University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Student Work 6-1-1964 The history of Blair, Nebraska, 1869-1920 Frieda M. Wurdemen University of Nebraska at Omaha Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/studentwork Recommended Citation Wurdemen, Frieda M., "The history of Blair, Nebraska, 1869-1920" (1964). Student Work. 541. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/studentwork/541 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Work by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. * m HXStORt 6V 9LAXK, pwMMmatAg IB49-198Q A Z h W t M i.m. intern m m V P w i w m if irw Hfffip 8tpurtMH»« «f jfanJI. $$}£ ?u«itr «f th* o«U«cc 'it ftn o m te stuAi#* tlsinnltf «f Qnte> In ^sStSsl fSt£Sllwmli A#w* »#*w HaawtfcMl iteaaitAfcia#«nPPWP*** mWmIf*!* 4111*wtmW **W^$mwwHfUtiP** S m«♦** »t Arts by ^IFSSSS *■# w^0|ro6^WB Jon* 1964 UMI Number: EP73179 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMT Dissertation Publishing UMI EP73179 Published by ProQuest LLC (2015). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProOuesf ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 Accepted for the faculty of the College of Graduate Studies of the University of Qaahaf in partial fulfillment of the re%ulrei&®utB for tk m degree Master of Arts* SwfasdLniififrin- in ChairmanBep&rtaent ^ Graduate Committee mmfSmm p r e f a c e The aojor obstacle to wilting a ooapreboaaivo blotorjr of lobraoka io the foot that no Xittl* rooooroh boo boon done in loeol histoxy. tbo Blair area boo boon ehosea for tbio *tudy beeaats* of ito historical significance and also for tbo m m tbot it efforts o moans for study in cornualty dorclopacnt. Sincere appreciation io expressed to Dr* Preder- iok «. Adrian* for bis helpful suggestions and guidance, during tbo preparation and writing of this thoeie* Sinooro appreciation io expressed alao for tbo ooaiotoneo given by tho otaff of tbo Qono Spplcy library ot tbo Enivereity of Omahaf tbo staff of tbo Omaha Public Ubnt y , tho staff of tbo Sebrooko State Hietorioal wooioty library* Sirs* Victoria dnith* lyle Quyer, Valter ®* Ruber* Hr. S. t» Jtpp, Clara Johnson* B. F* lEeDomott* Reed 0‘Hanlon, Seyaour inith, Edith leale, and I>. V, Srsndgaard. IWM OF eOSTBSSS OBAFfKS FAOB X. XST8QIW0TXO*........ ............ 1 XX. TBS FOOSBXSO OF BXiAXB If XXX. TUB W r X W P W M ? OF BlAlt, 1 8 A 9 - 1 9 0 0 , 2 7 If. TBB 8TBAB7 OSOftK OF SXAXB. 1 9 0 0 ~ 1 $ S 0 • . • • !» V. 089KCX8S. SCBOOIS. ASS OKSASISATXOB OF B1A1E » 7X TX. IXTSBATOBB, FOIXXOBS, ASS SSYSFAFSSS . fl TXX. 00S6UISXQS8 96 AFFESS1X A . ................. 100 APFKRBXX 3 102 Atnctrsxx o ..................... 104 APFEHSIl 0 ...... ••••.....»»..*110 M31X0OMFRY . * * * * . • . ..*.112 us? or Fitsnu riOORB PASS 1* Original Territory ef Vebreska 2 2* Boundaries of Counties la territory ef Bsbraeka. 4 J. Historic Site* la Hebraaka »•••*•*#•»• 8 4* steeaboet at the Soak *#*•••»»••••• 0 9* Map ef Blair* Xebraska •»**•••»«•*•» 19 6• Bernal Annual feaperatur*' and Frealpitatien • • 28 7» Chicago and BortheeotemRailroad Bridge near Blair* Xebraska • 45 8* taahingten County Courthouse **••**«*•• 48 9* B* S* Ooeewnent foot Offloa* Blair* Xebraska * 55 10* Map ef baahington Ceanty • **»*..**•»* 57 11* Map ef Blair* Sebraaka 78 32. Blair Hi# Sohool ....... • * 78 m u m m t introduction Blair# situated on tho Missouri River at tho eastern edge of Nebraska# is in the original territory of Nebraska# opened for settlement by the Kansas* Nebraska Act of iSfJI*,.1 (Figure 1# p. 2) Frier to this Aot small settlements had been made at Fort Kearny# on the Platte River# and at Bellevue on the Missouri, 2 There were ferry landings along the Missouri River that later became the towns of Nebraska City# Plattsmouth# and Omaha* They prospered because of river transportation and trails to the interior* Blair followed a different pattern of development* Blair was unique In that# though situated on the Missouri River# it came into being as a railroad town rather than as a result of the river* Much of the surrounding region was settled before the town was founded and this gave Impetus to its growth* Blair as a railroad town rapidly developed into an industrious trading community* The future site of Blair was originally included within the boundary of Burt County* When the boundary lines of Washington County were redefined# after the ^United States Statutes at Large* Vol* X# p* 279. p &James 0. Olson# History of Nebraska (Lincolns University of Nebraska Press# iv s C T # p* § 3 * 2 DOMINION of CANAOA yin;. Jii •••• ---- Riv«r R A r X |r ?, y*'S**7 , j.'i/mv V&v, -mU/A IOWA — •— . v*'' U T A H '<V /i M A P OF X \ ORIGINAL TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA ^ c a U —t • JIM_______ FIGURE I ORIGINAL TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA 1 ■> ^ — Addison Erwin Sheldon, Nebraska: The Land and tfog/ People (2 vols*; Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1931J1 P • 212» 3 oonteet for tbo territorial capital, tbo area la whioh Blair was to bo looatod woo included within taahington County• Dou^lae Count? had entorod tho oontoot for tbo territorial capital with Omaha ao an entry while taahing- ton County oupported Florence. %ho South flatto oountiea favored bebreeka City or Plattaaouth* Beuglae County was viotorioua and Onaba booano tbo oapltal of Bebraaka Territory#* The olootoral diatrloto or oountleo wore eetab- llshod by Acting Governor Cutting* who euoceeded fraaoio Burt ao governor of Bebraoka Territory# Be divided tbo area along the bieeourl Biver into election diatrloto or count iee— f our north of tbo Flat to Elver* Burt* Bodge* Douglas, and Waabington* and four south of tbo flatto River, Caea* Forney, Pierce* and Rieberdeon.* (Figure 2, p. 4)* After elootion Governor Cualng wae accused of gerrymandering* The boundary llnee ef *aahington County were redefined# She eoutb boundary line wae lo­ cated two nilee north of Florence and the north boundary lino waa looatod twenty-four slice north of tbo eoutb line,* % M “#atw tim g Starto** llXum tm It karma Jfoa (2 wl#*f h tn m lM If05)t ¥oxr i t iw * „ , ^Sheldon, fetejfttlMi U & M M M A J&SL M m M » pp# 240-61* MM. Stete^ef &&&&* OMAHA INDIAN RESERVATION Boundaries 'Of Counties In T e r r i t o r y Of n e b r 'a s k a Ft Calhoun • Platte HINQTQH /0 F lo r e n c e * r O m a h a • DOUGLAS j Bellevue M a rtin s nanosha _.Weeping Wol,. Nebraska Oi FORNEY B ro w n v iU e j--------------- 11 RICHARDSON rcher • OTOE mo MUS0UK1A 5AC ahO FOX 1NO RES FIGURE 2 BOUNDARIES OF COUNTIES IN TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA the Penr,ffd?'?0n F* * 111 Sheldon, Nebraska: Km; Land and TOT 7 p-^2 ^9 . 8 ‘ '* - *CagoJ - — ® ^ ewls Fuhlishlng*xo. , 5 fort Calhoun, one m i the first town© incorporated in lebratbm territory, was established a@ the county seat of Washington County* Many towns were incorporated My tho first terri­ torial legislature* Shore, were seventeen in all* four­ teen. of which included the world “city1* in the name o f the town*6 Sites for town# were claimed by pre-emption according, to tie fowns!toe lew of 1144*^ this lew gave, to those who claimed towns!tea, rights similar to those granted by the Permanent Preemption dot of 1841* Many of the towns incorporated by the Mebraeha territorial legislature were located along the Missouri Hirer, at good steamboat and ferry landings* Steamboat navigation on the Missouri liver had been opened by the Major hong expedition* the Western Engineer of this expedition had com© up the Missouri as far as Magicser Cantonment, located on the Miesourl* on n the shores of Washington County# (figure 3, p* §) following Major hong1# expedition, the military forces ®oi*on, giaxaat; M S s k m U . as-ee, ex a lEfs&^llSSA «6Sl £8»1S& Domnin. 1776-1936 (llncolnt University of KebSekaPreee, 19627, p. 152. *Addison Erwin iS held on, MebraeXai Ola and I w . (linoolnt University ef HsUrassSrrSSfe, 1§37)» p. 11. 6 2 *»«jWtw-rv- ®«O.K5tO vtff ftCTJ v^ S&50D Aff.W ouiuniftFjc*«r ■KtamsiWrt isiuo TK»XSW iASSETl v jotis tJ-lA-M = g c-mn iWOZfUttH i 0 fWSStfSt SjkCttiM) V,;: -KiQjissisCY L_.HlU*A —nV-i<CATua - USTDRlAS water ! inEDracts 8 U.TTC bin SXs. «■» I “8 —------------CKHTiEY RCO>C?-v*.. LI CXRTiJttEMOi 1 ! v 1— ] VV BtOdH POW MKHJW ^MAiTr^,iy*-i^E HzJZ&o UillUJt HUGHS ’^> 2^ *1______ JUnMtG AU80RA; YOft* -WM msum rNr.«#iTf f»KT Cl& S>MT S*tf£S ^____ ^___ fOM ttlW* P « ‘ * * * —• f ' TKEAP.NV r . ’: !..... *.«0J .I wkvuc .=i>^ i i—1 | 1 iSEhfci*-*,. i i- , Viwrnwi \ (»««*^‘VXtntaACflY T^xH r^sr-1 i ~— i a W * ^ &KH£R I5U& WrtUHUD I • A i X • wraanKjwwics^ The University Publishing Co. HISTORIC SITES IN NEBRASKA FIGURE 3 HISTORIC SITES IN NEBRASKA Addison Erwin Sheldon, Nebraska: Old and New (New York: The University Publishing Co*, 1937)> p. II.
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