_______ J • w w w .m agic;icvalley.coin 3 0 i.3 S I S ' / ' SZ ,/‘PO0P. s n l _______________ 1 JIM PftRKE 2o2/ YANDULL TX 7 9 ‘^0 -J Tlhelm m n i . P A S O Twin Falls,5. lclaliu/97thI year, N l N o. 221 l-r•riday, A iijjust 9, 20(m z L ■ iCoODMC40RNING 'jr \VKATHKR’ ^epG) r t : I ' 3 G u r O TodayJay; a e a r. dah(0 ret id sl to d o y lips I &"high82, Ne v50. ew numberss bode ill forr governor’ss plan to rest)tore adequaIte cash floww to state to n ig i tesoclatod Prosa ___________ __ __ PageJ\2i ________ and state afiencies.S, th<»ln» r/‘v«‘nii«‘ pstim nn- fnr-llie-2U02:_ th __ tax_s>'jiuuiuil-ihat-iuliad-during-the ----- lo w S ( Estimates for twot\\ key indicators, 2003 0 0 budget year, which:h w' ill b e 1990s. BOIS)ISIi - Idaho’s ancmic econonnomy nonfarm employmment and personal i.>wu« u ed in the next several wi.'el-i.'eks. ' B ut ih a t planpi was keyed to tux \ I A " ’“S CV(even tiardur pressed iti th er pastpn income, were scaleileil back markedly KemptliomeK Budget Dirucltxior Brian receipt.s growiwing by nearly 4 |>crconi year th than the Kempthorno admiiiiniiii.s- from th e alread y/ 1lackluster projec- Whii^hitlock ded in ed tocom nienilent on the this y ear so thattl Ihe estimated $110 , tratio n M a (; i c V a i on thtitiglii and will tnke evenev( tions m ade in April,■ii. .■ foreirecast o th e r than to siiy il reflectsi millicm gap tietweeiiIm collections and ^ lonRcrjr 1to reiwiind llian tJic govcniicnior "Idaho iionfarniI employmentc gener- thele economic reality facingg notn only nuthorized spepending could l>c covered had hoplopcd, according to th e oconomlomic ally grow s w eakerer ovor time." the Idal;Jaho hut the nadon. w ilh th e rem aiaining state reserves, forecastast released Tiiursday. analysis concluded.d. _ _ K( ... _ ‘ xiit.-r Kempthorne has Invokedialnulget-. a I This year’s,s poor economic perfor- C-'report appeiired tb offer Gov.Go ' ' Analysts jilM) salcliid there was a one- bal?alancirig strategy that essesseniially mance, howciever, has widened that D irk K.Kempthorne little reasonn f<for in-four chance thatat the fuiiire could cleaiean.s out all the reserve: cashc;; tlie gap to $123 million.mi Hie new forecast opiiniisiiism ahout a cjuick end. to) llielii Ixj^ven worse, stallate has nnd contemplatesIS a rapid, provided signalals thai'ilie estimate for finjincificial crisis that led to a hudg<idget The forecast laysys tlie Rriiundwork robi•bust economic recovery to resiorei SSfek- cnmch:h that squeezed public schoohools for th e adm iiiistrai•aiion’'-revision of tliecle cash generating power to0 thetl stale Please' see IDAHO. PageA2 Qov. Kempthorne j g ^ ---PLE^MTY OF CAREC --- — C olu n ty . I ^ugal: A local Fashion for the frujIding its first- 'W. th rift sto re is lioldii d e nlies ■ w ev er fashion show, Page B l S n | M() n i :v s: Q west lost Telecom troubles:he ( sccond ier' sred its finan* $1.14 billion in the re q iuest :^ G q u a rte r an d lowere Page El 1 ^ 1 cial forecast. an d m an n ’ • ■ > ^ Jennifer SandiOTtter ■ 11 Time»-News write W k i -i k E n dnns Feny jjjHH L L S -T h e first te s t of Island IflEWI TW INFALLSlounty’s new law gov; , Glenn: Twin Fnlls Cour Wagons, hoi tm ent on q1 feeding operations I renew s its T hree Isl eming animalvictory f< T hursday for ! Crossing re-enactmt ' resulted in a vie " Page Cl dairy neighbors.tning and Zoning ■ H Saturday. The Plannit C o m m ission’s i sion w p r o j ^ p S p o u t s fegotiators yers an d own- '; Talks Intensify: Ncg HBS ^ Itive d e a ls . « B r. :^ relief from'tne! for baseball’s player Page Dl ers reached tentativ population, operators, th e N unes ■ pn The dairy ope ' Fam ily D a ily 's JJ varitmce wouldbu sin ess., their fam ily busi ■ O l’INION je: District '/“/i.;;.''' and their supporters (W b m b h m m iw suitis ——I:.-.. N eighbors dand the Nunes family ; f, An ambitious Judge: ’S.t 'S ' o u tn u m b e re depresentatives tJ at ’ I boundaries, •. - ju d g e in school laws and theii' repi;ht*s m eeting. A cou- i ays. ^ . Thursday night*s crossing h e r legal be dairymen supported I Page A6 ..... li'' - pie of fellow miiydaii Dairy..... ................ ........._ * today’s ed ito rial sayj I - ___ die Nunes Famil;; was bitter and per- | ....... - d eb ate wn uuM.ceuMo/Twr• I Mmal. :s said she felt per- :up l a ■,Ty.„fm M ary N uneseked Si and that her st. Benodlcidicts Family M odical Contor moninonitor clerk Amio Taber, left, h<helps ionnlfor Quintana carryry outc tho Ilowors and gifts she i he received after giving birth to. sonally attackesuffered from the Coming i second chil:hlld. Soth. lohof health has suff I ise see DAinr. Pege A2 j Please s ospitals need1 to) cooperrate, offiicials sa^ly Expect;t pricier i l y Miller < b reak ground.id.on its new hospital. H1 e said w orking together i BW8 Writer__________ ■ 'The Mage Valliy m \ :y R egional is working onlyon way to go. The morer iM h o TVs foilDllowing “t'ora;ong-term plans. O ne of sliceslit the pie, the harder it rg< e y o u i FALLS - W hether or not /urvea... colh/f/fmnr/tk.r Magic Valleyey Regional’s goals is providepn affordable, quality h mandate | B pitals will be al)lc to oper- ... to reach o utIt tot more to patients carecai and recruit physidans,SS FCCm Going public aboi ilosely to each other and n ’^onal system that/ tuv//\ outside of TwIwin Falls in smaller said.sai No one wins. IS, K ee n Post_____________ ’ I I I Hedll depend on one thing - jy,„ c o m m u n itiees s like Jerome - St. “When‘ you start cutting i The'Waahlngton Pc IVvo C alifornia teens nach the conwmnity tion. •’ Ben’s territory)ry. atat the service lines you take;5 aw ay rON - The Federal | ing openly about thei By Sandyols A at both hospitals say serve.' Magic Valbilley Regional's new thetht ability to thrive." e aw ay W ASH1NGTtio0 ^ n s C o m m issio n II tion and rap e last we Tlme»New)com es to offering .special- CEO John KeKee worked for more St.J Don’s offidals a ^ e e . Communicationay to re q uire elec-_________________________ ex*con - a good way, s :vices,-partnering-is-th© ------- -JoliTTl ---------- th an a d ecadde e forStrBen’sTiarcnt---------—“W‘ clook-ariras'belng'a' voted Thursdayacturers i to include *1 j • to remove the srigmab o u t r a p e 0. ^ Saint Alphip h o n s u s R e g io n a l goodgo( opportim ity for p a rtn ea'very r tronic.-J'manufacti> in all new lelevi- I surrounding'rape. tw o hospit:ils from the nonprofit St. Mafiic Valley Rc^im o n a l M edical C enteIte r in Boise and even withwii Magic Valley Regiotcrships digital tuners1007 in - the agency's ;|| * ts Family Mcdical Center B ut others are n o t :nsso a r e ta lk - a te so cios served as theile interim administra- ‘ snidsni D en n is M a u g h a n , sp<onal," sion sets by 2007>n lo .s]>eed the fed- -ii h e i r a b d u c - ' thrive willle spoke with Twin Falls Hospital Ur..UC tor at St. Ben'en’s b ack in 1987-88. projectsprc m anager a t St. Ben’special strongest actiond conversion li lo dig- ^ J > Saturdayw it) e e k b y a n IS Thursday about their ------------- H e sees Magi.igic Valley Regional Still,S St. Ben’s advertisingI’s. erally required co build a S34 million med- 2 The Tlmes^e»,y,somesio., - a 52,000-square-foot fad!ulity esd- an d St. Ben’ss workingv together to ppai a i ^ has been touting “choitg cam- ital lele%’ision. te is controversial, .-J plex a t th e intersection of nmated to cost between S16S mil- provide qualiality health care to “‘ If you d o n ’t h a v e a ch<jice." The mandateIters i: and television *;n inaof.sham e.. „i,„d-sorvi.ihway 93 and Interstate lilion and $18 million. Futur.ure plans people of th ee MagicN Valley. peoplepet pick for you," says thhoice, with broadcaster:lg over the cost to ' w ay to go.far from the Twin Falls fifor the 30-acre CrossroadsJs Ranch “The Magicgic Valley needs to dcdc girl on the hospital’s televthe lit- makers arguingrhe c the I ndex so sure. Offidalsine. 'sites: in d u d e the addition of a long-' have a coopenera tiv e ,'t7)llabonitivc — corcom m erdal:--------------- cvision consumers. The>by~say~ihe~ruling , I- Benedictsid ]will be broken next termt< care center, outpadeient cen- regional systestem that will reach • • And.ify St.
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