THE@ere You Read It First TUFTSTuesday, March 30,1999 DAILY Volume XXXVII, Number 39 New Course Info technology m moves ‘1.u3s into Zlst century by JEREMY WANGWERSON can take [the material posted] and write their own HTML pages,” Daily Editorial Board just adjust it forthecurrent semes- McMullen said. The responsibility for further- ter,” Hirsig said. One ofAT’s long term efforts is ing technology on campus is not He also commented that the creatingaDigital Libraryon cam- centralized andrests inmany loca- system is a good way for students pus, which will allow students and tions. to find out about other classes. faculty around the nation to ac- Information Technology Ser- “lt can give students some in- cess the collection of images and vices (ITS), a division ofArts and dicationofwhatacourseisabout... information which will be kept Sciences, recently introduced a it’s good advertising,” he said. online. web-based program which allows Academic Technologies, in McMullen used an example of Photo by Daniel Rodngues faculty members to easily post contrast to ITS, serves the entire an art history class which would The Boston AveJCollege Ave. intersection was the site of a course information online. Mean- University, but each division is postslidesonthewebwhichwould March 19 accident. while, Academic Technologies responsible for implementingtheir be useful to other students study- (AT), adivisionofTuftsCommu- own technological changes. ing at other universities. nication and Computing Services “[Schools within Tufts] have a “If the information is properly Car hits student at (TCCS), serves as a central re- choice as to what they wish to stored,” McMullen said, “anyone source for all the branches of the pursue,” director of AT Barbara - K-12 students, schools within university to consult before mak- McMullen said. “We’re a central Tufts, students at other Universi- ing their decisions. resource, but we’re unable to make ties, if it isn’t acopyright problem Curtis intersection The program ITS implemented final decisions.” -would be able to find the slides by BROOKE MENSCHEL people crossing the College Ave. last semester is called Course Info She explained AT also is sug- and use them.” Daily Editorial Board bridge cannot see around to their (crs.ase.tufts.edu)and 80 faculty gesting other branches of the Uni- A separate search engine would A pedestrian accident occurred left and are often on a straight members are currently participat- versity use Course Info, as Arts need to be created specifically for at the intersection of Boston Ave. collision course with cars coming ing in the web-based system. and Sciences does. such a library. She said universi- and College Ave. on March 19, from Boston Ave. The intersec- ITS purchased the Course Info “It will be easierto share infor- ties have implemented similar li- just over a week after the Massa- tion has blinking lights in each program just weeks before it was mation across divisions,” braries, but not exactly what AT chusetts Highway Department direction. put online. Interested faculty then McMullen said. has in mind. presented plans to improve the The improvements planned received their own copy of the She said other schools were AT is working with the Univer- dangerous comer. include “traffic signal upgrades program; it has a simple walk- using means besides Course Info sity Library Committee in the en- A student received minor inju- and roadway improvements,”ac- through which allows them to to put their material on the web. deavor, and while it is still in the ries and was sent to Winchester cording to the highway upload the syllabus and other “The Dental and Vet school thought phase, initial signs are hospitalafterbeinghitby aMedford department’s Notice of Design materials without any prior knowl- use the Health Science Database, encouraging. resident at the intersection. She Public Hearing. edge of HTML, the programming which is similartocourse Info, but “The evolution of such an idea was released the same day. The planned revisions also in- language for the Web. Director of has a unique capability in how it is very exciting and people enjoy The Tufts University Police volve reconstruction of the road- ITS Tony Sulprizio explained the handles images. Some faculty also talking about it,” McMullen said. (TUPD) and Medford Police De- way, wheelchairramps, new side- growth of the service. partment responded to the call. walks, new crosswalks, and au- “Course Info is a product we Ac:cording to the TUPD’s dible pedestrian tones. A loop de- bought from a company called records, the accident occured at tector will be installed to operate Blackboard. Wehadit upandrun- 1 1:SO a.m. as theuniversity police the traffic lights. When a cargoes ning for the start ofthe fall semes- assisted the Medford police. over the loop in the road, the de- ter and by the end of the semester Officer Hafner of the Medford tector will activate the light. The we had45 courses, which I thought Police Department said that the detectors are not affected by in- was pretty good for it being the accident was a “straight motor ve- clement weather. first semesterweofferedit. Forthe hicle accident” and that there were Revisions are also planned for spring we had more time and we visible signs of injury atthe scene. the intersection of Salem St. and have 80 courses,” Sulprizio said. The previous Wednesday, Park St. The total cost of the revi- “I don’t see any reason why March 10, the Massachusetts sions for the two intersections is the trend wouldn’t continue, I Highway Department presented expected to come to approximately wouldexpect to have over 100 next plans for the proposed changes at $500,000. fall,” he continued. the intersection in a public meet- Accidents are no strangers to Teachers have responded posi- ing at Medford City Hall. the intersection. From 1994to 1996, tively to Course Info, citing its Construction is scheduled to eleven accidents occurred, includ- ease of use and unexpected ad- begin the summer of 2000. The ing one fatality. On April 13,1996 vantages. total revisions should take about an accident left one female pedes- “It’s very, very good,” drama six months. trian in serious condition. Prior to professor Neal Hirsig said,“I could Changes will improve the vis- that, a Tufts undergraduate was set it up to outline the entire class. ibility in the intersection. Presently, hitinNov. 1995. “Nexttime Iteach [Drama221 I Parking concerns at the Science and Technology Center A parking problem has once again come to the forefront in the area surrounding the Tufts Science and Technology Center on 4 Colby St. A letter was sent out to faculty, staff, and students on March 1 I addressing the parking situation which has angered Tufts’ Medford neighbors. The letter asks members of the Tufts community to avoid parking on the “already crowded residential streets” with the zxception ofstudents who live on Colby, Bowdoin, Princeton, and Yale streets. The flyer was written after neighbors complained that their streets were being crowded by Tufts students. The city of Medford, according to the flyer, has the right to tow Tufts cars that are parked 3n Colby St. Barbara Rubel, director of Community Relations for Tufts, said that this is not a new situation. She said that parking has been a xoblem in that area since Tufts bought the land. “When we purchased that building and first planned to move in there, the one real concern that neighbors had was that we wouldn’t take up all their parking spaces, so we agreed that we would try to $scourage students and faculty members from parking there,” she said. Rubel said a similar notice is sent out almost every year due to ieighborhood complaints. -Brooke Menschel 2 THETUFTS DAILY March 30,1999 The Dailv Extended Forecast I TODAY I TOMORROW I THURSDAY I Howdy Doody subject Windy! Partlycloudy Partly cloudy of custody battle High: 60;Low: 35 High: 64;Low: 37 High: 55;Low: 36 He is a fading TV legend who has fallen on hard times: betrayed by an old friend for money, isolated from his fans and caught in a custody battle he cannot comprehend. Howdy Doody needs a lawyer. The original marionette, who became one ofthe most recogniz- Federal Reserve officials not able American television icons as sidekick to “Buffalo Bob” Smith on “The Howdy Doody Show,” is at the center of a tug-of-war between a Detroit museum that wants him and the heirs of a expected to hi te interest rate Connecticut puppeteer, Rufus Rose, who brought him to life for Los Angeies Times-Washington are evenly balanced (and) very slow this year from the rapid pace millions ofTV viewers from 1948to 1960. Post News Service significant.” of the last three years, but so far Rose’s children have hidden the grinning, freckled puppet in a WASHINGTON- Federal Re- Fedvicechairman Alice Rivlin there are only scattered signs that safe deposit box somewhere in Connecticut while they try to fend serveoficialsaren’t likelytomake also suggested, in an interview, may occur - such as Monday’s off the Detroit Institute of Arts, which has produced documents any change in short-term interest that if strong economic growth Commerce Department report that showing Smith and Rose long ago agreed to add Howdy to the rates at a policymaking session does begin to push up inflation at new home sales declinedtwo per- museum’s extensive collection of puppets. Rose died in 1975 and Tuesday morning, according to some point, the Fed will have time cent lastmonthtoanannualrateof Smith died last July. comments from several ofthe oMi- to deal with it. 88 1,000 units. That was the third Threemonths before hisdeath, Smith-who provided Howdy’s cialsandanalysts who watch them.
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