MIRON DINGS, Editor and Prop’r. A LOCAL JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF ITS PATRONS. TERMS—$1.00 PER TEAR. ' • i VOL. 1. GILBOA, SCHOHARIE CO., N. Y., APRIL 10, 1879. Ac NO. 44. T Somebody’s Sen Rut Girl* the face of that woman*flirted in the air a- with a pen behind his ear, bearing the in­ BingipK for the W ater Boy* Gilboa Monitor. fant, who still shrieked wildly, in pur wake. She stood there leaning wearily gain. That horrible face, with wild black A good story is told of a verdant one who PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. I was glad to reach the court of justice Against the window frame: eyes, showing the white beneath the pupil, was a passenger in a railroad express, train, MI^ON DINGS, Editor and Proprietor. Her.faqe was patient, sad and sweet, i * j ■ nearest us—glad to find that, the affair was and became jhirsty. Her garments coarse and plain: the small, <* tightly-shut mouth, the.- hollow an every-day one there. ^ ■ tot “Where’s |that ’ere boy with the water ‘ ‘Who is she pray ?” J asked a friend, cheeks, the pinched chin, and the floating^ Shadrac told his tale. I corroborated it. ADVERTISING RATES. The red lips gave a curl— can ?” he queried of his next neighbor. “Really ! I do not know her name, tangle of black hair, framing it all in. The child jwas registerejd in a book as num­ “Hfe has gone forward to the baggage ear, '-"As I puahed the dfor open, I half expect- ber seven thousand eight 'hundred and fort y- SPACE. | j lW. 2w. lM. ( 3m. | Om. | lYEAB. She’s some one’s sertant girl.” I suppose,” was fhe reply. 75c. 1.2 5 , {2..0O, 5.04), to see it4up m wt- in actual bodily four. My statement and address were re­ 1 In c h ,1 5 0 c .. 3 .5 0 , Again I saw her on the street J “Wal, d’ye s’posb I kin get him back here 1.00, L50, 2.00, ‘2.50, 4.50, 8.00, presence^ there, tint, ^ instead, corded, aWi as ah invoice of deserted infants 2 „ With bundle,trudge along, again?” 4 „ , 1.50, 2.00, 3 .0 0 , L00, 7.00, 12. 00, Her face was sweet and patient still, my eyes met a sight equally surprising. was just being taken away in a sort of wagon 6 „ 2.25, 3.50, 4.00, 6.00, L0.0( 16.00, Amid the jostling throng: “Certainly,” said the other, “you have on­ 3 0 .0 0 , I had left, my boy Shadrac in charge, as by an old woman, seven: thousand eight hun- iC o l. L 00, 6.00, L 00,L0 .0< L6. 0L Slowly but cheerfully she moved, % /u ii r # ii» . • ■« i 4 . m - j *ii .1 ly to ring for him,” and he noded toward 7.00, 10. (X) 12.00 L8.(M 30.0< 50.00, \gsual. Generally I found him at some di­ dred and forty-four went with them. I „ Guarding, with watchful care the bell-line that ran above their heads. Terms, Cash, Quarterly in Advance. A market-basket much too large abolical mischief on my return. To-day, as “S j much for human hearts!” said I. For her slight hands to bear. I"cast my glance toward the desk, I ' missed “The baby was cast upon my charity. I No sooner said than done.. Before any one could prevent it, Rustic had seized the A man, I thought a gentleman, his shock head; but looking about me, I hand it over to the city.” line and gave it a tremendous tug. fusituss Ilrrecforo. Went pushing rudely by,' spied it lower down, and saw that he was sit­ “ A h!” a . The consequences were at once obvious; Sweeping the basket from her hands, ting oh the floor in a corner with something “You are a tax-payer, my friend,” said But turning not his eye : three shrill whistles were heard, half a doz­ in his arms, and a ! very uncomfortable ex­the Professor. * ‘It is well you have common- For there is no necessity, en brakeman ran to their posts, and the J. i. JACKSON, Amid that busy whirl, pression on his face. Ina moment more I sense, in my person, at your elbow.” train came to a standstill with a suddenness ATTORNEY a n d COUNSELLOR a t LAW. For him to be a gentleman— saw that what he held wasa baby. We had reached the office building as he that startled half the passengers with aston­ OUboa, K. Y. Tor “some one’s servant girl.” “Hello!” cried L ’s that ?” went o n : ishment, and caused every man near a win­ Ah, well it is that God above “Young un,” saidS “The offspring of the criminal classes dow to hoist it and look out to see what was W. L. BALDWIN, Looks in upon t.ue heart, “ Whose ? WWre'didjt come from?’’ I show their hereditary vices in their counte­ Aud never judges u^y one tbe matter. ATTORNEY a n d COUNSELLOR a t LAW, cried. nances almost at birth. I could see in that By ? just the outer part In a few minutes the conductor, red and For if the soul be pure and good; * “Most the minut.e you went out, % worn- yet unchiseled face a—” Gilboa, N. Y. lb **' ^ ; . * ' excited, came foaming into the car to know He will not mind the rest, an come dong^Zl^iftifliaS&adrab; “and says “Ah, there they come,’* screamed a voice. who pulled that line. Nor question what the garments were' ~ she, ‘You Mr. Pacldoi&’s boy?* Says I, “Oh, they haven’tfgot him,” cried an­ J. H. MATTICE, Iu which the form was dressed. , “Here, mister, this way ; I’m the man, ‘yaas.’ Says she, ‘Catch a hold, and holdother. a n d a t And many a man and woman fair— shouted the offender, drawing all eyes upon ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR LAW, the child till I come back.* And she ain’t “I g[ave him to the boy there,’’cried the Levingstonville, N. Y. By fortune reared and fed, him. f* Who will not mingle here below never come back. I dunno what she means first. “You!” said the conductor. “What did With those who earn their bread; by it. She had cheek anyway, whoever she “Ye little devil, where’s the baby. W m, B A G a DOJKN, you do it for?” When they have passt-d away from life, is.” “Horace, speak ! my child ?” sobbed the Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the Beyond the gates of pearl. “Cos I wanted some water.” “What kind of a woman was she ?” I ask­ other, clinging to my neck. Hotel, Gilboa, N. Y. Will meet before their Father’s throne “Wanted some water?” With many a servant girl. ed. i.. ‘ It was my wife who clung to me; the “Sartin; I wanted the water boy, and my “She had on a shawl,”' said Shadrac. baby’s maid Nora, who shook Shadrac. P.J. ZEH, M. D. partner here in the seat said I’d better ring \ “She a furriner. What- right have I “Baby 1” said I, gasping, “what baby ? Office at his Residence, third house above for him, as we do at the hotel, an’ sol yanked That Unfortunate Baby. got to take care of her young’un, eh where ? when ? which !” ^ The M. E. Church, Gilboa, N. Y. the rope. “Will he be along soon ? An’ by- I sat on a chairf and put my hand to my “Oh.” said my wife, “Nora and; I were the-bye, what in thunder be you stoppin’ The city is a strange place. Wealth and forehead. I knew now why that poor wom­ going to Brooklyn, and I sent Nora first to FRANK BALDWIN, M. D., want stand side by side. Mirth anS misery for?” an’s face haunted me: so long. .. She hadwait in your office for me. I had some shop­ I Oak H il l , Greene County, N. Y. jostle each other. The jewels of the million­ The shout of laughter that greeted his tracked me to my (office. Perhaps I had ping to do, and baby shriek^ so inthe stor­ aire’s wife flash mocking before the eyes of honest confession was too much for the Iircince, near the Post Office. ltf looked kindly at her. ■ Who knew ? I felt es ; and she—oh, I’ll give hor warning !— jthe pauper’s widow. I leave my wife, and conductor and he had to wait until he got pity. I might have exhibited it; and before"she left the baby with the boy while she jmy smiling infants, my little cherubs, of his'train under way before be explained the DR. E. H. BENJAMIN, def^ro^ying Iba4 the infant went out tobuy some peanuts,. And when I whom T am remarkably fund, ahd 1 saunter jmysteries^of the l^ell-rope to his yerdant OAK H ILL, G r e e n e C o u n t y , N. Y., upon my charity. she c&tiid back the office wOi I6cke^'up, -and pleasantly down Broadway, smokeing a fine Customer. At the Old Place Lower Eiad Church It was romantic, f atthe tame time it I found her crying on the stairs: “Whereis Street. , lltf cigar. I know I shall make a large sum of was inconvenient. the angel ? Oh, what have you done with Two Trifling Accidents* money by a business arrangement to-day, I looked at the child.
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