9L- o/-3% r-os%r/f- \S= r z\\ i r[=\5= 06AA 263335 $') \t JV**B.t1q.vo.r ;\r' IUD "r;-ff*f rt?ffr's#g q 17,5L t 2 j sEP 200' L (6 {-ts1 HIS DEED OF CONVEYANCE rs nade this Pl.)l'!Ld day of September rn the year of ' fuk- axari - totll Christ Two Thousand Seven BETWEEN Rl PRASANTA SEN son of late { / | -' /rrt - A<nPs- ?afuA, A Lalmohan Sen 2. w/o Fi Prasanta Senrboth are by failh Hindu, by Nati6nality lndiary/by occupation Business residing at Dakshin l, -1 ' Rajyadharpur Ghoshpara, P.O Mallickpara, P.S. Serampore Dist Hooghly, herein after referred to as the yE!9989 (which terms or expression shall ' unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to mean and ' ,, rnclude, therr heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives and ,r l-r ,/ \ - \ assions ) of the FIRST PART \U$. ,/^ ( -C- Con'd 2 Wfi,tfrr"h,,l t 1#---- t -, st, zi) Government of West Bengal t epartment of Finance (Revenue),Directorate of Registration and Stamp Revenue Office of the Additlonal District sub Registrar, serampore Signature / LTI Sheet of Serlal No 06326 / 2OO7 Document Number I I L Signature ofthe Presentant Nrm€ of the Presentant Signature ofthe person(s) admitting the Execution LTI Sl No Admission of Erecution By Stetus Sisnature ryith Dete Jala S€n Self 1 ps'- Serampore Jty* Dakshin Rajyadharpur Ghochpara s*r, l0 J I )..' Mallickpara Hoog.hl),( Pan NG AIap6 ( ' 7o3oa) t-l ' Prasada Scn Self F - Serampore Lu^&g-,_ DakNr Rajladharpur Ghoshpara, a /, f'4allidTan Hoo8t )( Pan No- Alap6 u^ fl/ n31b) 041 Name of ldentificr ofabove Person(s) Sienature of ldentifier with Date Ninnal Chandra Gayen /G-^/ r,0-/* 6;4"- Seramporc Coult Serampore Hoogt y ,/-(/ '1, U)' r'ffia z&w 2., sEP 200, &:r, (Arhim kum&r Ghofi) Pasc I of I ADSR Ser.mDorr I Office ot the ADSR Serampore S€rampore, Hooghly Endor3€ment For deed Number:l-{E8i}7 ol :2007 (Serlal No. 06326, 2007) On 2llOgnOO7 Adml.albllllv(Rule i(l) Admissible under rule 21 ol West Eengal Rogislration Rule, 1962 duly stamped under schedulo '! A Article numb€r :23,4 ol lndian Stamp Act 1899. also und6r sec{ion 5 of W6st Bengal Land RolomsAct, 1955; Court lee stamp paid Rs.-10/- Pavmenl ot Fea6i F€e Paid in rup€€s undet adicle : Alll = 9724/- ,E = 14/- on:2110912007 Cedttlc.lo of iil.rkel Valuo0[v PUVI rulo6 19901 Certified that the market value ol this proporty u,hich is lhe subjeci matter ol lhe doed has b€en assess€d at Rs- 885000- Certifiod lhat the r6quir6d stamp duty ot this documenl is Rs 53120 /- and the Stamp duty paid as: lmprossive Fls- 10000 O€tlclt atamo dutv Delicit stamp dury : ns 4iil2cy- is paid by the draft no. :091291, oralt date:1909/2007, Bank name:Slate Bank OI lndia, Serampor€, reci€v€d oo .21 logtzco1 . Pr€sonlatlon(Undor S€ctlon 52 & Bul6 22A13) 46{1}} Presentod lor registration at '13.50 on :21l09/20o7,a1 lhe Ollic€ ol the ADSR Serampore by Prasanta Son,one ol the Execulanls. Admlralon ol Exocution{Under Socllon 58) Execulion is admitted on '.21lo9l2o07 by ,. Prasanta Sen, son ol Lt. Lalmohan S€n,Oakshin Raiyadharpur.Thana Sorampore, 8y casle Hindu,by Profession :Businsss 2. Jaya Sen, wife ol Prasanta Sen,Dakshin Raiyadharpur,Thana Serampore, By caste Hindu,by Prolession :House wif€ ldentili€d By Nimd Chandra Gayen, son of Lt. Satish Chandra Gayen Seramporc Court Serampore Hooghly Thana: Serampore, by caste Hindu,By Prolession :Law Clerk. [Ashim kumar Ghoshl A.D,S.B th6 Addltional Dlstrict Sub Pa96:1oll a--;rr,E;; 2.t sEP ilD) /2 / ANo /- / ,s SAGUN vlNlUAY PRIVATE uulrED A Company Registered under the provision ol lndian Companies Act 1956, having its Registered Office at 50, Suburban School Road Kalighat, Kolkata-700025, having its PAN M|CS7016D, represented by its Direclor KUMAR KEDIA, Son of Late Nagarmal Kedia, by faith Hindu, by occupation Business, residrng at 50, Suburban School Road. P S Kalighat, Kolkata-700025. hereinafter referred to (which terms or expression shall mean unless excluded by or as the -lLll-BJILLAiiq& repugnant subject to the context be deemed to mean and includes its successor and successor-in-office and/or assigns ) of the SECOND PART. WHEREAS ALL THAT piece and parcel of VlTl land measuring an area of 05 ( Five ) Cottah 03 (Three ) Chattak 43 ( Forty Three ) Sq Ft. together with existing 100 Sq Ft' Tile Shed thereon Comprised in R.S. Plot No. 88, appertaining to R.S. Khatian No 25, under L.R. Plot No. 83 and 78, corresponding to L.R. Khatian No. 2955 and 2956, lying and situated at Mouza Serampore, J L. No. 13, Municipal Holding No. 78 G T Road' Serampore, under Serampore irunicipality, P. S. and A D S R Office at Serarnpore, Dist. Hooghly: more fully and particularly descnbed in the schedule "A" hereinafter written 'together with total ,'7.15 Acres of land was origrnally owned and possessed by Raja Bijoy Singh Dudhoria of Azimganj and he died in 1933 leaving him surviving his 2 sons namely Kumar Chandra Singh Dudhoria and Kumar Padam Singh Dudhoria hls wife and 2 daughtsrs being governed by the Mitakshara school of Hindu Law, said two sons of said Raja Bijoy Singh Dudhoria succeeded to the estate left by Raia Kumar Chandra Singh Dudhoria and Kumar Padam Singh Dtidhoria who were in ioint khas possession of the said total property Contd. ....3 rri k","-. ar. 2t sfp 2At leaving behind his legal heirs namely AND WHEREAS Kumar Padam singh Dudhoria died on 5/5/1968 Pant, Smt Sima Dudhoria Smt Leena Rani Aloka Oudhoria and her seven daughters Sml. Sheela Jain, Smt Asha his onty legal heirs and representatives as Agarwal, Smt Anita Jain, Smt. Nalasha Jain and lriss Amita Dudhoria as upon his aforesaid legal heirs equally such all his nghi tite and interest in respect ol his total properly was devolved 1/86 share each daughlers liled a partition and adminislration suil belore AXp-.!!!EBEAS Rani Aloka Dudhoria and her seven and ors vs' Kumar the Hon'ble High Coud at Calcutta being Suit No 384i1977 Rani Aloka oudhoda suit And in the said suil a Chandra Singh Oudhoria &ors said 7.15 Acres was a subiect matter of the said September 1982 and 5h preliminary decree was passed on 20i July 1978 and by turlher order dated li immcvable properlies July 1983, the Hon'ble court appointed ioint commissioners ol Partition to divide the amongst the parties. held on 30s July 1983 ANDWHEREAS the joint commissioners of partition vide the minutes of lherr meeting namely the grcup of Kumar allotied the immovable pmperties mentjoned in Lot 'A" to the Defendants Chandra Singh Dudhoria. ANDWHEREASbyanorderdatedllhJunelg84theHon,blecoudconfirmedtheallotmentmadebythe Hooghly' W' joint commissionec and out ol the said property measuring 715 AclEs al SerampoG Disl' 'B' Aloka Dudhoda and her Bengal a demarcated a@a ol 321 Acres was included in lot allotted to Rani nine daughters . became the joint AND WHEREAS BY aforesaid process said Rani Aloka Dudhoria and her seven daughters owners of the said propedy together with other poperties Eook No. l'Vol No 18' AXD WEEBEAS by a Deed of sale dated 24s day ol December 2000, regislercd in said Rani Aloka Dudhorja page's al 28tto 298, Being N0.753 for the year 2001 ol Serampore A O'S'R Offce properly togelher with other properties and ors. Joinily sold tEnsfened and delivered possession of lhe said in lavour ol Sri Prosanta Sen, Smt Jaya Sen, Sri Tapan Bakshi and Smt Anjana Bakshi Bakshi and Smt Anjana AND WHEREAS by afoesaid purchase said Sri Prosanta Sen Sml' Jaya Sen, SriTapan khass possession by exercising their joint Bakshi became lhe joint owners of the schedule propery and were in ioint right, tille and interest free lrom all encumbrances. Contd .... ...4 2.t stp ut pages AND WHEREAS by a Deed of sale dated 27h day ol July 2007, Egistercd in Book No. l, C D Vol' No' 6, from 281 to 294, Being No. M714 lor the year 2007 of Serampore A.D.S.R. oflice said sri Tapan Bakshi and smt. Anjana Bakshi Jointy sold ransfened and delivered possession of lheir undivided eight anna share out ol the said totalprcperty in favour ofsd Prosanta Sen and Smt Jaya Sen, tE present Vendors helein' AltlD WHEREAS by aloresaid purchase said sn Posanta sen and sml. Jaya sen, the presenl vendors herein joint become the joint owne6 of the schedule property together with more oheE properties and now in khass possession by exercising lheirjoint right, litle and interest f.ee from all encumbrances. AND WHEREAS the Vendors herein have decided and agreed to sell the schedule property' and were in search of prospective buyer who could purchase the said property. AND WHEREAS the purchasel herein approached the Vendors and made a proposal to purchase the said property and oflered to pay a sum of Rs. 8,66, 021/- ( Rupees Eight Lac Sixly Six Thousand Twenty Two) only. AND WHEREAS the vendors considering the quantum ol consideration money fair, reasonable and inconformity with lhe existing market price, accepled the offer' ANO WHEREAS the Vendors aIe absolutely and fully seized and or olherwise well and sullicieniiy enlitled to the said'B'schedule property as absolute owners in fee simple in possession having free clear and marketable title lherelo. ANo WHEREAS the aforesaid Vendors have made representation to the purchasers thai the properly described in the 'B' Schedule hereunder is tree lrom all encumbrances and the Vendors are compelent and lawfully enlitled to sell and lransfer the said 'B' schedule undivided property to the purchasers and lhere is no claim lien or atlachment over the said property and the Vendors also represenled to the purchasers that the said property is not alrected with any road alignment or Govt.
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