![1947-01-30, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Thursday, Janqary 30, 1947 THE POTTERS HERALD PAGE FIVE Worken Charge THIS BUSINESS *947 Discrimination Comment On World Events OF M WK MMMf' iw Mwr: Denver (FP)—Charges that the Agriculture Department has dis­ An interesting step in the field went on, the United Nations would or aapca/n/no twr*- criminated against beet workers in of world improvement of labor go a long way toward removing our fiVf/M MMCff fixing minimum wages were level­ conditions will soon be taken by the fear of imperialism that has AND ed here at a government factfind­ a United Nations agency, which influenced underdeveloped coun­ By MARY MOORE ing hearing on 1947 sugar beet in­ is planning action toward framing tries. dustry wages and prices. an international code to guarantee “It has the potentialities of re* fair labor practices and standards HAVE YOU HEARD? Commander Edith Stallings, AAODucrsotf, The hearing, which was recessed moving some of the causes ppooucr/wrr until Jan. 31, is one of four being on all projects financed by inter­ ious friction,” he said. The United States Public Health chief of Air Waves, USNR, was on national funds. Service estimated that 60,000 or hand for the Air Maneuvers, and held by the department. One has The economist explained that the /8* This is an extension of the idea more infants might be saved an­ commented only that women have ON TMF been held in Detroit and, after official attitude of the United OOlfAff . nually by universal use of a new done a great job in the WAVES, Denver, the board will move on to carried out in federal legislation States toward the idea had not medical method that provides vir­ proving especially valuable in com­ Salt Lake City and Berkeley, Calif. which American labor did so much beer, def ied. He remarked, how­ tually painless childbirth. munications. training and as medi- Since 1939 “beet prices have to pass, providing for fair wages ever, that in at least one instance AND MP. Art) MPf. and good working conditions on This painless technique, called cal assistants. <: ; risen 198 per cent while the work­ in the war this country, in dealing work done under LT. S. govern­ delivery with continuous caudal The destiny of the WAVES is ers’ pay has risen only 80 per with a Latin-American nation, in- analgesia” involves the use of cent,” the board was told by Bernie ment contract. si.- ted that some of the higher to be decided by the new budget­ The UN plan is intended to em­ drugs that are injected at the basqr conscious Congress. It is under­ This chart from the AFL Monthly Survey criticizes the wage-price formula of 1946. Instead of any Valdez of the Community Service prices agreed upon for a commod­ of the mother’s spine. She looses such formula for 1947, the AFL favors wage increases negotiated through collective bargaining. (Federated Club, which serves Spanish-speak­ brace all aspect- of international ity be passed on to the labor force. stood that the Navy hopes to main­ Pictures). investments. Drafting of the code, all sense of pain in the lower por­ tain the 2 per cent WAVE quota. ing people in Colorado and New tion of her body. Mexico. suggested by China, is oi} thc Before the war Commander Edith agenda of the Economic and Em­ Two AFL Paper Unions This technique aroused some op­ Stallings was on the dean’s staff The Socieldad Mutualista, local position after it was first used in FREE SPEECH IN ployment C<nn mission, now meet­ To Consider Merger ** of the University of Alabama. Dur­ branch of a national beet work­ ing at Lake Success, N. Y. 1942 by health service surgeons, ing the war she was district Air WALL STREET J ers group, accused the department Fort Edward, N. Y. (FP) — but the popularity of the technique Waves Chief at Jacksonville and New York (FP)—Wall Street of “taking a perfunctory attitude President John P. Burke of the is now increasing rapidly. The Dr. Isador Lubin, United States Opalocka. breeds sensitive souls as well'as toward fixing minimum wage-.” It International Bmtherh-.nd of Pulp health service said the rate of demanded that the government delegate to the 15-nation commis­ buiph.te 4 Paper Jhl. Workers millionaires. sion, described the plan at the of­ stillbirths was reduced by more The British working woman re­ raise the minimum wage per acre will advocate a merger with the So William H. Haskell, a cus­ A than one-half among Philadelphia ceived a sock in the jaw also, when Great from $88.90 to $55. fice of the American delegation in International Brotherhood of tomers’ broker, discovered when mothers upon whom the new after 2 years of official inquiry, Spokesmen for the workers went New York City. He was enu.osias- Pi'P'T Mak j'S at his union’s con­ method was used for the last few he was examined as a prospec­ tic about the idea. vention in waukee next Septem­ the Royal commission wrote the tive juror in the New York further in declaring that beet years at the Philadelphia Lying-in- final chapter of the “equal pay for System If the Chinese suggestion goes ber. J Giants football-fix case. Asked workers were not protected by the Hospital, and at Memphis, Tenn., women and men controversy in through the United Nations diplo­ Burke, whose union claims a if he could view the case im­ Wagner act, the wage-hour law or matic mill and becor*^ a reality, compared with a group receiving Britain.” The verdict was “Women “I BELIEVE in little boys, you memberi-oiip of 104,600, said the partially, Haskell said no, be­ Sourpuss Wilson, General the social security act. They de­ he said, it will do mi. -h to re" <>ve the usual care. are just not worth equal pay.” The know,” Mr. Dilworth began. merger offer from Matthew cause “I’m in the gambling Motors president, says he’s not manded that they be included, “as the fear of “dollar diplomacy” and commission held that there are “I bet,” said Little Luther. cutting car prices—he’s raising ’em American workers,” under these J. Burns, president of the paper A review of six available insur­ few jobs where equal work is done business myself.” the danger of the “flag following makers, which claims a member­ “Indeed, I do,” said Mr. Dil­ Quicker than he could hand because “sales are not yet meeting protective acts. ance statistics ’ studies indicates by both sexes, that “men are more the investment.” ship of 54,000. The paper makers worth. “I love them dearly. Why, I out a hot tip, Haskell found consumer price resistance.” . that individuals who- are over­ adaptable and versatile than wom- He gave an example of how it indorsed the proposal at their la.^t used to be a little boy myself.” himself out of a job. The New The robber barons of the middle eight when past middle age are tn, more resourceful in surprise Wage Boost Halts might work. “Suppose,” he said, annual convention. York Stock Exchange cancelled ages never stated the theory more ore likely to die of cancer than situations, and ^therefore worth a “Fancy that,” exclaimed his son. Stockyard Strike Threat “that a country borrows money his registration and his employ­ clearly. from an irtornational agency. Part ate persons of average weight. higher wage.” £ : J “But,” Mr. Dilworth continued boxing Bill introduced . Thus there is the prospect of re­ er, the Wall Street firm of E. Kansas City, Mo. (FP) — A of the terms of the contract wotdd firmly, “I believe in them one at a Washington (FP) — Rep re sen- j, ducing cancer by proper diet, or F. Hutton & Co., fired him. India declared its independence strike at the Kansas City Stock- be that, in erecting the plant for WHAT’S COOKIN’? time.” tative Fred Bradley introduced a at lefigt postponing its appearance. Announcing the unprecedent­ of the British Jan. 22, 1947. Our yards was averted by a new con­ which the money was borrowed, Winter is a good time* to vary “Not twins or triplets?” quipped ed action, Stock Exchange guess is that King Georgie VI tract granting a 10 cent hourly the country would have to main­ bill to ban b rung match's b< tw<- n the preparation of the lowly vege­ Little Luther. President Emil Schram said won’t take it as hard as George III wage increase and other benefits. tain decent standards of labor.” white and Negro contenders in the GLAMOR tables to add an exciting note to “Let’s not be salacious, Luther. Haskell’s remark was “discredi­ took the American Declaration of District of Columbia. It fixes a Miss Emily Wilkinsj leading The workers ratified the con­ your menu. I’m talking economics.” table with respect to the securi­ Independence. penalty of up to $1,000 fine or up teen-age designer, got her start tract after a strike notice had al­ Dr. Lubin said the international Have you tried oriions with peas “Every time you get economical, ties business.” He added that ready been filed by the United to a year in jail for violation. designing clothes for the children lately? Parboil the onions about 15 code might contain provisions you take it out on me,” Little Haskell “has a mistaken con­ The celebrated baritone Paul Packinghouse Workers. guaranteeing fair labor practices of Hollywood stars. Then she grad­ minutes. Make cavity in center of Luther complained. “If you really ception of the business in which Robeson suggested in an afterdin- The new contract provides for as long as the plant uaj in opera­ uated into the teen-age class, and each onion and fill with canned he has been engaged.” E.
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