^^jmmm mmm *^**^^*^^w-w. '"fflpi.i1! mwimr?mi*m V : ; !"-...i; Belt tightened on federal obesity standards, B4 Homelbvvn I:(IM>H,MI:AII(I,NH NIIHHIIIK* Putting you In touch Sunday with your world.-¾¾ July 26,1998 ; : Serving the Westland Community for 34 years ;v.'- Mi .§ VOLUME 34 NUMBER 15 WESTLAND, MICHIGAN • 66 PAGES • http://observereccentric.com SEVENTY-FIVE C£Nfs 019M HOMTOWB Conuauolcatloaj Network, Inc. THE WEEK Puppet people AHEAD City repairs, Free concert: A free blue grass concert by Roy Cobb cleans up & the Coachmen begins at 6 p.m. today at the Per­ forming Arts Pavilion behind the William P. Faust Public Library of after storm Westland. Rain location Some residents and business owners is the Bailey Center. were still left wondering who's got the power late in the week after a fierce storm cut electricity and MONDAY caused property damage. Storm-Weary Doug North sat Temporary roofs covered the teen group; Westland's in his dark North Bros. Ford business Friday as North waited William P. Faust Library office Friday afternoon, shuffling for permanent repairs and for papers on a desk dimly lit by a Detroit Edison to restore power. teen advisory group will battery-operated fluorescent "The power is back- on all meet to plan and discuss flashlight. around us, but this seems to "We're pretty much shut happen to us two or three times fall programs at 4 p.m. down," he said, three days after a year when we get a bad Monday in Cornmiinity a fierce storm knocked out stormi" North said. "We've sold a Meeting Room A. power at his family's third-gen-: few vehicles, but we can't pro­ eratipn business on Ford Road in cess the paper work to deliver Westland. "This is very costly to them. us-w "We're doing the best we can TUESDAY Tuesday's storm blew off the to get vehicles but of the shop i, roofs of North Bros. Ford's main and back to the owners, but showroom and customer service we're having a hard time," he Reger to speak: Geoffrey area, letting in heavy rains that added. "We're losing income Fieger, a candidate for damaged work areas and the every day that we're down, plus company's computer system. long-term customer goodwill." governor, will speak to the "We know there's damage. We . The storm only compounded Westland Democratic just don't know how much problems for a business that was Club, at 7:30 p.m. Tues­ because we haven't had any already in the midst of a renova­ power," North said. "It's exten­ tion. North, visibly frustrated, day, July 28, at the sive, though.". Please see STORM, A4 Dorsey Center, 32715 i • Porsey Road, one block east of Venoy, between Palmer Road and Michi­ gan Avenue. teen night: Beach Boys } eoncto case charges night, with music by A Westland judge has dis­ prosecutor's office) for a decision Classic Rock Band, will missed criminal charges against on ah appeal," he said Friday. be featured during teen two local businessmen accused Outside McKnight's courtroom of taking money from two cou­ Thursday, Renee Panther wiped nights Tuesday at the ples who say they lost tens of tears as she assessed the judge's Bailey Center. Cost is $1. thousands of dollars on condo­ decision. Panther and her hus­ Participants must have a miniums they never got to live band, Larry, lost $65,000 on a in-. '••'•" condominium that was never waiver signed by a parent District Judge Gail McKnight finished at Anthony's Pond, an on file to participate. Reg­ ruled Thursday that prosecutors upscale^ 28Thonte development ister at the pro shop at the Dinosaur roan Above, lacked evidence to prove that on Hix Road between Warren Rob Papineau, of Pip­ businessmen Michael Edward and Joy. Bailey Center. Morche and AMn Berton Bright Marilyn Kashat - who lost pin Puppets, puts on a Jr. meant to cheat the couples $130,000 with husband Amir on show about Tiny Dino out of money. a condominium that another at the William P. Faust The judge read an opinion family occupies - said, "This is WEDNESDAY Public Library of West- that had been delayed since Very disappointing. We"don't land Idst week. At right* May, when testimony concluded want this to happen to someone Irish music: Stone Circle during a preliminary hearing for else;"'- . /• ;V-' some of the kids show Morche and Bright. McKnight McKnight's decision indicated Trio, featuring Irish how a dinosaur should decided that claims against' that financial difficulties and a music, will perform at the roar. Kids learned how Morche and Bright didn't belong complex business arrangement per forming arts pavilion big is big and how in a criminal court. between Morche, Bright and small is small during "This matter belongs in civil their companies may have behind the Westland the audience participat­ court," she said. caused problems at Anthony's library as part of the But Raymond Walsh/Wayne Ppnd - but the judge didn't sup> ing puppet show. County assistant deputy chief port allegations of criminal Westland Community prosecutor, said McKnight's rul­ intent. Foundation's free Coffee­ ing may be appealed. "She clearly evaluated the sit­ house Concert Series 7- "We are going to refer it to our uation, and finally the truth is appellate department (in the 8:30p.m. Wednesday. Please see DISMISSED, A2 INDEX sex s § Obituaries ^ : ; _ J A± • Taste ': Bl A 52-year-old Westland man accused his condominium on July 10 after the When asked by McKnight if he under-, • Classified Index HS of sexually molesting three boys has • COURT NEWS boys told their p'arents who, in turn, stood that waiving his hearing would been ordered to stand trial on eight contacted authorities. result in his case going to circuit court, Autos J4 felony charges. - McKnight noted Thursday that the he responded, ^es, your honor." Home & Service Henisse, standing in court with his incidents are said to have occurred The suspect could face a maximum J3 Michael Albert Henisse showed no hands folded behind him, avoided testi­ Jobs HI emotion" Thursday as Westland 18th between Feb. 1 and July 5 of this year. sentence of life in prison if convicted on mony from his accusers by waiving his She has ordered Henisse to be tested to five counts of first-degree criminal sex­ District Judge Gail McKnight ordered preliminary hearing. Rentals E8 him to stand trial on first- and third- ; determine whether he has been ual conduct; • His decision prompted McKnight to • Health A Fitness _^__ B4 degree criminal sexual Conduct exposed to HIV, the virus that causes He also faces trial on three counts of charges. send the'case to Wayne County Circuit AIDS, or other sexually transmitted third-degree criminal sexual conduct, Court for trial. In the. meantime, • Aris & Leisure CI Two of the boys are 10 years old and diseases. punishable by up to 15 years in prison: Henisse remains jailed in lieu of a $1 Henisse has been described as • Sports (i Recreation 01 the other is 14, Police Chief Emery million bond. Dressed in blue jeans and a gray and Price has said. red shirt, Henisse said little in court. • Real Estate El .Westland police arrested Henisse at • Please see SEX, A2 HOW TO REACH US gets in Newsroom: 734-953-2104 Newsroom Fax: 734-591-7279 E-mail; bj»chm»nOo«,hom«comm.n«t Night /me/Sports: 734-953-2104 v Reader Comment Line: 734-953-2042 BY BKTH SUNPRIA JACHMAN donations for the local Salvation Army's fowl pantry. Classified Advertising: 734-591-0900 STArFWFUTEH The Wayne-Westland Salvation Army, which Display Advertising: 734-591-2300 It was a night of holiday festivities -and gift giv­ received a $16,000 grant from the foundation, also Home Delivery: lU-tH-OBOO had representatives ringing a bell alongside the red ing- ' . ' •'''•.' kettle ~ a familiar holiday scene - outside the Hel- . The Westland Community Foundation's annual -lenic Cultural Center as guests arrived; Christinas in July program Thursday night was fes­ The grant to the Salvation Army gflcs to fund fami­ tive as the Hellenic Cultural Center in.Westland was ly camps and summer camps for kids. The camps --rh»cked-otrt-in-holkl«y dewrati^tWr-Bi^iV-was-ftlso-ft include field trips, crafts, recreation/ Biblo study, nigiit of gift giving for some as,grants 'mid scholpr- according to Darlcnp McKce, Solvation Armybusi- "Holidau'lu«yy '«farero:; m(l/Mary>>' uvnnuiaDenning sumiJivssamples theutu shipt were handed out. - ...':-. -'-r'-:-—?'-*--^-^--—--—-r—.—nolitfaydccoratcfrgcmtte^ About 225 attended the event, a few of them 6 03174 10011 5 dressed in holiday attire. Pnrtygocrs also brought • Please see CHRISTMAS, A2 '»«* »» M\ event Thursday. y •-'';•;:'".. .?••'•;, ,*•;''" \ ' mmm A*W) The Observer & Eccentric/ SUNDAY, JULY 26,1998 Donation: Lt Charles Sex from page At Yockey, of the West- divorced with no known prior Aug. 6. land Salva­ criipinaV record. He reportedly After Henisse's arreBt, some of worked for a vending company his neighbors described him as tion Army, and traveled in Michigan and quiet and seemingly nice; plays bell 0th£rstates. although they did say they ringer for ; If e is scheduled to be formally noticed children hanging-around the night as arraigned in circuit court on his condominium. Jo Johnson makes a donation •\ /X- CITYOFQARDENtJITY outside the :\;-Q:.:-';:;-^ Hellenic •tO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF GARDEN CITY, Cultural COUNTY OF WAYNE, STATE OF MICHIGAN, NOTICE IS HEREBY Center in GIVEN .that a PRIMARY ELECTION will be held in the City of Garden Westland.
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