SINDH GOVT.CHILDREN HOSPITAL NORTH NAZIMABAD TOWN TENDER FOR 0i Medicines 02 Diet 03 Medical Gases 04 Other Misc 05 Uniform/Bedding/Clothing 06 Repair of Machinery / equipment 07 Repair of transport 08 Repair of Furniture / fixture 09 Purchase of X-Ray Film 10 Purchase of Stationery 11 Printing and publication FOR THE YEAR 2015-16 D/201l/k mand@M iotr r.nd{ 20 l i l6 SINDH GOVToCHILDMN HOSPITAL NORTH NAZIMABAD TOWN TENDER FOR 01 Medicines 02 Diet 03 Medical Gases 04 Other Misc 05 Uniform/B edding/C lothing 06 Repair of Machinery / equipment 07 Repair of transport 08 Repair of Fumiture / fixture 09 Purchase of X-Ray Film i0 Purchase of Stationery 11 Printing and publication FOR THE YEAR 2015-16 D混 O141に ol,nd oo■ |lo● に,der 2015 16 Phonc no 36986582 OFFICE OF THE NIIEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT SPゞDH COVT cHILDREN HosPITAL NORTH NAZIMABAD TowN No \4s/scc}rNNrrv _e l] /3 Datcd INVITAT10N FOR BIDS 1- Sealed bids are invited from interested bidders for the supply of Medicine, Medical Diet, Gas€s, Other Misc., Unlform & Li"".i"r, R;;;; ;i il;t*ry & 59:,0rrl::,. Repair. of Transport. Repair of Fumiture fi-*", pr.iir^" I-Kay tttms, purchase printing of Stationery and and "ipublication for the year"r 2015-2016. 2- Bidding will be concluded under S?p Rule 2010 clause 46(2) single stage two enveJope bidding procedures specified in rhis documenr i, op.n,o'uff ini!,.o"a bidders. 3- Interested bidders may obtain further information from the office of the Sindh Gort. Ciildren Hospital ard Monitoring & Inspection Cett, Health Dep-artment, Golt. ofSindh, Block-24 Shabrah-e_Liaquat, Karachi during the ofL" #;". 4- comllete A set of bidding documents may be purchased Ui irt"."s"a iiaa",,-dlfa*" the submission of a written applicatior fiom the oflice Sindl, C"rt. ", Hospital, & Monitorirg & Inspection Cell Health Department,-Sindh ,p* paymenVpay orders in name of Medical Superintendent, Gort.'ChltAren"u.f1 Hospital ofnon refundable fees ofRs. 2000/: (Two Thousand only). 5 Bids must be delivered to the address below up to t t .OO am on iblOzlZOt s. att bids must be accompanied by a bid security / iamest Money @ ZX ofltre fota bid cost in shape pay of order,tank draft. Late bids will be rejiteO. SiAs \^/ill Ue opened in presence the of the bidders authorize representailve who choose to attend the address below at 12.00 noon on 30/0712015 Addrcss OtIco of the Medical Superintendent. ‐ Sindh cor.t. Children Hospital North Nazimabad TowD Karachi St-18 sector l4-B opposite Maria homes near }Jagan Chowrangi, North Karachi 師 Ш椰 lm面 崚 Sindh GoЙ Childrcn HOspltal Dror{ft m ond condi Lon rcnder 20 t 5 t6 INSTRycIION TO BIDDERS :om thc datc Of Opcning A bid valid fOr a g mDn_rcspOnsivc tccs inclusivc Of all dllties/ncs/octoH Cnd 路臨:宙Itti亀搬]肥嘗 辮鴨Ii蹴紺鶴椰施 ヽ ψ ()Thc Biddcr shall hmish a bid sccurity@2%of ulc quotcd valuc in thc fOnn Of pay Ordcr,banlc drar l甜 3滋 織鍛 m出 じ:器 棚 鵬 Hm耐 晩 市 d 靴 ド Ⅳ “ “ d“山cゞ i l認認rmd"W pЮ 4)Thc priccs quotcd by thc Bidder shall bc flxcd dllllng ulc pcrf。 ..1lancc Of thc COlltract and not submit tO variatiOn on any accOunt A bid submitcd with all ad ustablc pricc Or cOndidon will bc trcatcd as ncln‐ rcsponsive and rcJectcd "鵬織 伊鵠 鵬どち冊 週 Envc10p sh」l bc makcd as“Financia ▼ bold and lcgible lcttcr to avKlid cOnisi consisting Ofthe dOculncnts listcd abovc Tぷ J¨ :r鷲織ょ漁屁ピ器∬r鷺∬燎黒鷺潔T騰Ⅷ 調器蹴盤:淵1:Ⅷ翻 膵謝l灘蠍ξ#峰i郡must not bc disc10scd alld this can bc 。鮒憲ゝ棚li蹴 臨詰[肥襦躙訛ldけ ulc pcrson or pcrsOns signingぷ thc呻 bid D120141● m and● 。,d l。 ,1●■Oo 20]5 16 '7) The bid shall contain no arterations, omissions, or additions, tmless corrections initialed are by rhe person or persons singe rhe bid. ll) Arithmetical error wili be rectified ori the following basis. lflhere is a drscrepancy between the unir p ce and the roral price, *lri"f,-i" Ji"irJ iy 1nof",ipfying ,f," unit priceand quanritv, or between suLtotal tr,. i"t"r'pi.i iil u,iiio, .uutotar p ce shall prevail, -a and the totat price shall be ;'u airp"n.u.y between words and figures, the amount in woras""."",J1i;i;; witt prevaii.lifi" iiaa". not accept ao", the corection ofenors, its bid will be rejected. 9) The Purchase reserves the right to accept or reject aay bid, and to annual the bidding process and reject alr ;ids at any time prior to award ofcontmct,nder relevant provisions the of Spp Rules without ttrereUy ir.r_i"C'an; i,"tifiay rhe effecred Bidders ]010, a or any obrigation to inform rhe efficrea gida'elo'r siaoers ot the grounds lor the purchaser.s action. ,r,1..:::j:":l::lll":ion of the. period ofbid validiry, the purchaser will notity the successtur Brdder,through Advance acceptance. This w iconstitute the formation or me conuact. wlthrn (07).days seven after receipt ofthe Advance acceptance, the successtut Bidder shatl tionirh-th. j"z" p".fo;;;; se-cur"y @ of t1.," contracted and will sign _ the contract agreement. I l)Disributor once by the mhufacturer -nominated will be for the whole contract penoo and manulacturer cannor change its distributor during the year in any case. In -" exceptional cases the tendering authority muy U" upp.or"'"ti_g.J Gene:al & Special Conditions ofcontract:_ l) The Contrao shall be govemed by and interpreted in accordance with law of the Islamic Republic of pakistan. 2) Store is required immediately. The bidder may however give their short guaranteed delivery period by which the supply wiil be complete-d. No Extension will be granted / accorded for the supply. 3) Except as other wise, specifically prouia"a in the contract, the Contractor shall _. bear and pay all taxes, duties, levies and charges assessed onth" C;;i;;;i".. 4) The Cortact Price shall be made to the Coirtractor u, .p""in"J in'tt.'Cont.u"t Agreement, subject to the general principal / procedure of the Goyemmelt of Sindh. ,v 5) The Contract shall be executed in accordance with the contact Documents and procedure. 6) The Purchaser o. its representative shall inspect the vehicle / equipment and accessories to confirm their conformity to the Contract speciication. The inspection will be conducted at the premises ofconsignee after recelpt oisupply. 7) The Contact wafrants that the supplied equipmentlr any part th^ereof shall be ftee from defects in the design, engineering, materials etc. in care of defect in anv part at the time of supply of installation it shall be replaced with new one instead ofrepair. 8) The puchaser, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract by written lotice ofdefault sent to the supplier. may terminate this conrmct in whole or in part: D/20l4l..,ad.ondirDnrenderZ0l5 t6 al lf thc supplicr Fails tO dclivcr any Or a1l of thc cOntractcd items協 thin ulc pOiOd(9 spcdicd hthc cOntraci Or宙 伍h any Cttcndon ttcFOf gralltcd by tllc purchascr othcr ObhgatiOn(S)ulldCr tllc cOnt¨ t mlpt」 iΨil:珈i翼喘『lhC° supphcd a bw∝ rdcs b any O伍 cr G灘 だ鮒l盤蹴計]《鵠i::l力 鵬 Forccs in■ c PrOvincc Or Otltsidc in thc sallc Flscal ycar 10)ThC purchascr rescrvcs thc Hgllt tO incrcascdldccrcasc Or dclctc tllc qualltitics Of 珈 驚鮮W繹鱚蠍靭 11)Stalllp duty Of o 30%Ofthc vduc Oflc COntract Ml bc rcalizcd/凸 けgcd by ulc A C Sindh,whilc making paymcllt tO tllc contraoOrs fOr award ofcach cOlltract ザ V D120141o,n mO∞ nd ti。,1●nd0 2ol, 16 CERTIFICATE FOR EVALUATION FOR BIDS 0 Quoted p ces. 0 Specifi cation compliance. ● Delivery schedule. ● Relevant Experience and pasl performance of biddershanufactuer in lerm ofsupply & after sale service 0 Diagram & Services Manuat. (for equipmentJ. 0 i:.?1,_:t]:It*'r"gue, Authorrty lener from manufacturer ● Eamest money. ● Technical_ evaluation shall be canied out on the basis of evaluation criteria mentioned in the bidding documents. TINDERTAKING a) That I/we agree whether our tender accepted for total, partial or enhanced quantity ″ ヨ Ior all or any single irem. Lwe also agree lo ,rppry -i ,i" ffill;';h. mtes for the suppty of conrracred q;tiry *iihi; rhe:;;;l:;;;;;;ilffi'*""..p the contract b) I/we understand aad confirm the refund of cost difference if the same goods is/uas supplied at lower rates lo any olher Colf.lSemi C"* f"rri*,1"" ,*il" rrovtnce tn the same ltscal vear C) I/we undertake _that, if anj of the information submitted in accordance to this tender Enquiry found incorrect, our contract may be cancelled ai;t;;;; cost and risk. ;;;* CER「IFICATE: Wc gllaralltcc tO supply thc stOrcs cxa01y in accOrdancc、 vith thc rcquircmcnt spcciflcd in dlc invitatiOn 10 this tcndcr ヽ Signature of Tender Nane & Designation Address D氾 04′ に,■ ,記 。。●d■ i。 11。 ,d● 12o1516 0 お 2 い 0 2 ● 2 3 ‘ や q ご ● ● o 〇一 ∽ 0 ヽ o ■ r 「 「 ” ” ヽ ” o C, 「 0 ク υ 夕 「 O ● ■ ● × ● う 0 ¨ 〓 ヽ ヽ げ 」 0 o 〓 〓 , ¨ つ 8 ^ o o o 日 一 8 O δ o o ● 〓 a ● こ 一 α い , 只 2 ” ● 「 ♂ o ¨ α o o F 一 」 一 o 〓 「 ¨ 一 o ” コ ● ) 「 「 o 『 ¨ ‘ o o C ■ 」 ∞ o 協 ¨ ヨ ウ ● 一 『 2 o o 3 o o よ 一 つ o o o ” 「 ヽ o ヽ a み ( o 「, ● ● o 「 一 ● ウ o ) ∽ ● o α ● o ● 「 ⊆ ¨ ヽ 8 「 ” ● 「 2 つ X あ ヨ ´ o 0 ^ ∽ , ● 0 一 o ヨ 一 一 ● ” ● E o コ ヽ o 8 ■ o マ 「 Q ヽ マ ν 『 ヽ 胴 o ′ 3 一 ∽ 一 ^ 0 ● o く〓 ● ∪ υ ) ∪ υ 一 ¨ 膠 『 o o一 営 o υ υ o o ∪ o o o ∪ o 「 , 〓 0 0 〓【 一 R 〓 o o一 o 協 「 コ ) 一 ) 膵 限 や ● 国 ヒ ユウ 0 ^ 0 ■ ● 4 に 〓 〓 富 ¨ 〓 す ヨ o o ( ビ レ o P 一 摯 膨 つ O ^ 0 R ) ∽ o o一 一 こ E 朦 腱 B 睦 P ″】 力 力 ” E あ 一 N 一 一 ● ∽ あ ∽ い 8 0 い ヽ 燈 0 ∞ O ∞ N 0 〓 「 尾 ″ ” 一 ″ 0 ” ● 0 o ヒ ヽ い 一 一 ∞ 8 〇 0 O ″ ” ” 】 〓 L ¨ ∞ 一 〇 0 ∽ ∽ ∽ ´ O ´ O P 〇 r 一 ● う O 0 0 〇 一 8 0 〇 O 一 ‐, 0 Ь 岨 ● 0 一 O 0 ● 〇 ● 一 O い 一 o ∽ 円 0 〇 0 O 〇 臣 O 0 0 〇 0 α F B 隙 胸 陣 0 膨 ヒ > ^ も ∽ O υ ゝ Z ¨ > 0 ∪ υ し 0 Z ¨ F Б υ o o 0 ピ こ 0 o ∪ o 0 o 0 o υ ヽ 『 卜 屁 0 0 0 ヽ つ ● 「 う o 3 ∽ 0 ● 陣 ロ ∽ 脇 匡 脇 ピ ∽ ● 陸 ″ 一 O ●一 一 ■ つ 燿 匡 F 『 o o o ” ウ ● 0 0 O o ● エ o o 日 旧 ‐ υ ● て ¨ ● o 0 o o 屋 ド υ 0 ■ 0 o じ υ o ● 一 o 一 「 o 0 0 ● ∽ 〓 ● 0 0 〓 o一 ∽ ぽ 旧 ^ , o ● o 「 も い 四 N o 点 α o ● 膨 ) o ¨ ● ● レ К 怪 〓 0 ¨ o 0 }, 腰 牌 「 日 ● 3 、 ﹇ 「 っ ″ 2 o o 曰 > ● ■ 、 L 0 ● 旧 5 L ヽ ) ● κ ^ 「 ¨ ● H 一 “ 隧 0 口 L > 「 〓 0 ● ∂ 一 0 一 2 ^ 順 ∪ お 毬 2 ” 『一 8 0 い ” 〓 き o ヽ ● マ 「 に ” ” い > O お > い o ” a F ● a ● 9 「 ♂ ■ 】 ﹈ 易 O o ‘ & ● ヨ ζ い ■ つ o 「 ” 一 Z 9 a 8 ≧ o 】 「 0 年 一 L P 0 . ● 0 「 ヨ" 井 FOR DRUGS/PIEDICINES I.I.EMS Allocated Acquired Score Score 1- Ilxperience & Past performance (Got.
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