
Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1950 Daily Egyptian 1950 3-30-1950 The gE yptian, March 30, 1950 Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1950 Volume 31, Issue 25 Recommended Citation Egyptian Staff, "The gE yptian, March 30, 1950" (1950). March 1950. Paper 1. http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1950/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1950 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1950 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SOUTH. ERN ILLINOIS, UNIVERSITY. IUYIII'-".' Group ,To Give ftnrJlln· . Here· Tonighl· ---~---~;Nn~"" Graham GNup wock., , Emlit,ions, As before. adult tickets will be $6, and $3 for studcD~. No Qogle Modem Dance admissions will be wid. Concpt .,,--'-----c---'-------'---''---,--I tickets will be on sale for ORe, ;:"~:::ty;..~.:;,:,~ BOo.rdof'Tr. ustees UpS and there may be even more-as . was the case this year. wbco five Teachers' Salarie. Si "";;';.";:::;:,''::;·outlhat''''. dent aetivilY tickcts-Wbich will Bans Political Groups·. :!:'!..""i::':'!:'-:::":able, and many lOWnSpcoplc.. ,!:and Southern's ·.Boau! of Trustees established a uniform tui- ::'':n-til=ts~ =edtry:;a~ . tion fee of $15.8 term for all undergraduates and graduates enter on a studeD'"s activity card. in the regular March here Monday., Therefore. he said. any penGnS ;'fbe board in its to be in this area next ~pprovcd a new ilI1ary will Pot be enrolled in which boosted teachers' pay. and wish to attend proved reguiatiOIlI governing lihpuld «m~ Dr. JilicaJ meelings and political in the Engtma department .dent groups on the or Floyd V. Wakeland in -----··-----1-.--'-----'---'-··-'-'---"--------- :;;"'~a~e !~ri~ding to Litne Theatre. Students Asked NAJTPYGE nus WEI;J\.! Foss Finishes master of aru and,master of sci· To Ret~rn Egypt Once more die EgyptiaD staff ence,deuec:s- ~urvex\ Q,:,estionnaires bas let tbeir inhibitions nm wild. OriU Press Not Until 1951 Students who have not returned Results were tbe eight page tab., Egypt survey quastionnaires hand- Ioid section 4Dside this paper, ed them during spring registration As... tbe iJrpa Loof ~itioa of In Two Terms .by April 5 will be conlacted indi- the Nailpyge appean OD the vidually for the, infonnalion, ac- ItIIDds the Nail,Jge staff is cording to Dr. Tudor. associate boardiug plaae&--dOVlh~ Illinois Dnivenity's profeswr ~ology. ',- choir, recently back The ~uestl~nrlalres. arc IDtend~ 1'--::======----'1I " IU~:~~ ~~~~ :b:~~lSh~p~~~~a~on ~::em~' (a,mpus Talent To Star audjto~!,a con- ~~d::e:!~::y~11:tepl::e: In O,H ..Campus Shows ,a~d~cn:s ~~i:n~:~~:i':tewi~n:!c ~~~ in:~:u:;;;usi:~ p~~~:s~~n::; admlf lD e uable to leaders of Southern 111i- two hours, have betn organized for of fresh, ~ DOis iD planning for the future, presentation to fraTernal and civic volu~e'l or- Dr, Tudor said, "Of 2500 ques- organizlltion5, both-in <Carbondale ~hve Yd re- tiOlmaires banded oul by the 5()- and in the,surrQUnding area. con~; ci.;>logy department only aboul 800 Th~ have been organ- some- have been returoed to dat,e. Any ized by Bill (ac) Zacharias, as- I was none less cor- ~~d:t ~~a hlllio~~:i~ o~ ~~~Ia~ sisted by Ed _~de. All talent is welcome home to the at lbe Plociol!gy office loc~ted in ~~t:;'~~SO o~~~n. o!~af~rst ::::: sung by the choir ~as :~~s~~~:~:~~e l~=~::mg!~ :;sc~;::~~ t:t!~;h ~u~t: ~han;~~ fille~ ou,~ and returned as soon as er shoWli, one of tnem out of town, :: the contern':r- possl~le. , nave been given by the cam.pl15 Randall ~~~~, I r ~=~tsTh~n~l~u:hO~~U~::~~. DON FOS~ Impress,Ye rep Personnel Deans Urge charges fOr the enlenamment - cd ~ocatlonal machme shop I I standards of cboral 'The all campus group. presentmg procC5S usuall} reqUires the and was performed With Campus Organizations entert.Jmment In the liuIToundmg thJ;;Ce terms of the coun.e, 0"" cu,,,,,~o,,,..:excellence of tonal bal- area is In keeplll& With the Unl-I mg to J. Henry Schroeder, ,precIsion, and die. To Note Certain Rules vers;ty pohc} of eJl.lcndlllg the [tflal educallon professor d h k services of Southern throughout Schroeder said. "Advanced New Sales Class , Choir were the u ~e ~p:~el or:~[[~ns"~o Southern illinOIS • "Ional ~aChlD.,e snop ch~rus num- West Frankfort diVIded chOIr, ~p 10 mmd the followmg rules Zachana~ :!>1atcs that the pro- bcrsrse3-;hlc!~~aSant!e:-~pe~al~ More than 70 persons od the stage 1 All off-ca7pus tripS ~h~Ch ~~~~fa~,a:d~nat afu~t :~;:;. :~Ignoo to help !>tudents who pla,n the flDt meeting of a new tlDiversity facilities on two Starbuck, Mar- , wasse:~~~nat::~ ~~i~ottl~i~:!it; ~~:: :or.gtv:~ ments arc not ladmg. ~:b~C:~~ :';~~~"~~ some mc;tal ~~ ;~ell~:nk~~a.; last sions during. each .~aign year . ~', DO.ten~;ncs:,.i~~ ~:~ ~ :~~r:~ ;:~h ~~k.<;a!,~l~~~~! In Ihis coul'5e rough ca~tiogs It is expected dlat {inal, by each maJor pollllcal pany for These mathematics '!!!lQrs mct the smgers ere , . A k F V I t machinc parts are bought by m_ay rea!!h 100, accordmg to rallies or cll.'cr meetings in be"?a1f the requirement of at least 4.3 av_ I . the top IS ,to be JIla~e. 5 _or 0 un eers· :!>chool and the slud!!nt hali the mo".d H. ,~r, director of ~hc oC auy qndida1e ~ the state bek.- e in two terms of calculus and the most demanding 2. All tripS made 10 the name- of F .V d 'II Sh of macllinin thCliC p;ins VCl"Sity DIVIS1~D of ExlCll!>lOIl ".,' .,"', .... ,' ...,.,,"'._ • .,., • ct or run~i~g for a office. 4~ver-all average in ~umbe-:S was the ~Illtant cantata. the. un!ven.ity and its student or- or au eYI e ow ting them t;gethe-r into the Adtllt E!iucauon. , Prohibits i~ 'Nun 1St ~as Heil by Bach. It -garuzauon~ must be ~perone~. A mcc-ting for those wanting to pletc machine. After the ' The non-l:rcdit class deals Along the , Raymond J. Gocddel was the was magnifi~ntly sung. thou~h Chaperones must ~ reg~slered 10 appear in Southern's Spring Fes- is completed the studen!:!> may pay retail sales training. and ill ;.ciopted-a. speaker chosen for the event: His marred for ~Isteners by the antics ~bc dean of ~omens office, linl Vaudeville 5how will be held for the material u~d and the- ma- to (:Ierks and own~rs of dent topic was "Number .fairs." ~ dog which wandered 00 mge 3. I'll, &CK:lal eVents of :!>tudent in the Little Theatrc Wednesday, chine becomes thcir property. bu~in~. Tuition for most the pcrfonnao~ Further- orgamzatlolls wncther held I: AprilS -at 1 p.m. The coun.e calls for- work o'n clerks enrolled is paid by the ! w,,~ d"mou,,°lof ~e flon~ =~: ~r ';[r~mpus f mU5t ~ sc~;:tu al Co-ehairmen of the show. Jan buch machina a~ the lathe, I ployer, Dey !;aid. ' ~hoes C::h~lI. How- :~~ ~nee,:,ce~ i:o~~~~c~. ICC ~~sc~:tc::;~ ~r~':::g i-:;~~ p'rCl>~ planer, milling machine, Ch~~ c~:i!!~t ~~!n, t:~t has the gpr;:t(! ~~1I~~ nl~ ~:~k;IU!i~~: ::~r: p~~ ~~: i: o~t:~"o ~Yine~~;~:: JlBQ~;r':!>tudcnts ~l:rcd ·in added t:X:~~Si~:=~%r~ff in the (ace ?f a m~ clear through the dean oC worn- one dop nOl have to be in a special cou~ -at ~he pre:.ent u~e arc Wc:.t Frankfort course taste and skill of thetr en's offi~_ act_ B~}'d. -Wilbur Cten~cnl~, one night a week for two , .. ' 5. All postC;r,;..must be approved This ear'l> show will be lltrictly FJiaorO, Don Ed"a~!i, and will run [or cight weeks, compostt~on on by the assistant dean .of ~omen. vaudevifi'c and thc title of the Hc~mer, Harry Jaek.~on, Eanh IS .the 6.:A1l ncw organlzauon5,must !ihow "As You Like It," will in no NeIghbors. Robert -~'-" 'i.,., ~,.-••"" was partleu_ aplJly at the dean of women s 0(- wa 'r~ble Shakes rc's fam- Regcnhardt, bm~ , , =d of fl,ce. ~o~ recognition Ill> campus or- ou; play by the same ~e. • ~Turncr, an~ LoUI~ Y~ns, . £rcc. santzatlOO!;, loe co-chairmen said they were s1YIe.~ the con- of !~u:~~\:;~rsf:~~~~~=~~ ~~;!~ :n~::e~f~lrtli~~;:\:;;: Workshop Enrollment !~~~ ~~~ ~~I~~c J:~~~;\l:~a:~u!~ ::o:n~~ ganized ho~ to .be in the !>how. 'Climbs To Nearl, 50 number:; m 5ptntcd office.. '. tone. Later a male Mis5 Lillian J..cnnards., wb.0 is WSC CANCELS SQUARE ' E~rollment In t~o , their robes, acting assistant dean of women. DANCE SKID SATURDAY rclallons ~hO.P~ . $Cogs can . be reached at ft1c Student, South~ a CollinSVille w,"" ,... ",~_.. Center in the morning, and at the' The Weekend Social commiuee St. LoUIS , tly I Melntosh, deaD of women's office in the af- square dan~ announced last week. 50, rK, W. ': Tudor, bsc:" th JacItie Davis; meuo- tcmoon. - has been canceled, General Chair- ft&r of SOCIology, who fJn a field trap 1D 0 ;c ~ Is up more thaa 30 per cent tim U 1geinman. oboist; man, Raymond Lewis said this of the worksh0Di;- re~ns, . resu~ts of .plant growth at e OJ year over hut, according to Ray- Wharton, violinist of the wCek. Two follow-up ,-sessions are VcnltY, this .5!mer_ !&why, all gave ORDER ANNOU CEMENT ''The Scavenger hunt and Inform- schedulcd for the I!redit workshop.
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