‘Miracles still happen here’ Anderson Woods offers camp that ‘really gets into nature’ for those with special needs, page 16. Serving the Church in Central and Southern Indiana Since 1960 CriterionOnline.com April 18, 2014 Vol. LIV, No. 27 75¢ Rejoice in the Lord Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin CNS/courtesy of Bridgeman Art Library We are invited to experience, share the joy of Easter (Editor’s note: With this Easter column, Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin begins writing a weekly column for The Criterion. It is titled, “Rejoice in the Lord,” which is the archbishop’s episcopal motto. The column will be published in both English and Spanish.) This Sunday, we celebrate the great feast of Easter and begin the season of joy. What is this Easter joy that is so special and so closely tied to the Lord’s Passion, death and resurrection? What difference does this season of joy make in the way we feel, and in the way we live as disciples of Jesus Christ? Joy is not something we experience every day. It is not the same thing as happiness or contentment or even enjoyment. We can enjoy a nice dinner with friends without being joyful. Joy is something different. It’s more profound. Parents experience joy when a son or daughter returns from Iraq or Afghanistan unharmed. We can experience joy at the wedding, or ordination, of a close friend. Joy can surprise us—when we discover something precious that we thought was lost forever. Or joy can deepen gradually over many years, and finally express itself at a golden jubilee celebration. Joy comes when many years of The glory of Easter is portrayed in “The Resurrection of Christ” by Italian Renaissance painter Mariotto di Cristofano. The painting is in the collection at suffering and adversity are overcome; the Gallery of the Academy of Florence. Easter, the feast of the Resurrection, is marked on April 20 this year. when an extended battle with cancer appears to be won; when a forgiving father up of the gates of heaven to all God’s Gaudium” (“The Joy of the Gospel”) united in Christ. We do not need to be welcomes home a prodigal son; when a children. that Christians should not be sourpusses afraid; he is with us always. Our sins political prisoner is finally released from The Gospels tell us that Jesus’ friends (“vinegar faces” in the original Spanish). have not damned us; the grace of Christ captivity; and when love and fidelity are experienced mixed emotions at the time We shouldn’t act like our faith is a has saved us. victorious over evil. This is Easter joy— of his Passion, death and resurrection. burden or that Christian life is made up The joy of Easter coincides with the the Lord’s triumph over sin and death, the They were afraid, bitterly disappointed, of an endless series of oppressive rules coming of spring and the emergence forgiveness of our sins, and the opening hopeless, full of doubt and uncertainty. and regulations. of new life. This year, more than most, And then came the joy of the Resurrection. We should be joyful—rejoicing in we have suffered the pain of winter, For some, like the women who went our freedom and in our abiding sense of and we are more than ready for a new to the tomb on Easter morning, the confidence in God’s love for us. The joy of beginning. What better way to celebrate experience of joy was immediate (even if Easter springs from our gratitude to God new life than to rejoice with the more it was mixed with confusion about what for his saving grace, for his forgiveness than 1,000 of our sisters and brothers really happened). For others, like the of our sins, and for his presence in our who will be baptized or enter into full disciples on the road to Emmaus, joy came lives. “Shout for joy!” the Scriptures tell communion with our Church during the more slowly—after they experienced us. “Rejoice and be glad!” the angels sing. Easter Vigil! the Lord’s presence in the breaking “Alleluia! Praise God” the saints tell us by As Pope Francis writes, “The joy of the bread. their words and example. of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives For Peter and most of the disciples, the Easter joy should give us the of all who encounter Jesus. Those who joy of Easter was intermittent; it came and confidence we need to overcome the accept his offer of salvation are set free went with Jesus’ appearances in the upper negative voices that we hear constantly in from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and room and in Galilee. It was not until they the news media and in our own anxious loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost that fears. As a matter of fact, things are born anew” (“Evangelii Gaudium,” #1). the joy of Christ’s resurrection became not awful. God has reached out to us This is the source of all new life. deeply rooted in their hearts. and loved us. We are not doomed to a May this season of grace bring us lasting Pope Francis speaks of joy often. With disastrous fate; Christ died for us and joy. May we share this joy generously characteristic bluntness, the pope says set us free. We are not alone; we are the with others during this Easter time in his apostolic exhortation, “Evangelii gathering of God’s people, the Church, and always! † Alégrense en el Señor Arzobizpo Joseph W. Tobin Read Archbishop Tobin’s Easter column in Spanish, page 3. Lean la columna del Arzobispo Tobin sobre la Pascua en la página 3. Page 2 The Criterion Friday, April 18, 2014 Pope: During Holy Week, ask which Gospel character you resemble VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Preceded with the sword?” the pope asked. by young people and clergy waving tall “Am I like those courageous women palm branches, Pope Francis began his and like Jesus’ mom, who were there Holy Week liturgies by encouraging suffering in silence?” he asked. CNS photo/Paul Haring CNS photo/Paul people to ask themselves which Pope Francis did not offer explanations, personality in the Gospel accounts of but asked people to let “these questions Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection they accompany us throughout the week.” resemble most. Prisoners from a jail in Sanremo, “Where is my heart? Which of these Italy, sent Pope Francis a new pastoral people do I resemble most?” Pope Francis staff, known as a crosier, which he used asked on April 13 as he celebrated the during the Mass. Carved out of olive Palm Sunday Mass of the Lord’s Passion. wood, it featured a simple cross on top Joined by thousands of young people and elements from Pope Francis’ coat of for the local celebration of World Youth arms: the seal of the Society of Jesus, an Day, the pope set aside his prepared eight-pointed star symbolizing Mary and homily and instead the spikenard flower, a urged people to symbol of St. Joseph. adopt an exercise At the end of Mass, recommended by turning his attention St. Ignatius of Loyola, ‘It would do us good to to the young people, founder of the Jesuits— ask one question: Who Pope Francis presided imagining themselves over the transfer of Pope Francis carries palms as he walks in procession at the start of Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s as one of the characters am I? Who am I before the World Youth Day Square at the Vatican on April 13. in the Gospel story. my Lord?’ cross from young Throughout the representatives of Holy Week liturgies— the Archdiocese of Palm Sunday, —Pope Francis Rio de Janeiro, site Holy Thursday, of World Youth Day Be an answer Good Friday, the 2013, to youths from Easter Vigil and Easter the Archdiocese of to prayers. morning Mass—“it Krakow, Poland, where would do us good to ask one question: the next international gathering with the Even the smallest gifts Who am I? Who am I before my Lord?” pope will be held on July 25-Aug. 1, 2016. the pope said. The hand-off of the cross marked the make a big difference. “Am I able to express my joy, to praise 30th anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s him?” the pope asked. “Or do I keep entrusting it to Catholic youths, asking my distance? Who am I before Jesus them to “carry it throughout the world who is suffering?” as a sign of Christ’s love for humanity,” Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of Pope Francis said. Noting that he would silver. “Am I like Judas?” the pope asked. declare Pope John Paul a saint on April 27, “Am I a traitor? the pope repeated an announcement made “The disciples didn’t understand in February that St. John Paul, who began anything, and they fell asleep while the World Youth Day celebrations, would the Lord suffered,” he said. “Is my life become the gatherings’ “great patron.” one of sleeping?” After the Mass and the recitation of When Jesus was about to be arrested, the Angelus, the pope waded into the Faith Formation • Catholic Education • Vocations one of the disciples cut off the ear of crowd, blessing many of the young people Priests’ Retirement • Caring for People in Need the high priest’s servant. “Am I like that and posing for photographs with some disciple who wanted to resolve everything of them. † We are so close United Catholic Appeal Par2cipa2on to reaching our goal! Easter liturgies are set at 17% Make your $25 cathedral and Saint Meinrad Par*cipa*ng Easter liturgies at SS.
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