Nationalist & Leinster Times Ltd. 42 Tullow Street, Carlow COLOUR AND ART PRINTERS The most modern printing machinery in the Provinces St. Leo's Secondary School Convent of Mercy, Carlow Day School and Boarding School For particulars apply to the Principal Darrers Stores Better Value Drapery and Grocery II 11 Telephone 41632 EAMONN II II THOMAS HEARNS FITZPATRICK VICTUALLER High Class I I * CHOICE BEEF, MUTTON and LAMB, Victualler II II PICKLED BEEF and OX TONGUES SAUSAGES and PUDDINGS POULTRY, RABBIT AND EGG MERCHANT r II STAPLESTOWN RD. II 11 * CARLOW II 11 TULLOW STREET Phone 41029 II II CARLOW Old skills and old crafts -~----~·---~~---~-------~- PRESERVED IN THE MAKING OF OUR KNITWEAR, BEATEN COPPER, POTTERY, CROCHET WEAR. ------~--...- --- . -- CASTLE CRAFTS, CARLOW TEL 42064 THE TOWERS DUCKETTS GROVE ,.,-~~~~' .,_,;;~ ·./' - ~~;,.;ir. CARLOW LOUNGE BAR WEDDINGS BIRTHDAY PARTIES RECEPTIONS V. G. Nicholl, Proprietor Telephone (0503) 55683 Steel Products Ltd. MANUFACTURERS OF f Comet Stainless Steel Razor Blades and Bohemian Single-Edge Blades FOR A REALLY BIG SELECTION FOR ALL GROCERIES, FRESH FRUIT, OF HOUSEHOLD AN·D NURSERY POTA TOES, VE GETABLES FURNITURE VISIT OUR LARGE IN SEASON STORE AT KEENEST PRICES There you can walk around and see the many designs of Modern Furniture. It's always a pleasure to help those either furnishing for consult the first time, or refurnishing. PLEASE ASK FOR ESTIMATES OF I Gerald Hosey -~ CARPETS & VENETIAN BLINDS Retail Stores and Wholesale Fruit Merchant P. & M. DARCY Staplestown Road Drapers, House Furnishers Carlow 33/35 Tullow Street PHONE 41562 --- ,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,..1;<,,r,.,•••• r I OAKLAND HOTEL Specialists in Catering for Dinner Dances Wedding Receptions Private Parties Conferences Phone: Carlow 41308 Phone 41346 "Doctors, Statesmen, Sportsmen and Editors SMOKE : BRAM LEV'S G.B.D., Dr. PLUMB & K.P. PIPES and no wonder! they are manufactured from 1st grade material and give 100 per cent. 62 & 63 DUBLIN STREET satisfaction" * CARLOW 'The Thinking Man Smokes a Pipe' Agent for ROLEX Watches * For all Smokers' Requisites YOUR PORT OF CALL IS * CIGAR DIVAN The Fashionable Gift- 50 DUBLIN STREET, CARLOW WATERFORD GLASS and BELLEEK CHINA Estd. 80 years Phone 41189 i I I' f II II "01 For Quality Fruit• . M. WHITE .. Phone 41256 M.P.S.I. * II II Veterinary & Dl:ensing Chemist J. A. O'Neill I I Sick Room Requisites &Sons * 11 11 12 CASTLE ST. Photographic & Toilet Goods CARLOW * 39 TULLOW STREET Wholesale Fruit Merchants CARLOW 11 11 Home and Foreign Fiuit -,·--"···-·----------------- GOLDEN ,JUBILEE: CARLOW J'UNIORS 1ln 1924 ,a group ,of Carl1ow schoolboys started t10 pl,ay Rugby. The Co. Carlow Football Club allowed them to use th1e pitch and pavilion, :and the privil1eg,e ,of wearing ,the Club Colours. After a Jew ,seasons ,of casual p1<actising, and devoted attendance ,at every match pl,ay,ed lby the local t,ea:m, ,some senior Rugby followers, not­ aJbly th1e 'liate P. C. Ber:gin, foM they were ripe for oompetition with ,other schoolboy teams. While this ,opposi,Hon usually prov,ed too str,ong f,or th,em, the boy,s wer,e not at all daunted. They financ,ed their own excursions to play ,other teams, ,and ,paid .Jor rthe meal provided when a t,eam visi,ted •th,em. lDuring the 1927 /28 season, ,th,e more pmmising of ,the Juniors found their pl,ac,e regul,arly ,on the town team. A lerw were to be honouried by playing ,on the team which won the Provincial Towns' Cup in 1929. One, th,e late Bill Fienelon, was to, have the distinchon of playing ,on th.ree winning t,eams ,in '29, '31 ,and '33. He was ,captain ,of ith,e 1933 ,team. He was sel,ected on the Leinster Juni,or team, an honour also giVien to his brother Frank; to P1addy OUver, and 1to Fr,ank O'Bri,en. Those ,of us who had no talent for ·the game look back on ,these years with ,a special satisfaction. Wh 1ile the Juniors ceased as ,a unit in 1929, they all carJ1i,ed over ,a devotiion ·to the g,ame which has lasted down the years. PATRICK M:URRAY, 25 Dublin Street, Carlow Carlow's Oldest Established BRADBURYS Bakery DUNNY'S High-Cla~s Confectioner SECOND PLACE IN 1969 BAKER and Fancy Baker OF THE YEAR COMPETITION * Try our Priz&winning Bread High-Class Confectionery Wedding and Christening Cakes a Speciality Christmas and Wedding Cakes a Speciality Tullow Street Purest Ingredients only used PERSONAL SERVICE Carlow Phone: 41151 The Ducketts and Notes on the Antiquities Du.cketts Grove 10 of Carlow 25 The Late V. Rev. I. Carlow's former Fever Campi.on, P.P. 12 CARLOVIANA Hospital . • . 26 Come Capture a castle I Museum Musings 28 at Clonmore 15 I Vol. 2 No. 23 I New Series Dec. 1974 I News Roundup . 29 Poor Clare Convent 18 JOURNAL OF THE OLD CARLOW SOCIETI I Secretary's Report 34 Tithe War 19 I Editor Miss M. T. Kelly Cist-Burial 21 I Printed by " Nationalist," Carlow I Our Chairman Writes . 36 Editorial: Bridging the Gaps Until 1946 Carlow's past might best have been com­ In December, 1973, our amibition was fulfilled when we pared to a jig-saw puzzle with a lot of the pieces miss­ opened such a Museum. We are glad to say that in the ing. In that year a number of people met in the Town intervening year the attendance has been up to our ex­ Hall and decided to form the Old Carlow Society in a pectations, youth being very representative and when we bid to try and fill in the missing gaps or pieces. opened during the Summer months on Saturdays we had more offers from them to staff it than we could cope There was no point in regretting the lore that had with. This you will readily agree augurs well for its fut­ been lost, a start was made to preserve what remained ure in Carlow as nothing is better calculated to instill a and since then a wealth of material has been salvaged. sense of civic pride and responsibility in the young than From the beginning the Society realised that there was a knowledge of their own district's past history. little use in recording the rescued material unless it was Already our visitors book contains names and address­ made available to the general public. The need for a es from Australia, America, Canada, France and all parts Journal was realised and in the following year 1947, of the British Isles and many pay tribute to the layout "Carloviana" was born principally through the efforts and and to the amazing collection of interesting objects col­ co-operation of Liam D. Bergin, Editor of the "Nation­ lected in such a short space of time. alist & Leinster Times". He even found time for one or This has spurred us on to think of expanding and of two years to take on the Editorship. With the exception opening a further room of exhibits. If this is realised we of one year it has continued to be published annually will have an exhibition of which all Carlow . can indeed although the Editorship has changed at least half a be proud and be thankful to the willing band of volun­ dozen times. In the main it contains the fruits of the tary workers whose energy and dedication have made this members research and has become a household must at possible. Christmas, later finding its way across the seas to our exiles. They have done exceptional work and proved that the preserving of facets of the town and country's past his­ Carlow's history has been preserved in print but the tory and a wider knowledge of one's own surroundings Society had yet to take the steps which would preserve need not necessarily be a dull occupation. it in substance and to fulfil one of the primary objects --- ------ We regret the increased price of "CARLOVIANA"-this for which it was founded that of preserving a perman­ is due to the abnormal high cost of paper and entirely ent record of life in the past of Carlow & district. beyond: our control J'h~. most practical way of achieving this was the es­ Cover Picture : The Dolmen at Acaun Bridge tablishment of a Museum to house the many interesting at Haroldstown on the main Carlow-Hacketstown articles of Carlow's past. road. 9 I' \ ''The Ducketts 11 and '' Ducketts Grove 11 By Mrs. Mary A. Pender Thomas Duckett first of the Duckett family to serrn: town Malbay. She died May 12th, 1894, no issue of this in Ireland, is believed to have come over with the Army marriage. of William of Orange around the year 1690. Another William married the second time on November 19th, member of the family is listed as coming in the Army 1895, Maria Georgina Thompson, widow of one Captain of Crcmwell, Ye:ir 1641, as a bugler. Tpompson who had one daughter by her first marriage. Thomas Duckett first of family to settle in Ireland, Mrs. Thompson was daughter of one Captain Robert Gor­ bought Kneestown part of Rainstown and Ardnehue don Cummins. from one Thomas Crosswaith of Cockermouth in 1695. William Dawson Duckett last of the male line of Said Thomas Crosswaith had obtained this property Ducketts died on the 22nd of June, 1908. His will dated along with other lands, comprising in all some 495 ac­ February 29th, 1904 left his estates to his widow, with res plantation measure on the 13th March, 1666 under the exception of a small legacy going to his nephew the Acts of Settlement A.D.
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