, IIII TORONTO • • •••f -'/ '" 'ill, 'I' ,'!I, STREET DIRECTORY :111 :11 II' 1111 ii' ill :1111 III Containing a Complete List of the Streets of the City, with their Location; the remodelled Street Rail­ way Ronte,s; the Fire Alarm Boxes, etc. PRICE, TORONTO: :SlncHAKl If Q,9QIII'BU,8W, 'WYONGE STREET. 1892. LUCAS HOUSE .TTTBILEE TEMPERANCE HOTEL 56 Louisa. and 60. 62 & 64 Teraulay Sts .. TORONTO, CANADA. 11' 11" IU' 11'] .'.! ' Ne,u' the uew Municipal antl COUllty Buildings, 'tnd witbin ,~ block of Tonge or Queen Street Cars. Being ill the vel'," centre of the Cit~·, and easy of access to Bu,;iness, the 'Vh,tl'ves and Railway Depots, the pub­ li e H>Llls and Churches,-visitors wilt find a conven· ient ,\ntl comfortable home (luring their stay in To· ronto, ,,,nd at ... od.·.·n ... IH'i<'e!i, rl~("rlU "', $1.00 per Da;\-. 1111""",11 The weekly Boarding Department is carefully con­ dllcted, intoxicants being completely excluded from the house, ana q nietness full v maintained. PriCes from $3,50 to $4,00 per week. strictly in advance. LUCAS & CO., Proprietors. · . TORONTO ..• srrREET DIRECTORY ~ Iii I:: Iif II: Iii Iii 1111:: I:: I:: I HI i Containing a Complete List of the Streets of ~he City,_ with their Location; the-remodelled Street Rail­ way Routes; the Fire Alarm Boxes, etc. :11111I11111111111I11~llllIlllllIfl PRICE, 10 CENTS. 1I111111111111111111111111::I:IIII~ TORONTQ: BUTCHART & GOODFELLOW, 288 YONGE STREET. 1892. TORONTO STREET DIRECTORY. 11111110" The following are a few of the principal thorough· fares of the City, each having a street railway. Yonge Street runs north from the Bay, and is the Divid·. ing Line'between the East and West portions of the City. King Street runs east and west from bet. 71·73 Y~nge. Queen Street runs east and west from bet. 171·173 Yonge to City limits. Spadina Ave. runs north from Front west opp. Queen's Wharf to Bloor. Dundas Street runs north from bet. 1004·1006 Queen w. Bloor Street runs from bet. 794·796 Yonge east to Sher· bourne and west to City limits. Sherbourne Street runs north from Esplanade east, third east of Jarvis. Parliament Street runs uorth from the Bay to Howard, fourth east of Sherbourne. Broadview Ave. runs north from Eastern Ave., first east of Harris, east of the Don. College Street runs west from bet. 448·450 Yonge to City limits. Church Street runs north from Esplanade east to Bloor. second east of Y onge. Carlton Street runs east from bet. 441·443 Yonge to Don River. McCaul, runs north from bet. 222·224 Queen west to College. 2 'J'OHO;\''l'O", ST)!}:}-,T TlIUECTOHT. The Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Co. is, with one exception, the oldest Canadian Life Assnr­ !tnce Company. The Ontario Mutual Life has paid the largest ratio of cash profits to policy-holders of any Life company doing bL1sin~ss in Canada_ The Ontario Mutual Life is a HOM" COMPANY, so that while we support it we sup­ port the country that supports ourselves. ITS .funds remain in the hands of our own people, and are not ex­ ported to enter into the commerce of any foreign country. The Ontario Mutual Life does its business on a CASH BASIS; the policy-holders are not liable to any assessments. ' The Policy~Holders of the ONTAlUO MUTUAL LIFE own all its funds and con­ trol its management through a Board of Directors, whom they elect from among themselves. Assets, over $2,000,000 Ass"Q-rance in Force, $15,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, WATERLOO, ONT. TORONTO OFFICE, 32 CHURCH ST. J. L. TROY, City Agent. TORONTO ST1',·a'T DIHECTORY 3 Abbey Lane, runs east from bet. 35-37 Sherbourne. Abbs, runs west from bet. 14-1G Brockton road. Abell, runs north from King west, first west of Asylum grounds. Addison Ave., runs west from Perth. first south of C.P. R. track. Adelaide East, runs east from bet. 109-111 Yonge. Adelaide "Vest, runs west from bet. 116-118 Yonge. Adela,ide Place, runs south from 511 Adelaide west. ~-\.dmiral Road, runs north from opp. 71 Lowther ave. Agnes, runs west from bet. 300-302 Yonge. Albert. runs west from bet. 218·220 Yonge. Albert Ave., runs north from Wallace ave. Alexander, runs east from bet. 493-495 Yonge. Alhambra Ave., runs north from Boustead ave. Alice, runs west from bet. 278-280 Yonge. Allen Ave., runs east from bet. 261-263 Broadview ave. Alma Ave., runs west from bet. 78-80 Gladstone ave. Alpha Ave., runs west from the top of Sackville. Amelia, nms east from opp. 560 Parliament. Anderson, runs west from 137 College ,ave. Anderson Lane, runs west from bet. 172-174 Simcoe. Anne, runs east from bet. 429-431 Yonge. Argyle, runs west from bet. 192-194 Shaw. Argyle Place, runs north from 24 Bruce. Armstrong Ave., runs west from Dufferin, second north of Bloor west. Armour, runs north from King west, first west of Shaw. Army Terrace, l"lms .south from a lane that runs bet. 37-39 McMurrich. Arnold Ave., runs south from opp. Fire Hall, Wilton ave. Arthur, runs west from bet. 344-346 Bathurst. Ashby Place, runs north from 498 King east. Atlantic Ave., runs south from King west, first west of Pacific ave., Augusta Ave., runs north from 182 St. Patrick. 4 TORONTO STREET DIRgCTORY. BOOKS! NEW AND SECOND-HAND. The llominio~ Boo~ $tope is situat,ed op~:lsite Wilton Avenue, on the west side of Yonge Street, Nos. 286 and 288. Bool{s, new and second hand, are bought, -sold or l exchanged by SUTHERLANDS. at the above andress. ,11111111111111111111 11::1"111' PRINTING Neatly and Promptly Executed. THE CENTRAL TRACT DEPOT. Tracts and Pamphlets Printed. D. SUTHERLAND, 288 Yonge Street. MRS. W. S. HAMBLY ~18 Dunda .... !iiit •• Toronto. FANCY GOODS, SCHOOL SUPPliES, ETC. MILLINERY and DRESSMAKING, Latest American Styles. Real Art Stamping and Indian Work a Specialty. TORONTO STHEET DIRECTOHY. 5 Austin Ave., runs east from Pape ave., seventh north of Queen east. Avenue, runs west from Elizabeth, second north of Hayter. A venue Lane, runs west from bet. 240-242 Elizabeth. Avenue Place, runs west from bet. 98-104 Hazleton ave. Avenue Roail, runs north from Bloor west, opp. Queen's Park. Badgerow Ave., runs east from Pape ave., sixth north of Queen east. Bain Ave., runs east from Broadview ave., first north of Withrow ave. Baldwin, runs west from bet. 174-182 McCaul. Balmoral Ave., runs west from Avenue road, second north of Cottingham. Balmuto, runs north from opp. 19 Czar. Balsam, runs west from Charlotte, first south of Ade­ laide west. Bank, runs west from bet. 554-558 Dufferin. Barrett Ave., runs north from Soho, first east of Wil­ loughbyave. Bartlett Ave., runs north from Bloor west, second east of Dufferin. Barton Ave., runs west from Bathurst, second north of Bloor west. Baseball Place, runs south from 665 Queen east. Bathurst, runs north from Front west, opp. C.P.R. freight sheds. Battye Ave., runs east from Broadview ave., first south of Danforth ave. Baxter, runs east from bet. 925-927 Yonge. Bay, runs north from Esplanade west, first west of Yonge. Beachell, runs north from Mill to Front east, opp. Don Station. Beaconsfield Ave., runs north from bet. 1152-1154 Queen west. TORO~TO STREET DIRECTORY. Bear, runs north from bet. 238-:240 St. Patrick. Beaty AYe., runs north from King, first west of Dowling ave. Beau, runs north from Elm ave, first east of Glen road. Bedford Road, runs north from Bloor west, second east of St. George. Beatrice Ave., runs north from Arthur, second "\Vest of Bellwooels ,·we. Bell, runs east from bet. 1DS-197 R;yer. Bellair, runs north from bet. 82-84 Bloor west. Bellevue Ave., runs north from Belleyue Place, first west of August,t a,-e. Bellevue Place, runs west from bet. 21 Augusta ave. and Denison Square. Bellefair Ave., nms north from Queen east, seconel west of Lee ave. Bellford, runs north from G.T.R. track. second east of P'tpe ave. Bellwoods Ave., runs north from bet. 766-768 Queen w. Bellwoods Place, runs west from bet. 126-128 Claremont. Belmont, runs west from bet. 980-982 Yonge. Berkeley, runs north from Esphtnade e,'l,st, first west of Parliament. BenHwd Ave., runs west from bet. 124-128 A>,enue road. Berryman, runs west from bet. 95-97 Davenport road. Berti, runs north from bet. 58-62 Richmond east. Best Place, runs east from a lane off Bruce, first west of Shaw. Beverley, runs north from bet. 270-272 Queen west. Bin SO!1rth RO!1d, runs e!1st from foot of McPherson fLye east. Bireh Ave., runs west from Yonge, first north of rail­ road. Birtle Ave., runs west from Jones' ave., bet. Doel and Sproatt'tves. Birtle Ave., runs west from 'Willoughby ave., first north of Couduit. 'l'ORONTO STREET DIRECTORY, Bishop, runs west from bet. 103-119 Davenport road. Bismarck Ave., runs east from bet. 773-775 Yonge. Blackburn, runs north from west end of Close, Blackburn Terrace, runs south from Gerrard east, first east of Blackburn, , Blackmore Lane, runs east from bet. 68-70 Davenport road. Blair, runs east from Abell; first south of Queel'r west.' Blair Ave., runs north from bet. 82-84 Syc1cnham. , Blake; runs north from G.T.H., first west of Jones' ave,­ Blake Ave., runs west from Christie, first north of Bloor. Bleecker, runs north from bet. 186-188 Carlton. Blevins' Ave" runs east from bet. 143-145 Sumach. Bloor East, runs east from bet.
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