p. OCA. RATON NEWjf Serving Boca Raton and Dmrfmid B®ach Vol. 2 No. 51 Boca Raton Florida, November IS, 19S7 Phom® 9005 Pric® 10 C®nts Newman Installed Chamber President H. C. Newman was instal- area will undertake to dec- led as president of the orate the shopping center, Chamber of Commerce be- at their own expense. Watch fore a crowd of 300 in the the roof of the First Bank Patio Royale of the Boca of Boca Raton for its Christ- Raton Club, last night. mas display. Other officers are Bernard The Chamber will again Turner, first vice-president; hold the lighting contest Fred Jungbluth, second vice- Each of the 1 5 committees president; Miss Lillian Ab- have a specific program bott, secretary; and Robert planned. Keith, treasurer. New direc- The annual Products Fes- tors are Mrs. Eugene Lynch tival and Home Show will and Dr. William Maxfield. \\ be held during the season. Philip O'Connell, state at- Looking back, the Cham- torney, of West Palm Beach, ber of Commerce was orga- was installing officer. nized in the fall of 1951, George Roy, personnel with Dr. William G. O'Don- manager of the Boca Raton nell as president, Henry The Dedication of the American Legion Meade, Commander Daniel Andrew*, Club, was emcee. Warren served as president Home of Post 277, was held Veterans Arthur Rudford, John Cheriones, and Otto Yark, outgoing pre- for 1953-'54. The next twa Day. Taking part in the ceremony were, Dr. William O'Donnell. — Boca News sident, gave a resume o>f years Otto Yark guided the left, Mayor John L. Shores; Bruce Gaa- Photo by Margaret Olsson. last year's activities. Chamber. ken, Rep. Paul G. Rogers, Merrille C. Plaques were presented to 'BLOOD BANK FOR the outgoing directors, Ivon, BOCA RATON TO Strom and Mrs. Lynch. Governor Opens BE REPLENISHED The new president an- New Legion Home Dr. William O'Donnell in nounced that construction Publisher s an address several weeks had started on the new ago stressed the need of ad- Chamber of Commerce Convention Here Dedicated At Boca Raton ditional blood to replenish building on North Federal the Blood Bank of Boca Ra- Highway and that they hop- Gov. LeRoy Collins delhr ton. ed to be in the new office ered the opening address at by the middle of January. Highlighting Veterans Day ner, ninth district Sergeant Max Hutkin was appoint- the 54th annual convention ed co-chairman of this wor- The Christmas lighting of the Southern Newspaper festivities was the dedication at Arms. program, under chairman- of the new American Legion A band concert under the thy project and reports six Publishers Association, as groups will join as donors ship of Fred Jungbluth is more than three hundred Home, Post 277. More than direction of Philip J. Azzo- developing rapidly. A five two-hundred-fifty Legion- lina was presented by the with a quota of fiftypints: publishers gathered at the The Jaycees, Kiwanis, Lions, year plan has been adopted, Boca Raton Hotel and Club naires and friends attended. Boca Raton Municipal Band. lights will extend from El The dedicatory address A dance for legionnaires Rotary, Christian Business early this week. Men's International Commit- Camino Real to Kraeer Fun- The governor placed "an was given by Merrille C. was held in the evening. eral Home. The shopping Meade, vice-commander of tee and the American Le- unequalled opportun i t y" the Southern area. gion. and a "grave responsibility" Other distinguished guests LambWillGet Final arrangements are TO OU R READERS. upon the door-steps of the introduced and making under way and a date will Mrs. Beatrice Landry, your newsmen of the south. short talks were U.S. Repre- be set for a Mobile Unit to editor was reported to be In speaking on the racial sentative Paul' G. Rogers of GoodGov. Award take over. improving rapidly. According issue, Collins said the great- the Sixth Congressional Dis- With the holiday spirit to her visitors this week, est roadblock to progress he trict, Mayor John L. Shores, William Lamb, city marva.- creeping into our souls what she expects to be home by has yet encountered is the and the Ninth District Com- ger, will receive a Go<5d finer thing can we do for Sunday. (Continued Pg. 4) mander, Bruce Gaskins. Government award Satur- community, They were introduced by day, November 16, at the Post Chaplain Dr. William Florida Junior Chamber of O'Donnell. Commerce Conference in The address of welcome Naples, Fla. was made by«Post Comman- Mr. Lamb was nominated der Daniel Andrews, and by the Boca Raton Junior Past Commander Arthur Chamber of Commerce on Rudford gave the invoca- October 24tK for having tion. contributed the most in the Meritorious service awards field of good government to were presented to Eric the community. X.ohtz, William Roderick, The State judging com- Mrs, Floy C, Mitchell, Ralph mittee selected Mr. Lamb as Daubenspeck, Elliot Olson, one of the five men in the and Joseph DeLong. state of Florida making out- Commander Andrews pre- standing contributions in the sented Legionnaire Bob field of good government. Baker with a plaque as chair- These awards wll be pre- man of the building com- sented at the Saturday night mittee, commending him for banquet in Naples, Fla. a job well done. Baker in accepting the Blood Donations plaque said, "I accept this in behalf of my committee, Needed For Donafi for withoutout them the job G. B. Donati, N.E. Third could not have been accom- Avenue and 6th Ct, under- plished." went surgery Tuesday in Seen among the honored Holy Cross Hospital and is gueats were Mrs. Meade, desperately in need of William Lamb, second from right being men in the state, Looking on are Attor- Mrs. Neil Wellman, South- blood. Anyone willing to congratulated by Muyor John L. Shores, ney Leon Weaver and Dr. Harry Soreu- ern area_ auxiliary vice-pre- help please, contact Chief alter receiving news he ^.Lamb) had sen. -— Boca News Fhoto by Mavgjuet sident. Also, Mrs, A. Tan- Loughery. been selected as one al five outstanding Olsson. Friday, Nov. 15, 1957 THE BOCA RATON NEWS 3 2 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Friday, Nov. 15, 1957 Nearly New Shop Qver $4 Million Set as Goal Library Building FundReceives BPW HEARS Bjurberg Talk Will Be In On Civil Defense forMarchof Dimes This Year DelrayBeach Many Donations From Residents A national fund goal of into a rehabilitation program," The executive committee During the past few months Von Hoist; Mr. and Mrs. "Man made disasters, such was revved, setting into $4,900,000 for the January Lytal said. of the Nearly New Shop spon- as explosions and wars, call motion, national security. many generous donations have Thomas C. Jamison, Mr. and March of Dimes, primarily to He added, "rehabilitation sored by the Woman's Auxil- been made to the Boca Raton Mrs. Harold H. Selleck, and for civil defense operations, Engine number three en- support rehabilitation for is long-drawn-out, expensive iary of Bethesda Memorial while disasters caused by tails International relations, Library Association in the Mr, and Mrs. Alex J. Zimm- thousands of disabled polio and becoming more costly Hospital, met at the home of form of books and also contri- bracher, Boca Raton, whose acts of God, such as floods, engine number four, takes up victims, has been disclosed each year. The 3,100 local Mrs. Walter E. Perry. hurricanes and fires are public affairs. butions to the Library Building donations were in memory of .,,-^jy Lake Lytal, Palm Beach chapters of the foundation The date of opening will be under the supervision of the Fund. John W. ' Cooper, Another Career advancement is County's chairman for the now are spending 90 per cent announced later. The shop Red Cross," Richard Bjur- The following persons, all contribution was Mary J. likened to the nose of the coming campaign. of their funds for patients will be located at 520 East berg told the Business and residents of Boca Raton, Little of Kalamazoo, Mich. craft and of course landing 0/$ Chairman Lytal represented stricken before 1957, even Atlantic, Delray Beach Professional Women's Club made donations of books to' Mrs. Burt Rogers, President gear has to be finance. the county chapter at a recent though the Salk vaccine has opposite the Colony Hotel. at their meeting Tuesday the Library: Mr. and Mrs. of the Boca Raton Library The nose wheel, tail and meeting at New Orleans where drastically reduced the Attending the meeting were night. cockpit resemble legislation, Henry Christie, Dr. and Mrs. Association, and the Board top leaders of the National number of cases this year." Mrs. Anderson Hubbard, aux- William G. O'Donnell, Mr. He explained the differ- public relations and program Members gratefully acknow- Foundation for Infantile In addition to the costly iliary president, Mrs, Thomas and Mrs. H.D. Gates, Mr. and ences in the relief programs. coordination in that order. ledge the gifts. Paralysis drafted plans for care program, the March of L. Perkins, chairman of the Mrs. Frederick J. Matthews, The Civil Defense Organ- With any part of the structure the coming March of Dimes. Dimes will seek continued Nearly New Shop; Mrs. Earle and Mr. and Mrs. William ization has the authority to weakened, the program be- £*i Dramatic new advances in support for its professional P. Shannon, treasurer; Mrs. Westcott. M r. and Mrs. William Tanner "take over'' whatever is comes unbalanced. the field of rehabilitation, education program which has Fred Geehr, assistant treas- The following persons made are now occupying the pro- needed while the Red Cross Lytal said, now make it already given training to more urer; Mrs.
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