AGENDA ITEM No,... L .- North Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Transportation Committee Committee Date : 14 August 2008 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 1 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 14thAugust 2008 Page Application No. Applicant DevelopmentlLocus Recommendation No 4 N/08/00548/FU L R Johnston & P Extension to a Dwellinghouse Grant Penman and Erection of a Fence 13 Burnhead Road Balloch Cumbernauld 9 N1081005921FUL Mr A Miah Extension to Existing Grant Restaurant to form Function Suite Bombay Dreams South Carbrain Road Carbrain Cumbernauld 17 N/08/00713/CAAD Mr William Kay Application for Certificate of Issue Nil Appropriate Alternative Certificate Development in Respect of Use Class 9 - Houses Land Adjacent To 2A Castlecary Road Castlecary Cumbernauld 23 S/08/00040/OUT Mr & Mrs A Aikman Residential Development (In Grant Outline) Viewfield House, 21 East Main Street, Harthill, Shotts 32 S/08/00564/OUT CIS Ltd/Motherwell Demolition of the Dalziel Grant Town Centre Annexe and Residential Partnership Development of 82 Dwellings, Car Parking (108 Spaces) and Formation of Access Road (In Outline) Dalziel Workspace, Mason Street Motherwell 41 S/08/00574/FUL Mrs C Kelly Change of Use From Car Grant Maintenance Garage (Class 5) to Pre-School Nursery (Class 10) The Club, 2 Donnelly Way, Wishaw 48 S/08/0088 1/AM D TAL CPT Land Change of Use from Class 4 Grant Development LLP to Class 3 (Restaurant) 2 Parklands Avenue, Eurocentral Holytown 53 S/O8/00927/FUL Jim Muirhead Subdivision of Refuse Dwellinghouse into Three Dwellings and Erection of Detached Dwellinghouse 18 Hirst Road, Harthill 58 S/08/00928/FUL Mr Chan Change of Use from Shop to Refuse Hot Food Takeaway and Installation of Flue 35 Bellshill Road, Motherwell 2 63 S/08/00937/OUT House Fix (Scotland) Construction of Flatted Grant Ltd Development (42 Units) In Outline LandAt109And 111 Westwood Road, Newmains 72 S/08/01022/FUL Mr G Watson Proposed Erection of Refuse Dwellinghouse & Kennels Currieside Piggery, Station Road Shotts 78 S/08/01035/0UT Mr G Gibson Erection of 2 Dwellinghouses Grant (In Outline) Rowan Tree Bar, 121 Bonkle Road, Newmains 3 Application No: N/08/00548/FUL Date Registered: 14th April 2008 Applicant: R Johnston & P Penman 13 Burnhead Road Balloch Cumbernauld G68 9BT Agent Glenalmond Design 58 Dalziel Crescent Cambuslang G72 7UR Development: Extension to a Dwellinghouse and Erection of a Fence Location: 13 Burnhead Road Balloch Cumbernauld G68 9BT Ward: 2-Cumbernauld North: Councillors Chadha, McCulloch, Murray & O’Brien Grid Reference: 274404 674963 File Reference: N/08/00548/FU L Site History: 0 N/02/00934/FUL Conversion of Garage to a Habitable Room and the Construction of a Garage - Granted on 11.09.02 Development Plan: Cumbernauld Local Plan 1993: Housing Policy HG4 Residential Amenity Contrary to Development Plan: No Consultations: Representations: 1 letter of representation received. Newspaper Advertisement: Not Required Recommendation: Approve Subject to the Following Conditions:- 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 2. That, except as may otherwise be agreed in writing by the Planning Authority, the development shall be implemented in accordance with drawing numbers: OIE, 02E, 03P, 04P, 05P &06P. Reason: To clarify the drawings on which this approval of permission is founded. 4 5 3. That, except as may otherwise be agreed in writing by the Planning Authority, the facing materials to be used for the external walls and roof shall match in colour and texture those of the existing adjoining dwelling. Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity of the area. Background Papers: Application form and plans received 14th April 2008 Letter from Mr Joseph Messer, 11 Burnhead Road, Balloch, Cumbernauld, G68 9BT received 7th July 08. Cumbernauld Local Plan 1993 Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Ms Jennifer Thomson at 01236 616473. Date: 4 August 2008 6 APPLICATION NO. N1081005481FUL REPORT 1. Description of Site and Proposal 1.I The proposed application is for a single storey side extension and fencing to the side and a wall to the front of 13 Burnhead Road, Balloch, Cumbernauld. The site is within a modern housing area comprising various styles of single storey detached dwellinghouses. 1.2 The proposed extension would be 4.8 metres in height with a pitched roof, 0.5 metres below the existing roof line. There would be 7 windows facing the rear garden of 24 Greenbank Road, however a two metre high hedge provides screening along this boundary. The extension would form a garden room replacing an area of decking. The proposal includes enclosing an area of side garden with a 1.8 metre high fence. Additionally, the majority of the front garden would be enclosed by a 1.2 metre high wall with gates to access the driveway and garage. 2. Development Plan 2.1 The application raises no strategic issues in terms of the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2006 and can therefore be assessed in terms of Local Plan policies. 2.2 In the Cumbernauld Local Plan, 1993, the site lies within a defined residential area where housing policy HG4 (Residential Amenity) applies. 3. Consultations and Representations 3.1 No consultations were required. 3.2 One letter of representation has been received from a neighbour, and the objections raised are as follows: The 1.8 metre high wall to the side of 13 Burnhead Road will take away the open aspect to the area. Comments: It is accepted that a wall enclosing the front of the house would make the CUIde sac less open, however the majority of the proposed wall is only 0.2 metres higher than could be built without planning permission and the design is considered acceptable. A 1.8 metre fence might be built in the future down the side of the adjacent driveway which will enclose the front of the adjacent house. Comments: It has been clarified with the agent following submission of additional plans that the applicants do plan to erect a 1.8 metre timber fence along the boundary with 11 Burnhead Road. The reason for the fence at this location is to enclose an area of side garden to increase the private garden area for 13 Burnhead Road. While it is accepted that fencing at this location will impact on the view from the objector’s property, the orientation of the dwellinghouses is such that the objector’s property faces its garage and front parking area, then beyond, into the rear garden of 13 Burnhead Road. It is therefore considered acceptable that this fence is erected in the interests of privacy. 7 4. Planning Assessment and Conclusions 4.1 In accordance with Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, planning decisions must be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The proposed residential development requires to be considered against the terms of HG3 (Residential Development) and HG4 (Residential Amenity) of the Cumbernauld Local Plan. 4.2 Policy HG4 seeks to protect existing residential amenity from developments which would be detrimental to residential amenity. Whilst policy HG3 seeks to ensure that extensions to residential properties are in keeping with the scale and character of the surrounding area and relate to the design of the original building and not dominate its appearance.. 4.3 The proposed extension is considered in keeping with the existing property in terms of its design and scale and would not adversely impact on neighbouring properties in terms of overlooking and overshadowing. The proposed fence which formed the basis of the objection to the application is considered acceptable to ensure privacy. I am satisfied that when assessed against both policies, the development is considered to be acceptable 4.4 Having taken account of all relevant material considerations, and notwithstanding the concerns raised by the neighbouring proprietor; it is recommended that planning permission be granted for a rear extension and fence at 13 Burnhead Road. 8 Application No: N/08/00592/FUL Date Registered: 17th April 2008 Applicant: Mr A Miah Clo Grant Murray Agent Grant Murray 30 Bell Street Glasgow G1 ILG Development: Extension to Existing Restaurant to form Function Suite Location : Bombay Dreams South Carbrain Road Carbrain Cumbernauld Ward: 3-Cumbernauld South.Councillors:Carrigan,Goldie,Homer&McElroy Grid Reference: 276217673786 File Reference: N/08/00592/FUL Site History: 0 N/03/01671/FUL Change of Use of Tyre and Exhaust Garage to Restaurant. Granted 18.12.2003 0 N/04/01370/ADV Erection of Signs. Granted 15.09.2004 Development Plan: Cumbernauld Local Plan 1993, policies HG4 (Residential Amenity) and TR10 (Parking) apply. Contrary to Development Plan: No Consultations: Representations: I letter of representation received. Newspaper Advertisement: Advertised on 30 April 2008 Recommendation: Approve Subject to the Following Conditions:- 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 2. That, except as may otherwise be agreed in writing by the Planning Authority, the facing materials to be used for the external walls and roof of the extension, shall match in colour and texture those of the existing restaurant. Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area. 9 Extenion to Existing Restaurant to Form Function Sude 10 3. That any resulting increase in foul drainage must be connected to the Public Sewer in accordance with the requirements of Scottish Water.
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