THE BERMUDA COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL ADVERTISER AND RECORDER VOL. LXXVIIL—No. «. HAMILTON, BERMUDA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1905. 20s. PER AUKUM. , , ,, London, Jauy. 3— Baron Snyametzu, ex Jap­ | men bave gone to hospital fonr times returning a-^ai-|*a*A ' -fl***" •Vb' "»'A'-**» 'wV *al*A -'D anese Minister of the Interior, said to-day:— j convalescent to tbe forts. Tbe number of officers Fresh Strawberries *' Xow that we have agaiu got Port Arthur we killed was proportionately greater than in any will not allow auy otber Power to bold it after battle known in history this was dne te tbe fre­ we have beaten Russia, and I am now more than quent lethargic condition of tbe men who without and Cream • • • ever confident tliat Ji.pan will be victorious. I food and withont sleep moved ouly when ordered Served to order during the season. do not expect tbe fall of Port Arthur will make by tbeir officers. The Russians estimate tbat the miicb difference in the progress of the war though taking of the foi ti ess cost Japan £20,000,000. At Spithead House - - Warwick. ADULTERATION OF J' Japan will undoubtedly be in a better position." In British naval cireies the prevailing opinion is tbat tbe recall of the Russian second Pacific MISCELLANEOUS. -qivulron ha- now bceonie an alisolute necessity. London, Jan. 3.—Lord Mount Stephen foi mer­ Genuine Shilling Green WHISKY. J. Ihe prevailing French view • i the sunender of ry President of Canadaiu Pacific railroad has pre­ l'ort Arthur is smnnvI up hy the Temps, which sented to the Kings Hospital fund as a new Years Price Os. each. says the historic <lefer.ee of Sevastopol has now gift £100,000 in Argentine Funding bonds and "Question time in the House of Commons been surpassed, Port Arthur added a glorious £100,000 in Buenos Ayres water works bonds NOTICE TO STAMP COLLECTORS. range to military annals which will loug remain yielding an annual income of £11,000. Ills •' was enlivened by the diversions of Irish- iiinija.llt-il. Continuing, the Temps says that NO SET of Bermnda Stamr-s Complete, withont Lordship received a personal letter of thanks from the obsolete Shilling Green, to be bad only " men over Whisky—the Nationalists desire the surrender will exert tremendous moral effect tbe Kiug. favourable to Japan. Tie Japanese, the at theHOYAL GAZETTE OFFICE. " to check the sale of English Spirit ami piper says, are now revenged for the London, Jau. 3—The Times to-day publishes a '•RAW GRAIN PATENT SPIRIT as loss of Pint Arthur after tbe Chinese letter written by Conm Leo Tol-toi to the Czar Japauese war. Some Paris Journals assert that three years ago, when the Count believed himself •«• SCOTCH and IRISH WHISKY, and Mr. the Japauese occupation of Port Arthur will con­ dying. The letter deals with the internal con­ Catch the Shadow " Flavin invited Mr. Austen Chamberlain stitute a menace to all Europe which the Chancel­ ditions of Russia, and refers to the universal dis­ lories should prepare to meet. satisfaction ai that tin e manifested towards tbe " to make himself familiar with the bad Government. It suggests a number of reforms, Before the Sunshine fades. Tokio, Jan. 3—By permission of the Japanese some of whieb have recently lieen granted, while "qualities of these EVIL SPIRITS by General Stoessel to-day st-ut a despatch tothe others are expected as the outcome of toe more " tasting a sample of the raw grain variety. Czar. Tin: iiies.'age recites the fact that he w'as liberal policy of Rnssia. Connt Tolstoi blames forced to surrender, announces the terms granting the Emperor's ad vise i-, whose "stiennons aud "The Chancellor of the Exchequer declined the officers parole ami asks the Emperor to send crnel activity is arresting the internal progress of " even to try H on a friend." his oominauds. mankind." He says the entire country joins Che Foo, Jan. 3—The fort where the negotia­ with him in condemning the autocratic govern­ BY tions for the surrender of Port Arthur were held ment which " may answer tbe demands of a peo­ Daily Mail, March 1st, 1904. is called the Big Eagles Xest, near Riblung ple somewhere in Central Africa, but uot tbe de­ WM. WEISS «& Co., Mountain. mands of the Russian *ieople, who are becoming Reid Street Avoid the pernicious -adulteration of Che Foo, Jauy. .1—Midshipman Klickorich, more enlightened by the enlightenment common Cameras, Frames and Art Pictures, ewtii.uauding a launch which left Port Arthur last to the whole world." Whisky bv drinking the uigiit, says no .-hot bas been fired at Port Artbnr Xew York, Jan. 3—The Times says a ship­ Ciilentitirs, etc. for XMAS. for two days. Tbat heard last night was the ment of £1,000,000 iu gold was recently made Hamilton, Novr. 26, 1004. Russians blowing np forts, ships, magazines, from this city to Japan, but the transaction was warehouses, docks, and everything valuable. so secretly made that facts only became kuown Colonist copy. When 1 left Port Arthur the fortress and the when the gold reached Japan. "STRATH MILL" t*»AU were almost completely wrecked. Several Tangier, Jany. 2— '"acash, the Chief of the explosions were necessiry to complete the wreck­ Ben-m-sur tribesmen, las lieen killed while raid­ a Pure Barley Malt Whisky, fcee from all ing of the warships. The Sevastopol after catch­ ing a village near Tangier. The 'American,' ing iiie ex plod.il and turned turtle. The har­ Chemical and " blending" Compounds, i'us;*! London, Deo. 31—Ths publication of the new- AX UP-TO-DATE bour eutrane*- is completely blocked with sunken scheme foi naval distribution has made self-evi­ oil or " Silent" spirit. The Purest Whisky ships. The only navigable craft now at Port dent, says the Army and Navy Gazette, what had Arthur are the hospital ships Kaisan aud Mongo­ long lieen suspected by naval meu, that the utility Typewriter for $50. known. lia. Colonel Reiss represented Genl. Stoessel iu of Halifax, Esqnimalr, aud Jamaica was uot com­ the negotiations for sni render. There bas lieen mensurate with Ihe cost of their npkeep. Time A specimen machine ou view and may be rested SOLE AGENTS, J. E. LIGHTBOURN & CO. lor ;*ome time uo proper bandages and wounds will show whether they can be entirely elosed. at the Agency. bave been dressed with hemp. The news tliat There has beeu wild talk about the Canadian Genl. Stoessel wa* prepared to treat for surrender THE ROYAL GAZETTE Government building its own fleet and utilising SUtiim-Tv f"tnre, Hamilton was received by tbe soldiers with the feeling of Esquimau antl Halifax, but tbe story lacks utmost relief. rraittemhltiiiee and confirmation. U)RD KELVIN, the greatest Seieu^i i I'iidiju ai lers of the Japanese third army, Jan. Xew Yoik, J my. 4.—Weather cloudy, temper­ 2, . ia Fusan, Jan 3—At the conference ncld be- ature zero. Strong Xortheasterly winds, heavy of the age, saya: "I find Seccotine (wen the commis-*ioiiers of Gen Stoessel and Gen snowstorm throughout eastern and central states. very Hot-fill i*or many purjioses." Paris, Jau. 2—A despa:e-h t-i (he* '•'t-iii'i* fiom Xogi at one o'clock tiiis afternoon (Monday) the OUR CABLE DESPATCHES. Che Foo says the officers of t!i«* l'u s;aa torped** ter ns of surrender were agreed upon which Rus­ l*oat destroyers which have united l*;e repoit sian of*Jct-:s, iioih civil an ' •••i'itary, will be al­ AN ELEUTHERA MAX that the entire town of Port Artl ur has been iles- io wrd to march, the mi;.' *••*" with anus. The The War in tho East. troved, including the hospital iu the north-east -.flic-is will be granted fuid liberty after giving CUBED BY DOAS'S I'.AIKAC-.IE KH'XKY PILLS. SECCOTINE, sec-ion. promises not to take fuither pa*t in the war. The Mr. Charles S. Calmer, e>f Palmetto Point, Ele- Tn-: WORLD RENOWNED ADHESIVE Che F*iO, Jany. 3—This Morning three Russian privates and uou-comiiiissioucd officers of the gar­ risons to the numlier of 20,000 will he taken pris­ uthera, Bahamas, says iu a communication re­ FALL OF PORT AR1HUR. toipedo launches fiom Port Arthur arrived here. ceived :—" Twenty years ago I had a blow in the STICKS EVERYTHIiNG—New or Old. There are three Japanese torpedo boat destroy­ oners of war. The fortress will be formally handed over to tbe Japanese to-moirow (Tues­ small of the back, aud from that time I suffered A Sixpeuuy Tube will repair hundreds ol the ers iu the harbour. Four of these vessels left this off and on from kidney disorders. The pains were Terms of Capitulation. morning. There was some heavy firing outside day |. The prisoners will match out Jau lth. little breakages tbat occur yearly ia every hi use-. The opposing troops are fraternising. very sharp and cutting, especially at ui-tht, so last night. that my sleep was spoilt, and 1 used to feel worn Invaluable to tbe Joiner, Model Maker, Fret Tokio, Jan 3—The text of the articles of capit­ out in the morning. I also suffered from dizzi­ Worker, Wood Carver, Frame Maker, Photi-graph 20,000 Russians Made Prisoners. London, Jan. 3—Ku-sau nllie.-is who have Mounter, etc., etc. reached Che Foo relate tliat the Poll Arthur gar­ ulation i*f the Port Arthur garrison signed by ness and faiutiles.*, chilly sensations, and beait rison was completely exhausted by five days con­ the comiuissioneis reprt-seuiiug Gen Stoe-.se! and weakness.
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