, I Billy Petrolle Di/lerence8 Gele Technical Knockout Over or Frallce, Ilttly DellCrlbed b, Dutch Fighter. Story J'rofe880r IlruJrere. See on Page 4. Story on I'age 3. L:.....;=:.._;;;._.;;.;=::;=======~ ......~, JWE CENTS ~======~~====================~IO~W~A~C~IT=Y~~~I~O~W~A~r~rH~U~R~S~D~A~y~,~J~U~L~Y~1~3=,1~9~33~===============================C======~V~O~LU~M~E~XX~X~I~ll~~N~U~M~B~E~R~36 Economics of the Depression A. Seen by Prof, George 'Blanket' Industrial Measure Submitted to Hugh S.- Johnson Released Near LaGrange, Ill.; R, Davies, Bureau ol BuIIoeQ ReHareh Speculator Rumored to Have Almond Bradley Personnel of Summer Chorus, Liner Rams Tanker Emergency Dies Suddenly at in Chesapeake Bay; Paid $200~OOO to Abductors •• Corporations and Debt • Home Yesterday Orchestra Selected as Groups Passengers Saved . Popular notions of economics Plan Governs MiI1ionaire Apparently hark back to Adam S~th who Only a few hour8 atter be had BALTIMORE, July 12 (AP)-The Prepare for Tonight's Concert Ransom Plans "Little the Wone lived when science was just be­ All Industry been down town, apParently In good liner City of Baltlmol'~, bound (0 (inning its transformation of in­ health, Almond A, Bradley, 56, died Germany, collldcd with the tanket for Wear" suddenly at 11:45 a,m. yesterday at for O~Connell dustry, and small businesses Beacon In Chesapeake Bay late today his home, 715 Walnut streot, University Musie Units managed by their owners were Would Specify Wages, F. R. Approves and stal'ted to sink, but her passen­ LA GRANGE, III., July 12 (AP}­ the rule, Adam Smith thought A paint contractor, Mr, Bradley to Present Program Fall Through John Factor, millionaire marllet Hours for Three had lived In Iowa City nearly all gers were I'emoved safcly by a ferry that if all traders followed the at Union p!unger, held prisoner 12 day. by dictates of selfishncss, the best Labor Groups his lite, Besides his widOW, he Is Firs.t Batch of boat, survived by one daughter, Mrs, 8, kidnapers, was released here tonl8ht inttrest of society a~ a whole The vcssel, oC the Baltimore mall Hope Dwindle for NEW YORK, July 12 (AP)-The G, Walton, 221 Rlvor street. The first and only apllearance of Work PrO]· ects line, was reported to have been tow· arter payment by hla friends of ran- would be served, He believed Funeral scrvlee will be held FrI. the adult university chorus and 01" Early Release that the "invisible hand" of cco- Herald Tribune says It learned here ed Into shallOW water oCf Gibson Is· 80m estimated at $200,000. day at 2 p.m. at tho McGovern fu- chestra this summer will be made of Youth nomic law WOUld take care of the reo today that an emergency measure land to prevent hl'!' going tlown. Hor lIe walked Into the La. Granp 1U1ia. neral home, Burial will be In Oak- this evening In the ! ~ :.:~~~ of Iowa Group Comprised Chief. police station and reported tha.t be to govern the country's buslnes8 land cemetery, crew remained aboal·d. The tanker, ALBANY, N. Y., July 12 (AP)­ Naive Notions Union. Contrary to th tim Indl- had beon treed by hi8 e8optor. .a pending the permanent codlflc8otlon --------------- cated on the tickets, tho cOncort will ly of Reclamation, ow ned by tho Standard Shipping com· AtIOI' (L da.y In which his familY's short distance away a.nd Instructed Allam SmIth's naIve notions doubt- of various Industries bas been sub S h I B d begin at 8 O'clock. pany, pulled away arter' the call1sion 11011CS tor his carly return ran high, how to reach the place via. atre.t Farm Plans and appal'ently was nut seriously th kidnaped John J. O'Connell, Jr., )Ms had a place In an age of expand· mltted to General Hugh S, Johnson, C 00 oar Prot. Frank E. Kendrle, conductor car. damaged. 21 year old national guard of((cer, Inr fronUers and growing Invention reoovery administrator b:y the In at the regular university symphony WASHINGTON, July 12 (AP)­ lJe was held by the oUlclats pE!nd­ No cause fOl' the accident could bo WitS stili In the hands ot his captors Ing aTl'lval ot a squad ot Chicago dll' when governments wero merely the dUBtrlal, labor and consumers' Adds to Staff, In the wInter, will (]lrocL lhe sum· President Roos velt gave final ap­ aBslgned by local authorities. The tonight, tectlves and federal agents. ••tnta of short-sighted and predatory mer orchest,'a mado up of music proval today to the tlrst big batch day was cloudlcRS, - groups copoerallng wltn him, t d t d t It b or federal con8tructlon projects un­ Plans for his dpllvery upon pay· Factor, according to the 8ergeant, ollprchles, But In reality he was Attributing Its IntormatGloen"e,_tao Adopts Bud~{Y, et s ~ou7s ~a~ler::' :8S':~: ~~Il~Olce der the $3,300,000,000 publle works ment by tile O'Connell family's "go' appeared little the worse for hi. ez­ l lI\trely expressing In a new form the "persons prominent In _ and c(lncluclul' of the all.slato and program, the entire gt'OUP total1ll'1g betweens" or part of tho $260,000 perlence, Be was clean shaven and oldest ta.lla.ey from which mankind Johnson's organization the papor university choruses, Is in chat'go ot less than 1100,000,000 and comprls­ U. S.Renews whiCh the kidnapers originally de· neatly attired. mllnded apparently had fallen hu suttered, lC there Is anything eays the measure would divide the R f S' N.. w th choral selections. \'ng chiefly Itemll recommended by IT e asked for the use of a tele- of. hi•-tory demonstrates It Is that the nation's workers Into three gl'OUpS e uses to lun0 '" Th e personne I th 0 orc h S t I'll. Is t he reclamation 8ervlce and the ag­ through, phono to get In touch with members blind rule ot sel11ahnes8 In the acqul- -mercantile, "whlte collar" and Contract for Ilij follows: riculture department, Fight Against At S1t1llm or Cam p of hIs Family who had kept vigil at -'tlon ot wealth ultimatelY destroys manufacturing-and provide a mini V' I' All day long "young John's" .. ClIOlIHI The Items will be made public to- hIs MorrIson hotel headquarters loelet,. It may give rise to a tever- mum wage for unsl<llled labor In oa Violins: Prof. C. B. Rlg-hter, 'morrow 01' Friday together with "Profiteers"'? fllthel- and hla politically powertul since the kidnaping, whly rapid growth because of the all groups, a maximum 40,hour Louise Rood. Ircnc RUPPcrt, Marl- Ilbout $l,OOO,OOO In advances 1.0 uncles, Edward and Daniel O'l:;on' Chicago poliCe and federal agent8 enormous unwarranted prizes It holds week for the tlrst two categorlps Two teach~rB were elected, refusal anne 'W!tschl, Beulah Gordon, /fTlunlciPalitles whose projects were nell, l)emucraLic rulers of Albs.ny Who had been working on the ca.,. ----- city and county, waited amid an all' out tor the tew and their descend- and a 35-hour week for the manu to sign the mining company's coal Mal'garet Baker, Roy ,,'lIl1ams, AI" aPPI'oved by the cabinet advillory Crop Reduction Plans lefL Immcdlately for here, 1934 It C ailt.... but It ends In the rule ot In- facturlng group, with certain cxcep conh'act was voiced. and the bud, t h ur S te Ig el'Wa Id. aro Id erny, board today In Its first consldera- ot expectancy at "Dan's" aumm r Mrlted prlvJlege, atter which come tions and modltlcatlons, get was adopted at a meeting of the Cathrean Thomas, Palmer Lowry, tlon of non-federal Itemll, Prcdicted to Be cnmp In tho Helderberg mountains Indications were strong al\ day war and revolution, There Is no No Comment "'rom F, D, school board Inst nIght. K , W. Werth, J . Brack('n, MJldred, The program approved by tho 20 miles from this city. But thero tilat J~actor's relatives expected him Successful IIlldlng "Invisible hand," to save a The measure Is reporLed to have Margaret Cannon, 714 N. Van Bur· Sedla.cek, Leo Dvorak. I president was far 180M than the to- was no word from the youngster or to be released. hIs abductors. Definite word that contact had nalion that devotes Itselt to covetous· been laid before Gencral Johnson tor en street, was elected SChool nurse Violas: Prot. P. 0, ClaPl), F, W' 'I tal tavorably passed upon yesterday WASHINGTON July 12 (AP)- ne.a, but there are the "Four Horse- tho consideration ot President to rt'place Mrs. Bertha Gartner, pres· Huttman, Ja.no Welch, Sol Gldser, by the board because a. large num-' ,Success for the ~otlon and wheat "Young John," only male chilli In been established with ~Is kidnaper. IDfn." Roosevelt but no statement was t M b f th b d I H I" II '1 A I ' the O'Connell clan, was whisked I was given by Factor 8 brother-In. en nurse, eln ers a e oar, a· . >., M ler, u, F , clauer, ng Cl;eal-be1' ot river and harbor proJ ects acreO"'e reduction programs was Natural Evolution made as to the president's attitude th h I tlaf tl "Ith A b be b It d aWI\Y from the front of his borne law, Ben Cohen, who lIald Ihal .. aug express ng sa ac on \.
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