■f WE ARE PROMPT ♦ Whoa• you want any Express, r«w WELUN6T0NC0AI nlture Vas.. or Truok work doM, phono ue. PACIFIC TRANSFER HALL A WALKER m Cormorant ttt Phono# Ml, Ml. ».««.«» Stored. H. CALWIU, Pro*. It# Government 8t. VOL. 49. VICTORIA, B. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1916 NO. 23 fl AND RUSSIAN WHOLE VILLAGE OF POZIERES, Italian Troops Are Holding Monte Cimone VICTORIOUS RUSSIAN FORCES NORTH OF SOMME RIVER, NOW Borne. July 26.—On the night of July 24 the Italian troops re­ UNDER THE GRAND DUKE HAVE pulsed two violent counter-attacks against the summit of Monte Oi- IN HANDS OF HAIG'S TROOPS mone, which had been captured from the Austrians, says an offi­ ERZINGJAN; EMPEROR’S THANKS cial announcement issued to-day. Houses in Which Germans Had Been Hold ERZINGJAN WRESTED FROM TURKS Captured Turkish Fortress in Central Ar­ ing Out in Desperation Captured, War menia on Tuesday, Thus Bringing to Office at London Announces; Berlin Ad Climax Latest Powerful Offensive Launch­ mits Loss; Two Strong Trenches and ed by Czar’s Brilliant Leader in the Cau­ Prisoners Taken West of Village casus; Czar Telegraphed Congratulations London, July 26.—The village of Poxieres, north of the Somme, Petrograd, July 26.—4Tb* Turkish fortress of Zrslngjan, In Cen­ has been captured by British troops, according to an announcement tral Armenia, has been captured by KnsaUn troops. This was an­ made to-day by the war office. nounced officially here to-day. The text of the statement follows : The text of the statement follows : “The whole village of Potisree is now in our hands. “On Tuesday our gallant troops under command of Geo. Udenit- “West of the village our territorial troops made a further ad­ chin took in battle the town of Zrsingjan. As a result the clearing of vance end captured two strong trenches and a number of prisoners, the Turks from Armenia has been accomplished. including five officers. “Elsewhere on the battle front there is no change.'* “The emperor yesterday sent the following telegram to the com­ mander-in-chief at Tiflis: Paris, July 26.—The night was calm on the French front south “ ‘It is with joy that I have heard of the taking of Erzingjaa. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate yon and the heroic Cau­ of the river Somme, says an official statement issued this afternoon. Krxingjan. captured by Russian forces, lies 100 miles I and base of supplies of the Turkish forces opposed to In the capture by French troops of a group of houses south of west-southwest of Ersvrum and ISO miles east of Hlvas. Grand Duke Nicholas’s forces In ths Erzerum and Black casus army upon your victory. I am delighted that the troops so Since-the fall of Erzerum It has been the main strong point | Estrees on Monday 167 Germans were made prisoners and three new Sea coast region quickly justified the confidence placed in them. German guns were taken. (Signed) “ ‘Nicholas.1 ” The text of the Etalement follower “On the Homme front the night was TRIUMPHS AGAIN FOR CANADIAN LAKE AND RUSSIA AND ALLIES; RUSSIANS CONTINUE TO DRIVE 1 93 PER CENT. RISE BATTALIONS WILL “In the course of the battle the day GRAND DUKE NICHOLAS before yesterday, when we won a IN REGION OF SLONEWKA RIVER. IN gr *up of houses south of Estrees, we RIVER MEN WANTED IN CANADA’S TRADE ’ BE USED AS DRAFTS ~ ^ , 111 ttneg new German guns and much material found In the. terrain con­ SOOTH VOLHYNIA; 4.1)63 MORE TAKEN quered by us on July 20 north of Britain Calls for 500 for Grand Total for April, May and Units Now in Canada Will Ba Boyecourt. This brings the total num­ Britain, France and June was $527,- Broken Up ber of cannon captured on that day to Having Crossed to Left Bank of Stream, Czar’s Troops Still in six Belgium 512,344 England “On the right bank of the Meuse Pressing Retreating Enemy Closely; Five More Guns Cap­ there was great artillery activity In the tured; Germans Made Strong Attempt in Riga Re­ Fleury sector. We placed under fire Ottawa. July 26—Another call for Ottawa,. July 26.—Another record- Ottawa, July 26 -There le little hope and dispersed enemy detachments < 'anadians to serve the empire In gion; Failed as They Had Done Before work for which many of them are well breaking trade statement has been Is­ that battalions now in Canada, oaa- north of the Sainte Fine chapel. fitted has been received from ttye mo­ sued. It shows an Increase of mi plete or In process of formation, will “At daybreak we bombarded an im­ ther country than »3 per cent In tho grand total of preserve their Identity when they reach . portant munitions depot near Dun. Five hundred men are wanted tor Petrograd, July 26.—The Russian forces are continuing their Canadian trade for the three months the front. It Is almost certain they Thirty-eight shells were launched on work to be performed on the Inland successful drive in Southern Volhynia, pressing back the Teutonic of the fiscal yeâr ended June 36. The will be broken up into drafts and sent this objective. waterways of England, France and volume of trade on that date had “In the course of the night 29 shells Belgium. Lieut. W. H. Owens, of the forces near the Slonewka river, a branch of the Styr, which the Bus over for the purpose of supplying the reached $527,612.344. as against $272.- I ' were thrown on the railway stations Royal Engineers, has arrived In Can­ sians are crossing, the war office announced to-day. continual wastage In the four divisions ada to enlist men, who will be asked to 646.868 for the first quarter of the pre­ at Vllosnes and Brletille* and a now in France With 4$ battalion» in bivouac near Dannevoux serve during the period of the war. Great losses have been inflicted on “Northwest of Baranowlchl a fierce vious fiscal-year. They will not go as a Canadian unit It the retiring hostile forces. Heavy artillery battle was waged on both France and with an annual wastage The Increase has been pretty evenly explained, but their services will be losses in prisoners also were sustained sides, together with engagements be­ computed at 150 per cent., R is evident Berlin, July 26.—British tn>ops have utilized where most urgently required by the enemy, _the announcement tween front line detachments. During, divided as between the two branches of that at the present rate of recruiting, established themselves In the town of River men and men versed in the navi­ states. General Hakharoff reporting these our detachments made small ad trade, the importa having risen from new battalions as such can scarcely Pozleree, north of the Somme, says a gation of inland waters are the via** more than 4,000 officers and men taken. $98,017,187 to $186,245,480 and the do­ statement Issued to-day by the army hope to be added to the fighting forces required. The forces of General von Boehm- “Six enemy aviator* threw 12 bombs headquarters staff. mestic exports from $113,676,221 to Arrangements for recruiting have Ermolll, ten miles north of Brody, are on the Garnira station. Eleven aero­ across the channel. Farther to the east, at the Foureaux not been completed as yet, but men in DEUTSCHLAND ABOUT being attacked by the Russian forces. planes also threw 71 Inimbs on the sta­ $245,381.035. Foreign exports increased News which has reached Canada re­ wood and near Longueval, minor Brit­ all parts of Canada desirous of serving from $8*675,776 to $66,389.7 <_ 1 n On Riga Front. tion at Pogorelcy. cently Id to tho effect that the most re­ ish attacks were repulsed. Attempted in this naval auxiliary branch will bo "During the night, after fierce fight­ attacks on Trônes wood were observed, given an opportunity to enlist. German forces under Field Marshal The June trade contributed largely cently arrived battalions in England ing in the region of the village of Pon- the statement adds, and frustrated by TO NIKE ATTEMPT von Hlndenburg attacked the Russian to the good showing for the financial already have been broken up. One of lines near Kemmem, 20 miles west of skl, southwest of Baranowlchl, a com­ INDIA'S WHEAT CROP. quarter, the increase In the trade total the chief difficulties to be encountered Riga, and nearly succeeded in pene­ pany of the enemy crossed the river He bars and approached our wire en being from $127,402,616 in June. 1315, will be the disposal of officers, especial­ DIED IN LONDON. trating the Russian front line, but Washington. July 26.—India’s wheat tanglements, but was repulsed by our to $243,533,544 in June of this year. ly those of the higher ranks The crop this year Is put at 16 per cent, less Late To-day Koenig Made Ar­ finally were compelled to retreat by a concentration of Russian fire. rifle and gun fire. The exports for the month show very greatest need at the front la for subal­ London. July 26 —The death Is an- than last year's. In consular advices rangements at Baltimore to The text of the statement follows: Houthem Volhynia. heavy increases in manufactures and terns, among whom the wastage has n lunced of Henry Albert VVal kins haw, to-day. The yield forecast is 8.509,000 In agricultural and mineral products. been particularly severs of Vancouver, B.
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