THE MÉTIS NATION OF ONTARIO’S 19th ANNUAL general aSSembly 2012 Sault Ste. marie • auguSt 26th-28th, 2012 • Details on back page ISSUE NO. 71, SUMMER 2012 MÉTISVOYAGEUR ELECTIONS YIELD RECORD VOTER TURNOUT President Lipinski Re-elected MNO President Lipinski re-elected with strong mandate across Province record number of MNO cit- ted to a united MNO with a strong izens participated in the rights-based agenda.” 2012 Métis Nation of All the executive positions on Ontario (MNO) leadership the Provisional Council of the elections at the regional and Métis Nation of Ontario (PCMNO) provincial levels. With a were contested during the election total vote count of 2,286 as well as three Regional Councillor A MNO ballots, three times as many positions and the Postsecondary citizens voted in comparison to the Student Representative position. 2008 MNO Elections. “Everyone who ran as a candidate Left to right: The Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs; MNO President, Gary Gary Lipinski was re-elected as in this election, and those who Lipinski; MNO Chair, France Picotte; and the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario. MNO President with an impressive voted in this election, contributed 87.2% of the total vote. He also had to making the MNO stronger,” com- a majority of votes at every polling mented President Lipinski. “I want station, signifying a strong mandate to thank everyone who was part of MNO leadership meets from MNO citizens and communi- our democratic process, including ties province-wide. all the candidates, our electoral “I am honoured and humbled officials and staff, and especially with Premier and Ministers to receive this mandate,” stated the many volunteers who assisted President Lipinski. “It is gratifying the various campaigns, worked at nly a few days after receiv- President Lipinski emphasized that it is an MNO priority to renew to know that MNO citizens across polling stations, and assisted in the ing a strong mandate in the the progress the MNO has made since the MNO-Ontario Framework and the province support the results election in many ways.” O2012 Métis Nation of signing the MNO-Ontario Framework continue building on the successes and momentum we have achieved President Lipinski concluded: Ontario (MNO) Election, MNO Presi- Agreement in 2008. “MNO commu- already achieved. together over the last four years. I “I am looking forward to working dent, Gary Lipinski, and MNO Chair, nities and people have achieved suc- The value of the New Relation- am anxious to keep this momen- with the new PCMNO and I want to France Picotte, were already meeting cess after success in all areas right ship Fund (NRF) to Métis in Ontario tum going!” congratulate everyone who was with Premier Dalton McGuinty and across the board: the Métis Voyageur was another major area of discussion President Lipinski added: “This elected and re-elected in this elec- Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, Kath- Development Fund; Memorandums at the meeting. President Lipinski election has also given me, along tion. We have a lot of work ahead leen Wynne, to discuss issues of of Understanding with government and Chair Picotte provided a long list with all of the MNO’s regional and of us, but I believe we are well importance to the Métis Nation. ministries, universities and colleges; of accomplishments that the MNO provincial leadership, a strong placed to make even more progress During the meeting, held on May 17 the renewal of the Aboriginal Heal- has realized with NRF funding both mandate to continue to push for- and history over the next four at Queen’s Park in Toronto, Premier ing and Wellness Strategy; and the at provincial and local levels. The ward on our Métis rights agenda. years.” McGuinty and Minister Wynne con- many Duty to Consult and Accom- MNO stressed the importance of In my campaign, I stressed that gratulated President Lipinski and modate engagements across the renewing the NRF so that the progress needs to be made on this READ OUR COMPLETE Chair Picotte on their re-election and province--to name only a few items. momentum already established is front, and this record voter turnout ELECTION COVERAGE indicated the government looks for- We have achieved a great deal work- maintained. shows that our people are commit- ON PAGES 4, 5, 24 and 25 ward to continuing its positive rela- ing with the Government of tionship with the MNO. Ontario.” President Lipinski asserted continued on page 2 RESPECTING INDUSTRY INFINITE ABORIGINAL THE EARTH PARTNERS REACH KING LEAR MNO Captain of the Osisko and MNO sign MNO’s Student Solidarity MNO citizens take part Hunt concerned about agreement on gold Network facilitators in all-Aboriginal staging of local environment development in northwest gather in Thunder Bay Shakespeare’s King Lear Page 22 Page 3 Page 14 & 15 Page 6 40025265 MÉTIS VOYAGEUR 2 Summer 2012, Issue no. 71 AROUND THE MNO CONGRATULATIONS OUR MÉTIS ARTISTS THE Métis artist’s design MÉTIS VOYAGEUR selected for windows SUMMER 2012, NO. 71 editor on Parliament Hill Linda Lord n June 11, 2012, it was announced designer that Métis Nation of Ontario citizen, Marc St.Germain Barbaranne Wright. Oartist, Christi Belcourt’s design will be used to create stained glass windows for Par- contributors liament Hill. The windows will commemorate Amanda Dale Graduation with the lives of Aboriginal people who experi- Andrea Desroches distinction enced the Indian residential school system. Art Henry The installation of the windows on Parlia- Barbaranne Wright ment Hill is part of the Government of Christine Skura Canada’s 2008 apology to former students of Chris Paci he Wright Family is proud to announce Indian residential schools. A five member Deneige Taylor Tthe successful graduation with distinc- selection committee of Aboriginal art experts Gary Lipinski tion, of Barbaranne Wright, U.E., PLCGS, was established to oversee the artist selection Ginny Gonneau from the University of Toronto, St. Michael’s process and ultimately selected the design Jessie Dolan Campus with Certification in Canadian submitted by Christi Belcourt, the daughter Mike Fedyk Genealogical Studies. of MNO founding President Tony Belcourt. Pauline Saulnier Barbaranne is the Charter President, and "This design depicts healing and reconcili- Raymond Tremblay current Women’s Representative for the ation between Aboriginal people and all Richard Cuddy Niagara Region Métis Council. Canadians," explained selection committee Sam Baynham Chair, Stephen Inglis. "The design, entitled 'Giniigaaniimenaaning', which means 'Look- Tamara Sheppard ing Ahead', tells a story of Aboriginal peo- Theresa Hendricks ples, cultures and languages through dark times and reflects the healing and resiliency contact of Aboriginal traditions and languages. This Linda Lord, editor is a story that is an important part of Cana- RR1 Hartington, ON dian history, one which needs to be better K0H 1W0 known." [email protected] "We cannot forget that for over 100 years Tel: 613-374-2305 Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their families to attend residential If undeliverable return to: schools. The effects of the residential schools Métis Nation of Ontario era are still felt deeply within our communi- 500 Old St.Patrick St, Unit D Louise Logue (left). ties; however, our peoples are healing and Ottawa, ON, K1N 9G4 regaining our strength," said Christi Belcourt. PH: 613-798-1488 "This stained glass window is important as it www.metisnation.org Métis woman commemorates a significant point in history, named Personality when, in 2008 the Prime Minister of Canada The next apologized to the Aboriginal peoples, and it Voyageur deadline: of the Year will forever serve as a reminder to all of July 31st, 2012 Canada and future generations." ongratulations to Louise Logue who Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) President, PUBLICATION #: was recently named “Personality of Gary Lipinski stated: “Being selected for this C PM 40025265 the Year” by CBC. “I share this story with historic honour is a testament to Christi’s tal- you,” she said, “because I am so proud of ent and her vision. It is fitting that a Métis being Métis and I want the experience to artist be selected as many of our people suf- serve to make us all proud of our individ- fered in residential schools; a fact that is not ual accomplishments. Our ancestors as widely known and recognized as it should Part of Christi Belcourt’s design that will worked hard so that we can have such a be. Christi is a wonderful role model for become a stained glass window in the wonderful life despite any challenges or Métis youth. She shows us all what Métis Centre Block of Parliament Hill in crosses we bear. In life, I sure feel blessed people can accomplish.” Ottawa. with more than enough.” To view more images of Belcourt’s design along with her description of the work visit the link: Read the story at: http://goo.gl/Alja4 www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1339417945383 MNO leadership meets with Premier and Ministers continued from page 1 The MNO leadership demonstrated that Chair Picotte met with the Honourable Lau- the NRF and the Framework Agreement have rel Broten, Minister of Education for the both played significant roles in allowing the Province of Ontario. Chair Picotte is Provin- MNO to build relationships with industry cial Secretary for Education on the PCMNO. We want to encourage economic development in and resource proponents to promote eco- Minister Broten congratulated President Lip- Ontario, but it is very important that Métis nomic development in Ontario. “We want to inski and Chair Picotte on their recent re- people benefit from economic development along encourage economic development in elections and indicated she looks forward to — Gary Lipinski, MNO President Ontario,” explained President Lipinski, “but continuing to work with them.
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