National Character Area 21 Yorkshire Dales Summary The Yorkshire Dales is a large scale upland landscape of high moorland, dissected by often deep dales, which forms part of the Pennine uplands running up the centre of Northern England. It is separated from the North Pennines by the Stainmore Trough faults and from the more industrialised South Pennines by the Craven Faults. Just 0.3% of the area is urban, 4% is woodland, and 26% is upland grazing. 71% of the area falls within the Yorkshire Dales National Park and 17% within the Nidderdale AONB. 30% of the area is designated as SSSI. The key farmstead characteristics are: Landscape and Settlement $! !"#$%&'(!)*!+&,-(.%(/!.+/!/#01('0(/!0(%%-(2(+%3!(0%.4-#05(/!#+!%5(!2(/#(6.-!1('#)/!.+/!-.%('3!0(%!#+!.!-.+/0,.1(! with a long history of enclosure. $! !7#85!/(+0#%9!)*!*.'20%(./0!.+/!*#(-/!4.'+0!#+!%5(!-.+/0,.1(:!;5(!5#85(0%!/(+0#%#(0!.'(!,)22)+-9!.00),#.%(/!<#%5! small-scale fields in the pastoral upper dales, and the miner-farmer landscapes of the northern dales. Larger farms are found in the lower dales where arable farming was more commonly practised. $! !;5(!*.'2(/!-.+/0,.1(0!)*!%5(!=)'>05#'(!?.-(0!5.6(!02.--!.'(.0!)*!#''(8&-.'!*#(-/0!'(0&-%#+8!*')2!%5(!,-(.'.+,(!)*! woodland by the 14th century. Isolated farmsteads otherwise developed from medieval cattle farms and forest lodges or as a result of the piecemeal and planned enclosure of farm and common land. Farmstead and Building Types $! !@#+(.'!*.'20%(./0!A!<#%5!5)&0(0!.+/!<)'>#+8!4&#-/#+80!.%%.,5(/!#+A-#+(3!0)2(%#2(0!($%(+/(/!#+%)!.+!)6('.--!@! shape - are the dominant type of farmstead, and may also have additional detached buildings. $! !B)&'%9.'/!*.'20!.'(!%91#,.--9!02.--!#+!0,.-(!<#%5!<)'>#+8!4&#-/#+80!*.,#+8!)+(!)'!2)'(!0#/(0!)*!.!*),.-!9.'/:! There are also some dispersed plans where there is no focal yard area and the working buildings are placed along a driftway for moving cattle or within the boundary of the farmstead which may have developed as a pound for holding livestock. $! !")0%!*.'25)&0(0!)+!%5(0(!*.'20!.'(!.%%.,5(/!%)!%5(#'!<)'>#+8!4&#-/#+803!.0!*)&+/!#+!2)0%!&1-.+/!1.'%0!)*! +)'%5('+!.+/!<(0%('+!C+8-.+/:!7#85A0%.%&0!*.'20%(./03!%5)0(!'(4&#-%!%)!'(8&-.'!,)&'%9.'/!1-.+0!#+!%5(!-.%(!DE%5! and 19th centuries and those in the lower dales are most likely to have detached houses which sometimes face away from the working buildings. $! !")0%!<)'>#+8!*.'2!4&#-/#+80!.'(!1-.++(/!.')&+/!%5(!+((/!%)!5)&0(!,.%%-(!.+/!5.93!<#%5!0)2(!'(F&#'(2(+%!%)! store and thresh corn, and a diversity of functions in smaller ancillary buildings. $! !G#(-/!4.'+0!*)'!#+A<#+%('#+8!,.%%-(3!.+/!0)2(%#2(0!05((13!.'(!.!5#85-9!/#0%#+,%#6(!.+/!1')2#+(+%!*(.%&'(!#+!%5(! -.+/0,.1(:!;5('(!.'(!0)2(!-.'8('!($.21-(0!<#%5!-.'8(!/))'0!.+/!0)2(!)&%*.'20!*)'!1'),(00#+8!,)'+!.0!<(-- Materials and Detail $! !?)2#+.+%!&0(!%5')&85)&%!%5(!?.-(0!)*!-#2(0%)+(3!0.+/0%)+(!.+/!8'#%0%)+(3!<#%5!-),.-!6.'#.%#)+03!*)'!4)%5!<.--#+8! and roofing, in combination with use of stone for field boundaries. Rarity and Significance $! !;5(!*.'20%(./0!.+/!*#(-/!4.'+0!)*!%5(!=)'>05#'(!?.-(0!5.6(!.!0%')+8!.+/!,)5('(+%!.',5#%(,%&'.-!,5.'.,%('3!#+! large part due to the dominance of stone. This significance is heightened by the fact that the farmsteads and <)'>#+8!4&#-/#+80!0#%!<#%5#+!.!-.+/0,.1(!<5#,5!'(%.#+0!,-(.'!6#0#4-(!(6#/(+,(!K!($,(1%#)+.-!#+!.!+.%#)+.-!.+/! #+%('+.%#)+.-!,)+%($%!K!*)'!-.+/!&0(!.+/!0(%%-(2(+%!*')2!%5(!1'(5#0%)'#,!1('#)/:! $! !;5(!*#(-/!4.'+0!)*!%5(!?.-(0!K!)6('!I3JJJ!)*!%5(2!#+!%5#0!.'(.!K!2.>(!.!2.K)'!,)+%'#4&%#)+!%)!#%0!/#0%#+,%#6(! Summary continued National Character Area 21 Yorkshire Dales character. $! !;5(!?.-(0!'(%.#+0!0)2(!($,(1%#)+.--9!'.'(!($.21-(0!)*!4&#-/#+8!%91(0!.+/!2.%('#.-0!%5.%!DL%5!.+/!MJ%5! century change have largely swept from the upland landscapes of northern England - heather thatch roofing (often internal), and single-storey barns with evidence for cruck frame and other early roof carpentry. $! !N)'>#+8!4&#-/#+80!<#%5!DE%5!,(+%&'9!.+/!(.'-#('!*.4'#,!.'(!'.'(:!;5(9!.'(!2)0%!,)22)+-9!.00),#.%(/!<#%5!%5(! large combination barns on high-status farmsteads or the larger farms which developed in the southern dales O(01(,#.--9!".-5.2/.-(3!P#44-(0/.-(!.+/!"#//-(Q@)<('!N5.'*(/.-(R: Drivers for Change $! !N#/(01'(./!'(/&+/.+,9!)*!%'./#%#)+.-!*.'2!4&#-/#+80!(01(,#.--9!*#(-/!4.'+03!'(,(+%-9!/&(!%)!4.-(!0#-.8(!<5#,5! '(F&#'(0!2(,5.+#0(/!4&->!5.+/-#+8!.+/!%)!.+#2.-!<(-*.'(!0%.+/.'/0!<5#,5!5.6(!-(/!%)!'(1-.,(2(+%!)*!0%.--#+8! 49!-))0(!5)&0#+8:!@.'8(!05(/0!+)<!'(F&#'(/!*)'!2)'(!,(+%'.-#0(/!2.+.8(2(+%!.+/!)6('A<#+%('#+8!)*!0%),>:! There has also been the continued enlargement of farm holdings, and resulting decoupling of ‘surplus’ farmsteads from agricultural production. $! !S!'(,(+%!0%&/9!OP#,>(%%0!MJJLR!5.0!/(2)+0%'.%(/!.+!#+,'(.0(!#+!02.--!*.'20!4(-)<!*#6(!5(,%.'(0!.+/!-.'8('! *.'20!.4)6(!DJJ!5(,%.'(03!0&88(0%#+8!.+!#+,'(.0(!#+!1&',5.0(0!49!-#*(0%9-(!4&9('0!.+/!($1.+0#)+!49!-.'8('3! professional farmers. There has been a shift to part-time farming, and an increase in diversification and off- *.'2!#+,)2(!#0!($1(,%(/!.0!4&0#+(00(0!,)2(!&+/('!,)+0#/('.4-(!*#+.+,#.-!1'(00&'(: AREA SUBDIVISIONS – SEE MAP ON P.3 1 Dentdale and the North West 4 Craven Dales, Malhamdale and Western Fringe The traditional architecture of this area is more similar to Larger farms developed on this area’s well-drained that of the eastern Cumbrian fells, including the Orton limestone-based soils, often into courtyard steadings. G(--0!.+/!%5(!7)<8#--!G(--0!K!2&,5!)*!%5(!-.%%('!.-0)!<#%5#+! V)2(!0&'6#6#+8!*#(-/!4.'+0!.')&+/!".-5.2!/.%(!*')2!%5(! %5(!=)'>05#'(!?.-(0!T.%#)+.-!U.'>:!N5#%(!1.#+%!O-#2(<.05! -.%(!DW%5!.+/!(.'-9!DE%5!,(+%&'#(0:! often over a thin coat of render) is commonly used for 5 Mid Wharfedale and South East Fringe houses and there is a stronger emphasis on smaller- 7#85!/(+0#%#(0!)*!*.'20%(./0!.+/!1'(ADL%5!,(+%&'9!*#(-/! scale courtyard farmsteads with single-storey barns and barns in areas of irregular enclosure (assarts) from attached animal housing than the remainder of the Dales. woodland, with lower densities of farmsteads in those 2 Bishopdale, Langstrothdale, Upper Wharfedale and areas affected by improvement driven by the Devonshire Littondale .+/!)%5('!(0%.%(0!*')2!%5(!-.%(!DE%5!,(+%&'9: The farmsteads in all these valleys relate to a strong 6 Nidderdale 1.%%('+0!)*!-#+(.'!(+,-)0&'(0!($%(+/#+8!*')2!%5(!6.--(9! 7#85!/(+0#%#(0!)*!*.'20%(./0!#+!X11('!T#//('/.-(3! bottoms, with some groups of field barns that developed commonly associated with the smaller-scale, older, on high pastures as well as in the valleys. field patterns, in contrast to the lowest densities of 3 Wensleydale, Swaledale and Arkengarthdale (mostly planned) farmsteads within the designed regular 7#85!/(+0#%#(0!)*!*.'20%(./0!.+/!*#(-/!4.'+03!%5(!-.%%('! enclosure landscapes east and north east of Pateley often worked from small settlements some of which Bridge. These reflect the activities of improving estates in ($1.+/(/!.0!#+/&0%'#.-!,)22&+#%#(0!49!%5(!2#/!DL%5! %5(!DE%5!.+/!DL%5!,(+%&'#(0: ,(+%&'9!K!(01(,#.--9!#+!S'>(+8.'%5/.-(!.+/!"#//-(!.+/! 7 Eastern Fringe Upper Swaledale. The lower dales of Swaledale and ".+9!*.'20%(./0!'(2.#+!<#%5#+!%5(!6#--.8(0!<5#,5! N(+0-(9/.-(3!.+/!%5(!+)'%5('+!1.'%!)*!B)6('/.-(3!.'(! developed in this area, around which are often striking marked by larger-scale fields and farmsteads, with a higher patterns of enclosures from strip fields. Low densities proportion arranged around courtyards. of isolated farmsteads result from the planned and piecemeal enclosure of farmland and large blocks of common land. There are also pockets of early irregular enclosure with higher densities of smaller farmsteads such as around Thornthwaite. 3 National Character Area 21 Yorkshire Dales Area 21 boundary Character Area 21: 3 Adjacent Area Yorkshire Dales A Road B Road D U R H A M Railway and Station 10 Teesdale County boundary 9 District Eden 1 District boundary District 17 Rogan's Seat 2203' Marske CUMBRIA Keld NZ 18 Reeth 0 Angram River Marrick SE Feetham A6108 Swale Swaledale 2324' Great Shunner Fell 2349' 3 Grinton Richmondshire Askrigg Common District Baugh Fell A684 Askrigg Garsdale Head 3 Hawes River Ure Wensleydale West Dentdale Witton 9 Garsdale Gayle Bainbridge 19 1 3 Aysgarth Middleham Dent Cowgill Widdale Fell Semer Water South Melmerby 7 Lakeland Bishopdale District 2 N O R T H YORKSHIRE Langstrothdale Whernside Masham Chase River Wharfe 8 River Cover Lancaster Leighton Chapel- Buckden Pike Res. District le-Dale 2302' Scarhouse Res. 20 Buckden Roundhill Res. Angram 2 Great Pen-y-ghent Starbotton Res. LANCASHIRE Ingleborough Whernside River Nidd 22 2376' River Skirfare Harrogate 2278' Ingleton Horton-in- Fountains 2308' District Ribblesdale Fell Kettlewell 6 Newby 2191' Littondale Nidderdale Gouthwaite Res. 7 Clapham Malham Grassington Austwick River Aire Tarn Moor Pateley Stainforth Craven District Greenhow Bridge Grimwith Res. over 2200' 7 4 Hill Settle Grassington 2000-2200' Threshfield Malham Rive 33 r W 1800-2000' Winterburn as Thorpe hb 1600-1800' Res. ur Embsay Moor n 6 River Ribble Long Preston Airton Barden 1400-1600' Barden Fell 2 Hellifield Res. 1200-1400' 5 A65 1000-1200' Gargrave A59 8 Embsay 800-1000' 600-800' 400-600' SKIPTON 35 5 height above sea- 0 10km 36 BRADFORD level in feet 9 SD 0 SE UA 1 4 1 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT National Character Area 21 Yorkshire Dales National Background 7#0%)'#,!*.'20%(./0!*)'2!1.'%!)*!/#0%#+,%!.8'#,&-%&'.-!'(8#)+0!<5#,5!/(6(-)1(/!.,')00!C+8-.+/!*')2!%5(!2(/#(6.-! 1('#)/3!2#$#+8!)'!01(,#.-#0#+8!%)!/#**('#+8!/(8'((0!#+!%5(!1')/&,%#)+!)*!,)'+3!-#6(0%),>!)'!/.#'9!1')/&,%0:![+! some areas farmers and smallholders have combined farming and industry, often utilising common grazing on moorland and heath. These regions were influenced by patterns of landownership, communications, urban development and industry, as well as the nature and intensity of earlier land use.
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