MfldlSOn ^OUege Lrfurury Harrisonhurjt. Virginia OCT a Jf Gtlj* \\\ffY Vol. XXXIX Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Saturday, October 6, 1962 No. 8 Student (Government Plans Howard Mitchell "Project Action" Series To Direct Concert "Project Action" is the name of treat may be read in Harrison Hall The National Symphony con- the Student Council's new major lobby where they are posted. ducted by Howard Mitchell will undertaking for this. year. Along Among the Orientation Week play at Wilson Auditorium on with the new project, the Council duties of SCA was the New Stu- October 12, as part of the com- has been working on traditional dent Talent Show with chairman, munity concert series. projects. junior representative, Sallie Ann The concert will include Overture The new project will embody a Mahaney. Assisting Sallie Ann to the Marriage of Figaro by Mo- variety of jobs that have been ac- was sophomore representative Judy zart, Symphony No. 8 by Bee- cumulating over a period of time. Shotwell. ' The coke and staging thoven, and Symphony No. 5 by Shostakvitch., High on the list of projects is parties held after the talent show consideration, evaluation, and pos- were also SGA sponsored: Only those students and residents sible revision of the electoral sys- Student Council sponsored a who have season passes will be tem and student council structure. mixer with AMA last weekend. admitted to the performance. The first in a series of mass meet- Thirty-five freshmen attended. So- ings of the student body is being cial Committee chairman, Liz planned for this purpose. Chappell, is working on another "Old Student-New Stifdent Day" mixer for the freshmen later this Theatre To Have assembly is a new project of the fall. • Council. At the assembly on Oc- The Council also sponsored a tober 17, members of the Honor trip to Bridgewater for the Bridge- Operetta Series water-Hampden-Sydney game for Council, SGO Council, and SGA The Virginia Theatre will spon- Council will be introduced along the same weekend. Mary Walder, sor a series, of six operettas be- with the advisors of each council. the junior representative, reported ginning on October 11 and ending A tentative date for Student a sign-up of 70 students. November 15. o—: Council's tea for the dormitory The first in the series is "Brig- hostesses lias been set. adoon," 4he Lerner and Lowe ro- >■ Oct. 15-27 One of the traditional projects mantic musical about Scotland. The Sigma Kappa Sorority girls display their costumes and deco- of the Student Council is the col- Second on the list is "The Fire- rations for their rush party.") Their theme was "The Roaring Twen- lege camp Retreat. The minutes Studio To Take fly" by Rudolf Friml, to be shoWn ties." Jl fctobei^ 18. T..L _ _—.,/ "C>*. Ik m y**» Madrid, Spain stars' Jeanette Mac- Donald. The Mclntosh Studio will be at sophomores Go Greek; Noel Coward's "Bitter Sweet" Music Becomes Madison College October 15-27 to will be presented on October 25. take the portrait photography work Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Sororities Go Berserk Part Of Doc's for the '63 Bluestone yearbook. Eddy star. "Naughty Marietta" by Victor October- 15-16 will be reserved by Betty Edwards tions have been made is "walk." Herbert will be shown on Novem- Sounds of live music coming for Seniors. The following 10 days All rushees will gather at Wilson ber 1. It, too, stars Jeanette Mac- Every fall at Madison about 125 from Doc's Tearoom may soon be Hall at 4:30 p(m. today. One will be for the underclassmen. Donald and Nelson Eddy. sophomores go Greek and ap- a permanent feature of campus by one—two minutes apart—they The underclassmen will have four Sigmund , Romburg's musical proximately 200 sorority girls go life. walk down to Main Street where poses in a blouse which is furn- "The Student Prince" starring Ann berserk. The Top Hats, a local combo, the sorority houses are located. played at Doc's on Tuesday night, ished by the yearbook. There will Blythe, Edmund Purdom, and the The occasion is rush week with voice of Mario Lanza will be pre- its excitement, speculation, last Each follows a set route which October 2 and may continue to play be a fee of $2.00 payable at time passes all the sorority houses. there each Tuesday night. sented on November 8. minute persuasions, rivalry, and of sitting. Students may choose a Another of Romburg's musicals elaborate rush parties. Rush week When the rushee reaches her Norman Dean, proprietor, said pose they like for the yearbook "Maytime" will complete the series at Madison this year began on chosen sorority, she turns and/runs that Tuesday night was a "trial and for $4.95 will get 12 billfold on November 15. Jeanette Mac- September 26 and ends today, into the sorority house. She is performance." He added, "If every- Donald and Nelson Eddy will star. October 6, with walk. met half way by screaming soror- thing runs smoothly, the combo portraits. Among the well-known songs Each of the seven national so- ity sisters-to-be who did not know will play on succeeding Tuesday The hours for shooting the por- featured in the six operettas are rorities on campus (Alpha Gamma until that moment where the nights." traits will be 10:00 a.m.-l:00 p.m., "Almost Like Being In Love," Delta, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Alpha rushee would be going. from 2:00 p.m.-to 5:00 p.m. and at Norman Dean took over the "D6nkey Serenade," "I'll Be See- Sigma Tau, Phi Mu, Sigma Kappa, The suspense of this dominates night from 7:00-9:00 p.m. This is management of Doc's last June ing You," and "Reverie." 3igma Sigma Sigma, and Zeta Tau the activities in the house. Each the first time that work has been when he leased it for an indefinite The Virginia Theatre located on Alpha) entertained its rushees at sorority watches anxiously its scheduled at night. period of time from Howard Loew- Main Street in Harrisonburg, is two open houses (informal get- rushees. A dropped pin may be ner, the original owner. One of the local studios in among three Shenandoah Valley togethers) and at a rush party. heard as she approaches another When Doc's was opened in 1948, Harrisonburg will aid in the pho- theatres selected from all of the These parties highlight the week sorority house that has rushed Mr, Loewner (Bob) made arrange- tography and will deliver the fin- Stanley Warner Theatres to pre- and are the sorority's big chance "their" rushee. If she walks past ments for his tearoom to be "on ished work to the college. sent the operettas. The other the- to impress its rushees. that house, there are sighs of re- campus" as' a college gathering Sign up sheets will be put up atres selected are the Dixie The- Each sorority had a different lief and maybe even tears of joy. place. His tearoorn had originally later for students, and announce- atre in Staunton and the Capitol theme. And the sorority house was. Naturally there is regret for been an apartment building. ments will be made concerning the Theatre in Winchester. The oper- decorated inside and outside, all those who pass and maybe even The new owner Norman Dean place the pictures will be taken. ettas are being shown by special the members costumed appro- envy for the sorority who did not is a former Navy man and was a If there are any questions please arrangement with the MGM Treas- priately, and even the favors, food, get the rushee. But this is hidden part-time worker at Doc's. see Dina Young in Giffbrd 206. ury of. Screen Masterpieces. and entertainment followed the or forgotten, and after wallc alll theme. Work begins the year be- sororities meet outside to congratu- fore, but the night before and the late each other. Exchange Students From France, Uruguay- day of the party the girls could Later they all join a Panhellenic be seen working frantically. sing fest—signifying unity again in One night music blared out over the Greek world. Study At Madison On State Scholarships campus and girls "of the roaring twenties" did the Charleston. Again this year Madison College Another night hula girls greeted has two foreign exchange students guests at another house, with leis who are studying on scholarships and an Hawaiian welcome. Another English Professors granted by the Commonwealth of house was transformed into a Virginia. Western ranch. Jacqueline Desperez, the French Other houses became a Southern To Give Readings student, is on leave from the Sor- plantation, _a carnival, a boat or a - Public readings planned and bonne, The University of Paris. Japanese dwelling. sponsored by the English Depart- At Madison she is presently taking Each sorority was limited to ment at Madison will begin on courses in German and The Short spending $70 for its party by Pan- October 16. These readings will Story; next semester, ho\yever, she hellenic Council. But wonders continue through March 19 with a will take American Literature, a seem to be done with this. All member or members of the depart- course in which she is most inter- decorations, food and favors are ment reading at each. ested. Jacqueline is taking three paid for out of this. courses in correspondence with the Favors ranged from soft cush- Dr. Mary Latimer and Dr. Sorbonne. She is also assisting ions, garters and dolls to sorority Louis Locke will read from Robert Dr.
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