentary by Professor Bruce Graduate student Stephen Arguetta T management tool which allows you to Schulman. is currently serving on the CAS/GRS collect, arrange, and edit citations, Professor Louis Ferleger is series ed- Social Sciences Curriculum Commit- footnotes, endnotes, and other items itor of Historians in Conversation (Uni- tee, helping to evaluate new courses for your bibliographies from any com- versity of South Carolina Press).
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