Drug Metabolism and DIsposition: the biological fate of chemicals March/April 1993 Vol. 21, No.2 CONTENTS Biotransformation of Proterguride in the Perfused Rat Pharmacokinetics of Representative 3-Hydroxypyridin- Liver. W. KRAUSE, B. DUSTERBERG, U. JAKOBS, 4-ones in Rabbits: CP2O and CP94. ANDREA M. ANDG.-A.HOYER 203 FREDENBURG, PETER J. WEDLUND, THOMAS L. SKINNER, LYAQUATALI A. DAMANI, ROBERT C. Disposition of the Flame Retardant l,2-Bis(2,4,6-tri- HIDER, AND ROBERT A. YOKEL 255 bromophenoxy)ethane in Rats Following Admin- Downloaded from istration in the Diet. AMIN A. NOMEIR, PETER M. Microbial Models of Mammalian Metabolism: Furo- MARKHAM, BURHAN I. GHANAYEM, AND MARJORY semide Glucoside Formation Using the Fungus CHADWICK 209 Cunninghamella elegans. MEHRI HEZARI AND PA- TRICK J. DAVIS 259 Nonlinear Pharmaockinetics of Cefadroxil in the Rat. Cholesterol Sulfation in Human Liver: Catalysis by MARIA CARMEN GARCIA-CARBONELL, LUIS GRA- Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfotransferase. I. A. dmd.aspetjournals.org NERO, FRANCISCA TORRES-MOLINA, JUAN-CARLOS AKSOY, D. M. OTrERNESS, AND R. M. WEINSHIL- ARISTORENA, JESUS CHESA-JIMENEZ, JOS#{201}MARIA BOUM 268 PLA-DELFINA, AND JOSE-ESTEBAN PERIS-RIBERA 215 Mutual Kinetic Interaction Between 5-Fluorouracil and The Role of Cytochrome P-450 and Flavin-Containing Bromodeoxyuridine or lododeoxyuridine in Dogs. Monooxygenase in the Biotransformation of 4- DAVID E. SMITH, DEAN E. BRENNER, CONRAD A. Fluoro-N-methylaniline. M. G. BOERSMA, N. H. P. KNUTSEN, SUSAN J. DEREMER, PATRICIA A. TER- CNUBBEN, W. J. H. VAN BERKEL, M. BLOM, J. RIO, NORMA J. JOHNSON, PHILIP L. STETSON, AND at ASPET Journals on September 30, 2021 VERVOORT, AND I. M. C. M. RIETJENS 218 WILLIAM D. ENSMINGER 277 Disposition, Metabolism, and Pharmacodynamics of Metabolism and Disposition of a Thiazolobenzimida- Labetalol in Adult Sheep. KRISHNASWAMY YELES- zole Active Against HIV-l. SALAH M. EL DAREER, WARAM, DAN W. RURAK, EDDIE KWAN, CAROLINE KATHLEEN F. TILLERY, LUCY M. ROSE, CLAUDE F. HALL. AHMAD DOROUDIAN, FRANK S. ABBOTT, POSEY, ROBERT F. STRUCK, STEVEN W. STILLER, AND JAMES E. AXELSON 284 AND DONALD L. HILL 231 Inhibitory Effects of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Influence of Hepatic and Renal Failure on Pharmaco- Drugs (NSAIDs) on The Metabolism of 4-(Meth- kinetic Properties of the Novel Recombinant Plas- ylnitrosamino)-l-(3-pyndyl)-l-butanone(NNK) in minogen Activator BM 06.022 in Rats. ULRICH Mouse Lung Explants. LINE BOUCHARD AND MARTIN, GISBERT SPONER, AND KLAUS STREIN .. 236 ANDRE CASTONGUAY 293 Cytochrome P-450-Mediated Dehydrogenation of 2-N- NADPH and Oxygen Consumption in Isoflurane- Propyl-2(E)-pentenoic Acid, A Pharmacologically Facilitated 2-Chloro-l , 1-difluoroethane Metabo- Active Metabolite of Valproic Acid, in Rat Liver lism in Rabbit Liver Microsomes. YING WANG Microsomal Preparations. KELEM KASSAHUN AND AND MAX T. BAKER 299 THOMAS A. BAILLIE 242 Effect of Propylene Glycol on the Disposition of Dra- mamine in the Rabbit. KAREN M. WALTERS, WIL- Disposition of Zatosetron, a Serotonin (5-HT3) Recep- LIAM D. MASON, AND MOSTAFA Z. BADR 305 tor Antagonist, in Humans. PAULA M. FRANZ, EDWARD L. MATTIUZ, BARBARA L. HATCHER, Inhibition of the Enantioselective Oxidative Metabo- KARL A. DESANTE, ALAN P. BREAU, JOHN L. Oc- lism of Metoprolol by Verapamil in Human Liver COLOWITZ, DOUGLAS E. DORMAN, CHRISTOPHER Microsomes. MYUNGSOO KIM, DANNY D. SHEN, R. SCHMID, MARK J. GOLDBERG, AND ALAN RUBIN 249 A. CRAIG EDDY, AND WENDEL L. NELSON 309 Continued on next page DRUG METABOLISM AND DISPOSITION (DMD/ISSN 0090-9556) is an official publication of The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics and is published bimonthly beginning in January by Williams & Wilkins. 428 E. Preston St., Baltimore, MD 2 1202-3993. Second class postage paid at Baltimore, MD and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to DRUG METABOLISM AND DISPOSITION, 428 E. Preston St., Baltimore, MD 2 1202-3993. Subscription Rates: US.: Personal $85.00: Institutional $140.00: Single copy $24.00. Outside the US., except Japan: Personal $105.00: Institutional $160.00; Single copy $28.00. Foreign prices exclude Japan. See Information for Subscribers for detailed instructions. The GST Tax Number for Canadian subscribers is 123394371. PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Indexed by Index Medicus, Current Contents (Life Sciences), Excerpta Medica, and BioSciences Information Service. Copyright © 1993 by the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Contents (cont ‘d.) Effect of Tobacco Smoke Condensate on the Metabo- Transplacental Pharmacokinetics and Maternal/Fetal lism of 4-(Methylnitrosamino)- 1-(3-pyridyl)- 1-bu- Plasma Concentrations of Cocaine in Pregnant tanone by Adult and Fetal Hamster Microsomes. Macaques Near Term. ZBIGNIEW BINIENDA, JOHN ROSSANA JORQUERA, ANDRE CASTONGUAY, AND R. BAILEY, HELEN M. DUHART, WILLIAM SLIKKER, HILDEGARD M. SCHULLER 318 JR., AND MERLE G. PAULE 364 Identification of Major Metabolites of the Catechol-O- Anomalous Accumulation and Decay of 2’,3’-Dide- methyltransferase Inhibitor Nitecapone in Rat and oxyadenosine-5 ‘-triphosphate in Human T-Cell Dog. TOM WIKBERG AND JYRKI TASKINEN 325 Cultures Exposed to the Anti-HIV Drug 2’,3’- Effects of Arsenite Treatment on NAD(P)H:Quinone Dideoxyinosine. GURPREET AHLUWALIA, DAVID Acceptor Oxidoreductase Activity in Liver, Lung, A. COONEY, NEIL R. HARTMAN, HIROAKI MIT- Kidney, and Heart of the Rat: Comparison to SUYA, ROBERT YARCHOAN, ARNOLD FRIDLAND, Induction by the Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon, fi- SAMUEL BRODER, AND DAVID G. JOHNS 369 Naphthoflavone. K. CAMERON FALKNER, GORDON P. MCCALLUM, AND JOHN R. BEND 334 Biotransformation and Branchial Excretion of 17a- Methyltestosterone in Trout. J. P. CRAVEDI, 0. UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase Activity Toward Digi- DELOUS, L. DEBRAUWER, AND D. PROME 377 toxigenin Monodigotoxoside in Human Liver Mi- crosomes. BRUNO LACARELLE, JEAN-FRANCOIS RA- Concentration-Dependent Inhibition ofHalothane Bio- Downloaded from JAONARISON, JACQUES CATALIN, ALAIN DURAND, transformation in the Guinea Pig. RICHARD C. AND JEAN-PAUL CANO 338 LIND AND A. JAY GANDOLFI 386 Effect of P-450 Inducers on Biliary Excretion of Glu- tathione and Its Hydrolysis Products: Correlation In Vitro Hepatic Biotransformation of Cocaine in Ma- Between Hepatic ‘y-Glutamyltranspeptidase Activ- ternal and Fetal Guinea Pigs: Induction of Cocaine ity and the Proportion of Glutathione Hydrolysis N-Demethylation With Cocaine Pretreatment. dmd.aspetjournals.org Products in Bile. CHERUKURY MADHU, DAVID Y. JENNIFER A. SANDBERG, LAINE J. MURPHEY, AND MITCHELL, AND CURTIS D. KLAASSEN 342 GEORGE D. OLSEN 390 Human Liver Microsomal Enflurane Defluorination Catalyzed by Cytochrome P-450 2E 1. KENNETH E. SHORT COMMUNICATIONS THUMMEL, EVAN D. KHARASCH, TERRY PODOLL, Inhibition of Rat Liver Mitochondrial and Cytosolic AND KENT KUNZE 350 Aldehyde Dehydrogenases by Crotonaldehyde. Effects of Clarithromycin and Its Metabolites on the DAVID Y. MITCHELL AND DENNIS R. PETERSEN . 396 at ASPET Journals on September 30, 2021 Mixed Function Oxidase System in Hepatic Micro- somes of Rats. SHIGERU OHMORI, ITSUKO ISHII, Naphthaldehydes as Reversible Inhibitors of Rat He- SHIN-ICHIRO KURIYA, TOMOYOSHI TANIGUCHI, TA- patic Aryl Sulfotransferase IV (Tyrosine-Ester Sul- DAAKI RIKIHISA, SEIYU HIROSE, YosHIo KANAK- fotransferase). MICHAEL W. DUFFEL AND YUQUN UBO, AND MITSUKAZU KITADA 358 ZHENG 400.
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