THE GEAR of THETA TAU Volume XLVll Number 2 The I r f F A IR of THETA TAE f t SPRING, I f 5S VOLUME XLVII NUMBER 2 Tlieta I au Fraternity Founded at the University of Minnesota October 1904 IS, FOUNDERS Erich J. Schrader Isaac B. H anks W illiam M . Lewis Elw in L. V inal EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Erich J. Schrader , Alpha ‘0 5 Counsellor of Theta T au Box 244, Reno, Nevada (Address all Telegrams to 12' W est First St., Reno, Nevada) A. D. H inckley , Theta '2 7 Grand Regent 90 Morningside Dr., New York 27, N. Y. C harles W . Britzius , Alpha ' 3 3 ..................................Grand Vice Regent 2440 Franklin Avc., St. Paul 14, Minn. R obert E. Pope , Zeta ' 5 2 ..................................................................G rand Scribe 667 W est C anterbury Rd., Saint Louis 24, Missouri P aul L. M ercer, Omicron '2 1 ...................................................Grand Treasurer 1415 G randA ve., Keokuk, Iowa J. M . D aniels , Nu Honorary '22 Grand Marshal Carnegie Institute of Technology. Pittsburgh 13, Pa. R ichard Lynch , Epsilon Beta ' 5 3 ..................................Grand Inner Guard 4367 Berkshire. Detroit 24, Mich. W illiam K. Rev, Mu '4 5 .................................................. Grand Outer Guard P. O. Box 664, University, Ala. DELEGATE AT LARGE Jamison V aw ter , Zeta ’1 6 ............................................... Past Grand Regent 307 Civil Engineering Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES William E. Franklin, 617 Y i South Keeler St., Bartlesville, Oklahoma Chester J. Selden. 24831 Crowley Ave.. Taylor Center, Michigan Palmer Terrell. 803 N. Highland, Fayetteville, Arkansas THE GEAR OF THETA TAU P. L. M ercer, Omicron 'I I and J. W . H owe , Omicron '24 Editors Engineering Building, Iowa City, Iowa Letters for members of the Council should be addressed to the individual by name. SECRETARIES OF ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS AND CLUBS Ccinral Ohio—Dale Bussman. 140 E. Tulane Rd.. Columbus. Ohio Cleveland—James R. McKinney, 715 Union Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio Detroit—Leonard S. Stokes, 27908 Shock, St. Clair Shores. Mich. Intermountam—E. J. Watts. 118 Social Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah ■National Capital-Ccorge Titrington. 4111 Rosemary St., Chevy Chase 15. Md. Southwestern—Robert L. Houston, University of Arizona. Tucson Ariz Twin City—Glen W. Schwartz. 3020 Rankin Rd.. Minneapolis 18, Minn. The GEAR of THETA TAU OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE FRATERNITY P. L. M ercer, Omicrnn '21 and J. W. Howe, Omicron '24 Editors 210 ENGINEERING HALL IOWA CITY, IOWA Subscription $1.00 Taear Life Subscription $I S.OO V O LU M E X LVlI SPRING. 1918 N UM BER 2 Chapters A lpha , founded October IS, 1904 - - University of Minnesota (C hapter house) i l l Tenth Ave., S.E., Minneapolis 14, Minn. Beta , Established March 26, 1906 - Michigan College of Mining and Tech. (Chapter house) 1405 College Ave., Houghton, Michigan G amma , Established November 8, 1907 - - - Colorado School of Mines Thcta T au Fraternity, Colo. School of Mines, Golden, Colo. D elta , Established M ay 23. 1911 - - Case Institute of Technology Theta Tau Box, Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio Epsilon , Established M ay 4. 1911 - - - - University of California Theta Tau Box, Hearst Mining Bldg., Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif. Z eta , Established A pril 17. 1 9 1 2 ........................................Universityof Kansas (C hapter house) 1602 Louisiana Street, Lawrence, Kansas Iota , Established February 5, 1916 - - - • Missouri School of Mines c/o Prof. Ralph E. Schowalter, Mechanical Engineering Department, Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Mo. Lambda , Established April 29. 1920 University of Utah P .O . Box 553, Salt Lake C ity 10. Utah M u. Established January 3, 1922 ............................ University of Alabama P. O. Box 3156, University, Alabama Xl, Established January 13, 1923 University of Wisconsin c/o Dr. G. A. Rohlich, 9 Hydraulics Lab., Univ. of Wis., Madison 6, Wis. O micron , Established February 3. 1923 - - - State University of Iowa Theta Tau Box, Engineering Building, Iowa City, Iowa Pt,, Established M ay 26, 1923....................................... University of Virginia c/o Thornton Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. Chapters (Continued) R ho 1 Established February 16, 1924 - N. C. State College of Ag. and Eng. P. O. Box 4282. N orth Carolina State College Station. Raleigh. N. C. SlGMAl Established Novem ber 29, 1924 - Ohio State University (Chapter house) 1946 Indianola Avenue. Columbus I, Ohio T au , Established December 12, 192S Syracuse University Box 128, University Station, Syracuse 10, N . Y. U psilon . Established A pril 7, 1928 ■ University of Arkansas 301 N orth University, Fayetteville, Arkansas Phi, Established A pril 21, 1928 Purdue University (Chapter house) 416 North Chauncey, West Lafayette, Indiana C m , Established A pril 23, 1930 University of Arizona 840 E. Fourth St., Tucson, Arizona Psil Established M ay 7, 1932 .......................................M ontana School of Mines c/o Prof. Koehler Stout. Montana School of Mines, Butte, Montana O mega , Established March 26, 1932 • S. Dakota School of Mines (Chapter house) 107 Kansas City St., Rapid City, S. Dak. Gamma Beta , Established M arch 16, 193J - George Washington University Davis-Hodgkins House, George Washington Univ., Washington 6, D. C. D elta B eta , Established M ay 20, 1939 - - - University of Louisville (C hapter house) 2022 S. First St., Louisville 8, Ky. E psilon Beta , Established M ay 19, 1941 - - - W ayne State University 5431 Third, Detroit 2, Mich. MEMBERS OF THE PROFESSIONAL INTERFRATERNITY CONFERENCE AGRICULTURE, Alpha Zeta. ARCHITECTURE, Alpha Rho Chi. CHEMISTRY. Alpha Chi Sigma. COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, Alpha KappaP m, Delta Sigma Pi. DENTISTRY, Alpha Omega, Delta Sigma Delta, Xi Pm Phi, Psi Omega. EDUCATION, Kappa Ph. Kappa. Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Epsilon Kappa. ENGINEER­ ING, Theta Tau, Sigma Phi Delta. LAW, Gamma Eta Gamma. Delta Theta Phi, Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Beta Gamma. Ph. Delta Ph., Sigma Delta Kappa. MEDICINE, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Pi, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Epsilon, Phi Lambda Kappa, Phi Rho Sigma, Theta Kappa Psi. MUSIC. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. PHARMACY, Alpha Zeta Omega, Kappa Psi, Rho Pi Phi, Phi Delta Chi. Cxecutive Council Meets at Afinneapolis The national officers of Theta Tau tunities. After visiting both northern met in the new Alpha Chapter house and southern schools, it was apparent last December 27 and 28 to consider that most northern campuses would fraternity business and to join with be closed to a fraternity with re­ the Twin City Alumni Association at strictive membership clause. the first dinner served in the house. A highlight of the occasion was Present for the occasion were all of the arrival of the Erich Schrader the officers, Grand Regent Hinckley, Award Plaque which was placed on Grand Vice Regent Britzius, Grand the mantel for the officers and Alpha Scribe Pope, Grand Treasurer Mer­ men to view. Its impressive appear­ cer, Grand Marshal Daniels, Grand ance will make it an attractive posses­ Inner Guard Lynch and Grand Outer sion of the winning chapters in the Guard Rey. In addition. Past Grand Regent Ames and G ear Editor Howe The council discussed various fra­ were on hand to make reports. ternity problems avidly through the C f much interest was the special waking hours of their time together report by "Deacon" Ames on his tour and the pleasure of using the new through several campuses for the pur­ A lpha facilities made the meeting a pose of appraising expansion oppor- memorable one for all. Three Brothers Transfer The following transfers have been to Xi Chapter, M ay 15, 1957; George reported: Kenneth Lee Leither, C. Freshwater, Xi No. 119, trans- Omega No. 425, to Lambda Chapter; ferred December 18, 1956, affiliated John C. Buending, Alpha No. 620, to Chi Chapter, April 7, 1957. transferred April 9, 1957, affiliated THE GEAR OF THETA TAU R. G. Glass Completes 14 Years On Professional Interfraternity Conference Executive Committee Theta Tau was among the 22 Pro­ sity. Subject: Fraternity Organiza­ fessional Fraternities represented at tions at Ohio State. the M arch 14-15 biennial meeting of During the conference, reference the Professional Interfraternity Con- was made to the many services rendered to the objectives of P. I. C. by its past leaders, including those of Professor Jamison Vawter, P. I. C. president, 1932-34, and Past Grand Regent of Theta Tau. Theta Tau delegates took full advantage of the opportunities at Columbus for infor­ mal discussion of fraternity operation, extension programs and Alumni rela- P. I. C. officers, newly installed fo r the coming biennium include presi­ dent, Frank H. Eby, Kappa Psi; president elect, Adelor J. Petit, Phi Russ Glass Delta Phi; vice-president, Rand P. Hollanbeck, Phi Delta Chi; secretary, fcrencc held at the Deshler-Hilton in J. D. Thomson, Delta Sigma Pi; Columbus, Ohio. O ne of the three treasurer, S. G. Applegate, Delta Theta T au delegates, Russell G. Glass, Sigma Delta. prominent Sigma Chapter alumnus, The next biennial meeting is tenta­ has served continuously in the P. I. C. tively scheduled for March 19-20. Executive Committee for 14 years, 1960. Hotel Congress, Chicago. and was president during 1953-54. Also serving as delegates were A. D. Hinckley. Grand Regent, and Robert E. Pope. G rand Scribe. The one and a half days of sessions and banquet program included among other subjects the following: Report of the Committee on Public Relations, Rand P. Hollenback. Phi Delta Chi; Report of the Committee on Copy­ right Laws, A. A. DiGra2ie, Phi Alpha Delta; Judge Frank H. Myers, Chairman, IRAC, Subject: Fraterni­ ties, Pro and Con; Dean of Men Mylin A. Ross. Ohio State Univer­ Delegates Pope and Hinckley THE GEAR OF THETA TAU 7 Region Two Conference Held In Minneapolis Report by Jo h n Sladek and other brothers outlined their re­ The Regional Conference of Region spective present programs concerning Two got under way on Friday, March this subject.
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