The Right Stuff Junior John Courtright's no-hitter helped the men's baseball team notch its first win.>See Sportswrap. THE CHRONICLE CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 86, NO. 99 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1991 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA Student files discrimination suit Gulf War Roundup Sunday, Feb. 17 Diplomatic front: • After allied forces said they would not Civilian guarantee his safety if he flew to Moscow, casualties: University plans to fight new allegations Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz drove to • British military officials Iran, en route to the admitted that a bomb Soviet capital from an RAF Tornado By ADRIAN DOLLARD placed in November 1989. Teitel­ probation officers who expelled veered off course into A student expelled from the man had been a Ph.D. graduate Teitelman. TURKEY the western Iraqi town University claims he was dis­ student in Sociology. The complaint alleges Teitel- SYRIA of Fallouja during an criminated against on the basis Teitelman claims he was man's acceptance of the terms of Baghdad attack on a bridge last of a handicap and is suing the placed on probation because of his original probation was not Fallouja • © week. voluntary, and that he had no op­ .. IRAQ University for reinstatement and an emotional handicap. The Uni­ JORDAN damages in excess of $10,000. versity claims he was expelled portunity to negotiate the terms KUWAIT IRAN of the probation with the Univer­ The suit alleges the University for harassing behavior. SAUDI ARABIA violated the Rehabilitation Act of sity. 1973 when it expelled Joseph The suit filed in Middle Dis­ Teitelman claims in May 1990, Border clashes: Teitelman for personal behavior trict Court in Greensboro names his psychiatrist, Dr. Jillian • In Saudi Arabia, American and Iraqi that is not prohibited by federal the University, Dean of Student Kleiner, "abruptly, unethically, patrols clashed along the border in seven or state criminal laws. Life Sue Wasiolek and Associate and improperly terminated her separate engagements. AH-64 Apache Teitelman was expelled Oct. 5 Dean of the Graduate School psychiatric treatment" of him, • During one skirmish, an for allegedly violating the terms Leigh DeNeef as defendants. and that the termination American Apache attack helicopte destroyed two American military of a probation on which he was Wasiolek and DeNeef were the See SUIT on page 11 • vehicles, killing two soldiers and wounding six. • 20 Iraqi POWs were taken in © Riyadh two separate incidents. Sports complex plans take shape As of 3:30 p.m. EST AP By RICHARD LIN about the types of facilities to in­ Wasiolek gave out question­ The University is seeking in­ clude in the complex were passed naires to undergraduate and Officials claim no date put from the community about out during the fall semester. graduate students, while the ath­ building a new recreational ath­ Different University depart­ letic department put question­ letic complex. ments handled distribution of naires in Card Gymnasium and set for ground offensive Questionnaires gathering the questionnaires. The Office of the Intramural Building. opinions from the community Student Life under Suzanne "The intention [of the in­ quiries] is to gain permission By JOHN KING It was the worst friendly from the Trustees to start Associated Press fire accident since Jan. 29, fundraising," said Pete Romeyn, DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia when a U.S. warplane hit a staff engineer of facilities design — The U.S. military said Sun­ Marine reconnaissance vehi­ and construction and chairman day that no date has been set cle during a furious tank bat­ of the planning committee for a for an allied ground offensive tle along the Saudi-Kuwait new athletic complex. in the Persian Gulf War, and border and seven American The committee is "tabulating Washington said it would soldiers were killed. the results and synthesizing the reject any Soviet peace plan Travelers reaching Nicosia, information," Romeyn said. calling for a cease-fire. Cyprus, on Sunday gave vivid Early ideas for the facility in­ In Saudi Arabia, American accounts of an anti-Saddam clude space for eight or nine dif­ and Iraqi patrols clashed Hussein protest by up to 5,000 ferent activities. An indoor track, along the border in seven sep­ people in Iraq earlier this basketball courts, a weight room arate engagements early Sun­ month. The travelers told The and a pool were suggested for the day. Associated Press the demon­ proposed complex, Romeyn said. During one pre-dawn skir­ strators shot and killed 10 of­ ficials of Iraq's ruling Baath The site for a project has not mish, an American Apache at­ Arab Socialist Party who tried been chosen, he said, but one po­ tack helicopter firing Hellfire to stop the protest. tential site is where the intramu­ missiles destroyed two Ameri­ can military vehicles, killing STAFF PHOTO/THE CHRONICLE ral building is located. The IM The demonstration in the two soldiers and wounding southern city of Diwaniyeh The Intramural Building may be replaced by a new sports com­ building will either be torn down or included in the complex. six, the U.S. Command said. See GULF on page 5 • plex. See COMPLEX on page 5 • Gay political 'Fighting Words' slams war in Middle East group enters By HEATHER HEIMAN proves that the purpose of the U.N. coali­ Not a fighting word was uttered during tion is more than defeating the Iraqi ar­ planning stage Friday's forum on the war in the Persian my, he said. Gulf. However, the four keynote speakers Bishara was pessimistic about Bush's condemned U.S. action in the Middle East cold reception of Saddam Hussein's cond- By BARBRA MARCUS and American foreign policy throughout tional offer on Friday to withdraw his A new gay and lesbian group, tenta­ the Third World. troops from Kuwait. "Mr. Bush has called tively titled "Queer Duke", is currently Palestinian journalist Ghassan that a 'cruel hoax,'" Bishara said. "It being formed by University students. Bishara, War Resister's League represen­ seems to me that the bombing will contin­ Although still in its organizational tative Mandy Carter, Durham Witness for ue." stage, the group intends to play a polit­ Peace representative Hope Taylor and As­ Arabs, particularly Palestinians, think ical role on campus. sociate Professor of Religion Kenneth the United States is trying to obliterate "The idea for the group came from Surin addressed 75 people in the Bryan Iraq to secure Western-Israeli hegemony quite a few people who wanted to be Center Film Theater. in the Middle East, Bishara said. Because more active and more visible," said The Duke Coalition for Peace in the of American aid, "Israel, in Middle-East­ Trinity freshman K.C. Rodriquez, one Middle East sponsored the forum. ern terms, is an absolute superpower," he ofthe group's organizers. "Arabs believe that the presence of the said. "Queer Duke has nothing to do with coalition forces [in the Gulf] is not neces­ Palestinians in the Israeli occupied ter­ DGLA whatsoever, so that it won't sarily to liberate Kuwait, but to destroy ritories resent America's intervention to backlash against us," said Dena Paris, protect the human rights of the Kuwaitis, Iraq," said Bishara, the Washington cor­ WENDY MARTIN/THE CHRONICLE DGLA co-chair. "It's supposed to be a respondent for the Palestinian newspaper Bishara said. "To them this is hypocrisy See QUEER on page 5 • Al Fajr Jerusalem. outright," he said, "because [the Pales- "Fighting Words" forum Allied bombing of bridges in Baghdad See WORDS on page 4 • PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1991 World and National Newsfile Iraqi minister arrives in Moscow for Gulf talks Associated Press By R.W. APPLE true intentions from President Saddam Contra leader killed: A Sand­ N.Y. Times News Service inista official promised a full-scale Hussein. probe into the slaying of former Contra RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — As Tariq President Bush said in Kennebunkport, chief Enrique Bermudez, whose death Aziz, the Iraqi foreign minister, arrived in Maine, that he expected Iraq's occupation cast doubt on government assurances Moscow for talks that may offer Baghdad of Kuwait to end "very, very soon." Secre­ for the safety of rebels. its last chance to avoid a bloody land war, tary of State James Baker III declined American troops only hours earlier had comment on Dumas' statement when he fought a series of sharp skirmishes with IQs suffer from abuse: children was asked about it in a Cable News Net­ Iraqi forces on Saudi Arabia's northern work television interview, but Brig. Gen. who are abused or severely neglected borders. Richard Neal, the American military have lower IQs and an increased risk Aziz is to meet on Monday with Soviet spokesman in Riyadh, told reporters: "I of depression, suicide and drug prob­ President Mikhail Gorbchev. He arrived don't know the date, and I don't think lems. in Moscow after a day full of official, there is a date." sometimes contradictory statements on Two Americans were killed and six Sex programs debated: Feder­ when the allied forces might start a were wounded, the United States com­ ally funded "teen chastity" programs ground offensive. mand said, when the their M-l 13 ar­ are coming under renewed attack by Roland Dumas, the French foreign min­ mored personnel carrier and Bradley those who contend it is an unconstitu­ ister, said in a radio interview in Paris fighting vehicle were hit in one of seven tional dose of government-sponsored that "we are on the eve or the pre-eve of clashes with Iraqis probing south from UPI PHOTO religion with advice about avoiding the ground offensive for the liberation of their bases in Iraq and Kuwait.
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