SCHLESINGER'S BID STARTS ROUGH DEBATE AT NATO MEETING U. S. NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA BRUSSELS (AP)-U.S. Defense Secre- tary James R. Schlesinger yesterday tried but failed to win an acknow- ledgement from the North Atlantic Alliance that Spain is contributing to the defense of the West. World News Digest Schlesinger's bid started a some- 101antatmnto times rough debate among the defense WASHINGTON (AP)-Carl Albert, Speak- ministers. They were attending a er of the U.S. House of Representa- two-day conference of the Defense tives, said yesterday he had asked Planning Committee of the North President Ford to delay imposing Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO. another $1-a-barrel increase in the Britain's Roy Mason, the delegates oil tariff, but that he got no of Holland, Norway and Denmark and commitments from the President. other ministers came out in strong opposition to the proposition. The acknowledgement was, broadly, that BRUSSELS (AP)-U.S. Defense Secre- Spain's provision of military bases Friday, May 23, 1975 tary James R. Schlesinger yesterday to the United States is a help to disclosed plans to beef up American the maintenance of peace and secur- KISSINGER SAYS U.S. WILL forces in central Europe where Com- ity of the Atlantic and Mediterran- munist nations have deployed nearly ean regions. REDUCE PRESENCE IN LAOS 1 million firstline troops with Those who resisted Schlesinger's 16,000 tanks and 2,900 tactical war- call argued that the people they VIENTIANE, Laos (AP)-Eighteen planes. represent could never accept associa- Americans and other foreigners held tion with a regime headed by Gen- by student demonstrators in a south- ANKARA, Turkey (AP)-Kissinger told eralissimo Francisco Franco whose ern Laotian town for nine days were Turkish leaders that the House prob- rise and rule are identified by many flown to Thailand yesterday. Secre- ably won't vote to lift the American Europeans with Nazism and Fascism. tary of State Henry Kissinger said ban on arms aid until it sees negotia- Only West German's George Leber there will be a "substantial reduc- ting progress on the Cyprus crisis. was reported by conference sources tion" of the 1,000-strong U.S. pre- as giving qualified support to sence in Laos because of the har- RABAT, Morocco (AP)-A train en Schlesinger and ultimately the dis- assment of Americans by leftist route to Tangiers from Rabat derail- cussion ended inconclusively. students. ed yesterday about 35 miles north- Henk Vredeling, Holland's defense The developments came as three east of here, killing 47 persons minister, told reporters that he Americans, including two U.S. and injuring about 200, a government would accept a mention of Spain in Marine guards, remained held in a spokesman reported. the ministers' official statement U.S. aid compound in Vientiane and only if it was clearly stated that the Communist-dominated government WASHINGTON (AP)-Seventy-six U.S. the bases are not a responsibility decided to end a 24-year-old Ameri- senators told President Ford yester- of the alliance. can aid program. day they will oppose any effort to The United States evacuated Ameri- diminish American support for Israel. cans from Cambodia before it fell April 17 and from Vietnam before it LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP)-Rhodesia surrendered to the Communists on was expelled from the Olympic movement April 30. yesterday because of "racial discrim- ination in sports." MEMORIAL DAY __ _1975 Memorial Day is the time for all Americans to remember the thousands of young people who have died in the service of their nation. John McCrae, in his poem, In Flanders Fields, wrote, "If ye break faith with us who die/We shall not sleep, though poppies grow/In Flanders fields. The first line of the triplet, "If ye break faith with us who die," echoing from the battlefields of World War I, should ring through the thoughts of every man and NO PAPER MONDAY woman in uniform. Those who died, not just in World Wars I and II, but through all our nation's The Guantanamo Gazette will not be published struggles and in the sweating jungles of Vietnam, have left behind a trust that their Monday because of the Memorial Day holiday. sacrifices be given meaning by the continuation and growth of the American nation Publication will resume on Tuesday. There will in a free world. also be issues on Thursday and Friday. The serviceman and woman of today carries a heavy part of this trust. It is only through keeping faith, through courage and steadfastness, that those who lie in Flanders Field, and other honored places around the world, may sleep. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, May 23, 1975 Hurricane Preparedness HURRICANE EXERCISES ARE HELD PERIODICALLY TO ESTABLISH ROUTINE PROCEDURES IN CASE OF ACTUAL HURRICANE 4th in a five-part series. By J02 Deb Galloway On October 3, 1963, Hurricane plants and other items must be Flora paid an unwelcomed visit tied to trees or moved inside to to Guantanamo Bay with 80 mile prevent them from flying around an hour winds and heavy rains. during winds, causing damage that Flora remained for five days, otherwise might be prevented. leaving behind extensive damage Exterior canvas screens, porch- and exhausted Gitmo residents. shades and other hanging articles On September 30, 1966, Ines should be rolled up and tied or came to Gitmo bringing 110 miles secured in some way. an hour winds and more than eight Outside TV antennas should be inches of rain during two of the removed and if possible stored. hours. Roofs and doors were All doors and windows must be ripped off and trailers were turn- checked and latches adjusted to ed over. make sure they will not blow open. These are just two hurricanes All adjustable louvers must be that have brought destruction to tightly secured. Gitmo. If one were to go back Water driven by high winds can further into Gitmo's history no penetrate block-wall quarters. doubt others could be named. Who Because of this, all furniture is to say 1975 will not be the should be moved away from windows year for one more hurricane to and door openings. Small articles pay a short, but costly visit should be put into closets or to Gitmo and its residents? lockers. For this reason, hurricane -Flashlights with extra batteries, exercises are held sometime dur- a hurricane lamp, candles, matches, ing the period from June 1 through or other lighting for use in emer- November 30. This is the time gencies should be available in when the base is set on hurricane case of power failures. 0 condition four--when hurricanes hours; Condition Two-Bravo, hurri- Residents should.make sure they are most likely to occur. From cane winds will arrive in Gitmo have first aid supplies, such December 1 through May 31 hurricane within 24 hours, and Two-Alpha as bandages, adhesive tape, anti- condition five is set--the time means hurricane winds are within septics and anything else that when hurricanes are not likely 12 hours. Hurricane Condition One could be used in an emergency. to occur. This is not to say is set when destructive force winds Table and floor lamps, fans, hurricanes will not strike, but are impending. stoves, washers, dryers, and other they are not likely. When Hurricane Condition Two- electrical appliances must be dis- Hurricane Condition Four techni- Bravo is set, Gitmo residents fol- connected, and the switch con- cally means that destructive winds low certain instructions in order trolling the hot water heater are anticipated within 72 hours. to ensure their personal safety turned off. Do not disconnect Hurricane Condition Three means and the safety of their property. refrigerators and freezers. destructive winds are within 48 They must make an inspection of Refrigerators and freezers should hours. Condition Two indicates their yards. Outside furniture, be turned to the coldest setting destructive winds are within 24 bicycles, garbage cans, toys, and opened only when necessary so (continued on page 3) Local Forecast U.S. VA. AN AO BAY No2 J .BA Partly cloudy skies with a chance of rain and thunderstorms in the area. Visibility unrestricted. Winds SE 12-16 knots with gusts to WATER STATUS 22 knots. Bay conditions 1-4 feet. 75. Sunrise High today 89. Low WAter figures for yesterday: tomorrow at 6:22. Sunset will be C e h .sv . o ap Jo2 Jo .a.Roa at at 7:33. High tide will be PRODUCED: 1,405,000 8:16 a.m. Low tide will be at .O CONSUMED: 1,310,000 .'002O0, 7 51t W4."'. B"1. "' 2:23 p.m. High tide Sunday will be tum daeeipub caA o th. IN STORAGE:18,888,000 at 9:05 a.m. Low tide will be at WATERGAIN:\ 95,000 weekend! Mk -1as refet th doo -Cvseo 3:10 p.m. Have a nice .fth.De-r= of " ch , .-- Friday, May 23, 1975 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3 GITMO BAY MOTOCROSS CLUB NOTE: VEHICLE SELLING NOTE: HURRICANE STORY-cont. from page 2 The Gitmo Bay Motocross Club will Prior to transferring from Gitmo, hold another if power goes off food will stay race this Sunday at personnel selling privately owned the Sherman cold for a longer time. Avenue track. If there vehicles are to ensure that the are enough It is advisable to have automobile entrants, a street legal vehicle is properly re-registered gas tanks filled in case it is class will again be run, so bring in the buyers name. The Legal impossible to obtain gas after the your street bikes and try for a Office issues the bill of sale hurricane.
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