Contents How To Use This Handbook General Numbering System Reference Symbols Acronyms and Abbreviations Introduction 0-1 Policy Statement 0-2 Overview 0-3 Facility Types & Programs 0-4 Deviation Policy 0-5 Retail Design Review Policy 0-6 Directory Structure 0-7 USPS Reference Documents Appendices Appendix A Feedback Form Appendix B Deviation Request Form Appendix C Headquarters Design Review Form Module 1: General Criteria Chapter 1 Civil Chapter 2 Architectural Chapter 3 Structural Chapter 4 Mechanical Chapter 5 Electrical Standard Design Criteria Contents 1 Handbook AS-503, June 17, 2010 Module 2: Specific Criteria 2A Mail Processing Facilities Note that the criteria related to the facility type known as Mail Processing Facilities has been extracted and compiled in a separate folder named “MPF” (Mail Processing Facilities) in the Building Design Standards. 2B Medium Standard Building Designs (MSBD) Chapter 1 Civil (Not used, refer to Module 1, Chapter 1) Chapter 2 Architectural Chapter 3 Structural (Not used, refer to Module 1, Chapter 3) Chapter 4 Mechanical Chapter 5 Electrical 2C Small Standard Building Designs (SSBD) Chapter 1 Civil (Not used, refer to Module 1, Chapter 1) Chapter 2 Architectural Chapter 3 Structural (Not used, refer to Module 1, Chapter 3) Chapter 4 Mechanical (Not used, refer to Module 1, Chapter 4) Chapter 5 Electrical Standard Design Criteria Contents 2 Handbook AS-503, June 17, 2010 Module 3: Special Facility Types 3A Vehicle Maintenance Facilities (VMF) [See new MPF folder] 3B Modular Post Offices 3C Storage Buildings [See new MPF folder] 3D Historic Buildings and Fine Arts 3E Flat Sequencing System [See new MPF folder] Module 4: Special Components 4A Retail Design Standards 4B Fuel Islands [See new MPF folder] 4C Underground Storage Tanks [See new MPF folder] 4D Mechanization / Automation [See new MPF folder] 4E Business Mail Entry Unit [See new MPF folder] 4F Exterior Signage 4G Not Used 4H Repair & Alterations Standard Design Criteria Contents 3 Handbook AS-503, June 17, 2010 [This page intentionally left blank.] Standard Design Criteria Contents 4 Handbook AS-503, June 17, 2010 How To Use This Handbook General The Standard Design Criteria is organized into four modules: Module 1 - Criteria that is common and applicable to the two primary facility types (MSBD & SSBD). Module 2 - Criteria that is unique to the facility type (MSBD or SSBD). Module 3 - Criteria for special facility types other than the two primary facility types. Module 4 - Criteria for those special components that at times may be a part of any of the facilities. For each facility type (MSBD & SSBD), Module 1 must be used in conjunction with the appropriate section of Module 2 in order to obtain ! the complete criteria. In addition, portions of Module 3 or 4 may be required, depending on the particular project. Note that the criteria related to the facility type formerly known as “Majors” has been extracted and compiled in a separate folder named “MPF” (Mail Processing Facilities) in the Building Design Standards. Numbering System Chapter Number (Architectural) Section Number (Platforms) Subsection Number (Dock Equipment) Sub-subsection Number (Flip Ramps) Sub-subsection Name Sample Number: 2-3.8.1 Flip Ramps For example, “2-3.8.1 Flip Ramps” can be found in Chapter 2 (Architectural), Section 3 (Platforms), Subsection 8 (Dock Equipment). Module name and number are noted in the footer on each page. Reference Symbols Facility Type Reference Box The facility type reference box is used in Module 1 to prompt the user of all or additional information on a particular topic found in Module 2, Specific Design Criteria. Example: Standard Design Criteria How To Use This Handbook 1 Handbook AS-503, June 17, 2010 2-2.2 Wire Screen Enclosures MSBD Indicates all or additional information regarding wire screen enclosures applicable only to MSBD is located in Module 2 Specific Criteria. However, there is no SSBD-specific criteria on wire screen enclosures. Related Module Reference Box The facility type reference box is used to prompt the user of all or additional information on a particular topic found in another Module. Example: Landscaping at Signs Module 4F Indicates all or additional information regarding landscaping at signs is located in Module 4F. USPS Document Reference Symbol This symbol prompts the user to refer to a USPS document for additional information which does not reside within the Standard Design Criteria. See the Introduction chapter, Section 0-7 for a listing of USPS Reference Manuals. Example: 2-6.1.2 Windows USPS Handbook RE-5 Indicates reference to Handbook RE-5 is required for additional security issues concerning windows. Standard Detail Reference Symbol This symbol is used to reference the standard detail(s) applicable to a particular design criteria item. Example: 2-3.8.5 Bumpers 2-3-8aÆc1 Indicates reference to the bumper detail numbers. The details, including an explanation of their numbering system, can be found in the Standard Detail Library. Exclamation Point Used to draw the user’s attention to a particular design criteria item. ! 2 Standard Design Criteria How To Use This Handbook Handbook AS-503, June 17, 2010 Checklists The Checklists located at the end of the Module have been compiled for the A/E’s convenience, and not required by USPS. They are not all-inclusive, and can be expanded or reduced at the discretion of the A/E. Refer to the Standard Design Criteria for clarification of checklist content. Revisions Sidebar The revisions sidebar in the left margin is to indicate changes to content since the last version of the Standard Design Criteria. Changes include additions, revisions, and deletions of content. Acronyms and Abbreviations AABC Associated Air Balancing Council A/E Architect/Engineer of Record AFF Above Finished Floor AFUE Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency AMF Air Mail Facility AMC Air Mail Concourse APC Automated Postal Center ANSI American National Standards Institute APPS Automated Package Processing System AQ Alternate Quarters ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society of Testing Materials BDS Building Design Standards BDS Bio-detection System BFF Below Finish Floor BMC Bulk Mail Center BMEU Business Mail Entry Unit BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators BTU British Thermal Unit CARS Contract Access Retail System CB Circuit Breaker or Call Button CCTV Closed Circuit TV CFC Chlorofluorocarbon CFS Computer Forwarding System CFR Code of Federal Regulations CCR Consolidated Computer Room CIP Camera Interface Panel COP Coefficient of Performance CP Consolidation Point CPI Consumer Price Index CPI Crime Prevention Index CPU Contract Postal Unit DAR Decision Analysis Report DB Dry Bulb D/B Design/Build D/B/B Design/Bid/Build DBE Design Build Entity D&C Design and Construction Standard Design Criteria How To Use This Handbook 3 Handbook AS-503, June 17, 2010 DOT Department of Transportation DV Direct Vendor EA Environmental Assessment EAS Electronic Article Surveillance eDCCS Electronic Design and Construction Contract System EEMS Enterprise Energy Management System EER Energy Efficiency Ratio EMT Electric Metallic Tubing EPA Environmental Protection Agency eRECS Electronic Real Estate Contract System ER Equipment Room (for telecommunication equipment) EWT Entering Water Temperature FDC Fiber Optics Distribution Center FDS Functional Design Specifications FICS Facility Investment Cost Sheet FPC Facility Planning Concept FPO Federal Preservation Officer FRP Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic FRRM Facility Risk Rating Model FSD Facility Survey Data FSS Flat Sequencing System FSSP Facilities Single Source Provider FT Foot/Feet FXP Fixture Piece FSO Facility Service Office HC Handicapped HC Horizontal Cross Connect HCFC Hydro Chloro Fluorocarbons HDD Heating Degree Days HEBR Hyper Electronic Badge Reader HOA Hand-off Automatic HSPF Heating Seasonal Performance Factor HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning IAQ Indoor Air Quality IAT Inside Air Temperature IBC International Building Code IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame (old term – see HC) IDS Intrusion Detection System IES Illuminating Engineering Society IMPC International Mail Processing Center IN Inch(es) IO Investigative Office I/O Information Outlet (old term – see T/O) IPSS Image Processing Sub-System IPLV Integrated Part Load Value IRT Integrated Retail Terminal IS Investigative System ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ITSC Information Technology Service Center JOC Job Order Contract JOE Justification of Expenditure KWH Kilowatt Hour LAN Local Area Network LCC Life Cycle Cost L&DC Logistics and Distribution Center LEC Local Exchange Carrier 4 Standard Design Criteria How To Use This Handbook Handbook AS-503, June 17, 2010 LLV Long Life Vehicle LPG Liquid Propane Gas LSM Letter Sorting Machine MAP Modular Assembly Program MAX Maximum MC Main Cross Connect MDF Main Distribution Frame (old term – see MC) MDF Medium Density Fiberboard MER Mechanical Equipment Room MFO Major Facilities Office MHS Material Handling System MIN Minimum ML Magnetic Lock MLB Materials Logistic Bulletin MPFS Mail Processing Facility Specifications MSBD Medium Standard Building Designs NCL New Construction Leased NCO New Construction Owned NDSS National Directory Support System NEBB National Environmental Balancing Bureau NEC National Electrical Code NFPA National Fire Protection Association NIST National Institute of Standards & Technology
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