Fort Hays State University FHSU Scholars Repository University Leader Archive Archives Online 10-28-1980 University Leader - October 28, 1980 University Leader Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://scholars.fhsu.edu/university_leader Content Disclaimer The primary source materials contained in the Fort Hays State University Special Collections and Archives have been placed there for research purposes, preservation of the historical record, and as reflections of a past belonging to all members of society. Because this material reflects the expressions of an ongoing culture, some items in the collections may be sensitive in nature and may not represent the attitudes, beliefs, or ideas of their creators, persons named in the collections, or the position of Fort Hays State University. Recommended Citation University Leader Staff, "University Leader - October 28, 1980" (1980). University Leader Archive. 285. https://scholars.fhsu.edu/university_leader/285 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives Online at FHSU Scholars Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in University Leader Archive by an authorized administrator of FHSU Scholars Repository. soc ,qr,: W 5 --t-1-8---K ST H 1 MEMORIAL HUlLDlN - ---------·---- ----··- . - ···--·-------- --- TOPEt(.A KS the university Tuesday morning Volume 73 Oct. 28, 1980 Number 16 Fort Hays State University Hays, Kan. 67601 -------···---------- ---=-·::.:· ==-=-=-=-=-..,,.--=-=·-··,_...,=--::d-:-=-. ··-·-·--- · -·······.. -·-·····--·- ... ---··---- Wlaat'•- Statute calls for lililit New• on major sports' funds New• An amendment senate A senate statute amendment tions process only on minor sport,, the year by Wilson, the Allocations statute calls for direction of which would formally limit student with some funds going to ad- Committee recommended directing· allocations from major to government funding of athletics to ,ministrative expenses. Major sports 586,000 to athletics to fund minor minor sports will be discussed at a have been funded from other sports and some administrative minor sports withfn the public hearing today at 3 p.m . in the sources, such as gate receipts and costs. Thompson's revised budget 1980-81 athletic budget. Pioneer Lounge of the Memorial fund.raising projects. showed that the total budget for Senate may debate the bill Union. The "gentlemen's agreement" minor sports and the total ad- at -Thursday's meeting. See Originated by the Allocations became a subject of controversy last ministrative budget came to only page 1. Committee, the amendment to year when it appeared that the S84,000. Senate Statute 701 was presented to A movement in senate to cut the 1980-1981 athletic allocation would Last week's panty and senate last Thursday night. be used to pay not only for minor Allocations Committee recommen· Foliowing today's public hearing,. sports and all administrative ex· dation was never voted upon after jock raids at the residence Senate may take action on the penses, bu~ part of the football Taompson met with the committee halls meant injury for two amendment at this week's meeting. an<;I basketa'budgets. _ and senate and said he "had no pro- students: See page 1. when it comes up for its second 4 blems" -with limiting use of last reading. The controversy developed when year's allocations funds ·to minor Kelly Isom. chairman of the senate current Athletic Director Bobby sports and administration. Because Allocations Committee, · said a Thompson replaced Phil Wilson in Thompson's budget included a slight "gentlemen's agreement" has ex- that capacity. Faced with a growing surplus, it seemed possible that foot- Forum isted between senate and the debt that now has reached S 150,000. ball and basketball could be funded Friday's edition of the athletic department for several Thompson slashed . most sports' from other sources. Leader will not only in· budgets. years. The department agreed to Isom said the purpose of the am- elude the second edition of spend the money from the alloca· Using budgets proposed earlier in mendment to Statute 701 is designed to make that "gentlemen's agree· the Big Creek Review, it menr· formal. will preview next The bill reads, "The funds Tuesday's elections. The Court could convene allocated to athletics will be limited Forum page will offer to a maximum of the summation of space for letters to the all minor sports. i.e. non-revenue editor relating to the can- sl)<lrts' requests and a maximum of to settle question didates and their views. 25 percent of to tal administrative costs." Isom said the committee See page 4. decided to limit funding to 25 per- of appropriations cent of the administrative costs because that is the approximate It)! Joel See,l According to Senate Statute 702. figure that has been paid in the past. suatt .R.,....rr.- the only groups which may receive Both Thompson and Ron Plughoft. Student-Faculty Court may hear its appropriations are those approved vice president for university rela· first case since the 19i8-19i9 school by the Student Organizations Com- tions and development and chair· year. dealing with a controversy mittee, or "other -approved campus man of the athletic board, plan to at- over the Student Senate a ppropria- and/or department related groups." tend today's public hearing. Neither tion process. The court will have to The graphic design group does not would comment on the bill before decide what constitutes a depart- appear o n the list of campus that time. mental group for appropriations pur- organizations provided by the Office Isom said the puLlic hearing was scheduled to inform the public about R _, 1 poses. of Student Affairs. Photo by Charlie ;....,,. The confusion came to light at I.it The group requested $445 to at- the bill and for interested p<!rsons to Snowflowera . Thursday's Student Senate meeting, tend a workshop in Wichita in April. "speak their minds." He said the ..... --The-still-hlooming-fall... flower.s. act ta. catch....s.nowflakes during when senate appr~priated . S5 Ii. to· In the same bill, the group requested amendment has bee n developed in - ··· ·-·-the-art departments graphte design -. $.-2- so the~- may.. \tisit. .advertising _ .comn.,ittee ov~r.Qie _p~st month a nd an early season snowstorm which hit Hays yesterday. · students. agencies in Wichita in November . was completed about a week ago:--- Both requests were granted by Although. senate..Jlla"· take actiQn senate: ho wever. Senate Affairs on the bill this week. final control committee chairman Tom Moorhous o ver the allocations process rests Fine Arts Hiss avoids ca.se, focuses on U.N. feels that the group is in conflict to with President Gerald Tom anek. - Dr. Caligari's Revenge of Student Senate appropriations Two years ago. senate accepted a the Carnival of Shadows When Alger Hiss began his con- birthday. but he said it meant the Finally. the president recovered statues. recommendation by the Allocations returns for its third Hallo- vocation Thursday morning in the L'nited Nations had become an ac- and officially recognized the foreign Therefore . Moorhous is bringing a Committee to attach "stipulations" Memorial Union. his opening cepted part . of American and inter- minister so he could address the petition before Student-Faculty to the bill. which funds about 10 ween season Wednesday. remarks did not deal wilh his 1948 national life. assembly. Cour1 later this week in order to ob· campus organizations a nd services. when Fort Hays S ta te·s perjury case. "Ironically. the first m a jor Hiss later learned the cause of the lain an interpretation· of the statute:- One of tho5e stipulations W-Ould have mad·scientist Cali gari_ Instead. he spoke of the United accomplishment had to do with embarrassing delay had been the "! wa nt it clear that I am not out to required the athletic department to begins three days of Nations and Presiden t Jimmy Iran." Hiss said. The delay of Russian aide's one·liner in refe rence to the stop any orQanization from re· spend its ·a llocation only on minor "spooky'· specia l en' nts. Carter's handling of the Iranian troops leaving Iran a t the end of the Brazilian's bald head. The aide had questing money. What I am after is a sports a nd administration. Tomanek. Among the highli~h ts , ,f crisis. war prompted the first U.l'i. Security proper interpretation of the statute:· who has never Vt toed the fundin~ whispered to Truman. "Pipe the the RewngE' ,H t' Council action. Simonizing (waxing) job'" ~foorhous said. decisions o f the senatf' allucat1ons Section Subsection of the process. did veto the st ipulations at- "Unfortunately. at the current II. B •\\ ert:~ \H1I f [),1\ .; See relaud .tory time . the Unite d Nations is unable to Followi11g his lect u r e . Hiss statute sta tes: "Funds may be ap- tached to the bill. ~ ver,11 merntwr, \\"t:·d:1esd,n -.~:.i·: on Bl.a.' readio,.. accomplish very much with the answere d questio n s fr o m the propriated to any Student Organiza- of that year·s Allo..:ations Comm1tlt>t' audience - a nd strongly dis- ;11 , ,:; _, ·,-~- to nen ~• '• electton American hostage situation." Hiss tion Committee (SOC) approved are once again serving lln tht· l·n m- tur i> r:- (,1cu:- ,,n JH&WeZ said. , approved of Carte r's handling of the group. or other approved campus mittee. including Bob Wilson. qu. blark m.11.! tr ,1i1d Iranian crisis. In relating some of the amusing and / or department related groups, dent body vict' prt•\1tlt>n t. and w olisbillh' think Carter should have never A graduate of Johns Hopkins and moments during the United Nations· ··1 excluding individual residence halls senators Lmda \ lurphv ao1cl Hil l Harvard universities, Hiss was creation.
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