VOL. XXVII, No. 22 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] FEBRUARY 26, 1925 Sidney Vogel, Midyear Graduate, Tells What Four Years at Cor- nell Did for Him Deans of Medical, Veterinary, and Agricultural Colleges Report on Past Year's Progress Basketball Team Loses to Columbia and Princeton—Former a Close Game Wrestling Team Shows Improved Form in Defeating Syracuse Saturday, 21 to 3 Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August at 123 West State Street, Ithaca, Ne\v York. Subscription $4 00 per year Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act of March 3, 1879, at the postoffice at Ithaca, N.ew York. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS PROVIDENCE HARTFORD Our College pre- Hemphill, Noyes C& Co. paratory tutoring ESTABROOK & CO. 37 Wall Street, New York school, officially the Investment Secureties Cornell Tutoring School can still arrange complete Sound Investments Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore courses in all Pittsburgh Rochester Buffalo Syracuse IPREP. SUBJECTS New York Boston Jansen Noyes ΊO Clifford Hemphill except first year languages, at pub- 24 Broad 15 State lished class rates. Seniors onτy: Stanton Griffis ΊO Harold Strong Edminster School ROGER H. WILLIAMS, '95 Walter S. Marvin Kenneth K. Ward New York Resident Partner J. Stanley Davis SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD Members of the New York Stock Exchange The Cascadilla Schools Ithaca NOTICE TO GRADUATES GO TO CORNELL EMPLOYERS Trust Company College Preparatory Boarding School SEPTEMBER TO JUNE A High-Grade School for Boys—Small Classes—All Athletics—In- dividual Attention The Cornell Society of Engineers main- Special Tutoring School tains a Committee of Employment for Cor- Resources Over OCTOBER TO JULY nell graduates. Employers are invited to Private Instruction in any Preparatory consult this Committee without charge Five Million Dollars when in need of Civil or Mechanical En- Subject gineers, Draftsmen, Estimators, Sales Trustees Engineers, Construction Forces, etc. 19 F. C. Cornell Ernest Blaker West 44th Street, New York City, Room C. D. Bostwick 817. Telephone, Vanderbilt 2865. Our latest Catalog will appeal to that President Charles E. Treman school boy you are trying to Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell interest in Cornell Vice-Pres. and Sec., W. H. Storms A postal will bring it C. M. CHUCKROW, Chairman Treasurer . Sherman Peer The Registrar, Cascadilla School Box A, Ithaca, N. Y. Rothschild Bros. Complete Assortment §f Cornell Banners, Stop-Over at Ithaca Pennants, Lehigh Valley Service enables Cornellians to stop-over at Pillow Covers, Ithaca without loss of business time when enroute between New Wall and York or Philadelphia and Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit and Chicago. Table Skins at Why not take advantage of this on your next trip? Just tell Attractive Prices the Conductor and deposit your ticket with the ticket agent at Ithaca. You will feel at home on The Route of The Black Diamond Lehigh \fcdley Railroad * The Route of The Black Diamond Rothschild Bros. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXVII, No. 22 ITHACA, N. Y., FEBRUARY 26, 1925 PRICE 12 CENTS T would not be safe to predict that registration cards and a copy of their time on February 21. Plans for other Spring has come to Ithaca, as the day finger-prints from the file in Davy's office. major productions have been made, which I after the prediction might find the city will include an adaptation of Beaumont THE SENIOR BANQUET COMMITTEE will buried in yards of snow. But the pussy and Fletcher's "The Coxcomb" entitled be captained by Gordon E. Youngman '26, willows at least have decided to take a "Ricardo and Viola," and "The House of Atlantic City, who has been chosen by chance, and are opening their fuzzy heads into Which We Are Born" by Jacques the Student Council to take the place left to see what the country looks like this Copeau. vacant by the resignation of Philip L. year. The members of the Floriculture Wright '25 of Warren, Ohio. At the same A STRANGE ACCIDENT, the details of Department don't want to be mean about meeting of the Council, Joseph H. Swan which are not clear, was reported on it, but they're afraid the pussy willows '26 of Chicago was named junior repre- February 18 when some boys found Albert may be riding for a fall, and may run into sentative of the Council on the central N. Miller of North Tioga Street lying near a few chills before spring is really here. honor committee. the bridge over Cascadilla Creek, with a They say it is unusual to find them out so smashed arm and shoulder and numerous early and that they have probably been THE SAGE CHAPEL Preacher for March cuts and bruises. Mr. Miller was conscious fooled by recent warm weather. i will be the Rev. Dr. Adna W. Leonard, but not able to explain what happened. AT TRIALS held on February 18, Frank bishop of the Methodist Church, Buffalo. It is believed that he was attempting to C. Monaghan, Jr., '27 of Uniontown, PROFESSOR KURT KOFFKA, of the Uni- cross the railroad tracks there and was hit Pennsylvania, was chosen to defend the versity of Giessen, visiting professor of by a freight train. Apparently the engi- child labor amendment to the Constitu- education, is giving a series of twelve neer did not know of the accident, as no tion in the coming debate with Princeton. public lectures on the Jacob H. Schiff train stopped. Mr. Miller is in the City John G. Laylin '25 of Columbus, Ohio, and Foundation on "The Psychology of Ges- Hospital. His injuries are reported serious. Benjamin Levitan '25 of Tarrytown, the talt and Its Relation to Other Science?.'' THE GRAPHIC, which made its first other members of the team, will speak on The lectures for the present week include appearance of the new term last week, the negative side. discussions of "The Nature of Gestalt," runs a humorous set of pictures illustrating A RECENT SURVEY made by Rev. "Action," and "Learning." the lines of the famous "Bustee Song," William H. Powers of the First Methodist OTHER LECTURERS for the week in- which include pictures of "Davy" and Episcopal Church of Ithaca, might indi- cluded "Angkor, the Lost City of the "Teefee Crane", and a group of former cate that there are a lot of Ithacans who Khmer Kings in Cambodia" by Miss Ger- students celebrating at Zinck's. keep their religion in cold-storage. The trude Emerson, daughter of former Pro- EMILIO DE GOGORZA, Spanish-American population of Ithaca is about 20,000, of fessor and Mrs. Alfred Emerson of Ithaca baritone, sang before one of the largest and whom 5,000 are members of Protestant and associate editor of Asia, on the Gold- most enthusiastic audiences of the Uni- churches, and 4,000 of the Roman Catholic win Smith Foundation, on February 23; a versity concert season in Bailey Hall on Church. Of the remaining 11,000, prob- recital in German of Lessing's "Nathan February 20. His program was especially ably 3,000 are children too young to be der Weise" by Max Montor, director of well selected and diversified, with German church members, but it is a fair assump- the Hamburg Municipal Theatre, on the and Spanish songs perhaps the most pleas- tion that there are 8,000 adults who Mr. Goldwin Smith Foundation, on February ing of all. The stage was beautifully Powers classes as having left their mem- 25; "Greek Jewelry and Gems" by Profes- decorated by the Department of Floricul- bership in the graveyard. Mr. Powers sor Eugene P. Andrews on February 26; ture. De Gogorza and his accompanist, gave these figures to show the problem to and "A New Type of High Tension In- his congregation, and did not at the time Miss Helen Winslow, were generous with sulator" by Professor Harold B. Smith '91, encores. suggest a solution. of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, IF PRESIDENT COOLIDGE ever hears of vice-president of the American Institute of ACCORDING TO FIGURES published in School and Society, Cornell is fourteenth in Ithaca, he will give it a kind thought or Electrical Engineers, under the auspices of America in numbers enrolled for full time possibly even break his proverbial silence the Cornell Section of the A. I. E. E., on with a word or two, since according to February 27. attendance, with 5,232 students. The Uni- versity of California leads with 15,580 stu- figures given out at Washington, the public MEMBERS OF THE ENGINEERING debt of Ithaca is much lower than the dents, followed by Columbia which has Faculty and their wives stepped out last 11,621. average for all the cities of New York week, when the second of their series of State. Its net indebtedness for 1922 was dances was held in the Sage Gymnasium. WILLIAM D. FUNKHOUSER '13, who was $1,041,000, representing a per capita The patronesses included Mrs. Dexter S. principal of Cascadilla School until 1915 debt of $59.22, which is not only much Kimball, Mrs. George R. McDermott, and is now head of the department of lower than the average for other New Mrs. H. D. Hess, Mrs. Margaret Gray, geology at the University of Kentucky, York cities, but slightly lower than the Mrs. Vladimir Karapetoff, and Mrs. Mayo. was one of those called upon to assist in the average for all cities in the United States. attempt to rescue of Floyd Collins, en- THE FIRST ALL-CORNELL DANCE of the THE BILL TO ESTABLISH a College of tombed in a Kentucky cave. term was held in the Armory Saturday Home Economics at Cornell to take the MOTORISTS THROUGH ITHACA will no evening.
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