August 23, 2019 23, August r r STEUBENVILLE—Youth from St. Mary Cathedral, Cape Girardeau, posed with Bp. Edward M. Rice during one of the Steu- One Church, East to West: Loving Jesus, Serving Sharing Jesus East to West: One Church, benville Mid-America Youth Conferences held on the campus of Missouri State University, Springfield. A total of 5,000 youth convened in the JQH Arena for each of the two weekends, including 787 diocesan youth. A total of $22,640 was awarded to DIOCESE OF SPRINGFIELD—CAPE GIRARDEAU, MISSOURI GIRARDEAU, OF SPRINGFIELD—CAPE DIOCESE 209 attendees through the diocesan Youth Endowment Fund. (Photo by Dean Curtis/The Mirror) Update: Capital Endowment Campaign The Mir The Springfield (PMBS Retirement) remain in the fund, fully invested, ready for the future needs nfinite gratitude to all the donors of the retired priests of the diocese. Vol. LV, No. 9 No. LV, Vol. of the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau’s recent “One Church, Youth Endowment Fund East to West” Capital Endowment The main objective of the Diocesan ICampaign who have completed their Youth Endowment Fund is to support commitment or continue to pay their those activities which: create opportuni- pledges for the Seminarian Education, ties for youth and families to encounter the Priests’ Retirement, and the Youth Christ; provide more effective ways of T-SHIRT DESIGNER—Bishop Edward Formation endowment funds. accompanying youth and families in M. Rice posed for a photo with the stu- According to Janet Smith, Chancel- their faith formation; and prepare them dent designer of the T-shirts worn by lor and Director of Finance, $17,287,653 as intentional missionary disciples. St. Vincent de Paul Parish youth to of the total $24,904,762 in pledges The Diocesan Youth Endowment the Steubenville Mid-America Youth has been collected as of June 30, 2019. Committee will continue to pray, seek Conferences. The diocesan Youth En- Of the collected cash, $1,722,720 has input from parish leaders, and discern dowment Fund contributed a total of been allotted to the four parishes that carefully the priorities for ministering to $22,640 in grants for 209 of the 787 conducted a combined parish/diocesan youth and their families. diocesan attendees to the Steubenville campaign. The remaining $15,288,378 “The Lord continues to bless our conferences. (The Mirror) is invested in the diocesan endowed diocese through the generous donations pooled funds, and is professionally man- made to the Diocesan Capital Campaign opportunities for youth in the parish, aged under the direction of the Director which contributes to The Youth En- knowing that financial assistance is of Finance and the Diocesan Investment dowment Fund,” said Lynn Melendez, available when needed,” Melendez said. Committee. diocesan Director of Evangelization, The earnings from the Youth En- Catechesis, and Youth Formation. “The 2018-19 fiscal year distribution of dowment Fund currently provide regis- committee for the Youth Endowment Youth Endowment Funds tration fees for various youth programs, Fund recently met to review how funds Grants assistance for individuals, orga- scholarship assistance (either partial or were distributed during the 2018-2019 nizations, parishes, and schools: full) for youth and/or chaperones this fiscal year. They also developed a plan • Thirty-one campers and staffers were year for the Diocesan Youth Conference, for distribution of funds for the 2019- given financial assistance to attend The next issue of The Mirror for example, and other initiatives as 2020 fiscal year. Camp Re- NEW-All. will be Sept. 6, 2019. reported in this article. New grant applications for the • One hundred fifty-seven youth and Experiencing delayed USPS The earnings from the Vocation 2019-2020 fiscal year can be found on chaperones received grant assistance delivery? Sign up to receive the diocesan newspaper via Email Endowment Fund will continue to be the diocesan Website at www.dioscg.org. for attending the Diocesan Youth in digital format: Contact Angie included in the operating budget for the “We hope that as parish leaders Conference. Toben at (417) 866-0841, or Vocations Department, and the earnings plan for the coming year, they may Email: atoben@dioscg.org. from the Priests’ Mutual Benefit Society be able to consider growing ministry See Endowment / 6 2 The Mirror COLUMN August 23, 2019 COME, AND YOU WILL SEE 2019 summer of faith, summer of fun Bp. Edward M. Rice n so many ways, this past sum- Women’s Weekend is Nov. 14-17, mer was a summer of blessings 2019. Why am I focusing on the 12 for the Diocese of Springfield- parishes? Because all the evidence Cape Girardeau, especially for shows that the key to keeping our Ithe youth of our diocese. Of course, youth in the Church is having par- Camp Re-NEW-All is an annual bless- ents who live the faith. So I am mak- ing for all involved: campers, counsel- ing a public invitation to the parents ors, and staff. So many of the camp- of the children who participated in ers tell me how beautiful it is to have Totus Tuus. Thank you for involving Holy Mass and confessions available your children in Totus Tuus. Now, do at the campsites. We also had 787 something for yourself and plan to people, high school students, young attend an upcoming Cursillo Retreat adults, and chaperones, from across Weekend. the diocese attend the two Steuben- ville Mid-America Youth Conferences Retreat opportunities in Springfield during July. This sum- Of course, anyone can attend a mer was also the second year for the Cursillo Weekend, not just the par- “Totus Tuus” evangelization program, ents from the 12 parishes that hosted also focused on the youth of our Totus Tuus. Let’s spread the word and diocese. It truly has been a summer of encourage one another to attend the faith, a summer of fun. retreat. If those dates do not work for Now with the summer behind you, mark your calendar now for the us, I wish to focus on the adults of Men’s Cursillo Weekend, Feb. 20-23 our diocese, especially the 12 par- or the Women’s Cursillo Weekend, ishes that participated in Totus Tuus. March 19-22, 2020 at the Pinecrest PSR WINNERS FOR 2019 LENTEN YOUTH CHALLENGE—During a recent Those parishes will receive a spe- Camp and Conference Center, pastoral visit, Bp. Edward M. Rice congratulated the Parish School of Religion cial invitation to participate in the Fredericktown, MO. All the informa- (PSR) youth and pastor Fr. Matt Rehrauer of St. Agnes Parish, Sarcoxie, as upcoming Cursillo Weekends, held tion can be found on the diocesan the PSR per capita winners of the Bishop’s 2019 Lenten Youth Challenge. The in Carthage at the Mother of the Website, www.dioscg.org: click on the five youth raised $485 for Birthright of Cape Girardeau, for an average of $97 Redeemer Monastery. The Men’s Cursillo icon on the upper right tab per child. (The Mirror) Weekend is Oct. 17-20 and the on the page in order to register. Let’s make these Cursillo’s the best ever!! In the Opening Prayer for the Feast On Sat., Aug. 10, 2019 the of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross “2019 Ministry Leaders Retreat” we pray “That we, who have known was held at St. John Vianney Parish, His mystery on earth, may merit the Mountain View, MO. Why in Moun- grace of His redemption in heaven.” tain View? Simple—so that everyone How true those words are for all of in our One Church, East to West, is us! By faith, each of us is invited to equally inconvenienced by the drive carry the crosses that come to us. In time and no one can complain! That seeing the sufferings and disappoint- DioSCG @DioSCG is life in our nearly 26,000-square- ments of life as part of “His mystery,” Could there be a bobblehead in the mile diocese. We had 40 par- we unite our daily crosses to making? #DioSCG. ticipants at the retreat, repre- His. His cross gives mean- senting 22 different parishes, ing to our sufferings. And about one third of the dio- The key to when we see this life in the cese. Those who participated keeping our light of His Cross, then we included DREs, Catechists, youth in experience “the grace of His young adult ministers, youth redemption in heaven.” I ministers, campus ministers, the Church encourage everyone to make religion teachers, a couple is having an effort to attend Mass and diocesan staffers, etc. Sr. parents participate in the liturgy Karolyn Nunes, FSGM, of on Sept. 14. Unfortunately, the Sisters of St. Francis of who live the Sept. 15, the Feast of Our the Martyr St. George, from faith. Lady of Sorrows, falls on a Alton, IL, was the speaker Sunday this year and so the for the day of retreat, which Sunday celebration takes included Mass, reflection, precedence. But the song discussion, and Eucharistic adora- so familiar to us during Lent, at the tion. A simple question—why weren’t Stations of the Cross, comes from this YOU there? Feedback given to Lynn feast, the “Stabat Mater,” focusing on Melendez, Director of the Office of the suffering of the Virgin Mary at Evangelization, Catechesis, and Youth the Crucifixion. I hope all of us know Formation requested more days of the opening verse, “At the cross her recollection be offered in the diocese. station keeping, Mary stood in sorrow Lynn has responded to that request. weeping, close to Jesus to the end.” Make sure you attend the next event! Let us turn to the Cross in times As we approach the end of of trouble.
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