ADDITIONS TO THE COUNCIL AGENDA February 3, 2021 ITEM REQUESTED PAGE 1. 1:30 PM – MLA RJ Sigurdson in Attendance – Coal Policy Discussion *2. Bylaw 66/2020 – Temporary Road Bylaw HRC 2 *3. Tax Roll #2203227630 – Request to Cancel Late Payment Penalties LF 4 *4. Tax Roll #2101365110 – Add Unpaid Invoices to Taxes CH 8 *5. Intermunicipal Recreation Services Agreements – Letter to Minister RP 9 *6. Bylaw 5/2021 - CAO Bylaw (2nd/3rd Reading) RP 10 *7. Bylaw 6/2021 - Designated Officers Bylaw (2nd/3rd Reading) RP 17 *8. Snow Clearing Complaint – 286 Ave. West HRC 38 *9. Draft Letter to Government of Alberta Re: Provincial Coal Policy DM 40 10. Records Retention Bylaw Amendments - Council Meetings DM 11. Tower Co-location Requirements DM 12. Council Action List DM 13. Parked Cattle Liners - 466 Ave. & 82 St. East HRC 14. Water License Discussion HRC 15. Village of Longview Road Closure HRC 16. CONFIDENTIAL – Closed Meeting of Council – FOIP s. 27 – Unsightly RP/DR Premises 17. CONFIDENTIAL – Closed Meeting of Council – FOIP s. 23 - Town of HRC Okotoks/Foothills County Memorandum of Understanding – Water Project REMINDERS Foothills County – Okotoks Intermunicipal Committee Meeting February 23, 2021 – 1:00 – 3:00 pm Foothills County – High River Intermunicipal Committee Meeting March 4, 2021 – 2:30 – 4:00 pm Foothills County-Calgary Intermunicipal Committee Meeting March 12, 2021 – 1:30 – 3:00 pm Rural Municipalities of Alberta – 2021 Spring Convention March 16 – 17, 2021 (Virtual) BYLAW 66/2020 BEING A BYLAW OF FOOTHILLS COUNTY TO OPEN A TEMPORARY ROAD ON PRIVATE LANDS UNDER THE DIRECTION, CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF FOOTHILLS COUNTY WHEREAS this Bylaw may be cited as the “Foothills County NE 35-22-05 W5M Road Project Temporary Road Bylaw.” WHEREAS pursuant to Section 26 of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, and amendments thereto, a Council may pass a bylaw to open a temporary road or a temporary right of way on private lands; and WHEREAS there is an existing gravel roadway on the private lands described below which is used by members of the public for access to their lands; and WHEREAS Foothills County deems it to be in the public interest to open a temporary road on private lands to ensure that the roadway may be used by the public until a permanent road may be opened; NOW THEREFORE the Council of Foothills County, duly assembled, hereby enacts as follows: 1. A temporary road shall be opened upon and across those private lands legally described as: MERIDIAN 5 RANGE 5 TOWNSHIP 22 SECTION 35 QUARTER NORTH EAST EXCEPTING THEREOUT ALL MINES AND MINERALS AREA: 61.37 HECTARES (151.66 ACRES) MORE OR LESS (hereinafter referred to as the “Private Lands”) Such temporary road shall be approximately 10 meter wide and shall be located on and across the westerly portions of the Private Lands all as shown outlined in red in the Attached Schedule “A”. 2. Foothills County shall maintain the temporary road as is necessary from the effective date of this Bylaw. 3. The owner or occupant of the Private Lands may be entitled to compensation from Foothills County for the use of the temporary road or for loss or damage caused by the temporary road in such amount as may be agreed upon or as determined by the Land Compensation Board. 4. The temporary road shall be open until July 6, 2021, which is a period of six (6) months from the effective date of this Bylaw. 5. This Bylaw shall have effect on the date of its third reading and upon being signed. First Reading: December 16, 2020 REEVE CAO Page 2 Second Reading: REEVE CAO Third Reading: REEVE CAO PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL assembled at the Town of High River in the Province of Alberta this day , 20 . Page 3 AGENDA ITEM FOR COUNCIL MEETING: 25-Jan-21 ITEM TITLE: Request to Cancel Late Payment Penalties SECTION/CATEGORY COUNCIL MEETING ITEM NO. (Please indicate one) 1 Land Date: February 3, 2021 2 Legal Authorization Signatures 3 Labour 1. Author/Title: Sheryl Pinto, Tax Roll Clerk 4 Miscellaneous X 2. Supervisor/Title: Leslie Fitzgerald, Assessment & Tax Coordinator INTRODUCTION: The landowners are requesting that late payment penalties of $932.12 and $1,933.46 be cancelled for Tax Roll 2203227630. OVERVIEW: The landowner advised he called in to have the mailing address changed some time ago. There is no record of an address change request being made and no returned mail has been received for this tax roll. The tax roll is currently outstanding the 2019 and 2020 property taxes and associated penalties. Please be advised that statutory requirements were met and there was no staff error. ATTACHMENT(S): 1. Page 4 From: Foothills County Property Tax Department To: Subject: RE: 2019 & 2020 tax/assessment notices Date: January 22, 2021 1:20:00 PM Hi, Sheryl will submit a request for decision based on the information you’ve provided. If there is anything else you would like added please let us know. Thank you, Leslie From: Sent: January 22, 2021 1:01 PM To: Foothills County Property Tax Department <[email protected]> Subject: RE: 2019 & 2020 tax/assessment notices Unfortunately I do not know the exact date or who I spoke to. It would of been after I received the 2018 and paid those as we have been living here since 2014. Is there an email to discuss with counsel or it would have to be a call? Thanks, On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 12:43 PM Foothills County Property Tax Department <Foothills County Property Tax Department > wrote: Good afternoon, Staff do not have the authority to waive late payment penalties, we will have to submit a request to Council. Do you remember when you contacted us to change your mailing address? Do you remember who you spoke to? Thanks, Leslie From: Sent: January 22, 2021 12:21 PM To: Foothills County Property Tax Department <[email protected]> Subject: Fwd: 2019 & 2020 tax/assessment notices Hi, I had called in awhile back and changed our address to the Priddis location, but it was never updated in the system it looks like. I realized today that we haven't received our tax assessment in awhile so called in. I was wondering if there would be any bending room on the interest on line #75 and 77 if we pay in full next week? Thanks, Page 5 ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Erin Frey <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Jan 22nd, 2021 at 12:12 PM Subject: 2019 & 2020 tax/assessment notices To: Hi I have attached copies of your 2019 & 2020 tax/assessment notices for you. Penalties have been applied to your account, and your current balance outstanding is $18, 045.66 (see below transaction detail) I have updated your mailing address to reflect . Please ensure your mailing address is updated with Alberta Land Titles (scroll down the page to find Change of Address and Name PDF) https://www.alberta.ca/land-titles-overview.aspx The Calgary Land Titles office is 403-297-6511 to reach them directly. If you have any further tax questions regarding payments, payment plan etc, please contact the tax department. Our tax email is [email protected] Have A Good Day. Page 6 Erin Frey Tax Roll Clerk/Mapping Technician Foothills County Direct: 403-603-6243 mdfoothills.com Page 7 AGENDA ITEM FOR COUNCIL MEETING: February 3, 2021 ITEM TITLE: Add accounts receivable invoices to taxes SECTION/CATEGORY COUNCIL MEETING ITEM NO. (Please indicate one) 1 Land Date: February 3, 2021 2 Legal Authorization Signatures 3 Labour 1. Author/Title: Christine Hummel 2. 4 Miscellaneous X INTRODUCTION: Add unpaid accounts receivable invoice to taxes, customer ID 223660 (occurrence 200500115) OVERVIEW: Add unpaid accounts receivable invoice in the amount of $1,200 to tax roll 2101365110. This was for a fire response to a ruptured gas line that occurred in May of 2020. There has been no response to collection efforts. Page 8 Page 9 MISCELLANEOUS MUNICIPAL ITEM LEGISLATIVE SERVICES REPORT TO COUNCIL February 3, 2021 TOPIC: CAO BYLAW 5/2021 DESIGNATED OFFICER BYLAW 6/2021 REPORT PREPARED BY: Sherri Barrett for CAO Payne PURPOSE OF REQUEST To consider second and third reading of: 1. Bylaw 5/2021 (CAO Bylaw) 2. Bylaw 6/2021 (Designated Officer Bylaw) BACKGROUND Council granted first reading to both Bylaw 5/2021 (CAO Bylaw) and Bylaw 6/2021 (Designated Officer Bylaw) on January 27, 2021. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS REQUEST OF COUNCIL Council is respectfully requested to provide second and third readings to: 1. Bylaw 5/2021 (CAO Bylaw) 2. Bylaw 6/2021 (Designated Officer Bylaw) APPENDICES APPENDIX A: BYLAW 5/2020 APPENDIX B: BYLAW 6/2020 Page 10 APPENDIX A BYLAW 5/2021 Being a Bylaw of Foothills County to establish the position of Chief Administrative Officer; to establish and define the powers and duties of the Chief Administrative Officer; to provide for the appointment of the Chief Administrative Officer as Designated Officer; and to delegate powers, duties and functions to the Chief Administrative Officer. WHEREAS the Modernized Municipal Government Act requires Council establish a position or positions of Chief Administrative Officer by bylaw; AND WHEREAS the Modernized Municipal Government Act prescribe the responsibilities and major administrative duties of the Chief Administrative Officer; AND WHEREAS Council wishes to delegate certain powers to the Chief Administrative Officer in accordance with the Modernized Municipal Government Act; NOW THEREFORE the Council of Foothills County, duly assembled, enacts as follows: 1. TITLE 1.1 This Bylaw may be referred to as the "CAO Bylaw." 2. PURPOSE 2.1 The purpose of this Bylaw is to establish the position of Chief Administrative Officer and to delegate certain powers, duties and functions to the Chief Administrative Officer.
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