520 WRINGTON. SOMERSET. [KELLY'S little to the east of the village, stands the beautiful cot­ COWSLIP GREEN is a hamlet, 1! miles south-east. tage, formerly the residence (1786 to 1828) of the dis- 1 Deputy Parish Clerk and Sexton, Frederick Parks .. tinguished authoress Miss Hannah More; it is now the property of and occupied by Henry Herbert Wills esq Sexton of Redhill Chapel of Ease, Charles Coles. J.P. George A. Wills esq. J.P. is lord of the manor. Post, .NI. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.­ Henry ·Herbert Wills esq. J.P. and A. Douglas Pass Mrs. Cora Augusta Milford, sub-postmistress. Letters esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is various, , through Bristol mostly resting on the new red sandstone; the subsoil j l'ust Office, Redhill.-Mrs. Elizabeth Brean, sub-post­ is clay and shale. The chief crops are wheat, beans, ! mistress. Letters through Bristol. Wrington, 2 miles oats, turnips, mangolds and potatoes ; and much land 1 distant, is the nearest money nrder & telegraph office is in pastnre. The area is 5,907 acres of land and 6 of Wall Letter Boxes.-The Grove, Wrington; Cowslip water; . rateable value, £9,586 ; the population in rgr I grern & Lulsgate was 1,367 in the civil parish and 1,198 in the eccle­ PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. siastical parish. Wrington (mixed), built in r8S7• in the Pointed style, at a cost of about £r,soo, on land given by the late FELTON COMMON HILL is an ecclesiastical parish Duke of Cleveland K.G. for 245 children; Robert formed from part of Wrington; it is given under a Hewett, master separate heading. · Redhill (mixed), built in 1874, for 100 children; John REDHILL is a hamlet, 2 miles east, on the road from James Neville, master Axbridge to Bristol. Here is a Village Hall, erected in CARRIER TO BRISTOL. rgn, at the cost of H. H. Wills esq. of Barley Wood, Francis Joseph Cook, tues. thurs. & sat. returning and containing a committee room, reading room, skittle same day alley and kitchen. • Station Master, Edgar Chalk Marked thns * should be addressed: Bristowe Hubert Carpenter M.D., · Marshall Hy. C. farmer, Rydings fm Downside, West Town, Bristol M.R.C.S.Eng. physician & surgeon,: Marshall Lucy (Mrs.), beer retailer & medical officer & public vac- Mar shall Percival F. market gardenr PRIVATE RESIDENTS. cinator, No. 6 district, Axbridge 'Milner MaTy Jane (MTs.),proprietress Ashdown Rev. George Middleton 1 union (see firm, BTistowe, Wood & I of the Golden Lion hotel M.A. (rector) I Webb) *Milton John, builder Bentall William Edward, Uplands I Browning Wm. farmer, Leggs farm O~;borne William, smallholder,Redhill Hethell Frederick, The Gables f Bush Peter, carpenter Organ Brothers Limited, saddlers' Bristowe Hubert Carpenter M.D f Clark Andrew, fa.rmer, Redhill warehousemen, Beam mills Burnett Frederick, Mill house Coles Richard (Mrs.), dress maker Parks Frederick, boot maker & sex- Burniston Augustus John,Mendip vw Oollins Oath. (Mrs.), farmr. Court ho ton & deputy parish clerk *Collett William Henry, Downside I Cook Annie (Miss), dress maker Parsley Brothers, market gardeners Cordeux Joseph Horsley, HavyattiCook Francis Joseph, beer retailer Parsley Rosina (Mrs.), shopkeeper lodge (letters through Langford) ICook Walter H. grocer • Pakh Leonard, smallhldr. Vosper ho Oresswell Rev. Frederick Willia-m I Counsell W. & Oo. coal merchants Pineo Ernest Geo. Douglas M.R.C.S. L.Th. (curate), Redhill.· i Crane George, hay salesman, Redhill Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physcn.(brnch) Duke V. Rockdunder ! *Franks Joseph William, farmer Pollard Thomas, Darlington Arms French Mrs. Redhill house Gibbons Ernest Alfred, plumbeT &c P.H. Redhill . Gibson James Thornton, Wauen ho Gillard John, carpenter Poole William, blacksmith, Lulsgate Goodfellow Frederick F. Blanch ho Golden Lion Family &. Com- Porter Arthur Ernest, farmer, Oat- Gran~e MTs. Myrtle. cottage . mercial Hotel (pToprietress,Mrs. lands farm . Hawkms Mrs. Cowshp ho.Oowshp grn Mary Jane Milner), ample accom- *Porter Samuel, farmer- Jones Rev. Esay Charles (Congrega-1 modation for families, visitors & Redhill Village Hall, Redhill t~onal) •. The Manse I tourists; lock up motor garage; Sendell Mecklam Arthur, accountant Keiley Misses, Haydens . all classes of conveyances for hire ; & insurance agent ·*Kelsey Charles J. Downside 1 near Railway station. Tel. No. 5 Shepherd Henry. farmer, Lye hole Lawder Fr·ancis E. Glencarne ! Grant Alexander, gardener to H. H. Smith George, farmer, Redhill Lucas Mrs. Orchard cottage ! Wills esq. J.P Spalding Alexander, cycle agent Marshall Edward D. Pierce hay I Ham Ernest smallholder Redhill Sparks Joseph Barter, painter & house "Meade-King Rev.Fredk.J.P.West Hay! Hardwick A~elia (Mrs.), frmr.Havyet decorator, assistant overseer & clerk Organ Al.bert T. Sunnyside : farm (letters through Langford) to the Parish Council Organ M1~s.• Broad street 'Hardwick George, farmer, Stepstone's Thatche: Gilbert Henry, farmer, Organ Ph1hp Evan, Hayd~ns I farm (letters through Langford) Paradise farm· . Organ Waiter G. South VIeW i Hardwick Richd. farmr.Wrington frm Thatcher John, farmer, Downs1de Osmond Henry, Brook lodge i Horwood Jane Elizh. (~Ess), draper Vauden Edwd. market gardener (let· Rails )Villiam Salmon, Stanley house Hurley Stanlev, hair dresser ters through Lulsgate, Winford) Robinson Edgar, The Grove Hutching-s Philip farmer Boxbush Vining- "Villiam, farmer Sams Mrs. Udley farm Redhill ' ' Waiter J. H. & Sons, millers (steam Sendell Mecklam .Arthur 1Jackson' William, gamekeeper to B. & water), Wrington mill. T N 7 Storey Evelyn J. Yeomans 1 H. Wills esq. J.P Wrington Stride Robert, Marlborough house .lohn Locke Hall (H. c. Marshal!, sec) Wa"':e .Reginald, farmer T~ompson Dudley Ernest, Alburys Keel Eli;l;a (Mrs.), farmer Wh1ttrng John R. boot & shoe maker, Wills Hy. Herbert J.P. 1Barley Wood Lane Charles shoeing & general smith Broad street Wilson Rob~rt, Oatlands Lane Willia~, blacksmith Withey Josep~ Herbert, farmer,Orib's Wood Dubnc. I Lawrence Brothers, butchers _farm, Re~lnll .. Wood Fredertc B.A. Lloyds Bank Limited (agency of Ax- Wood Dubnc,, solicitor .. bridge) (open fri. 10 to r); draw Wood Fredenc B.~.qantab. sohcJ~or, COMMERCIAL. on head office, 71 Lombard street. perpetual comm1sswner for takmg '*Adams Anthony, corn dealer London E C 'l acknowledgments of deeds by mar- Alexander Fredk. fa.rmer, Redhill Lock Mark farmer Chancellors farm, ried women & commissioner for Alien Sidney, baker & tobacconist Redhill ' _' administering oaths, clerk to the Am or Lucy (Mrs.) & Sons, drapers, Lodge Fras. New inn (letters through justices .of the peace for tbedivisi~m Broad street & groceTs, High street Lulsgate, Winford) · o.f A:xbr1dge, clerk to the. C?r.nmJs- Andrews George, beer reth. Redhill London County Westminster & Parr's s1oners of taxes for the diVISIOn of Ashman Ernest, farmer, Redhill Bank. Limited (sub-branch from j W!·ington &c.; & at Axbridge &i Ashman Henry John, farmer, Redhill Axbr1dge) (open fri. 10 to r) ; Bnstol. T N 8 Axford William, saddler draw on head office, 4 Bartholomew Yeates Waiter William, carpenter Baber Lewis, farmr. Pigeon House frm lane, London E C 2 _ *Young Charles, farmer Barber Bros. coal & manure merchts T,vnham William James, baker Young Jas. farmer. Scar farm, Redbll Bennett Ernest Hicks, farmer Marshall Elliott, farmer, Cornwall Young John, farmer (letters through Biggs George, news agent farm, RPdhill Lulsgate, Winford) Brean Thomas, shopkeeper, Redhill Marshall Francis, farmer, Hailstone\ • Bristowe, Wood & Webb, surgeons farm, Redhill WRITHLINGTON is a small parish and village, 1 mile division, Frome union and county court district, rural east from Radstock station on the Somerset and Dorset and ilo:mery of Midsomer Norton, archdeaconry of Wells and Great Western railways, 8 miles north-west from Frome diocese of Bath and Wells. The church of St. Mary :Mag­ and 8 south-west of Bath. in the Frome division of the rlalene, rebuilt and enlarged in 1874, at a cost of£ r,5oo, ccunty, Kilmersdon hundred, Radstock petty ses,-.ional I by the late Rev. 0. B. Pearson, then patron, and the Jat.e .
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