No. 101 2845 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 1982 Members of the Distribution Committees Under Section 96 The Auckland Harbour B0a~1kau Harbour Foreshore 11 -4- of th'e Gaming and Lotteries Act 1977 and Harbourbed. Co~"'mir Order 1982 lr-1 fW' DAYID BEATIIE, overnor-General )~I '· (j I~ &l. DAYID BEATTIE, Governor-General ORDER IN C UNCIL ',Cl I 19 [ t~ ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government House at this 23rd day of August At Government House at Wellington this 23rd day of August 1982 Presen : Present: HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERN R-GENERAL IN COUNCIL HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL PURSUANT to sect;on 165 of th Harbours Act 1950, His Excellency the Governor-Genera , acting by and with the PURSUANT to section 96 of the Gaming and Lotteries Act 1977, advice and consent of the Executi Council, hereby makes the His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the following order. advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby appoints the following persons to be members of the Distribution R Committees named for a term of 3 years commencing on the 23rd day of August 1982. 1. Title and commencement-( ) This order may be cited as the Auckland Harbour Boa Manukau Harbour Fore- 1. Distribution Committee for the Provision of Social Ameni- shore and Harbourbed Control rder 1982. ties and the Promotion of Social Welfare (2) This order shall come i o force on the 1st day of Miss P. Avery Jack of Wellington, Chairman. September 1982. Mr Q. E. Angus of Wellington. 2. Interpretation-In this orde - Mr R. J. S. Burns of Wellington. "The Act" means the Harbo rs Act 1950: Mr J. W. Grant of Wellington. "The Board" means the ckland Harbour Board con- Reverend Father B. A. Sherry of Wellington. stituted under the Harbo rs Act 1950: 2. Distribution Committee for the Welfare of Aged Persons "Foreshore" means such pa ts of the bed, shore or banks Mr J. M. Hunn of Wellington, Chairman. of a tidal water as are overed and uncovered by the Mrs H. M. Hutchison of Auckland. flow and ebb of the tid at ordinary spring tides. Mr R. MacKenzie of Wellington. 3. Grant of Control-There is hereby granted to the Board Right Reverend Bishop E. K. Norman of Wellington. for a period of 21 years com encing with the 1st day of Mrs P. M. O'Connor of Christchurch. September 1982 and ending with the 31st day of August 2003 3. Distribution Committee for the Promotion of Medical control of the foreshore and arbourbed described in the Research Schedule to this order. Sir Edward Sayers, c.M.G., of Dunedin, Chairman. Mr A. W. Mann of Christchurch. ALL that area of foreshore and arbourbed of Manukau Har­ Professor T. V. O'Donnell of Wellington. bour enclosed by a line com encing at a point at South Professor G. L. Rolleston of Christchurch. Head on the line of mean hi h water due north of Trig Professor J. D. Sinclair of Auckland. Station D2 in Block XIII, T 'rangi Survey District, and 4. Distribution Committee for the Promotion of Scientific proceeding westerly along a r· ht line to a point on the Research line of mean high water du south of Trig Station R, Dr A. T. Johns of Wellington, Chairman. Paratutai in Block VI, Waitake Survey District, but exclud­ Mr I. L. Baumgart of Wellington. ing therefrom any endowment foreshore that is vested in Dr E. J. Bollard of Auckland. the Auckland Harbour Board by the Manukau Harbour Professor H. N. Parton of Christchurch. Control Act 1911. Mr C. Taylor of Wellington. P. G. MILLEN, Cl k of the Executive Council. P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. (M.O.T. 54/14/1) • 2846 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 101 Reappointment of Member to the Noxious Plants Council Member of the Bledisloe Park Board Appointed (No. 2889, Ag. 1/53/2/32) DAVID BEATIIE, Governor-General PURSUANT to section 5 of the Noxious Plants Act 1978, I PURSUANT to section 8 of the Maori Purposes Act 1934, I, hereby reappoint The Honourable Sir David Stuart Beattie, the Governor­ John Edward Keaney, J.P., farmer of Rotorua (on the General of New Zealand, <lo hereby appoint: nomination of the Municipal Association of New David Clark Zealand Incorporated) duly nominated by the Tauranga County Council to be a to be a member of the Noxious Plants Council for a term of member of the Bledisloe Park Board to replace Edmund 3 years from 1 April 1982. William Bragg who is now deceased. Dated at Wellington this 17th day of August 1982. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ DUNCAN MACINTYRE, Minister of Agriculture. General this 27th day of August 1982. BEN COUCH, Minister of Maori Affairs. Reappointment of Honorary Community Officers Under the (M.A. 19/2/7) Maori Community Development Act 1962 PuRSUANT to section 5 (3) of the Maori Community Develop­ ment Act 1962, the Minister of Maori Affairs hereby re­ Appointment of Honorary Consul for Portugal at Dunedin appoints the persons named in the Schedule hereto as honorary community officers· for a further term of 3 years His Excellency the Governor-General directs it to be notified in the areas shown in the second column of the Schedule. that the appointment of SCHEDULE William Michael Brinsley Name Area as Honorary Consul for Portugal at Dunedin with jurisdiction Pare Irwin (Mrs) Wairoa throughout Otago and Southland has been provisionally Apelu Manu Christchurch recognised. Dawn Kottier (Mrs) Christchurch Dated at Wellington this 27th day of August 1982. Myra Jean Clarke Invercargill WARREN COOPER, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Puke Monty Rewha ...... .... Twizel Jackie Hata Kapohau Parekura Alexandra Ivan Loper ...... Oamaru Kahu Loper (Mrs) Oamam Members of the Winston Ch'urchill Memorial Trust Board Appointed Dated at Wellington this 27th day of August 1982. BEN COUCH, Minister of Maori Affairs. PURSUANT to sections 4, 5 and 6 of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Act 1965, His Excellency the Governor­ General has been pleased to appoint- Reappointment of Honorary Community Officers Under the Mary-Anne Boyd of Auckland Community Development Act 1962 to be a member of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust PURSUANT to section 5 (I) of the Maori Community De­ Board for a term expiring on 31 March 1984, vice Mr Alister velopment Act 1962, the Minister of Maori Affairs hereby M. Martin*, and appoints the persons named in the Schedule hereto to serve Alan Raine Topham, o.B.E., of Auckland as honorary community officers for a term of 3 years. Ewing Robertson, J.P., of Hastings Ross Jansen, of Hamilton SCHEDULE to be members of the Trust Board, each for a term of 6 years, Name Area vice Mrs K. M. Mayson, Mr J. A. Bateman, and Mr N. V. Mita Kiwara-Ngatai ...... Nuhaka Douglas, Q.s.o. t. Helena Annette Winitana (Mrs) Waikaremoana Dated at Wellington this 27th day of August 1982. Dated at Wellington this 27th day of August 1982. D. A. HIGHET, Minister of Internal Affairs. BEN COUCH, Minister of Maori Affairs. *New Zealand Gazette, 27 July 1978, No. 66, page 2109. tNew Zealand Gazette, 18 March 1976, No. 27, page 557. I.A. Cul 8/1/2 Appointment of Members to the Pesticides Board (No. 2892, Ag. 1/53/2/1) Member of the Film Trade Board Appointed NOTICE is hereby given by direction of the Minister of Agriculture that, pursuant to section 12 of the Pesticides PURSUANT to section 5 (2) (b) of the Cinematograph Act 1979, His Excellency the Governor-General has been Films Act 1976, Mr A. L. Flyger of Auckland has been pleased to appoint- appointed to the Film Trade Board, for a term of office James Mather Hoy, retired of Auckland (on the nomi­ expiring 20 June 1983; that being the balance of term made nation of the Minister of Science) vacant by Mr D. L. McKellar also of Auckland. Charles Maxwell Collins, public servant of Wellington Dated this 6th day of July 1982. (on the nomination of the Minister of Health) D. A. HIGHETI, Minister of Internal Affairs. Peter Bull, retired of Lower Hutt ( on the nomination of the Minister for the Environment) Richard Norman Paxman, sales manager of Auckland (on the nomination of the Agricultural Chemical and Appointment of Judges of Courts Martial Appeal Court Animal Remedies Manufacturers' Association of New Zealand Incorporated) PuRSUANT to section 3 of the Courts Martial Appeals Act Peter Colin Palmer, business executive of Wellington (on 1953, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and the nomination of the New Zealand Fruitgrowers with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, has Federation Ltd.) been pleased to appoint Robert K. De Castro, horticulturalist of Blenheim (on the nomination of the New Zealand Vegetable and Peter Gordon Hillyer, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Produce Growers Federation Incorporated) Counsel, of Auckland, Ian Berry, beekeeper of Havelock North (on the nomi­ David Lance Tompkins, Esquire, one of Her Majesty's nation of the National Beekeepers Association of New Counsel, of Hamilton, and Zealand Incorporated) James Alistair Grace, Esquire, barrister of Hamilton Ewing T. Russell, business executive of Wellington ( on to be Judges of the Courts Martial Appeal Court for a term the nomination of the New Zealand Agricultural Mer­ of 3 years from the date hereof. chants Federation Incorporated) George Mazuran, o.B.E., winegrower of Henderson (on Dated at Wellington this 16th day of August 1982. the nomination of the Wine Institute of New Zealand J. K. McLAY, Attorney-General.
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