JAE_2019_02.qxp_Hrev_master 24/06/19 11:03 Pagina 55 Journal of Agricultural Engineering 2019; volume L:885 Flow resistance of partially flexible vegetation: A full-scale study with natural plants Enrico Antonio Chiaradia, Claudio Gandolfi, Gian Battista Bischetti Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy resistance coefficient is less than 0.01, while it increases of up to Abstract one order of magnitude when (E∙M∙PAI) exceeds 1010. Riparian vegetation plays a crucial role in riverine ecosys- Furthermore, our results show a distinct two-stage trend of the tems, providing many types of benefits to nature and humanity. value of the additional contribution to the n coefficient of a given However, a high vegetation density can reduce the conveyance vegetation setup at varying velocities and submergence levels, with values decreasing when a threshold of velocity and submer- capacity of a watercourse, particularly in the case of shrubs, which gence ratio is exceeded. The position of this threshold point are very common within riverbeds and widely used in river and appears to be related to the geometrical and mechanical character- channel restoration works. In this paper, we study the influence of istics of the plants. Although our experiments do not provide three species of shrubs (white and goat willows and black alder) enough data to identify a functional relationship between n and on the hydraulic resistance factor of a real-scale channel under specific characteristics of the plants and of the flow, they show controlled flow conditions. A system for the anchorage of shrubs that the effect of shrubs on hydraulic resistance is highly variable to the channel bed allowed us to carry out repeated experiments with the flow conditionsonly and that the conveyance capacity may be with the three plant species and with varying plant densities and significantly larger than expected. flow rates. The experimental results provided a range of values for the additional contribution of the vegetation to the hydraulic resis- tance factor from 0.004 to 0.071 m–1/3s, in terms of Manning’s use coefficient. This variability is related to the vegetation setup (plant Introduction species and density) but also to the increasingly hydrodynamic Riparian vegetation plays a crucial role in riverine ecosystems, configuration assumed by plants at higher flow velocities and sub- providing many benefits to nature and humanity (Bennet and mergence ratios. We found that these factors can be summarised Simon, 2004). Plants on riverbanks and floodplains, in fact, provide quite effectively by the product of elasticity (E), plant density (M), 8 habitats and food resources for wildlife, improve geomorphologic and plant area index (PAI). At small (E∙M∙PAI) values (<10 ) the stability and enhance aesthetic and recreational value (Pusey and Arthington, 2003; Merritt et al., 2010). As a consequence, conser- vation and improvement of native riparian plants are frequently rec- ommended by environmental agencies for river management and Correspondence: Enrico Antonio Chiaradia, Department of Agricultural bank protection (e.g., FISRWG, 1998), both by planting and by and Environmental Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano, via adopting soil bioengineering techniques. At the same time, howev- Celoria 2, 20133 Milano, Italy. er, it is equally widely recognised that riverine vegetation, especial- E-mail: [email protected] ly shrubs and bushes, can reduce the conveyance capacity of a stream due to the increased hydraulic resistance and of the reduction Key words: Vegetation; flow resistance; hydraulic roughness; riverbank of hydraulic sections (e.g., Chow, 1959 p. 102). stabilisation. Non-commercialIn recent years, an increasing number of studies have been car- ried out to investigate the relationship between different types of Acknowledgements: the research was conducted under the Monaco vegetation and flow characteristics. Some of these studies have Project granted by DG Agricoltura of Regione Lombardia (Programma regionale di ricerca in campo agricolo 2001-2003). We thank Ettore addressed fully flexible and fully submerged vegetation, such as Fanfani, Fausto Cremascoli, Attilio Lucchini, Adolfo Rocca, and Luca, of grass and macrophytes (Temple, 1999; Yen, 2002; Carollo et al., Consorzio Muzza Bassa Lodigiana for their fundamental contribution to 2005; Kirkby et al., 2005; Bal et al., 2011; Nepf, 2012; Li et al., the building of the experimental channel and to the tests conduction. 2014; Bebina Devi and Kumar, 2016; Errico et al., 2018). The results that were obtained are robust, but their field of application Received for publication: 29 June 2018. is quite restricted (mainly grassed waterways and narrow streams). Accepted for publication: 8 May 2019. When shrubs and small riparian trees are concerned, as for exam- ple in many stream restoration works or in maintaining riparian ©Copyright E.A. Chiaradia et al., 2019 vegetation on stream banks, their applicability is very limited. Licensee PAGEPress, Italy Other studies focused on rigid non-submerged vegetation, typ- Journal of Agricultural Engineering 2019; L:885 doi:10.4081/jae.2019.885 ically trees (Ming and Shen, 1973; Arcement and Schneider, 1987; Yen, 2002; Järvelä, 2004; Kothyari et al., 2009), providing a This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons sound framework to consider its effect on flood propagation over Attribution Noncommercial License (by-nc 4.0) which permits any non- floodplains, but they are of little use when semi-natural, mixed commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provid- riverbank vegetation is at present. ed the original author(s) and source are credited. Fewer studies have considered non-rigid and non-submerged [Journal of Agricultural Engineering 2019; L:885] [page 55] JAE_2019_02.qxp_Hrev_master 24/06/19 11:03 Pagina 56 Article or just submerged plants. Quite often, they were based on hydraulic experiments conducted in laboratory flumes, with artifi- Materials and methods cial elements mimicking the real vegetation, owing to the practical difficulties involved in using real plants (Wu et al., 1999; Yen, The experimental channel 2002; Righetti and Armanini, 2002; Stone and Shen, 2002; Wilson The experimental channel was obtained by adapting an exist- et al., 2003; Musleh and Cruise, 2006; Yagci et al., 2010; Jalonen ing ditch, which connects a large pumping station for land recla- et al., 2013). When real vegetation was used, the experiments were mation to the receiving water body (the Adda river). generally conducted in small-scale laboratory flumes with young Figure 1 shows a plan view of the experimental channel. A plants or tiny portions of green vegetation (Yen, 2002; Armanini et sluice gate at the channel inlet allows the control of the flow rate al., 2005; Rhee et al., 2008; Righetti, 2008; Chiaradia, 2012; (Figure 1 and 2) according to the water level upstream of the gate, Västila et al., 2013). Only in very few cases have the experiments based on a theoretical flow-rating curve verified by actual dis- involved fully developed vegetation in real flow conditions (Yen, charge measurements. A floating gage provides continuous moni- 2002; Freeman et al., 2000; Västila et al., 2013). Although small- toring of the water level. The channel is 130 m long and can be scale experiments are fundamental to investigate the relationships split into six different reaches. The central reach (reach 4 in Figure between plants and flow under rigorously controlled conditions, 1) is the one in which vegetation can be placed; it is 40 m long with scale issues concerning the mechanical and geometrical properties a bottom slope of 0.01, and it has a trapezoidal cross-section with of plants as well as the hydraulic conditions can severely affect the a base width of 2 m and a side slope of 1.5 H:1 V (H=horizontal, results. In fact, the shape of shrub vegetation dynamically varies as V=vertical). The banks are lined with boulders, and the concrete a response to the drag force exerted by the flow. Therefore, the bottom hosts a network of cylindrical plastic housings (0.4 m spac- mutual interaction between flow conditions and vegetation is ing) that allow the vegetation branches to be firmly anchored strongly related to the characteristics of plants, such as branching, (Figure 2). Five stilling wells are distributed along this reach at 10 foliation and stiffness (e.g., Chiaradia, 2012), which are very diffi- m intervals, permitting water depth measurements by floating cult to reproduce in small-scale models. Thus, full-scale experi- gages. The central reach is onlypreceded by three shorter reaches (1, 2 ments are highly relevant and can provide new insights into the and 3 in Figure 1), in which the inflow from the inlet gate is relationships between shrub vegetation and flow. Unfortunately, smoothed to facilitate the attainment of steady state conditions at such experiments require large channels and huge volumes of the beginning of the central reach. Finally, two terminal reaches (5 water, plants and labour, and they are subject to more limitations and 6 in Figureuse 1) gradually connect the central reach with the than small-scale tests (e.g., repeatability, seasonality, difficulties in receiving water body. It is worth noting that through the adaptation measuring and controlling the hydraulic variables). of an existing structure, we obtained a full-scale experimental In this study, we present and discuss the results of a number of channel with a very small investment, compared with laboratory full-scale experiments conducted in a large channel equipped with facilities of similar size. The main necessary works consisted of real branches of riparian vegetation (Salix and Alnus spp.), consid- lining the bed of the transition and central reaches (3 and 4), creat- ering a wide range of discharge values (up to 5 m3/s) and various ing a branch-anchoring system based on cylindrical plastic hous- plant densities, similar to those that can be observed in nature.
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