NEW- YORK DAILY TKTBT^XE. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1901. IS 3.aartmftu« id Crt gjifarnishcb Unfnrnislicb Jo Cct. Unfnrnislicb -Vpartmcnis Co Cct. IXp.utTnentG (To Unfnrnishcb Cet tlnfurinehci) 'Xpartmcnta vfo Cct. (Ponntrri Property fox Pole. AT CRANFORD, N. J. 29 ACRES- OP T'\ M IASD. PRICE $12.00» Apartment tA-H Some dealer* in real *state adTertlse >aa \Jnicftie Homes. as *aj*ciajßata\. but you iaa*iaal a-k to advance cash to advertls* yuur property, then expect a wmaalaalii*. for aalMa<| your ana property to a customer found toy an advartlaaaaaaC ASTOR paia lor with your 1 am specialist THE own ESTATE'S unique NEW in, mamn. a APABTiE^TS. leal s at*' bemuse A New Fireproof Apartment *,s, L 1 make a living at my trade aa a. MacKomtth. and advertise real estate only when there Ii an absolute bargain,* ican be seen at the shop what* I and Dormitory Building aja^wßatoyed cv ry daT e-ir.pt Sunday. W. C. HEN- _^IWIEV Journeyman Blacksmith. Lyons Farm*. > J. (Opposite Columbia. University). ADIKONDACKs.—Perfect ramo. handsomely erju!pr«l "¦*- with furniture: boats; several ami*: aM exclusive; 235 West St. popular lake; 75th willsacrifice No. GRAHAM COURT AMSTERDAM now to raise monar. Po9tofflc« Northwest of Broadway. AYE.. 120th to 121st STREETS. Box s">a. New-York. At the Corner At the Meeting of " A BANDONED FARM FOUND."— Oct. Century. A Large Fireproof Structure with The --V Deserted Farm Catalogue free. Box 1.344. Boston. St. Nicholas and 7th Ayes., H6th and Sis. Lowell Longfellow VICINITY.NORTH!—BeantUul ataa* 117th EJCOL^WOOO.±v hous* with about 2O acrec. all high land, on mac- adam one «t-itir,n. 42 Large Airy Apartments in What V SUN roa<i mile from for sale at sacrtfic*. The largest and most the V. said: & The Emerson & Whittier Halls H. WE-\TIIERBT A CO.. Orrlc*. Englevrood. S. J. Perhaps most conspicuous ex- th« 07 ample highest In HOUSEKEEPING DORMITORIES WOMEN. FARM. acres: 7.3t*> trees choicest Tartet>*. of 7,8 unique Apartment of the achievement APARTMENTS FOR IJUnm¦Matty arms modern house: atr.p!? mitbulldlns?; li SUITES and 9 ROOMS apartment house construction is to hours from city; station. 10 mm. ATWATER. VA&B'way. be found In the Court, be- of 7 and 3 Rooms and Bath, Furnished Rooms and Suites in Graham Sin?!? Kingston. Arranged room exposure House New York. : every of lain AND BAM. in Middlesex so as to five each an upon longlng to W. W. Astor. on Seventh w th sort ot rr.od.jrn improvement. 2 to 5 Rooms. HOTEL.Co.. N..!. established 5n years; full stock: 18 rooms, avenue, between llGth and 11"th neatly furnished; doing «>>o.l business; and 6 acres *ff by means a huge court, deep Every room Single Rooms, to $17 a month. 2Rooms trucking of Inquire the street of 32x102 feet t streets. The simplicity of defiffn outside and entirely light. 59.50 land: on account slcKneas. of ED- $30 WARD ROSS. .".!» iv*r St. Itmoklyn. which faces Broadway. Suites of from In the. Graham Court, expressing Cold storage tefrigerators, complete elevator and Study, a month upwards. 2 Rooms frankly of buildlnc, has the uses the system, telephones, laundry dryers <n and Bath, $45 a month upwards- appointments 6 been much admired by writers on basement. (Tonntrri JJropertn The of the house comprise every to io Rooms BOARD, fox Gale or Co Cr architecture. The building is In $800 to SI.IOO a Year. 54.50 A WEEK. device for comfort and convenience. the form of a quadrangle of eight Rents. /¦"IOrNTRT for sale t.. rent: two known stories, surround a court f.f 79 RESIDENCE or stories. $r.ooo to $2,000 lnß Parlors and Reception Rooms on every floor. i«i>; feet wide and l'ts feet deep. Every basement in! attio, ! ft.; all the modern laa- room In every apartment Is llchted SUITES of 2 ROOMS and Large, hanisomrly equipped Bath; and Toilets. prr.rements: five acres ,'C land: lawn well shaded: < >rriasa> a Year. either from the street or the court. Bath. h.mse. sardener'9 ttttafcfh etc.: one hriiir from Nsw-Yotb; Rents, 51,320 52,000. Beautiful, Dining • ttattoa; • to The apartments are arranged in S4OO to $500 airy Halls. 'ity;short diaiance fr^m in -\>rY respect d**lra>- eultes of eight to eleven rooms, in- a Year. Service, I>> as an all the year '¦ me. selling artc*. $1O.(kiO; rental. cluding a foyer hall, th« sm.-ill.--t of Chamber etc. >\> per month: no exchange, i'all on or addresa owner. Apply at of Super- which is 120 sqnare feet. Entrance SLAW SON & HOBBS. \<?.U., .Mis* A. K. HI'DHELU Varna Kisc.. N. Y. Immediate Apply office If through a Romanesque arch in Further particulars on application to Man- ooasraalon Klrca. at Office of Superintendent. the middle of the avenue front to -84 Columbus Aye. intendent on premises. the interior court and thence to ele- ager on premises. On Sundays by Appointment Only. vators in each angle. There are Illustrated Booklet six independent tradesmen's and ser- Diningf Halls and on Top Floor, good (table i)ctct3. vants' stairs and elevators giving Restaurant with service d'hott Citn Illustrated Booklet Mailed <>n Application. Mailed on Application. direct access to the kitchens. and a la carte) a t moderate prices. iriiiulUldL wJib II HDlHlllJlp • BROADWAY, r.TII AW AND ilTTtl ST.. X. T. SLAWSON & HOBBS. ft Homes on Morningside Park. i GB r WEST SIDE APARTMENTS. : BROADWAY. SSTH TO SbTH STREET. Two Large New Buildings Occupying Entire Block Front, ; iNTiKE BLOCK FRONT ON WFST SIDE.) THE DOniI.TON, NORTHEAST con- NTH BROADWAY AND 71ST ST. 118th to 119th Street, FIItEPItOOF APARTMENT?. five, P 1,300 eeven. eight and ten rooms: two and )N |(L three baths in larger apartments; elec- MORNINGSIDE TO tric light and refrigeration inrludeii in entirely AVENUE.^ expensively 4^^^< rent: lilmmnl and 103 £2,400 new style of decorations; two pasaenger --" elpvators and separate freight elevator. Bright. _^-^ Plans and full particulars mailed od 5 Jbfr IT application. 6 Cheerful a TIIR LOWKUi AXD THE EMEIt- "^SUBURBAN spot withurban SO\. AMSTERDAM AYE.,ATE., 12OTH120TH TO conveniences. PSOO I2ISTI2IST PT.ST. Oll»lSuperb11l location, cominanri-command- Three minutes Ing an unobstructed view of Columbia !' 7 Rooms. 1^ TO University. Teachers Online. Mmnln* ' from the lio:h Street Express Sta- $1,100 fide Park. Riverside Drive an.) Pall- Cleverly I in* the CENTRE OF ran shopping and ¦ades Seven und right rooms and bath; I Planned and tion of the Elevated. Electric sur- THEATRE DISTRICT, thorouuhly fireproof construction; hand- Handsomely ¦MM entrance hall electric elevator: Finished. face cars of the Metropolitan system liveried hall attenda>ita; electrSc llßht I i {PsGEBDIS/ ¦ ' $3SO •nd gas fixtures: steam heat, hot water: within one block. Two. Three and Four Rooms an.l bath at special rate*. •team lau.idry In basement: telephone | '•-urnUhirii;!' and decr,r;itions entirely new throughout, TO i in each apartment and nubile pay sta- Restaurant With excellent The th. i Accommodations for ?**) cu^t": KM Suites wita batfta. mo t pktuf ; $.100 lion telephone in main hall; first class j houses face H«t <\n-\ co.l water anj telephone !n every room. Culsln* reftaurab* in building. Table d'Hote and esque park in Mmhattan. Ab- I uneiceKe<l. Suites of one to three rooms and bath. a la Carte on premises. solute quiet prevails inthe neighbor- GEOItGE W. SWEENEY. Proprietor. hood, Annsi.nv H\I.L.n\i,ii.POfTHWKPTsol'thwkpt con-COR- there being no traffic NIR OF <m> PT AND i'ENTRAI. h:av/ rMUBTPA!!K \VF,ST. A rew l»n story fire- , Furnished rooms for tran- nearby. $1,400 proof building. Apartments coni-lst of , o1 in TIElESTIISTEI six Mm. elirht. ten and twelve room*. ; sient use by- guests of Summer and mild in the ADJOINING THE TO one or two baths; electric light inclined : m?° WESTMINSTER HOTEL, j?a,ioo in rent: lee box** artificiallycooled: lons | the tenants. dtotance telephone In earn Apartment: | i?t"\Inc nouses are provided with 1 EAST 16TH ST.. NEW YORK. ONE BLOCK FasOlaT elevator wrvlc* all nltht; very larc > I VNION SQUARE. expensively reception • every mjd:rn «.r.d furnished | c a. l4 j v convenience. Hall ! NEW TORK'S ONLY APARTMENT HOUSE CON- and entrance hall. ¦ . I NECTING A FIRST-" MEALS room Servants baths and other and al! WITH HOTEL* .ni?ht elevator Sfrvi:e# i SERVED IN APARTMENTS OH IN HOTEL. DININO attractive features. Painstaking ROOM. THE QUIET AND PRIVACY OK HOME CON-. mana?em:nt. : VENIENCES AND THE INDEPENDENCE. OF A, • IIIOTEU PLAN OF A TYPICAL APARTMENT. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED SUITES. CONSISTING rents !, SLAWSON & HOBBS. MASON N. LITSON, Agent. OF PARLOR. FOUR BEDROOMS AND BATH. There are no livingquarters in this city that compare with these apartments ! Aye., 0/10 Ofllce on Premises. ! ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. 224 Gclumbus Haar 73d St. \O $85.$OJ, Te!,ph™,,on 1013 LEASE OCTOBER JUNE. X insire, arrangement, conveniences and appointments. Os^rU to Mta.. Harlem I TO FROM TO Telephsno 2,214 Riverside. ? APARTMENTS OF 9. 10 AND 12 ROOMS. ©DfIffIIPGDDSGCD SqjCQSDPQ DQffiiSQllj;. ? Two bath rooms to each Mjite. Special quarters (or men servants. ???????? ???>•????« ?? *•??#?????????•? BROADWAY. COR. WEST 71ST ST. ? Restaurant and Cafe a Prospective Feature. Rents from $i,Soo to $3,600. AMERICAN Pl_\N. $»????»?? 4 ????•»¦»?-?¦•?"»? 4 ??????????¦»-»???????¦*¦??????•»¦¦»?¦»?????¦?•¦<¦?¦?•? Strictly a family hotel; choice suite*, furnished it ua- furnisheO, to rent by the. season or y«ar. CUislne an<t service of the highest order. Rates reasonable. Location A SUPERB APARTMENT HOUSE convenient to ail parts of th» city.
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