^^Ytanr^T-Mrm^Mim^^^:P R>W-I «N I^ G

^^Ytanr^T-Mrm^Mim^^^:P R>W-I «N I^ G

^!;-?%S%, _, „.«• —.-._ L. i _.___*__.^«_^_^JiSBL~i_^£) _ _ _ L i •• i —_^ 1 _ _____ J • ."X._*:^j*^-*f-pi*ws> *^^- -*-_T» _ .l-.l^l _ ! uJA-L^l j»i_ji___ _, •_ a8_u_i_i«. * % J? u !_>! ^^_» j_JAJ-i-J%__ -a * "•»«•' - cellar*-&»^x«*^fg^is _».i_J£_ _i^_fri__Si=w3KMrf^«^*|. ^*__j-a^-k^j_a Vws£r-*a ./Ma SSU-0#St_-i3^ ^^?>^_aj_MS!*a*aw_s_>MJ&^^_5s«-_.\Mjr^__Msa^ u ?js5!taw)S!>_K»sssKgs_»^^^ sa a^;tnsi«a*sa ^W-JS*,*^ gjfc£ >§f -<&Sftat jia%*^a* ss«S2_r?te§^-at $usi 1 .-u«««-A- tii*vr.tf».ah' - * "t " ... ,i,Vi , „_ ,TI„j_.^1|^rni..),)lffl^f$P £* tf, Y.* SA^tm^tt#S«Ol»^®toBB^Jf, tgStffe liil.fn^ir-TT'iiT-iifoirnrnii TfTnfim^rriTiliiiTrf&i" »W« •,;_ _^' -mi i iti n >1 L "• •*> _••• n iTr-ia, ^i-Tit "iiiiiiMirtfifriiinn i ITI rji r n n'T «ioi BiirMnnnr mTi^rrirT.jrTj.aiMi^aa---aa^iaatt>i_i»-M--_i •mmimmmmmi \iitUi **» been previously so named from the JGHif tf, JKf|?§f#¥, _z: u. M» ?&&-&£&»< tribe of the O^eflls, its original in s pAh jftifcifefttifig Sftetfch of this Faffimig ^ Wicis—Cbhcludftd. hsijitSHfe.' M- fhW-ffiafE^rawj ifomlnttetf by the Ifemacfmfs for Speeiti Kt Eev. Jm* fm i^ahy, Bishop Faftrick gaMo^attfi^i many more, will one day be revealed Cottnfy Judge. chgdren:^ were* rectify <qn&_ __ Ebeto and beyond the reach of the in a work on the Round Towers of of fhrontofe, Is de^ad. He was nsade I|jri1|fi'im; <$nite recently however, m& bishop in October, IS^. ii^hdtfte anl mm mm0h$ Mm & result of a serious accident that Ireland. Sir, we built the pyramids Judge John F. Kinney was naani- gbreyf mwm aIsott^ti©ipi' I befell two adventnrons spirits, two before we left Egypt; and those &bel« monaly" nominated Saturday last, by At the dodicatipn of the soldiers? of Olongorey, Mr, IfiM^ I iroii" bare hate been placed horizon- ieks, sphinges, %nd memnonic stones the Democratic county convention, for monument at Wmstedy Conn,, Sept if€»etesr of Glmg^^mi^^i were but emblems of the great relic special county jodge to sncceed hin> II, Yeryfeev Father Leo 4 g_JL_feui£lho-.hotterJL* _! _P Jhtf _. f- ... _ifeiw.fr* > . *•Jiilidaf _-/..- a [H&Vfi afld ttboiit Six inchos apart be- r l twefehthe two projecting sjo_ej_i£ih&. before yon." -. m]j Tn proBcntmg J\id^&^mmf& -^^ytanr^t-mrm^miM^^^:P_r>w-i «n i^ g.. tA-j-iiKfc; i\&±JLi£ £3iZr £~* _•*_. -.___..<_>* HZJL^^IJ* rnWCten^SfT^cJTying on oneV Bab¥ --^rr^KTOCT ^isker^r h©ad cfswbf- n&mwefty' atfoTHef charler^B^iff' ei^^rpr^^ IngU. on tfaeie two bars (for an additional "This is a protid day.for the »JKG> t. 2§s—^be German >&e#ofthe polft^si frliEfli^^ difficulty, the face has to be npturned " I can convince the most obstinate Democracy. We have met t$ follow sceptic, Sir Walter, of the intifiaate the wbrfc started the e-fte? da^ v?km day #^t an mfffsi mm$mwt5tm& ^^ &®^ Y%ormn^ ;tG As tfe stone*) and by stretching connection thatjnbsisted Mt^e^n.M at the J&emocrali^ £_aii Jhe tod and neck down and oat some and those islands which the Romans distance, it is possible to kiss the called insukefialar^ withont-,iteffissr* the prominent dfelegatef are BK Irnsf Blarney -stone. Bat it is still a dan- ing the sfgnfff^tfofoTthi words they r'~0t~~,w ^tmit^ft&ffiSmfip^Wim one's fes=«Kpgt_e& -fha't they #«9re*«o cal­ Norffi dsttilni*,- Bi»lo|^ fei^f* oi led from the Eteney sfoni£? will ap­ bala^Mt the BaFsTa fall of ISTOet pear at once to any one accustomed __^_*_»_r^ _^ti: __&«£• Ji-Jlie^iabler lb* strong mmm to tN^LOeltic det^atiougj t&e l^l^r 1 though ^iey are there is an ugly , f%€ many frlendif of tilf^if ^lif&hi|r Kingpprms, Sir WilKam Betham '& Mc€%, of W^hoi^^i%_5«SI|^ "sEM* ' '^6^ jifefi - yaWaiiig* space of more than a foot on lias sftftwn H by the following scale.'' pleased to-hear thit a c|a|(MttWm either Side of them. (Farther Pront traced on th6 floor of Of the 'Stone itself, Wlndle says Ifi^ cwstle with his cane^—B a LeJ* •^i^otfe'itf tfnde^afvfsitiiili. :thai&touch of it " creates a smooth The field of # «!^«g>lttM^F' 4«a^*JM»:r JtJ«*^S^ **»•Ei*^ aitd graceful liar of the first magni- " Prodigions I" exclaimed Sir Wal­ ^««ft' w%^J >J ; .jfeeiwtt, ter. wfde^ hard m$, m^mmM^ 0^^'^"*' "' " *'" JM&Qj:A sw^et^nd poTSttasrire ftiffgfflgr ^be-salary -hr ;ff;§Oi.#mmlhMibfiee|fc i to Win women, full of pnile and ** Sptting sail from Minorca- the ra#on^- b&ftia^ -ft#S^' .a#'" «*«>-:' expedition, after encountering a des­ blandishments and potential flattery." sen^ntsj- $®£ tiie:.c:h*|ip^-ri^I -few eitracts from a conversation perate storm, cleared the Pillars of Hercules, and landing In the Cove of of fare old Father Pront, "parish Cork, deposited their treasure in the •hi^r^a^ifegtTlS prfest at Watergrass bill," with Sir greenest spot and shadiest gyovesr of - JI_M|_^^ .fn= &^k%ffi=-"^#-^ Walteft r Scott, on the history of the Sifs haynffitA vicinity.* *Blit'tl#y-Stone iToll beholi dma iyn nothit sprtyve block nam — Sir W.aMe*-ina^^-ittrr anclra' • <~-*JOfiENM^^I__a*fiftRRr- Jlalftte^Stone) the lnost* Valnsbte" ' ' ft valaable reife was left in o^niet pos­ SHS % '.- fehittaht of Ireland's ancient glory, , ».>i^'- -_.—*:.;*_>.. w * • #.J > •. "* 1 session at Blarney- „,<.. „ _ r J =21 ^T^ ^oat-' preciomy i&t of hwPKtietir . ." 13).ejLiiM iiii&asiiiLiact VUfiH %• Sins "£*« *«*>»»& fironi^ this connection with the sfymej s^Srmer, the^^ n^n^t-btftrmesa^man l^lritance she may well be desig- to give? o«t t*af In tii# ft«orm ft had and tfie gallant soldier, 0oj^ Gtentti* __ _ been throws' overboard fa relieve the ,eaf, was presented" & the- eTecfiors df|yeai Gri»^B^ jabife .<_^lj.« Flower of the Earth, First Gew of the Sea*' ship mjat&ade 36c UP longitude- he district. The man yotf have tpfotiiieither the musical stone of Men- iUo* --A—search^ waa ordered by tins .samed.fbr: sfaeriCis^ tfe«~m©et«p©p5B$5_r : man in Monroe connty. Ybnr candi­ Chicago,- who & ,!t^iildiMa&^^'*'"'" "*""*" LIQon, nor the oracnlar gtone of Delphi, senate of Carthage, and the Mediter­ diressvaBil manni3%ifrgi^^y^Mm!|s^ ranean was dragged withont effect. date for faBasnrer has the esteem of |; nor the lapidary talisman of the Ly- everybody and "»ill without doabt be by the fact? that a 0Me«gn colo^l dian Gyges, nor the colossal granite Sir Walter, it is added, devoutly man. representing? himself a«;a^|legt .topedintoaSphi-xinapperWt, .«-d the, wooded _toke. Waited ^f|_ ^3Tt^*£tSLP2: ontiniiai" r^aflr: Stonehenge, nor the pelaagic the «W where no daylight ^^1^^^^%^^^^^^^,^n.yonx m ^ walls of Palestrina, offer go m_M»yatrland.natsand badg-jmareforeveFbred; w •fcractions. The long-songht lapis KMU^^^2^^ rC*^ ~I^ 68Qpfioruu, compared with this jewel, with, his Host for Watecgrasfr ffiE r stnet: attention to the rights of otioersi. Cardinal Lavigsriec dwindles into insignificance; nay, the flie demesne ^f Blarney m wide slatinfficf— 6oiigra^F;at;,; and extensive and*-- contains'many JEfs hasiabty fnffifed the^dutfesofvTthe^ .savOtiy fragment which was sobsti- position since he was appointeifc by with an address He liigMj lihted for the infant Jupiter, when pleasant walks in its- c^aKciing th^- esjjhn^tettEt. of: Wqgj&&, groves.» Sir George Golthiirs^. tihe €rov. BE3I a year agp [enthusiastie Saturn had the mania for devouring applause]. I have the* honorte^ pns* alt his children ; the Luxor obelisk; the present proprietor, has erectedS a; keaty-stone of Limerick, with all its hansdome mansioni tn the deaemne, 'aeKt tibe. name of John K Mnney.^ ;Bgt< and this led feb %$ Gm±a8mei& of tfase Ihe Ibllewmg: sfeefeeht o£ «M^- historic (Kridearments^_ $I|e &dieal Elinney was- pabli_^ed m t£_e: Josssatii. 9&Mi^r^||iE3in_^I monument of Dendoracb. with all its feeedom of the -ardmaty Codk. psLewsttre •ft • IT tfc ;a|tronomic importance j the l%lin seekers to whom the castle and of Augnsfr &&,: «Kttd^5r-Jote:E Kin­ gronnds where at one tamea- popular ney is: one of tlte; most, popular^yonng; mWblss with all their t sctilptujre j the • 0&aafe.®3aos'J^e«lmi.w|^ Afniid^Man with all their lettered rich- rendezvous^ A short distance from Democrats in. Monroei coun^r. ' HI feacing-:. gurff;.- fc,* the*.-- fte»8—cannot for a moment stand-ia- the castle is Blarney liake^enhosometi was born; nt the town of 0gto^3&n» movem^it-'^..^^-.'in,, cin^^etitlQn with the Blarney block. in pastorial beatttf and riclt m reef Conn^ June 2ftj, 186% an<|_ m. legendary lore.. Tradition, speaking therefore in; his 3$&1 year* Bi afe^ W^hlkt Stone in the world, save this l B *laib%. «wt eomm«nlcate to. the th«mgh the "Jarvey/, teife ymt teftf tendsi%e™ * W-.WWIWWJ ^ .-'Prior, tor_h.li> •dejii.hfe: b tongue thftt anavity pi speech, and in^ke tfr^d4^*ft*^^ colle^te e4»cateon : mm mmtii eiVontery^ m neoes&ary teout that wiH ««t rise t» a.% ; tha& ai- St a%ttn's uoneg^ i hgr wraSi.a, elnssm.a^>p|!. • T$ms %%$*•' cows, teqL of Quf oonntvy m* bro«ghl it fi>r ^beir habitation^ ajftd have heen& ^le^taft of t^iat ftHy v ^bsepepi% • I«|)ii^;€eai^-t#-feef«j .._,.

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