Party fjoife (odsy. High to Distrib'utfon fbe 7tf, Mofdy fair tonight and tomorrow. Low tonight in W*. Today High tomorrow, 88, Variable winds today and tomorrow. See 14,050 page 2. 'stet An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership Since 1878 BY CARRIER Iisued Dally, Monday through Friday, entered u Second CU» Matter 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE /OLUME 82, NO. 233 at th» Post OUIca at Red Bank. N. J.. under the Act of Marcn 3. IS78. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1960 fAUE. Wt 3Jc pER WEEK Fear 18 Killed in Crash of Blimp Paper Firm Three Survive Plunge Into Sea May Locate Off Barnegat At Holmdel Atlantic Highlands Officer HOLMDEL - Township offici- als confirmed last night that Concert Standees Missing; Area Man Saved plans are in the offing for a To Be Cared For multi-million-dollar paper pro- LAKEHURST (AP)—A huge Navy blimp crumpled ducts plant to be constructed off RED BANK — Music lovers Rt. 35 near Laurel Ave. were out in force for this bor- in air on a search mission yesterday and crashed "like Valuation of the plant, includ- ough's first free concert of the a sagging banana" into the ocean off the New Jersey ing construction, machinery and summer last night in Marine coast. equipment, has been estimated Park. One airman was killed and 17 feared lost in the at 10 to 15 million dollars. As a result, seating accomo- Mayor James H. Ackerson told datlons for next Wednesday's sunken wreckage. The Register that the plant would concert will be tripled, ac- Three crewmen survived. They were picked up be "eight times larger than the cording to Ray McCartney, by several boats out fishing on the calm Atlantic un- new Bendix plant" in Holmdel director of the Parks and Village. Recreation Committee. Mr. der sunny skies. The Bendix plant has an es- McCartney estimated that about The Navy said it was mystified as to the cause timated valuation of two million 300 of the 1,000 persons present dollars. last night were standees. of the disaster. Announce Tuesday Nose of wrecked blimp protru des from ocean as destroyer, fish ing boat (left foreground) and One of the survivors said Mr. Ackerson said the name a helium line may have of the company will not be dis- Coast Guard vessel (right foreground) converge on wreckage. closed until Tuesday night, at May Erect ruptured causing the saus- which time company officials age-like bag to collapse. will meet with the Township The Doris May HI reached the Committee at the Shadowbrook, Four Towers Bayshore Crewman CutFabric, Escaped scene three minutes after the Shrewsbury, to discuss details pf 403-foot blimp fell limply into the operation. LAKEHURST (AP) — Exactly the water. He confirmed, however, that it In Holmdel "It looked like a sagging ba- would be a paper products com- what it was that woke Joseph HOLMDEL — Jupiter Associ- Freeholders nana. Then it crumpled and pany. G. Culligan from sleep aboard a ates, Inc., which plans to build came down in a hurry," said Several property options aL giant Navy blimp yesterday he Frank Mikuletzky, 19, of Barne- and operate a new radio station, Get Identical ready have been signed, and doesn't know. gat Light, a mate aboard the others may be taken within the will erect the station's towers fishing vessel. next few days, the mayor indi- in this township, providing ap Bids on Pipe It may have been the vibra- He jumped overboard with a cated. proval for the station is granted tion as the balloon plunged to- life ring and pulled survivors The plant will be on the south FREEHOLD — For the first ward the sea, or the impact of from the floating wreckage. tide of Rt. 35, several hundred by the Federal Communications time in anyone's recollection, the crash itself, he said. The blimp had been out on a feet from the highway, and about Commission. identical low bids were received But suddenly, he knew what search patrol for the 40-foot sloop 300 to 400 feet north of the New The announcement was made by the Monmouth County Board Vat 61), reported missing with York and Long Branch railroad, had happened. yesterday by Ross W. Maghan, of Freeholders yesterday. a crew of seven or eight on her on property totaling 100 to 135 Matawan real estate and insur- "I stood up. Water was in the way homo from the Newport, R. acres. ance agent, one of the members Three bids were submitted for compartment. I picked up a jag- f. to Bermuda sailboat race last The largest parcel is the of the corporation. furnishing reinforced concrete ged piece of meta|, cut a hole month. Arthur J. Farley tract, 65 acres. Mr. Maghan told The Register pipe for the road department. in the fabric of the balloon and Ironically, the yacht was found (See FIRM, Pg. 3) the firm has taken an option Bids of $25,376 were received got out into the water," Culli Lt. Robert E. Leonard < safe by a Navy submarine at al- most the same moment the huge on a 13-acre parcel, off Beers from Brasch Supply Service, Red gan said. LAKEHURST (AP) - The fol blimp radioed the international St. south of Church St. (Bethany Of the 21-man crew aboard the lowing men were reported miss Bank, and Kerr Concrete Pipe distress call "May Day, May Arrest Man Rd.) now owned by Alfonso lade- silvery 403-foot-long airship, only ing by the Navy in the crash of Co., East Paterson. A third bid Day." rosa. Culligan and two others are a blimp off the New Jersey coast of $28,200 was received from the Those were the only words Four Towers known to have escaped. One manyesterday: heard from the blimp, one of Wanted In American-Marietta Co. of New is dead. Seventeen are missing. There will be Jour towers. Lt. (J.G.) Robert E. Leonard, four of the ZPG3W class, the York. Culligan, 20; of 70 Atlantic Mr. Maghan said he could not 10 Park La., Lakewood, and SI largest airship in (he world. No action was taken on award- Ave., East Keansburg, was in Assault Case estimate the cost of the venture Memorial Pkwy., Atlantic High- Grappling efforts are to begin ing the contract, but the free- the water no more than 10 min- MIDDLETOWN-Curtis Camp- "at this time." lands. today to retrieve the wreckage holders will meet with the two utes, he said. He saw only the bell, Gillville La., wanted by "Providing we obtain FCC ap- Lt. Joseph J. Saniuk, airship which sank in an undetermined low bidders to discuss possible other two men who were picked local police In connection with proval," he said, "that (the cost) commander, 17 Carlson, Lake- depth after bobbing for a time solutions to the problem. A con- up — Donald L. Shaumier of acid burns suffered by his wife would depend on tha require- wood, and Omaha, Neb. in the ocean swells like a hugs tract is to be awarded at the Flint, Mich., and a man he called on Monday, was arrested yester- ments they place on us." Lt. William J. Carey, 24 Em-silver jelly fish. next meeting of the board. BAYSHORE SURVIVOR —Joseph G. Culligan, 20, of 70 Contreras, later unofficially eral Rd., Nahant, Mass. day in Deal. Present plans, Mr. Maghan (See 1 DLAD, Pg. 2) According to Capt. Raymond T, said, are to locate the towers Atlantic Ave., East Keansburg, a blimp crewman who identified as Antonio Contreras Lt. Walter B. Jennings, 20 Dou- of Geronim Tcx ble Trouble Rd., Toms River, and Walling, Campbell was nabbed by, here and one studio in Matawan, survived yesterday's crash, talks with Dr. James A. °. - another in Keyport. Youngstown, Ohio. police while working for the I, , . ,. - „. , , . , . .. .. „ When he reached the water, he Blake Construction Corp. 500 Watts Board Checks n Lt. (J.G.) Richard J. Hall. -188Water Leaks He had been sought after a The station would operate on Soldenstein, medical officer at Lakehurst Navy A.r Base saidi ,he balloon WM onIy par. Beach St., Beachwood, and Rich- complaint was filed by his wife 500 watts at 1530 kilocycles. It Member's Status Hospital, from hospital bed. The youth suffered only tially deflated and the tail sec- land, Wash. Are Located who claims he threw acid at would service parts of Monmouth bruises in the crash. <ion was sti" above water. Lt. Richard H. Clapper, 10 Pinehurst Estates, Lakchurst, and her during a family dispute. and Middlesex Counties. MARLBORO TOWNSHIP — Culligan said possibly 10 men Moshoppen, Pa. Mrs. Campbell suffered first Mr. Maghan said it might take The Board of Education last INDEX New Hearing were asleep at the time of the In Keyport and second degree burns on thesix months to get an FCC de-night passed a resolution to de- Lt. Orion V. Montgomery, Sa- Page crash. He said he assumes some back of the neck and forearm. cision. termine the board membership vannah Acres Trailer Court, Kovport—Councilman Alton D. of the men were trapped inside Walling reported yesterday that Mr. Campbell will be arraigned Other members of Jupiter As- status of Thomas Kocovsky. Amusements - 18 Dale Slated because he got out fairly soon Lakehurst, and Huron, S. D. sociates are: Mr. Kocovsky has failed to at- Ens. Robert H. Pipes, Bayville, 10 underground water leaks have today on a charge of atrocious Births 2 RED BANK — A hearing for after the impact. been located to date with the re- tend three consecutive board and Calltoun, La.
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