7 Newspaper Jan Mot In Brief 7 Newspaper Jan Mot 63, 64, 65, 66 In Brief 63, 64, 65, 66 September of that year inmates of the state sense of the physical presence of the writer,September of that year inmates of the state sense of the physical presence of the writer, prison at Attica, New York revolted and took and at the same time to unlock a hidden meprison- at Attica, New York revolted and took and at the same time to unlock a hidden me- control of a part of the institution. Foremost aning from the simple but ambiguous langucontrol- In of a partBrief of the institution. Foremost aning from the simple but ambiguous langu- In Brief among their demands was the recognition of age. The act of reading and rereading finallyamong their demands was the recognition of age. The act of reading and rereading finally their right “to be treated as human beings.” led me to the idea of a musical treatment. Thetheir rightThe Stedelijk “to be treated Museum as Amsterdamhuman beings.” purchased led me to the idea of a musical treatment. The The Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam purchased After several days of fruitless negotiations, text is as follows: After twoseveral works: days Olivier of fruitless Silva. The negotiations, French Foreign text is as follows: two works: Olivier Silva. The French Foreign Governor Nelson Rockefeller ordered state “I think the combination of age and a greaterGovernor Legion Nelson (2000-2003) Rockefeller by Rineke ordered Dijkstra state and“I think the combination of age and a greater Legion (2000-2003) by Rineke Dijkstra and police to retake the prison by force, on the coming together is responsible for the speed7 Newspaperpolice Mario to retake JanGarcia theMot prisonTorres ’by Preliminary force, on theSketches coming togetherIn is Briefresponsible for the speed Mario Garcia Torres’ Preliminary63, 64, Sketches 65, 66 grounds that the lives of the guards whom of the passing time. It’s six months now, andgrounds from that the the Past lives and of for the the guards Future whom (Stedelijk of the passing time. It’s six months now, and from the Past and for the Future (Stedelijk the prisoners had taken as hostages were in I can tell you truthfully few periods in mythe prisonersMuseum) had which taken the as artisthostages produced were infor hisI can tell you truthfully few periods in my Museum) which the artist produced for his danger. In the ensuing violence forty-three life have passed so quickly. I am in exceldanger.- solo In show the ensuingin the museum violence in forty-three2007. life have passed so quickly. I am in excel- solo show in the museum in 2007. persons, including several of the hostages, lent physical and emotional health. There arepersons, including several of the hostages, lent physical and emotional health. There are were killed and many more wounded. One of doubtless subtle surprises ahead, but I Septemberfeelwere killedVan ofAbbemuseum and that many year moreinmates Eindhoven wounded. of the acquired Onestate of senseDadoubtless- of the subtlephysical surprises presence ahead, of the but writer, I feel Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven acquired Da- the dead was Sam Melville, a prisoner who secure and ready. As lovers will contrast prisontheirthe dead atvid Attica, wasLamelas SamNew DesertMelville,York revolted People a prisoner and(1974) took who (film and andsecure at the and same ready. time As to lovers unlock will a hiddencontrast me their- vid Lamelas Desert People (1974) (film and had played a significant role in organizing the emotions in times of crisis, so am I dealingcontrolhad played theof a original part a significant of thestory institution. roleboard in organizingdrawings) Foremost andthe aningDeiemotions- from thein timessimple of but crisis, ambiguous so am Ilangu dealing- Inthe original Brief story board drawings) and Dei- rebellion. with my environment. In the indifferent amongbrurebellion.- theirmantas demands Narkevicius was the’ filmrecognition Revisiting of Solarisage.with The my act environment. of reading and In therereading indifferent finally bru - mantas Narkevicius’ film Revisiting Solaris In the spring of 1971, Melville had written tality, the incessant noise, the experimentaltheirIn theright(2006). spring “to be of treated 1971, Melvilleas human had beings.” written ledtality, me to the the incessant idea of a musicalnoise, the treatment. experimental The The(2006). Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam purchased a letter to a friend describing his experience chemistry of food, the ravings of lost hysteAftera -letter several to a daysfriend of describing fruitless negotiations,his experience textchemistry is as follows: of food, the ravings of lost hyste- two works: Olivier Silva. The French Foreign of the passage of time in prison. After his rical men, I can act with clarity and meaning.Governorof thePMMK, passage Nelson the ofRockefeller Museumtime in prison.for ordered Modern After state Art his in “I Os ricalthink- men, the combination I can act with of clarity age and and a meaning.greater LegionPMMK, (2000-2003) the Museum by Rineke for Modern Dijkstra Art inand Os - death the letter was published in the maga- I am deliberate, sometimes even calculating,policedeath to tend,the retake letter acquired the was prison thepublished film by force,Villes in the Saisieson maga the /- CapcomingI am- deliberate, together is sometimes responsible even for thecalculating, speed Mariotend, Garciaacquired Torres the film’ Preliminary Villes Saisies Sketches / Cap - zine, Ramparts. As I read it I was impressed seldom employing histrionics except as agrounds testzine, Ramparts.tures that Citiesthe livesAs which I readof theManon it Iguards was de impressed whomBoer realised ofseldom the passing employing time. It’s histrionics six months except now, as and a test fromtures the Cities Past whichand for Manon the Future de Boer (Stedelijk realised both by the poetic quality of the text and by of the reactions of others. I read much, exertheboth -prisoners byin 2007the hadpoetic in takencollaboration quality as hostages of the with text were Nedjma and in by Hadj.I canof the tell reactions you truthfully of others. few I readperiods much, in myexer - Museum)in 2007 whichin collaboration the artist withproduced Nedjma for Hadj.his its cryptic irony. I read it over and over again. cise, talk to guards and inmates, feelingdanger. forits cryptic OtherIn the irony. worksensuing I read by violence it Manonover and forty-threede over Boer again. entered lifecise, have talk passed to guards so quickly. and inmates, I am infeeling excel for- soloOther show works in the bymuseum Manon in 2007.de Boer entered It seemed that I was trying both to capture a the inevitable direction of my life.” persons,It seemedthe including collection that I was several oftrying the of MUHKAboth the tohostages, capture in Antwerp: a lentthe physical inevitable and direction emotional of myhealth. life.” There are the collection of the MUHKA in Antwerp: were killedPresto. and manyPerfect more Sound wounded. (2006), One Resonating of doubtless subtle surprises ahead, but I feel VanPresto. Abbemuseum Perfect SoundEindhoven (2006), acquired Resonating Da- the deadSurfaces was Sam (2005) Melville, and an a untitledprisoner photographic who secure and ready. As lovers will contrast their vidSurfaces Lamelas (2005)Desert and People an untitled (1974) photographic (film and had playedwork a significantfrom 2001. role in organizing the emotions in times of crisis, so am I dealing thework original from story 2001. board drawings) and Dei- rebellion. with my environment. In the indifferent bru- mantas Narkevicius’ film Revisiting Solaris Oral Culture starts off with In the springOralHeidi Balletof 1971, starts CultureMelville working had in thewritten gallery mid-tality,starts the incessant off noise, thewith experimental (2006).Heidi Ballet starts working in the gallery mid- a letter January.to a friend She describing was previously his experience an assistant chemistry for of food, the ravings of lost hyste- January. She was previously an assistant for of the passageVanhaerents of time Collection in prison. in BrusselsAfter his and rical the men, I can act with clarity and meaning. PMMK,Vanhaerents the Museum Collection for Modernin Brussels Art inand Os the- John Cage and Robert BarrydeathJohn theproduction letter was manager Cagepublished at Contourin the magaand in Mechelen- I am Robert deliberate, sometimes Barry even calculating, tend,production acquired manager the film at Villes Contour Saisies in Mechelen / Cap- zine, Ramparts.(BE). She As studied I read Sinologyit I was impressed at the University seldom employing histrionics except as a test tures(BE). Cities She whichstudied Manon Sinology de at Boer the Universityrealised From January 2008, the gallery runs a varying speech patterns. bothFrom by intheJanuary Leuven. poetic quality2008,After three theof the galleryyears, text and Sofieruns by Matthys a ofvarying the reactions speech of patterns. others. I read much, exer- in in2007 Leuven. in collaboration After three withyears, Nedjma Sofie MatthysHadj. parallel program under the title ‘Oral The lecture in Brussels will be recited by itsWillparallel cryptic left irony. theprogram gallery I read underitfor over a new andthe job over title as again. a ‘Oralstaff mem cise,The- talk lecture to guards in Brussels and inmates,will be recited feeling by for Will Otherleft theworks gallery by forManon a new dejob Boeras a staff entered mem - Culture’. The objective is to produce a life Holder according to the explicit instructionIt Culture’.seemed ber that of The the I wasobjective Hogeschool trying isboth to in produce Ghent.to capture a lifea theHolder inevitable according direction to ofthe my explicit life.” instruction theber collection of the Hogeschool of the MUHKA in Ghent. in Antwerp: performance once a month which is ‘oral- that music is being played as an accompaniperformance- once a month which is ‘oral- that music is being played as an accompani- Presto. Perfect Sound (2006), Resonating ly based’, in the presence of an audience. ment from an adjacent room.
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