341 Index a on muscle sarcopenia 316 acetylcholine (ACh) 154, 252 safety and toxicological acetylcholinesterase (AChE) 154 evaluation 315 acrolein 112 taxonomy 314 acteoside 131 astaxanthin 124 acupuncture 263 astragalan 206 alkaloids 125, 253 autoxidation 111 α-mangostin 205 ayurveda Alzheimer’s disease (AD) 33, 36 equivalent parkinsonian amyloid cascade hypothesis 161 symptoms 92 antioxidant natural products 171 formulation 94 characteristic pathology 153 herbs 313 cholinergic hypothesis 154 mechanism of action 96 clinical manifestations 116 medicinal plants 94 clinical trials for 171 preparations 93 history 118 kinase modulators 167 b lipid peroxidation 117 Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) 200, 256 risks factors 117 baicalein 121, 284 amyloid precursor protein (APP) 161 bala 94 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 13 berberine 206 anandamide 322 beta-amyloid (Aβ) anti-aggregation 166 definition 161 antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) 4, 247, 264 physiological role 166 antioxidants blood-brain barrier (BBB) 119 defense system 58, 110 Boerhaavia diffusa L. natural products 171 (Nyctaginaceae) 201 apigenin 284 brain 27 apocynin 38 inflammatory pathways, apolipoprotein E (ApoE) 9 epilepsy 249 apoptosis, epilepsy 250 Ashwagandha (Withania c somnifera) 5, 94 Caenorhabditis elegans model 199 ayurveda 313 Calendula officinalis L. chemical constituents 315 (Asteraceae) 201 Neuroprotective Natural Products: Clinical Aspects and Mode of Action, First Edition. Edited by Goutam Brahmachari. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Published 2017 by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. bindex.indd 341 1/24/2017 12:14:44 PM 342 Index cannabinoid receptors (CBR) 323 Deprenyl and Tocopherol Antioxidative cannabinoid receptor type 1 Therapy of Parkinsonism (CB1R) 322, 324 (DATATOP) 61 cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2R) 323–325 e cannabinoids EGCG see (–)-Epigallocatechin-gallate AD 327 (EGCG) in epilepsy 327 electron transport chain (ETC), hypoxia/ischemia 325 epilepsy 249 in multiple sclerosis 328 endocannabinoids neuroprotection 325 (eCBs) 322–323 PD 326 endogenous antioxidant defense psychiatric disorders 328 system 109 retinal diseases 329 enzymatic lipid oxidation 111 system 5 (–)-Epigallocatechin-gallate Cannabis sativa L. (EGCG) 206 (Cannabaceae) 201 epilepsy 247, 279, 327 capsaicin 259 complement and alternative carotenoids 123 medicine 263 celastrol 206 German herbs 262 cellular antioxidant enzymes 26 global prevalence 248 cellular models 200 herbs and herbal medicines 264 Centella asiatica (L.) 202 Indian market 264 central nervous system (CNS) 28 natural plants 256 cholinesterase inhibitors 154 neuroprotectants role 252 cod liver oil 260 neurotransmitters role 250 coenzyme Q10 261 pathophysiology 248 animal studies with 69 epileptogenesis 247 human studies with 69 erythropoietin (EPO) 11 prevention 68 excitotoxic lesion models 194 cognitive diseases 31 kainic acid 194 cognitive disorders, natural quinolinic acid 195 antioxidants 36 exogenous cannabinoids 323 Convolvulus pluricaulis Choisy (Convolvulaceae) 202 f Cotyledon orbiculata (seredile, plakkie, ferulic acid 207 imphewula) 256 Ficus platyphylla (Dell-holl) 257 crocin 124 fisetin 207 curcumin 39, 64, 127, 206, 259 flavonoids 4, 119 animal studies with 65 anticonvulsant effects 282 cyclooxygenase (COX) 111 with antiepileptic potential 281 cytochrome P450 (CYP450) 112 chemical structure 279–280 discovery and development 285 d fly (Drosophila) models 199 deferiprone (DFP) 14 frataxin (FXN) 15 Delphinium denudatum free radical 23 (Jadwar) 258 Friedreich’s ataxia (FRDA) 15 bindex.indd 342 1/24/2017 12:14:44 PM Index 343 g kainic acid (KA) 194 galantamine 207 knock-in mice HD models 198 gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) 250, 279 l Garcinia kola Heckel (Clusiaceae) 203 Laurus nobilis 256 Gastrodia elata Blume Lewy bodies 57 (Orchidaceae) 203 lipid peroxidation 3 genistein 39, 207 acrolein 112 Ginkgo biloba L. (Ginkgoaceae) 203 autoxidation 111 ginsenosides 207 enzymatic lipid oxidation 111 glutamate 251 4-HNE 112 glutathione peroxidase (GPx) 110 isoprostanes 113 glutathione S transferases (GSTs) 110 MDA 113 glycogen synthase kinase 3 PD 116–117 (GSK3) 167 photo-oxidation 111 glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) lipoxygenases (LOX) 112 inhibitors 169 Lou Gehrig’s disease 13 gypenoside XVII (GP-17) 130 l-theanine 208 Luehea divaricata Mart. h (Malvaceae) 204 Harpagophytum procumbens (Devil’s lutein 208 claw) 258 luteolin 285 henbane 94 lycopene 208, 261 hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) 8 herbal formulations 211 m hesperidin 121, 207, 284 Magnolia grandiflora HGF see hepatocyte growth factor (Him-champa) 258 (HGF) malondialdehyde (MDA) 113 hispidulin 285 mangiferin 39 4-HNE see 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) marijuana, history of 321 homeopathy 263 marine microorganisms 159 homocysteine 68 marine natural products 4, 171 Huntington’s disease (HD) 4, 185 marine sources 153–154, 171 clinical symptoms 186 MDA see malondialdehyde (MDA) methodology 186 Medhya Rasayanas 314 neurotoxic in vitro and in vivo melatonin 208 anti-HD models 188, 200 animal studies with 73 synergism 212 antioxidative action 73 huperzine A 126 production 72 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) 112 metabolic toxins models 195 Hyoscyamus niger 94, 96 mind–body techniques 263 mitochondria 3, 114 i mitochondrial dysfunction 114–115, isoprostanes 113 117 AD 114–115, 117 k PD 114–116 kaempferol 208 motor neuron disease (MND) 33 bindex.indd 343 1/24/2017 12:14:44 PM 344 Index movement disorders 32 glutamate 251 natural antioxidants 38 serotonin 252 Mucuna pruriens 96 NGR1 see neuregulin-1 (NRG1) multiple sclerosis (MS) 328 nicotine 209 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor n agonists 160 Nardostachys jatamansi 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NPA) 196 (Jatamanasi) 256 N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) 5, 8 naringenin non-human primate models 196 animal studies with 63 PD 62 o pharmacological investigations 62 Olea europaea L. (Oleaceae) 204 naringin 209, 285 onjisaponin B 209 nerve growth factor (NGF) 9 organs affect 27 neuregulin-1 (NRG1) 11 oroxylin A 284 neurodegenerative diseases 3, 12 oxidative stress 2, 25, 107 ALS 13 brain 29 causes and downstream causes 29 phenomenon 29 epilepsy 249 FRDA 15 neurotoxicity 28 PD 14 proteins and associated p pathology 31 PACAP see pituitary adenylate cyclase- signaling mechanism 35 activating polypeptide (PACAP) stroke 16 Panax neurological disorders ginseng 204 beneficial effects 34 quinquefolius L. (Araliaceae) 204 different types 30 Parkinsonian symptoms 92 neuroprotectants 252 Parkinson’s disease (PD) 2–3, 14, 57, alkaloids 253 91 antioxidants 255 antioxidants/natural coumarins 255 neuroprotectives 58 flavonoids 254 ayurvedic formulation 94 saponins 255 causes of 116 terpenoids 254 clinical therapy 118 neuroprotection agents 1, 7 coenzyme Q10 68 ApoE 9 curcumin 64 EPO 11 medicinal plants 94 HGF 8 melatonin 73 neurodegenerative diseases 12–13 mitochondrial dysfunction 114–115 NRG1 11 naringenin 62 PACAP 7 pathogenesis 58 PTMA 10 therapy 91 trophic factors 9 vitamin C 70 neurotransmitters 250 vitamin E 59 ACh 252 peripheral nervous system (PNS) 28 GABA 250 pharmacological treatments 118 bindex.indd 344 1/24/2017 12:14:44 PM Index 345 photo-oxidation 111 primary antioxidants 109 phytochemicals prothymosin α (PTMA) 10 α-mangostin 205 protopanaxtriol 209 astragalan 206 Psoralea corylifolia L. (Fabaceae) 204 berberine 206 puerarin 209 celastrol 206 punarnava 201 curcumin 206 Punica granatum L. (Lythraceae) 205 EGCG 206 ferulic acid 207 q fisetin 207 quercetin 210, 281 galantamine 207 quercetine 260 genistein 207 quinolinic acid 195 ginsenosides 207 hesperidin 207 r kaempferol 208 reactive oxygen species (ROS) 2, 25, l-theanine 208 108–109 lutein 208 production, consumption 25 lycopene 208 resveratrol 210, 261 melatonin 208 animal studies with 67 naringin 209 neuroprotective role 67 nicotine 209 structure 66 onjisaponin B 209 studies 66 protopanaxtriol 209 Rhizoma pinelliae 257 puerarin 209 rutin 281 quercetin 210 resveratrol 210 s S-allylcysteine 210 S-allylcysteine 210 (–)schisandrin B 210 saponins 255 sesamol 210 (–)schisandrin B 210 spermidine 210 Scutellaria baicalensis sulforaphane 211 (Skullcaps) 257 trehalose 211 secondary antioxidants 110 vanillin 211 secretase inhibitors 161 piperine 259 self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating system (SNEDDS) 63 polypeptide (PACAP) 7 serotonin 252 postmortem brain tissues 114 sesamol 210 potential therapeutic agents Sida cordifolia 94, 97 acteoside 131 spermidine 210 alkaloids 125 sporadic ALS (sALS) 14 carotenoids 123 stroke 16 flavonoids 119 sulforaphane 211 non-flavonoid phenolic superoxide dismutase (SOD) 109 compounds 126 survival motor neuron (SMN) 12 plant extracts 132 Sutherlandia frutescens (Umwele, terpenes 129 Cancerbush) 257 presenilin-1 (PS-1) 37 synergism 212 bindex.indd 345 1/24/2017 12:14:44 PM 346 Index t vitamin C 122, 260 Taxus wallichiana (Himalayan animal studies with 71 Yew) 257 human studies with 71 terpenoid, compounds 129, 254 role 70 tertiary antioxidants 110 in vitro studies with 71 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) 322 vitamin E 59, 121 transgenic mouse models 197 animal studies with 60 knock-in and knock-out 198 human studies with 61 transgenic primate models 198 vitamins 121 virus-mediated mutated polyQ tracts vitexin 281 and mHtt models 198 w trehalose 211 turmeric 64 Withania somnifera 94, 96 v somnifera L. (Dunal) Valeriana officinalis L. (Solanaceae) 205 (Caprifoliaceae) 205 Withania somnifera root (WSR) 316 vanillin 211 wogonin 284 velvet bean 94 y virus-mediated mutated polyQ tracts and mHtt models 198 yeast HD models 200 vitamin A 122 bindex.indd 346 1/24/2017 12:14:44 PM.
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