SUPPLEME\ NT TO TEB BRITISH MEDICALj JOURNAL. LONDON: SATURDAY, MAY 6TH, 1916. CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE Matters Referred to Divisions. Association Intelligence. ANNUAL REPRESENTATIVE MEETING, 1916: PROVISIONAL PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL ... - 102 AGENDA 77 MEETINGS OF BRANCHES AND DIVISIONS 12...1 ANNUAL REPORT OF COUNCIL, 1915-16 ... ... 79 ELECTION OF COUIJCIL ... 103 BALANCE SHEET 81 ANNUAL REPRESENTATIVE MEETING ... 103 NEW MEMBERS ... ... ... ... ... 103 REDUCTION OF NOTIFICATION FEES ... ... ... 105 INSURANCE: MEETINGS OF INSURANCE, LOCAL AIEDICAL, AND NAVAL AND MILITARY APPOINTNIENT.S ... 107 PANEL COMMITTEE'S; CORRESPONDENCE ... 105 VACANCIES AND APPOINTMPENTS.-DIARlY ... 108 SPECIAL NOTICE TO MEMBERS. Ever member is requested to preserve this "Supplement," which oontaIns matters specially referred to Divisions, until the subjects have been discussed by the Divi#ion to which he belongs. BY ORDER. Tlhat tlle Representative Body place on record its higlh REFERRED TO DIVISIONS. appreciation of the valuable services rendered by MATTERS tille whole of the Officials and Staff, and that thly be tlhanked for the able way they have worked on behalf of tile Association, and congratulated on the careful manner in whlich they have conserved during very critical times tllm financial interests Annual Representative Meetinig, of members of the Associationi. LondoIn, 1916. Remiiiainder of Anntual Report utnd(er7heatcing " (B) Fincance." THE Annual Representative Meeting of the Associa- 5. Motion: That tllo remainder of the Annual Report of Council under lieading " (B) Finance " (paragraphs 5-15, tion will be held in London on Friday, July 28th, I91 6, pages 80-86) be approved. aind following days as may be necessary. (e) The Association and the War. Reappointmnent of Centrial Mledical IVar Committee PROVISIONAL AGENDA. for 1916-1a. (NOTE.-In view of the s7hortage of paper, this Pr ovisijnal Agenda 6. Motion: That the following Recommendation of Council inlcludles ouily such of the items of the busiuess of the Annual be adopted (paragraplh 64 (b) of Annual Report, page 93): Rep reseutative Meeting as a-e knownt to eqitre the consideration of the Divisionis.) That the Central Medical War Committee be reap- pointed for 1916-17, with thle same personnel as ANNUAL REPORT OF COUNCIL. before. (For Annual Report of Council, 1915-16, see page 79 of this SUPPLEMENT.) Remainder of Annual Report nnder heading 1. Motion: That the Annual. Report of Council for 1915-16, (C) The Association and the WVar." Balance Shleet and Financial Statement for 1915, and 7. Motion: That tile remainider of the Alnnual Report of Estimate of Income and Expenditure for 1916, be received. Council under headinag " (C) Tlhe Association and tile War" (paragraphs 16-64, pages 86- 93) be approved. (A) Preliminary. Presidentship for 1916-17. (0) Organization. 2. Motion: Tllat the following Recommendation of Council Homne Branches be adopted (paragraph 2 of Annual Report, page 79 of this General Question of Groutping of for SUPPLEMENT): Election of Coutncil: Grouping of these Branches for Election of Council, 191 -18. Tllat Sir Thomas Clifford Allbutt, K.C.B1., LL.D., be elected President of the Association. 8. Motion: That thle follow%ving Recommendation A of Council be adopted (paragraph 65 of Annual Report, Remainder of Annual Report under heading page 93): "(A) Preliminary." That the Home Branchlies be grouped for election of 3. Motion: 'T'hat the remainder of the Annual Report of twenty-four members of Council, 1917-18, under same as for 1916-17. Council under heading " (A) Preliminary " (paragraplhs 1-4, By-law 46 (a) in tlle way pages 79-80) be approved. (For the 1916-17 grouping see BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT, May 8tlh, 1915, pp. 201-2.:) (B) Finance. Work of Officials and Staff. * ThG Council has this year omitted from its report the usual of Council grouping lists of Branches and Divisions, the reports of Branches. aild 4. Motion: That the following Recommendation the attendances at meetings of the Representative Body, Council. be adopted (paragraph 13 of Annual Report, page 86): and Committees. [6281 BUPPLEMENT TO TERU 1 78 B3RITISH MEDICAL JOURAL ANNUAL REPRESENTATIVE MEETING. L'MAY 6, T9i6 Group'ing of Oversea Branches for Election of Coatncil, the fortlhcominig election: H. W. Langley B3rowne, 191 7-18. M.D., F.R.C.S.E., West Broinwiclh; H. A. Latimer, 9. MVotion: That tlle followhig Recommendation B of M.D., M.R.C.S., Tunbridge Wells; J. A. Mac- Couniicil be adopted (paragyraplh 66 of Annual Report, donald, M.D., M.Ch., LL.D., Taunton; and T. page 93): Jenner Verrall, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., LL.D., Batlh. T1hat the Oversea Branclhes be grouped for election of Remainder of Anntual Report utnzder 7heading seven members of Counicil, 1917-18, under By- "(H) Aledico-Political." law 46 (I) in the samne way as for 1916-17, except 19. Motion: That the remainder of the Annual Report of that the new Grenada Branlch be included in the Council under heading " (H) Medico-Political " (paragraph.s Canada and West Indies Group of Branclhes. 93-119, pages 94-7) be approved. (For the 1916-17 grouping of the Oversea Branichles see BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL SUP- (1) National Health Insurance. PLEMENT, May 8th, 1915, page 202.) Effects of the WVar on1 the Mledical Side of the Insurance Acts. Remtainder of Annutal Repvort under heading 20. Motion: That tlle following Recommendation A of (D) Organizatiov." Council be adopted (paragraph 122 of Annual Rleports 10. Motion: Tlat the¢ remainder of the Aninual Report of page 98): Council under lheading " (D) Organization " (paragraphs That in view of thle difficulty experienced in aser.tain- 65-81, pages be approved. 93-4) ing tlle exact number of insured persons wlho lhave (E) Journal. enlisted, and in collecting evidence as to the sick- 11. Motion: That the Annual Report of Council under ness incidence of those insured persons remaining, hleading " (E) Journal" (paragraphs 82-4, page 94) be and considering that strong representations on approvedl. tlle subject lhave already been made to the Coini- (F) Science. inissioners, no further action be taken at present, 12. Motion: That tlhe Annual Report of Council under but that the Council be instructed to collect wlhat lheading " (F) Science" (paragraphs 85-6, page 94) be information itcan on tle subject in order tlat it may approved. be used wlhen any revision of the terms on wlhich (G) Medical Ethics. Insurance practitioners are employed is discussed. 13. Motion: Thiat tlle Annuiial Rteport of Council under Aledical Befer-ees under the Insurance Acts. lheading " (G) Medical Ethics " (paragraplhs 87-92, page 94) 21. Motion: That tlhe following Recommendatioii B of be approved. Council be adopted (paragraplh 146 of Ainnual Rleport, (H) MedicowPolitical. page 100): Medical Inspection and Treatment of School Children. That pending the establishment of a permanent 14. Motion: That the followinig Recoimmendation A of system of referees under thle Insurance Cominlis- Council be adopted (paragraph 93 of Annual Report, sion, it is desirable tllat tlle Association slhould page 94): co-operate in the promotion of a system of tein. That the Representative Body approve, as the policy of porary arrangements under suitable conditions. the Association on medical inspection and treatriment 22. Motion: That the following Recommendation C of of sclhool clhildren, the Memorandumn publislhed in Council be adopted (paragraph 146 of Annual Report, May 1915 th1C SUPPLEMENT Of 8thi, (pages 227-9). page 100): Medtical Certificates in Connection wvith P'cssible Pensions That thle fee of 10s. 6d. alreadv approved by the or Gr-atuities to Delpendants of Solcliers and Sailors Representative Body for examination of, and' killed on Active S-ervice. report on cases submitted to part-time refereq 15. MotionR ' Tliat thle followina Recommendation B of unuer the National Insurance Act be reaffirmed as Council be adopted (paragraplh 94 of Annual Report, tlle minimum fee for cases examined by prac- page 95): titioners whlo lhold no stated appointment to tlhe That in connection witlh tlle giving of certificates by approved society submitting tlhe case, and Divi- medical practitioners as to the degree of capacitv sions and Branchies be allowved to approve schlemes to earn their own livelillood of dependauts of for the payment of practitioners in their areas deceased so!diers or sailors for the purpose of appointed as medical referees to approved establislhing tlleir claim to pension or gratuity, societies, provided that where such a scliehomn it is desirable- involves payment by salary or in accordance (i)- Thtat there slhould be a uniform standard of witlh the tiime occupied, or the acceptance of a estimating disability to earn; fee less than 10s. 6d. per case examined, the (ii) That tlle work of certification slhould be done by sclheme slhall require the approval of tlhe Council a board of practitioners, and slhould be paid for. of the Association. 16. Motion: That tlle following Recomimendation C of Remaindler of Annual Report under 7heading Council be adopted (paragraph 94 of Annual Report, "(I) National Health Insurance." page 95): 23. Motion: That the remainder of tlle Aninual Report of Thlat it be urged upon tlle Government tllat the above Council under hleading "(I) National Health InsUrance" proposal would be conducive to public economy (paragraphis 120-49, pages 97-100) be approved. and efficiency. (J) Public Health and Poor Law. Notification of Pr egnancy. 24. Motion: Th1at thle Annual IReport of Council un1der 17. Motion: Tllat the following Recommendation D of ", Public Health and Poor Law" 114 hieading (J) (paragraphs Council be adopted (paragraph of Annual Report, 150-2, page 100) be approved. page 97): That wlhile it is desirable to encourage prospective (K) Scotland. motlhers to make early arrangements for being 25. Motion: Tllat the Annual Report of Council under properly cared for during tlle time of pregnancy hleading "(K) Scotland" (paragraphs 153-7, pages 100-1) as wvell as at the actual time of delivery, the be approved.
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