■■■■■■ ■■*> ?' ." f V' 7. - ■ATUliDAT, AUGUiT » , 1144 ^ Average Daily Cireatation The Weather For the Mooih oC Johr. 1S44 Fereeaot ef C. 8. Weather Boreaa i W B L V l Manchester Evening Herald ------- • -I* Felr, eeattered thnnder ihewere 8,728 Ihle eveelag: Sttle rhaage la tern- whils tha other, had on a rtort Knights Expect peratare; Tueedajr M r, eoattaoed Jacket fancily embroidered. They, Gets His Wings 5323235353234848232353 Member ef the Aodlt hot aad hoMild. strode up to the bar with any* Boieaa et OlrenlaUeoe About Town Heard Along Main Street thing but a manly flride and aala AMDREA HOTEL to the h a r t^ e r , "A poupl# of ' Outing Crowd Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm brews, pleaael’ And their ac-. And on Some o f Manehe$ter*$ Side Streeter Too I. — ^ MISQUAMICUTi K I- cents were Just too, too divine. (ClaeelSed AdvertMag ea Fage IS) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1944 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTMI The bartender looked at them To Be Held Tomorrow VOL. LXlif., NO. 268 — ™ r«idy for Dr, Ch»rle« Tor- TlM w ek ery e f the lost cabin W rvlce and too old to ^ Ued .to and burned. He. Just Ignored our mother'smnther'a apron.anron strings,-atrinSTS.' alal- AMERICAN PLAN S r who wui. erUiser has been solved- them. They kept Insisting on Noon on Grounds at Nearly six years ago, the hurri­ though they think wo should be. given though we have a little mon­ getting the "brews” but ‘h e^ r- The Ki o f C. Home. ( cane struck and It hit Coventry tomjer looked the other way. With E. J. MacKNIGHT, MGR. Fiiv Rkzcs Palisades Paii: ey from working we are saving :^the procucr of ^ Lake extra hard. Buildings were a couple of gestures and at least 'ttstrica, women'i «»o*»e« »na that for our future education. The blown down, trees uprooted and ona "for, goodness sake , they The summer outing of Campbell TEL. MISQUAMICUT 2899-4 11 Zero Hour Nearing Seven to 12 Miles [ «urg«ry. ____ young girls our age prefer older the waters of the lake were blown service men with more r.ioney to made the'lr way mit. council, Knights of Columbus, will inshore for Increditable distances. spend on them. We believe they We understand they visited * be held on the groimds of the home ' a <Uu*hto», t w r f ^ couple o t other places in town and ^ h a n W M moTOto* •» Marks visible ifven today, far from gold-diggers, tomorrow, starting shortly before snorvrshore, wherewiicic the waves egou|^d —o ----- In- believe how to do away were not treated qulto »<> po'ito'y- For Soviet Attack boapltal to Pfc. »<• El noon. A sports program, including to the woodland astonish strang- with this problem, will be a recre- nero McLoui^in ®f softball and ^ horseshoe pitching Gained by Yankees; Pfc. McLoughlin Is th« ton aUon center where dancing and Without consulting our w K r and Mrs Robort McLough- * * ^ e northwestern portion of the iTcrcation intpreitii c®ii b« obtuin- Using department aa to whetoer has been laid out by the commit­ t o proseut with the e«n - lake was hardest hit. The Island ed for little or no money. The or not it ir a good merchandiring tee for those desiring to partici­ Upon East Prussia youth o t Manchester are asking for there was Inundated and aeverw stunt to advertise furs, blankets pate In these activities. Indoor •ted iMt December witt t^e ^ elderly men who were on the little this recreation center. and winter clothing In Au^ist. we games also at< on the schedule, for vanced non-commissioned o f f ic e plot of land were saved with dif­ "Sincerely yours. confess we never could untrorstand b "The Youth of Manchester. the benefit of those who do not WASTE PAPER Russian Armies Mass C anadians D riv e « ].»« at the ^arterm asW r school ficulty. Power boats could nm how women could be Interested to wish to Indulge In the more stren­ Ponder New 1: at Camp Deo, Va., end «»'*y *" •ross the narrow strip from the ths point of InvesUng In any or uous activities. In Great Threatening i trensferied to Knglend. mainland during the height of the Alto in the mail came this; the above when th^r thermometer Shortly after noon clam chow­ hurricane. A young man finally To the Editor- of "Heard Along Is soaring up In the nineties as It der and 'steamed clams will be Arc Before Borders of Route Tying Leap Forward in New" Mrs. WillUm Pitkin and daugh- has been the latter part of this i walked along the lake in an east­ Main Street": Flight Officer Alfr*d I» Rosetto served under the direction of John German Province; Great Fleets Plane Force : Offensive, Strikin|^^] ; t . r Wilma, of 54 pttwn erly direction found a boat and "A few weeks ago K struck us week. It appears that they must Moriconi, who will cater for the COLLECtlON I"' have retnmed after a weeks vliilt was literally blown to the Uland. b», for overy newspaper carries occasion: A buffet luncheon will be J ' with TCss Alice Wtkln, local tef®h- funny how.-every week It has some­ > Ellington Field, Texas, A\ig. 12 Menace Lorzina, Vital 3 Neighbors For Destruction of. He finally got off the two men. thing about the south end having such ads. In August, and every -^Ths Army Air Forces’ war po­ on hand for thoae who grow hun­ O f Bombers To Support ' er who is apendlng tb® summer at The owners of the Island could something new. It's about the store featuring ready-made ap­ gry during the afternoon and at 5 Communi^tions Point Cream of Germany’sCl §1 a lake in Rutland, Maas. X ^ tential rose again with the gradua­ MONDAY, AUGUST 14 have escaped aa they had a power­ shoeshine boy, well this is a tip to parel displays them In their win­ tion h ereof a class/)f pilot cadets, p. m„ meat balls and spaghetti Forces in Northwest- ^ ful cabin cruiser but the atom the south end —the south end Isn t dows. V will be served, topped off by pte United State*, Cuba and Pound Nazis P eace Seen Mrs John Q. Clulow and daugh- trained at this installation of the and coffee. Moscow, Aug. 14.—(TP)— not only lore the boat the only end that has a shoeshine It wss^not always thus. Tradi­ AAF Central Flying . Training em Europe; Escape, '^ ter. Miss Beatrice Oulow, of ^Por- dock but blew away every stl^cK boy because they also have one The committee, under the chair­ IN THE SOUTHWEST SECTION The zero hour for an all-out Mexico Conaidering ! tar Btreet, left this m ^ ln g for a tion has It that a Herald makeup Command. week’s stay at Ocean Grove, N. J. composing the pier. down at the north end. man, In the days when plaU cam* Silver wings and commissions as manship of Charles Mather, has Soviet assault on East Prus­ Super-Highway Featur­ Bomb War Industries^n Certain to Be Coneid- Corridor Narrowed tO; For weeks search was made for ‘The south end thinks they have all ready by ths column to fill up second lieutenants or flight officers reported a large sale of tickets All Streets West of Main Strwt from the Center South sia appeared to be approach­ i1 the cruiser but it could not be everything, only half of the people pages, used a story profusely Ulus- for the outing and' it Is expected ing 2 Water Hope. ered at Forthcoming Less Than 16 Miles. : w jre Issued these members of ing rapidly today as Russian Southern Germany, In­ found. Rowboats had been scatter­ in the south end get shines, while trated with fur coats on one of the Class 44-G. They have been train the grounds tjid the home will be and South of West Center Street. ed bv the wind but in time they in the north end almost everyone hottest days to August. It was ed in the operation of twin-engin­ filled to overflowing. Armies massed in a great stallations in France Security Diecueeione does. It's funny how the shine boy Washington, Aug. ^ (/P) Supreme Headquarters A !-; . ' They will be guests at the Arber- were returned to Ihelr owTuera. ths "silly season” wh*n members ed planes. After receiving addi­ threatening arc before the up at the south ehd only makes of the stBff were awsy on vaca- Senator Andrews . (D-Fla) reported And Shipping in Brest. Of United Natione. lied Expeditionary Force,; ; ton Motel. None had been sunk. T^at was tional training, th*y will be given borders of that Cierman prov­ why old lake dwellerrwere mysU- (1 -or so. One night the boy down ■Uons, and without bothering with today that officials of th% United Aug. 14— (;i^— A m e r i e a n north made ».* That goes to show duty assignments. , , ince. Russian units to the I ' Malor and Mrs. J. H, “ *fied by the total disappearance of proofs the plate waa used to fill Principal speaker at ths gradua­ FLOOR LAYING States, Cuba and Mexico are talk­ London, Aug. 14.—(*)—Great Washington, Aug. ,14— UP) — tanka and infantry advanced! you not only big shots have got the center of a pag* Intomted for MUth were 15 to 17 mile* from the the local Salvation Army Ctor^, such a large vessel.
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