Planning Application 1 Application Number MO/2020/0185 (Outline Major) and Registration Date 29-Jan-2020 Applicant c/o Agent Case Officer Catherine Miller-Bassi Amendments /amplifications Committee Date 01-Jul-2020 Ward(s) Box Hill & Headley Leatherhead South Within 20m of Box Hill & Headley Ward Within 20m of Leatherhead South Ward Proposal Outline planning permission with all matters reserved except for access, for the consideration of the demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to comprise up to 70 residential units (Use Class C3), landscaping, car parking, access routes and other associated works Site Description Headley Court, Headley Road, Headley, KT18 6JW DM 1 RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions 1. Summary The application is to be decided by the Planning Committee because it exceeds the threshold set within the consitution. The application is in outline only with all matters reserved except for access. The reserved matters for consideration in principle only at this stage include the demolition of existing buildings and areas of hardstanding, and the redevelopment of the site comprising the erection of up to 70no. new dwellings, landscaping, car parking, access routes and other associated works. The key drawings under consideration include the Access Parameters Plan and the Land Use Parameters Plan, which has been submitted to inform the assessment of the principle of the erection of the proposed new dwellings and the site redevelopment, particularly with regard to Green Belt policy. The Illustrative Site Layout Plan is not for approval in this case as the detailed layout falls under reserved matters. The application site, of approx. 7ha., lies to the north and south sides of The Drive, on the west of Headley Road, adjacent the Grade II Listed Headley Court house and grounds, and 0.7miles to the north-east of Headley Village. The Headley Court mansion house site to the east of Headley Road lies beyond the application site and does not form part of the current application under consideration. The site lies entirely within the Green Belt and comprises buildings, hardstanding, grassed areas and woodland, including some Ancient Woodland. The site was formerly occupied by the Ministry of Defence and is currently vacant. For clarification, the buildings currently in use as temporary field hospitals for the Coronavirus pandemic are located beyond the application site, within the grounds of the mansion house, to the east. The representations received during the two consultation periods raised concerns including: lack of a masterplan for the wider Headley Court site; inappropriate development within the Green Belt; that existing buildings with personal or temporary consent should not be included within previously developed land (PDL) calculations for Green Belt purposes; adverse impact on openness; overdevelopment of the site; proposed housing out of character with the appearance and density of the rural area or setting of listed buildings; local transport and social infrastructure inadequate for new residents; and adverse impact on biodiversity and the neighbouring amenity. In response to officer and neighbour concerns, amendments and a revised description have been secured during the course of this application, comprising the following changes: A reduction in the number of new dwellings for consideration in principle from a maximum of 100no. to a maximum of 70no. Alterations to the proposed land use zones, removing the previously proposed residential zone to the northern part of the site (currently open playing fields) and reducing the proposed density throughout the remaining residential zones proposed. DM 2 Off-site road, footpath, cycle path and bridle way improvements now to include improvements to A24/Headley Road junction A Section 106 Heads of Terms has been submitted setting out the agreement between the applicant and SCC Highways in respect of sustainable transport measures (mini bus, cycle vouchers, A24 junction improvements) Subsequently, a re-consultation was undertaken from 6-28 May 2020 in which all of the consultees and neighbours originally contacted were re- contacted, together with all those who had made comments during the initial consultation period (14 Feb-6 Mar 2020). A further site notice was also displayed. The site has been designated for residential development since at least 2000 and is listed under Local Plan policy RUD21 as a Major Developed Site in the Green Belt, a policy which was saved in the Local Plan Review of 2012 and which was also included in the Brownfield Land Availability Assessment of 2017. The proposed development comprises 3no. access points leading off The Drive, which would replace the existing 6no. vehicular access points. The spur roads leading off these 3no. access points are illustrative only and comprise reserved matters. The proposed access is considered an improvement over the existing situation both in terms of highways safety and in terms of character and ecology, allowing the reintroduction of soft landscaping at the site of the existing access points along the northern and southern sides of The Drive. No objections to the proposed access points have been received from the Highways Authority on highways safety grounds. Any residual cumulative impacts on the road network would be mitigated by the raft of proposed highways improvements detailed below. In terms of the proposed residential land use zones, these have been assessed as 2 elements: 1. Area 1: the residential land use zones sited within the previously developed land (PDL) with approx. 63no. new dwellings and representing 90% of the outline scheme; and 2. Area 2: the residential land use zones sited beyond the previously developed land (PDL) with approx. 7no. new dwellings and representing 10% of the residential zone. The proposed development within Area 1 is considered to comply with the NPPF exceptions list for inappropriate development in the Green Belt under paragraph 145 g) by reason that it would: comprise the partial or complete redevelopment of previously developed land, (excluding temporary buildings); and result in no greater harm to the openness of the Green Belt than that existing. The proposed development within Area 2 is not considered to comply with the NPPF Green Belt exceptions list and, therefore, to comprise inappropriate development, which would, by definition, be harmful to the Green Belt. However, it is concluded that there are very special circumstances (VSC) which, in this case, outweigh the harm by reason of DM 3 inappropriateness and to the openness of the Green Belt and to justify its approval, namely: Restoration of extensive existing hardstanding/car parks as open green space; Creation of publicly accessible open space for recreation; Contribution to need for affordable housing which could not be achieved without allowing a small proportion of development outside of land identified as PDL; and Reduction of existing harm to Green Belt openness due to proposed decrease in previously high level of activity as military rehabilitation centre and visual impact of extensive car parking, secure boundary treatment and lighting. The proposal is considered to result in less than substantial harm to the setting of nearby heritage assets or the rural character of the area which is outweighed by the public benefits. SCC Highways has agreed a series of highways, footways and bridlepath improvements which result in an acceptable scheme. Following amendments, the original concerns of SWT regarding ecology have been overcome. The scheme delivers the following benefits to the district: 70no. new dwellings against a local housing land supply shortfall of 2 years 6no. on-site affordable housing, which represents 50% of the net additional floor space, and is over and above the policy requirement of 40% Reduction in harm to Green Belt in terms of the visual impact and effect of proposed activity levels on openness including restoration to open green space of extensive car park along north of The Drive Retention of 2.4ha open space against the 2.5ha. of existing open space, which represents 96% 10% increase in green space Nearly 25% reduction in developed area (on footprint) Publicly accessible open space (where the open space was previously private) Publicly accessible children’s play area Highways improvements including a raft of foot/cycle paths & bridleways proposals Travel plan to include a mini-bus, cycle vouchers and a member of staff to encourage alternative forms of travel to the private car Provision of electric vehicle charging point to every new dwelling Improved buffer to Ancient Woodland of 15m including remediation of existing hardstanding Retention of 70% of existing trees including 100% of trees of significant amenity value and replacement of an equivalent number or more than those to be removed. Biodiversity net gains at nearly 10% Reduction in pressure on greenfield land to deliver housing in the district Efficient use of vacant brownfield land On balance the recommendation is for approval, subject to conditions and a s106 agreement to secure highway improvements and a mini-bus service. DM 4 2. Development Plan Development Affecting Ancient Woodland/within 500m Landscape Character Area – Box Hill Metropolitan Green Belt (CS1) Allocated Site for Housing (RUD21) 3. Relevant Planning History The site has a long planning history; as such, only the more recent applications for development within the red site outline are listed in the table below. Ref. Description Decision MO/77/0936 Junior Ranks Dining Room, 2250 sqft NO OBJECTION MO/83/0158 Proposed block of 8 garages NO OBJECTION MO/84/0631 Control kiosk for sewage pumping station APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS MO/84/0751 MT Section Extension NO OBJECTION MO/84/0812 NAAFI Extension NO OBJECTION MO/85/1111 Proposed stores extension NO OBJECTION MO/88/1538 Proposed Addition at RAF Headley NO OBJECTION MO/2002/0021 Two storey mess annexe OBJECTION MO/2003/0633 Single storey extension to rear of existing NO OBJECTION NAAFI building to provide additional toilet facilities. MO/2004/0036 Anti -intruder securtiy fence around the NO OBJECTION Sergeant's mess complex.
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