DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENT SERVICES Local Member - Alison J. Hay PLANNING APPLICATION REPORT Date of Validity - 21.08.02 MID ARGYLL, KINTYRE AND ISLAY Committee Date - 06.11.02 15.10.02 Reference Number: 02/01489/OUT Applicants Name: Colin Lindsay-MacDougall Application Type: Outline Application Description: Five dwellinghouses specifying layout and access Location: Soroba Road, Ardfern (A ) THE APPLICATION (i) Development Requiring Express Planning Permission: • Five detached dwellinghouses, specifying layout and access, involving connections to both the public sewer, and public water main. (B) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Members resolve to be minded to grant outline planning permission as a ‘significant departure’ to approved Development Plan policy, subject to: 1) the standard outline conditions and reasons and the conditions and reasons set out in this report; 2) the application being considered at a PAN 41 hearing in view of the representations received against the proposal; 3) the application being referred to the Public Services and Licensing Committee for consideration as a ‘significant departure’ if the Area Committee is minded to support the application; 4) any resolution to grant permission being notified to the Scottish Ministers, for them to consider whether it is appropriate that the application be ‘called in’ for their determination. (C) DETERMINING ISSUES AND MATERIAL CONSIDERATIONS This is an application for a development of five houses on land subject to the operation of adopted Mid Argyll Local Plan Policy HO 11. Ardfern is specfically identified as a ‘sensitive settlement’ in the local plan, and Policy HO 11 seeks to prevent large scale or unsympathetic development which would erode the character or the landscape setting of the settlement. As a consequence of the operation of Policy HO 11, the local plan provides for housing to take place on land specifically identified by the accompanying Policy HO 12. In view of the age of the plan, the development of the only site in Ardfern so identified, is now nearing completion. Consequently, there is currently an inadequate land supply locally in terms of the government advice given in NPPG 3 and PAN 38, which advocate that the development plan process should maintain a 5 year supply of land for housebuilding. The forthcoming Argyll and Bute Local Plan will address the release additional housing land to serve the future needs of Ardfern, but this has yet to reach Consultation Draft stage, and may take a significant length of time to reach adoption. Demand can therefore only be met in the interim by infill developments or ‘windfall’ sites within the settlement boundary, or by the approval of ‘departures’ to existing planning policy, within the surrounding area subject to the operation of Policy HO 11. In this case there is justification for giving favourable consideration to this proposal, which seeks to address the shortfall in supply during this interim period, on the understanding firstly, that the forthcoming plan is unlikely to be prejudiced, and secondly, that the development does not give rise to unacceptable environmental impact or infrastructure constraints. Approval of the application would, however, constitute a ‘significant departure’ from the approved development plan, and in view of the number of local objections (9) and the objection from the Community Council, if Members are minded to support the application a PAN 41 Hearing would be appropriate in this case. F:\MODERNGOV\DATA\PUBLISHED\INTRANET\C00000199\M00000971\AI00006666\SOROBAROADARDFERN02014890.DOC (D) CONCLUSION The application is recommended for approval as a ‘departure’ to Development Plan policy, subject to the procedural steps outlined in the recommendation above. Angus J Gilmour Head of Development & Building Control Author: Derek Hay Tel. 01546 604083 Contact Point: Richard Kerr Tel. 01546 604080 F:\MODERNGOV\DATA\PUBLISHED\INTRANET\C00000199\M00000971\AI00006666\SOROBAROADARDFERN02014890.DOC CONDITIONS AND REASONS RELATIVE TO APPLICATION : 02/01489/OUT 4. No development shall be commenced until such time as a single footway has been constructed between the site access and the junction of the B8002 and Ardlarach Road, insofar as this is achievable within the existing road corridor and the boundary of the application site, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority in consultation with the Council’s Roads Engineers Reason: In the interests of road safety having regard to increased vehicular use of Ardlarach Road and the current lack of a segregated route for pedestrians. 5. Pursuant to condition 1(c) above, and prior to any development occurring on the site, Soroba Road shall be widened to an overall width of 6 metres over a 40 metre length of road at the north western corner of the site, in accordance with drawings to be first submitted to and approved by the Council as Planning Authority. Reason: In the interest of road safety. 6. Pursuant to condition 1(c) above, the proposed access shall be formed in accordance with the Council’s Highway Drawing No. G300 and shall have visibility splays of 90 metres in each direction formed from the centre line of the proposed access. Prior to work starting on site these visibility splays shall be cleared of all obstructions over one metre in height above the level of the adjoining carriageway and thereafter shall be maintained clear of all obstructions over one metre in height to the satisfaction of the Council as Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of road safety. 7. Pursuant to condition 1(c) above, prior to work starting on site, the access hereby permitted shall be formed in accordance with the Council’s Highway Drawing No. G300 with the bellmouth area surfaced in dense bitumen macadam for a distance of 5 metres back from the existing carriageway edge and dropped kerbs formed or as otherwise agreed in writing by the Council as Planning Authority. Reason: In the interest of road safety. 8. Pursuant to condition 1(c) above, and notwithstanding the layout shown on the permitted drawings, the access road layout shall be redesigned and submitted to the Planning Authority for approval, such that it does not extend through to the south eastern boundary of the site. Reason: To enable the implementation of a strong structural landscaped boundary to be planted along the south eastern boundary of the site in the interest of the areas visual amenity and to benefit the maintenance of the villages character. 9. Pursuant to condition 1(c) above, prior to work starting on site full details of a turning area and parking provision for 2 cars within the curtilage of each shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Council as Planning Authority. The parking and turning area shall be provided prior to the occupation of each dwellinghouse. Reason: In the interests of road safety. 10. Pursuant to condition 1(a) above, none of the dwellings hereby permitted shall be more than one and a half storeys high, and shall not exceed 7.5 metres in height from ground level to ridge level. Reason: In the interest of visual amenity and to ensure that the character of the village is maintained. 11. Any details pursuant to Condition 1(a) above shall include a dwellinghouse(s): i) finished in wet dash render/smooth cement render/natural stone or a mixture of these finishes; ii) incorporating windows with a strong vertical emphasis; Continued iii) a roof pitch of not less than 37 o and not greater than 42o, symmetrically pitched and finished in a good quality slate substitute or such other material as agreed F:\MODERNGOV\DATA\PUBLISHED\INTRANET\C00000199\M00000971\AI00006666\SOROBAROADARDFERN02014890.DOC iv) which is predominantly rectangular shaped width traditional gable ends. Traditional “peaked” roof dormers and porches shall be encouraged. Reason: In the interest of visual amenity and in order to integrate the proposed dwellinghouse(s) with its surroundings. 12. Prior to the work starting on site, a landscaping plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Council as Planning Authority. This landscaping plan shall include the following details: (i) The location, type, height and number/density of trees and hedging to be planted on site, incorporating a strategic landscape strip along the two south eastern boundaries of the site and the north eastern boundary with a minimum width of 3 metres. (ii) The location, type and canopy width of any existing trees on the site identifying those to be retained and those to be removed as a result of the development. Reason: In the interest of visual amenity and in order to integrate the proposal with its surroundings. 13. The strategic landscaping required by Condition 12 above shall be fully implemented, within temporary protective fencing, prior to work starting on the first dwellinghouse. The details of the temporary protective fencing shall be first submitted to and approved by the Council as Planning Authority prior to its erection and it shall remain in place until the development is substantially completed. All other planting, seeding, turfing and other works shown on the duly approved landscaping plans shall be carried out in the first planting season following work starting on the first dwellinghouse. All of the landscaping shall be maintained for a period of 10 years with any losses to any of the landscaping for whatever reason being replaced within one planting season with a similar size and species to the trees originally required to be planted. Reason : In order to ensure that the landscaping scheme is maintained and any failures are replaced by similar species. F:\MODERNGOV\DATA\PUBLISHED\INTRANET\C00000199\M00000971\AI00006666\SOROBAROADARDFERN02014890.DOC APPENDIX RELATIVE TO APPLICATION : 02/01489/OUT A. POLICY OVERVIEW Strathclyde Structure Plan (1995) Policy STRAT 2 establishes a presumption against development which has an adverse impact upon natural and heritage resources which cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced (including landscape).
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