THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT MAry’S IT ACCURATELY VLO UME 48, ISSUE 115 | FRIDAY, apRIL 10, 2015 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM SMC hosts viewing of ‘The Hunting Ground’ BAVO sponsors showing of CNN’s documentary exploring sexual assault on college campuses By HALEIGH EHMSEN very proud that two Saint Saint Mary’s Editor Mary’s women and a Saint Mary’s father were willing to The Belles Against Violence be featured.” Office (BAVO) sponsored a In addition to Saint Mary’s showing of and panel discus- and Notre Dame, sever- sion on the CNN documen- al other schools were also tary “The Hunting Ground” featured in the documen- on Thursday evening in tary, including University O’Laughlin Auditorium on of Southern California, Saint Mary’s campus. Harvard, Dartmouth, North Saint Mary’s College Carolina and Yale, among President Carol Ann Mooney others. introduced the film, which Lt. Pat Cottrell, a re- deals with sexual assaults tired official of Notre Dame on college campuses includ- Security Police (NDSP), was ing Saint Mary’s and Notre featured in the documentary Dame. to talk about sexual assaults “The film promotes action on Notre Dame’s campus and an important message specifically. and voices that need to be heard,” Mooney said. “I am see CNN PAGE 6 ERIN RICE | The Observer Court hears ESPN, NDSP lawsuit Film By KATIE GALIOTO News Writer reflects On April 1, lawyers rep- resenting Notre Dame and ESPN presented their oral on Irish arguments in front of St. Joseph Superior Court Judge Steven Hostetler in a case to determine if Notre Dame uprising Security Police (NDSP) vio- lated Indiana’s Access to By MADISON JAROS Public Records Act (APRA). News Writer The unresolved issue at the crux of the case is whether or The Irish centenary cel- not the law considers NDSP a ebration, commemorating private agency. 100 years of Irish indepen- In September and dence in 2016, will feature Notre Dame’s documentary see ESPN PAGE 6 EMILY DANAHER | The Observer “1916: The Irish Rebellion” as a major pillar of the festivi- ties, Thomas J. & Kathleen M. O’Donnell Professor of SCC to hold first ever Dance-A-Thon Irish Studies Bríona Nic Dhiarmada said. By CLARE KOSSLER proceeds of which will ben- have been doing dance-a- a wide variety of medi- The documentary tells News Writer efit Memorial Children’s thons to raise money for cal and surgical diagnoses the story of the 1916 Easter Hospital in downtown South hospitals in their area, and from more than 20 refer- Rising, an event that ulti- Just a few weeks after the Bend. we just really wanted to do ral hospitals throughout mately led to Ireland’s in- Holy Half, Notre Dame will SCC Treasurer Neil Joseph something where we had an Southwestern Michigan and dependence. A three-part see another kind of mara- said the idea for the fun- impact on our community Northern Indiana.” series, it will feature lead- thon come to campus — this draiser was derived from specifically,” he said. “They [Memorial ing scholars from around the time, a dance marathon. the example of a number of Joseph said all proceeds Children’s Hospital] were world, many of them from From 7 p.m. Friday night universities, including Penn from the Dance-A-Thon will really in dire need of this Notre Dame, Dhiarmada until 7 a.m. Saturday morn- State and Ohio State, which help to fund the the esti- new addition for their pe- said. The documentary was ing in South Dining Hall, have raised thousands of mated $10 million expan- diatric unit, and so we met produced by award-winning the class of 2017 Sophomore dollars through month-long sion of Memorial Children’s with them, and they were director Pat Collins and will Class Council (SCC) will campaigns that culminate Hospital in South Bend, really excited,” Joseph said. be narrated by Irish actor host Notre Dame’s first an- in massive dance parties. which, according to its web- nual Dance-A-Thon, the “A lot of other colleges site, “treats children with see DANCE PAGE 7 see FILM PAGE 7 NEWS PAGE 3 VIEWPOINT PAGE 8 SCENE PAGE 10 BASEBALL PAGE 20 MEN’S TENNIS PAGE 20 2 THER obsE VER | FRIDAY, apRIL 10, 2015 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com What is your dream circus job? P.O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Katrina Magno Cary Palmer Greg Hadley Managing Editor Business Manager senior freshman Jack Rooney Alex Jirschele Ryan Hall Breen-Phillips Hall Asst. Managing Editor: Mary Green Asst. Managing Editor: Lesley Stevenson Asst. Managing Editor: Wei Lin “Tightrope walker.” “Popcorn vendor.” News Editor: Margaret Hynds Viewpoint Editor: Tabitha Ricketts Sports Editor: Zach Klonsinski Scene Editor: Erin McAuliffe Saint Mary’s Editor: Haleigh Ehmsen Photo Editor: Zach Llorens Graphics Editor: Erin Rice Ryan Barry Seton Brems Multimedia Editor: Brian Lach Online Editor: Michael Yu junior sophomore Advertising Manager: Elaine Yu Ad Design Manager: Jasmine Park O’Neill Hall Howard Hall Controller: Cristina Gutierrez “Trapeze artist.” “Acrobat.” Office Manager & General Info Ph: (574) 631-7471 Fax: (574) 631-6927 Advertising (574) 631-6900 [email protected] Editor-in-Chief (574) 631-4542 [email protected] Ernesto Aveledo Evan de la Rosa Managing Editor junior freshman (574) 631-4542 [email protected] Morrissey Manor St. Edward’s Hall Assistant Managing Editors (574) 631-4541 [email protected] “Lion tamer.” “Tightrope walker.” [email protected], [email protected] Business Office (574) 631-5313 News Desk (574) 631-5323 [email protected] Viewpoint Desk (574) 631-5303 [email protected] Sports Desk (574) 631-4543 [email protected] Scene Desk (574) 631-4540 [email protected] Saint Mary’s Desk [email protected] Photo Desk (574) 631-8767 [email protected] Systems & Web Administrators (574) 631-8839 Policies The Observer is the independent, daily newspaper published in print and online by the students of the University of Notre Dame du Lac and Saint Mary’s College. 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A subscription to The Observer is $130 for one academic year; $75 for one semester. The Observer is published at: 024 South Dining Hall Notre Dame, IN 46556-0779 Periodical postage paid at Notre Dame and additional mailing offices POSTMASTER Send address corrections to: The Observer P.O. Box 779 024 South Dining hall WEI LIN | The Observer Notre Dame, IN 46556-077 The Observer is a member of the Associated Press. All reproduction rights are reserved. The Band of the Fighting Irish performs during Tuesday’s national championship game between Notre Dame and Connecticut at Amalie Arena in Tampa, Florida. The No. 1 seed Irish lost to the No. 1 seed Huskies, 63-53. Today’s Staff Want your event included here? News Sports Margaret Hynds Zach Klonsinski Email [email protected] Clare Kossler Marek Mazurek THE NEXT FIVE DAYS: Martha Reilly Stephanie Snyder Graphics Scene E rin Rice E rin McAuliffe Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Photo Viewpoint Annmarie Soller Mary Kate Luft Startup Weekend “A Midsummer Women’s Lacrosse “Getting Started in Blood Drive Innovation Park Night’s Dream” Arlotta Stadium Research” Rolfs Sports 6 p.m. Washington Hall 1 p.m.-3 p.m. Brownson Hall Recreation Center Corrections Kickoff to a three- 4 p.m.-6 p.m. Notre Dame vs. 4 p.m.-5 p.m. 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. day event to launch Theatrical Michigan. Undergraduate Appointments are The Observer regards itself as businesses. performance. Workshop. encouraged. a professional publication and strives for the highest standards Baseball Fiestang: La Misa en Español “Mothers of Bedford” Softball of journalism at all times. We do, Frank Eck Stadium “Kapamilya, Of the Dillon Hall Geddes Hall Melissa Cook Stadium however, recognize that we will make 6:05 p.m. 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. 6 p.m.-8 p.m. mistakes. If we have made a mistake, Same Family” please contact us at (574) 631-4541 so Notre Dame vs. Florida South Dining Hall Spanish Mass. Film and discussion on Notre Dame vs. we can correct our error. State. 3 p.m.-7 p.m. mothers in prison. Bowling Green. Filipino cultural event. NEWS N DSMCOBSERVER.COM | FRIDAY, apRIL 10, 2015 | THE OBSERVER 3 Professor examines ethics of non-violence By JEREMY CAPELLO LEE seems like a solitary act, it loved ones is justifiable. This “A dubious distinction usually left out of the ethical News Writer is mediated socially and de- exception to the principle emerges between those who considerations of how best pends on the recognition of against killing, however, are close to one in the name to practice non-violence,” Addressing a standing- conventions governing non- eventually leads to ethical of whose protection one Butler said.
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