1 ~ 5 173. Benson Packing Industries paper 6 convertors &; Painters, Plot No. 116/6 114. Universal Engg.Co., Plot No. 112/6 Electric bulb rkteing 0.10 3 machinery 175. Jalson India, Plot No. 110/6 29 1~. Electro Agencies, Plot No. 109/6 Fabrications 13 (Dellorvs chains) 177. VeekaY Industries, Plot No. 122/6 Plastic bottles, job 15' work of clutch auto' ,--. J 178. Tul Par Machine &. Tool Co., 120/6 ,'0 179. Super Alloy Casting 62/6 Automobil~ par~s .0 (die cast, 1etd.) , ~8 4.6 180. Faridabad A to Industries Pvt. Ltd., 30.Of Sector-6 8 181. Super Auto India I'r 4.5 17 182. .Super Auto Industries -hi. 20.8 118 - 183. Barna Metals (P) Ltd. Aluminium alloys Id 184. Barna Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd. -do---' rs 10.3 11 185. Shakti Enterprises Shoelaces ~rtnen~ 6 . ·00 ,186. Chemical Vessals Pvt. Ltd; Fabricators ( 200 chemical pail nery 5.2 13 Haryana Steel Fabricators Engineers, Fabricato(tn. Plot No. 53, SeCtor-6 boxClland rPods) 3.8 15 La-fashion Garment, Plot No. 55, Readymade .~ Sector-6 A &-J Main & Co. (Engineers) Pv!. F~rging work ~ Ltd., Sector-6 ~\ Sheat metal c( \ [;ponents (En".'!;. \ , . ~ '. - ~---.,,-- --------- };Pfu,fuh, 813 TABLa XXIV--(Contd.) 2 3 ---------------4 S 209. Equipment & Conductors & cables AACandACSR 14.82 43 (P) Ltd., 14/1 Mathura Road conductor 210. Jai Chemicals 14/1 Mathura Road Pesticides and 9.13 18 fine hemicals 211. Maheshwari Fastners (P) Ltd. 14/6 Turned component'J 6.65 • 5S Mathura Road 212. Maheshwari Wire Industries, 14/6 M.S. wire and G.I. 1.18 62 Mathura Road wire and wire products 213. M.G. Sahni & Co. (Delhi) Ltd., 12/1, Toilet products, 14.55 8 .Mathura Road sanitary towels, adhesive 214. Model Marks Machine Co., 17/6, : 3.15 14 Mathura Road .215. Ony Industries; 13/3, Mathura Road Motor cye Ie parts, !. 6.28 45 referigrator parts 216. Precision Castings, 13/3, Mathura Non ferrous casting 19;70 48 Road mechanical parts & assemblies 217. Precision Fine Wire (P)Ltd., 14/4, Wire products 6.14' 5 Mathuta Road, 218. Micro Precision Products, 4-Link Multi colour gianure 54 Road printing machine 219. Sartaj Industries, Link Road Malt 5.85 60 220. S.B.R. Singhania Chemicals Ind. Calcium carbonate 15.90 80 DeR, DLF, 14/1, Mathura Road 221. Shri Kishan Chemicals Mills, 14/N. Do 15.66 35 DLF 222. Sifa Singh Engineering & Sons, 15/4, Auto body building 22.00 72 Mathura Road and fabrication 223. Trocks Pharmaceuticals (P) Ltd., Link Pharmaceuticals 4.00 34 Road 224. Parkar.h Agro Industries Tractor parts 42.00 45 225. Ebo~als Tractor parts 3.00 8 ~14 OUkaAON~ DiSTRICT. C~ tABLE XXIV -(Contd.) 1 2 3 - 4 5 226. Press Well Industries Press 8.00 13 227. Atka Printed Products Pvt. Ltd. Transformer. 45.00 46 (At BallBbgarb' 228. Mukesh Abrasive & Allied Products,' Emery grains and 3.97 32 Tigaon Road powder 229. Celestrical Engg. Works, Sector-4 Nuts, bolts, etc. 7.06 40 230. Alcan India, Sector-4 Tractor components 4.40 19 231. Packmaster (P) Ltd., Sector-4 Packing carton9 30 232. Nicop Metal, Sector-4 Steel fabricators 4.22 20 233. Selectors Auto Industries, Sector-4 Auto pin ignition 0.70 8 234. Haryana Refractories (P) Ltd., Plot Refractorier. 12.39 85 No. 65-66, Sector-25 235. Zinc Oxide, Sector-25 Zinc oxide 4.00, 2 236. Summer Potteries Sorwaricrockery 4,60 i50' 237. Premier Straw Boards Card board 16.00 ~so 238. Tayal Techno Industries (P) Ltd. Sodium sulphate 0.14 6 239. Partap Refractori~, Sector-25 Refractories 45.00 188 240. Saraswati Ceramics, Sector-25 6.33 32 241. Saraswati Surgical Cotton, Sector-25 Surgical cotton 4.00 33 , 242. Shambhu Nath & Chemical, Sector-25 25.00 64 243. Everest Steel Fabricators TigaonRoad Railway spikes 33.'50 40 components 244. Ajit Rubber Industries Rubber goods 16.02 16 245. Tubewell Workshop & Geneml Industries Agticultural impIe- 1.57 9 menis job work 246. United Oil Mill Machinery and Spare Parts Oil mill machinery 12.00 78 parts 247. Puri Iron & Steel Corporation Auto parts 10.00 19 248. H.K. Industries Tractor parts 7.00 6 249. Cbempol Industries Rubber items 1.54 16 250. Bohra Mills Til oil and cake9 65.95 12 ~~1, &tar :Rub\jer /Works Rubber mo1,1ldsparts 13.08 12 L Ai>pENbbt: 81'S' lTABLE;.ntV--(Co1trd.) , 1 5 ----- 2 3 4 252. Krishna Industries' Oil and oil cakes 22.00 10 253. Mukesh Abrasives & Allied Products Synthetic emery 3.98 42 \ grain & powders (B) GURGAON CIRCLE (At GurgaOD) 1. Manohar IndUstries, 1-2/A, Industrial Domestic appliances 4.00 18 Estate 2. Virman Engg. Co., Private Limited, Generating sets 80.00 80 Plo't No. 7, IndustrialDe~lopment Colony 3. Couects, Plot No. 16-17, Industrial Electric appliances 7.00 11 Development COlony 4. Mewat Agro Industrial COrporation M.S. rounds/flats 6.00 12 15-30 Industrial Development Colony , ~' 5. Usha Dies Casting, Plot No.5, Industrial Auto parts & die . 18.00 .46 /Development Colony casting t· 6- Manmohan Chemical Plot No. 66, Fine chemicals 3;00 7 Industsial Development Colony 7. Goel Industries, 12~A, Industrial Water pipe fittings 3.00 12 Estate 8. Bucksyn Engg. 67-A, Industrial DeveloPment Do 2.10 dO Colony 9. K.K. Industrial Corporation, 18-A, Wire drawing 8.00 4 Industrial Estate 10. Haryana Rubber ~ Cable Industry Rubber goods 3.00 . , 12 11. Dena Paints Priva;te Limited, Plot No. 57, Paints 20.00 16 Industrial D~vr1opment Colony, Gurgaon " 12. AgSOl1SAgencies (India) private Canned vegetables 2.00 12 ,Limited; & fruit 13. Haryana Kirishi Yantra Udyog Agro implements 1.95 7 (at. Pataudi) . 14. Newage Industries, Jharsa Road Zinc oxide 1.50 8 15. Inargo Chemicals, National Highway Chemicals 8.00 7 16. Bharat Chemicals Engg. Daultabad Chemical plant:> 2.71 15 Road. 17. New Nirman Industries, Daultabad Chaff cutter blades 1.00 ~ Road bbioAOk 1>IstRIct oAzfrtttiil TABLE XXIV ~(Contd.) '18. Pee-Dee Continental,9-A, Industrial Estate 19. Gaur Potteries, Daultabad Road Pottery goods 4.79 20. Sun Rise Rubber Ind'ustries, Pataudi Rubber goods 4.42 Road 21. Jagdama Potteries ,Pataudi Road Pottery goods 0.80 22. Plasto Rubber Industries, Khandsa. Road Rubber goods 5.00 23. Golden Metal Works, Mehrauli Road Brass cocks valves & 2.50 pipe fitting Pressure cookers 3.10 Gurgaon Chemical Works, Mehrauli 5.25 Road - 26. Muksons Engg. Co., Mehrauli Road Fans and motors 6.00 Precision Metal Works (India,) Private Auto parts/machine 14.42 Ltd., Railway Road tools { 28. Apex Auto & General Industries, Auto parts Alwar Road Rivets & auto maehine 30. Basai Potteries, Basai Road Pottery goods 4.25 31. Bee Tee Industries, National Highway Crockery & stone- 3.50 ware pit 32. Maxflow Pump Private Limited, Pumps and pumping Khandsa Road . sets 33. Pan India Plastic Private Ltd., Delhi Plastic containers Road 34. Haway KUla Industries, Village Chandernagar 35. Ajanta Engg. Corporation, Delhi Road All kinds of ferrous and non-ferrous ca'ltings 36. Goldfield Mfg. Co., Village Chandernagar Auto parts 8.50 37. Durgal yikas Udyog, Village Sikanderpor, Refractory 3.50 38. Haryana Fire Bricks, VillageBasai Refractory 1.00 39.- Mazdoor Tools Pvt. Ltd., National Hand.tools 4.50 Highway I ~ J.:.' ", f 4t A:PPENf>lX At' , , TABLE:XXIV-{Contd.) ----I 2 3 4 5 ---~"" 40. Globe Surgico, Daultabad .- Surgical cotton 3.00 10 41. Jay Sons Tooth Factory, Daultabad Artificial teeth . 1.25 .~ 17 - Road, 42. Mahal~kshmi Ispat Private Ltd., M.S. rounds/flats 84.86 36 Daultabad Road 43. Scientific Glass & Vacuum Appratus, Scientific instruments 1.10 9 Chandemagar 44. Bilors Industries Timepieces 11.00 19 45. Phool Chand Ved Parkash, Mehrauli Printing 8.50 19 Road 46. Kondnya & Co. Cross joints 0.50 7 47. Anand Spinning & Weaving Mills, Cotton yam 4.90 5 Private Limited 48. Tempo Engg. Works Pressure cookers )2.00 9 49. Exact Technomatic Zinkchain ~.OO 13 SO. Bharat Bearing Industries Bat beari~ ~.60 8 J 51. Akash Industries Agricultural implements!. 3.25 19 f:. 52. Acropolymers Private Limited. Khandsa Resin & paints 2.00 48 Road 53. Asia Rubber Milia Rubber goods ~3.53 20 54. Bar Malt (India) Pvt. Ltd. Malt and malt 115.00 125 extract 55. Bareja Engg. Co. Pvt. Ltd. Pump & pumping 14.ooJ 17 sets 56. Cera mills Glaze & Zerocinium Oxide Zerconum Oxide 13.09 9 57. Chatwal Potteries Pottery goods 7.00 68 58. Malt Co., (India) Pvt. Ltd. Malt 55.00 84 J-' - 59. Deepa k Minerals & Grinding Pottery goods 6.30 89 Potteries 60. D.R. Kumars & Brothers Brass cocks and 20.00 7S valves 61. Gurgaon Porceilin Work'! Potteries goods 6.00 60 J) 62. G.k. Steel & Wire Products Screws, nails and 3.00 U wire 'fA8LE XXIV-(Contd.) 1 2 3 4 5 63. Gujral Brothers Auto parts \ 0.34 4 64. Industino Private Limited Automobiles & tractor 14.00 73 parts 65. Indicator Mfg. Co., (Village Textile machinery 2.59 7 Dundahera) parts 66. Jindal.Refrigeration Ammonia compressor 1.00 5 67. Karam Pottery . Pottery good 7.12 ~ 68. Lakbshmi Engg. Corporation Auto part 2.00 47 69. Mehtab Potteries Pottery good 6.27 ~l 70. Mechalic, Delhi Road Industrial machine knife 4.90 9 71, Metal Casting, Industrial Estate Refrigerator parts and 6.00 18 all kind of castings I , 72. M~x-E-Productions Ltd., Village Oil seals 2.50 20., :fIarsaru !. 73. N ibro Limited, Delhi Road Cutlery and hospital 16'.00 80 equipments 74. Nice Steel Industries, Khandsa~ Road Agricultural imple- - 2.50 9~ ments 75.
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