E536 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks April 11, 2000 The citizens of the township of Lower Mr. Speaker, I am very honored to rep- LET'S CRAFT A FAIR DEAL FOR Merion have many achievements of which to resent Santa Barbara in Congress and I ask OUR VETERANS be proud. They have a deep sense of civic that my colleagues join me in celebrating the pride and involvement. In fact, the Township many achievements of the citizens of Santa HON. BOB FILNER maintains a ``Community Resources Leader- Barbara and the contributions that the city has OF CALIFORNIA ship Bank'' of citizens interested in partici- made to America. We wish the community of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pating in Township Boards or Commissions. Santa Barbara 150 more years of success and Tuesday, April 11, 2000 This innovation and vision distinguishes Lower prosperity. Merion and it remains one of the most pro- Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, today I testified f gressive townships in the Commonwealth of before the VA, HUD Appropriations Sub- Pennsylvania. PERSONAL EXPLANATION committee. In that testimony which follows, I Township officials in Lower Merion are emphasized our duty to provide adequate deeply committed to the environment. Through funds for the vital programs that serve our Na- open space conservation and environmental HON. BARBARA LEE tion's veterans. protection, the Lower Merion Township contin- OF CALIFORNIA I am pleased that the administration's budg- ually works to improve the quality of life for its IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES et for the year 2001 recognizes that the men residents. Lower Merion officials have dem- Tuesday, April 11, 2000 and women who have served in uniform de- onstrated a strong commitment to their serve an adequate budget for the Department Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, due to what may schools and community, and the township has of Veterans Affairs [VA], and I believe that the have been a technical difficulty, I was not re- one of the highest ranking school systems in efforts of many members of the House VA corded on rollcall vote 114. Had I been re- Pennsylvania. Committee and the efforts of our veterans' corded, I would have voted ``yes.'' I am proud to represent such an extraor- service organizations, specifically in formu- dinary municipality. This anniversary should f lating the Independent Budget, have been in- serve as a tribute to hard work and dedication strumental in producing a much better budget for all who have made the Lower Merion HONORING THE SOUTHERLAND proposal than last year. I want to acknowledge Township the place it is. HEAD START PROGRAM ON these efforts. f THEIR 35TH ANNIVERSARY The $1.4 billion increase in the health care HONORING THE 150TH ANNIVER- budget will assure our aging and disabled vet- SARY OF THE CITY OF SANTA HON. NICK LAMPSON erans who need medical careÐespecially BARBARA OF TEXAS long-term care, emergency care and special- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ized servicesÐthat their needs are a high pri- ority. However, I join my colleagues and the Tuesday, April 11, 2000 HON. LOIS CAPPS authors of this year's Independent Budget in OF CALIFORNIA Mr. LAMPSON. Mr. Speaker, today I con- objecting to the proposal that $350 million of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gratulate the Southerland Head Start program new resources for medical care authorized by Tuesday, April 11, 2000 on their 35th Anniversary. For thirty-five years the recently passed Veterans Millennium Act Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, today I com- this school has been serving children in need be deposited to the Treasury. Funds collected memorate the 150th Anniversary of the City of and making sure that they have the resources from veterans for the provision of veterans' Santa Barbara. This past Sunday, I was hon- necessary for a successful educational future. health care should be used to enhance the ored to join the citizens of Santa Barbara in In Beaumont there were originally two Head health care for veteransÐnot as a substitute celebrating the rich history and legacy of our Start Centers, one at Dunbar and the other at for appropriated dollars. community. South Park. Mavis Bryant was the director at I also want to emphasize my continuing Santa Barbara is a vibrantly diverse city that Dunbar from 1965±1984, and Claire Collier concern that the VA is not adequately meeting draws its heritage from the Chumash, Span- was the director at South Park from 1966± the benefit and health care needs of veterans ish, Mexican, American and European peo- 1984. In 1984, the districts merged and the who served in the Gulf war and who now suf- ples. Although the incorporation of the city center became known as Southerland Head fer from various diagnosed and undiagnosed was in 1850, there are other milestones that Start, where Claire Collier served as director disabilities. It has been almost 10 years since preceded this date. The community was until her retirement in 1994. Two principals/di- the men and women of our armed services named in 1602 by Sebastian Vizcaino, a rectors have followed Claire Collier, Charles were sent to the gulf! The veterans of the Gulf Spanish employer, who came to the area on Vanderburg served from 1994±1999, and Glo- war are sick with illnesses whose causes and Saint Barbara's day. In 1782, the King of ria Harrison is currently serving. cures remain a mystery. We must not relax Spain directed that a presidio be constructed Southerland serves the community well, and our efforts to fund necessary and appropriate in Santa Barbara and in 1786, the Mission there are currently 460 students enrolled in research. I join the authors of the Independent was founded. Both the Presidio and the Mis- the program. Southerland's motto is ``Touching Budget in supporting an increase in funding sion hold much cultural significance to the citi- Children . Reaching Families,'' and they for VA medical research, and specifically re- zens of Santa Barbara today and serve as an truly live up to that motto. They reach out to quest that the medical research budget be in- important reminder of our shared history. In children, improving their self esteem, health, creased by $65 million as recommended in 1850, a charter was adopted by a vote of the and physical development. Children at the Independent Budget and that at least $30 citizens and established Santa Barbara as one Southerland learn and grow in an environment million of that increase be directed to research of the five California charter cities. As a char- that promotes positive experiences and an un- involving the health of Gulf war veterans. ter city, the citizens of Santa Barbara enjoy derstanding of the world around them. As our veterans population ages, the need ``home rule'' and as a result, the city is a I believe that we must provide an oppor- for long-term care increases. One means of model of how a community can preserve and tunity for every child in America to fulfill her or providing access to such care is through the sustain a high quality of life for its people. his potential through participation in an enrich- funding of State Veterans Homes. A new Today, Santa Barbara boasts strong public ing and challenging learning environment home will be opening in April in my congres- and private schools, the nationally recognized starting at birth, and programs such as sional district, and already there is a waiting University of California, Santa Barbara, Southerland Head Start help us achieve that list. I want other areas to have the same op- Westmont College and Santa Barbara City goal. I would like to thank Dr. Carrol Thomas, portunity as the veterans in the San Diego re- College, as well as thriving small businesses, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Mae E. Jones- gion will have with the opening of this new high-tech and tourism industries. But above Clark, Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum home. Therefore, I am opposed to the pro- all, as Santa Barbarans, we pride ourselves and Instruction, and Gloria Harrison, Head posed decrease in funding for State Homes on the beauty of our environment and the Start Director/Principal, and all of the other and urge this committee to provide adequate quaint charm of our community. The impor- people who are serving the school with unpar- funding for this critical program. tance of clean water, clean air and open alleled dedication. I am also pleased that this administration spaces has long been recognized as a key to Mr. Speaker, Southerland has served the has recognized what Members of Congress our community's success and we remain com- children of Beaumont for thirty-five years, and have known for years. Additional personnel mitted to protecting the unparalleled beauty I congratulate them as they celebrate this are needed if the VA is to promptly and accu- that Santa Barbara possesses today. milestone of achievement. rately adjudicate claims for compensation and VerDate 20<MAR>2000 05:25 Apr 12, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11AP8.029 pfrm04 PsN: E11PT1.
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