e Mathematical Association of America Rocky Mountain Section Meeting April Ôâ and ÔÞ, òýÔý Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO Rocky Mountain Section Meeting Annual Book Sale April 16 & 17, 2010 All listed titles available for shipment, free shipping & handling. A full catalog and order form for shipped orders is included on the middle pages of this booklet for your convenience. Over 100 titles available (in limited quantities) for immediate purchase at our display. All catalog prices have been discounted 10% below membership prices, and 10% of book proceeds will be returned to the section – enlarge your book collection while benefiting the section today! To place an order, visit us in the Cherokee Park Ballroom. Discount prices available to all meeting participants; prices good only on orders placed at the meeting. All order forms must be returned to a display staff member for processing!! Payment by check, Visa or MasterCard accepted (sorry - no cash sales). Please make checks payable to: MAA Rocky Mountain Section. MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA ò Schedule Friday, April Ôâ :ýý-Ôò:ýý Section NExT workshop (Virginia Dale) À:çý-ÔÔ:çý Workshop: Proposal writing for the NSF DUE (Lory òÔÞ) Stephanie Fitchett, NSF and University of Northern Colorado ÔÔ:¥ -Ôò:¥ Luncheon for Dept. Chairs and MAA Liaisons (Lory òçý) ÔÔ:ýý-¥:çý Registration (Lory òòÞ) Ô:ýý-Ô:Ôý Opening Remarks and Welcome (North Ballroom) Ô:Ôý-Ô: Burton W. Jones Teaching Award Lecture (North Ballroom) Richard Grassl, University of Northern Colorado Ô:ýý- :çý Publisher Exhibits, and MAA Book Sales (Cherokee Park) ò:Ôý-¥:ç Parallel Sessions-Contributed Papers & Special Sessions ç: ý-¥:ç Eective Learning with Soware Tools (N.Ballroom) Wade Ellis, West Valley Community College ¥:ç - :ýý Coee Break (University Club) :ýý-â:ýý Education Address (North Ballroom) Calculus as a High School Course David Bressoud, Macalaster College â:çý-Þ:ýý Cash Bar (Fort Collins Hilton, Prospect Road) Þ:ýý-Ôý:ýý Banquet and Awards Ceremony (Fort Collins Hilton) Banquet Address: òýÔý Polya´ Lecture (Fort Collins Hilton) Codes on graphs: Shannon’s challenge and beyond Judy Walker, University of Nebraska, Lincoln òýýÀ/Ôý MAA Polya´ Lecturer Saturday, April ÔÞ :ýý-ÔÔ:çý Registration (Lory òòÞ) :ýý-: ý Rocky Mountain Section Business Meeting (N.Ballroom) À:ýý-À: ý Saturday Keynote Address (North Ballroom) Proofs and Conrmations: e Story of the Alternating Sign Matrix Conjecture David Bressoud, Macalaster College À:çý-Ô:ýý Publisher exhibits and MAA Book Sales (Cherokee Park) À: ý-Ôý:Ôý Coee Break (University Club) Ôý:Ôý-Ô:ýý Parallel Sessions - Contributed Papers & Special Sessions À:ýý-¥:ýý Workshop: Inspiring Your PreCalculus and Calculus Class- room: A TI Nspire Workshop (NESB Bçòò, Registration re- quired) Ôò:ýý-¥:ýý Section NExT workshop (Virginia Dale) ç Fri. Contributed Education Time Combinatorics Papers Research Lory òò Lory òò¥/â Lory òçý ∗Colin Garnett Darel Hardy (CSU) ∗Kristin King ò:Ôý Some Average Calcu- -ò:çý (UWyoming) (UNC) Spectrally Arbitrary lus Problems p.ò Learning in Introduc- Companion-like tory Statistics p.çÀ Matrices p.òâ ∗Reshmi Nair Julie Barnes Alexandre Probst ò:ç (UWyoming) (USAFA) (CCU/CSM) -ò: Acyclic matrices with Hosting Math Trea- Assessing student im- few distinct eigenval- sure Hunts p.Ô provement in statistics ues p.¥â p. Ô ∗Rodney James Michelle Ghrist ∗David Glassmeyer ç:ýý (CSU) (USAFA) Experi- (UNC) -ç:òý Sandpiles on edge- ences with High Assessment within weighted graphs School Mathematics Online Graduate p.çÞ Competitions p.òâ Courses p.òâ ∗Yang Zhang Louis Talman Curtis Card ç:ò (CSU) Continuum Limits of (Metro State) (Black Hills State) -ç:¥ Markov Chains and Mathematics on the Pass Rates in Develop- Network Modeling p. Web p. mental Math Classes p.Ô ∗Mary Allison Erich McAlister Gary Olson ç: ý (UWyoming) (Fort Lewis) Further (UC Denver) -¥:Ôý Markov Chain Prob- Geometry of Deriva- College Mentoring for lem for the Union of tives of Complex Pre-Service Teachers Two Cliques p.Ô¥ Functions p.¥¥ p.¥Þ ∗Cara Wiblemo Jonathan Poritz Zim Olson ¥:Ô (UWyoming) (CSU - Pueblo) (Zim Mathematics) -¥:ç Automorphism De- On entropy-preserving Systems and/or Sub compositions of stochastic averages p. Ô Systems p.¥ Graphs p. Þ ∗ indicates a graduate student, ♣ an undergraduate student. Please provide support for our next generation of mathematicians. ¥ Fri. History of Undergraduate Pure and Time Mathematics Research Applied N. Ballroom Lory òÔý Lory òÔÔE Ginger Anderson ♣Eric Kuss Travis Kowalski ò:Ôý (Pikes Peak CC) (SDSMT) -ò:çý (Fort Lewis) Alice in Matrixland Fibonaýýi (mod c) p.¥Ô Taylor series solutions p.Ô¥ to ODEs p.¥ý Bill Briggs ♣Adam Ru Benjamin Dyhr ò:ç (UC Denver) (UC Denver) (Metro State) -ò: Evolution of Calculus Analyzing Advice Net- Self-Avoiding Random Art p.ÔÞ works of Math and Walk on the Strip p.òÔ Science Teachers p. ç ♣Melody Dodd ♣Sara Linville Ivan Raykov ç:ýý (SDSMT) (Fort Lewis) (CSU - Pueblo) -ç:òý Methods for Orbit De- Mobius¨ Transforma- Approximation of termination p.òÔ tions of Geometric Eective Diagonal- Constructions p.¥ç ization Strategies p. ç ∗Dan Jones Daniel Swenson ç:ò Invited Presentation (CSU – Atmos.Sci.) (Black Hills State) -ç:¥ Controlling the e Steinberg Com- ç. ý-¥.ç Chaotic Lorenz plex of an Arbitrary N. Ballroom System p.ç Finite Group p. Wade Ellis ♣Mark Pengitore ∗Kristin King ç: ý (West Valley CC) (SDSMT) (UNC) -¥:Ôý Eective Learning Automorphisms of Mathematical Model- with Soware Tools real submanifolds in ing in an Ecology Lab- p.òç Cò p.¥À oratory p.ç (talk continues until ¥.ç ) ♣Millie Mays Tianyu Zhang ¥:Ô (USAFA) (Montana State) -¥:ç Game Show Statistics Phase model of biolm p.¥¥ p. Sat. Combinatorics Combinatorics Contributed Time Geometry Graph eory Papers Lory òò Lory òòâ Lory òò¥ Stanley Payne Michael Ferrara Ôý:Ôý (UC Denver) (UC Denver) Satu- -Ôý:çý Finite Self-Dual Gen- ration Numbers for eralized Quadrangles Families of Ramsey- p.¥À minimal Graphs p.ò ∗Cayla McBee ∗Samantha Graeo Ôý:ç (CSU) Nucleotide Substi- (UC Denver) -Ôý: tution Models and Quasi-Sum Graphs Hadamard Conjuga- p.òÞ tion p.¥¥ Patrick Fleming ∗Timothy Morris ÔÔ:ýý (SDSMT) Finite (UC Denver) -ÔÔ:òý Semields and Non- Anti-Directed Hamil- singular Arrays p.ò ton Cycles p.¥ ∗Eric Nelson (CSU) ∗Breeann Tonnsen ÔÔ:ò BLT-sets and Twisted -ÔÔ:¥ (UC Denver) Cubics p.¥â P-interval K-trees p. â William Cherowitzo ∗Craig Tennenhouse Rick Kreminski ÔÔ: ý (UC Denver) (UC Denver) (CSU - Pueblo) -Ôò:Ôý Ô Schoolgirls Take a Subdivided Cycles and Etudes for calculus Walk in Space p.Ô Graph Saturation p. and complex variables p.¥ý ∗Timothy Vis Michael Barrus Stefan Erickson Ôò:Ô (UC Denver) (Black Hills State) (Colorado College) -Ôò:ç Fieen schoolgirls and Degree Sequences, Zeta Functions of Forty-two Ovoids p. Þ Vertex Substitutions Graphs and Hyper- p.Ôâ graphs p.òç ∗Kenneth M Monks ∗Shilpa Dasgupta Ôò:¥ý (CSU) (UC Denver) -Ôç:ýý Mobius¨ Numbers of Interval Bigraphs Finite Groups p.¥ with containment restriction â p.òý Sat. Education Graduate Undergraduate Time Research Research Research N. Ballroom Lory òÔý Lory òçý Scott Evans ∗Ramin Zahedi ♣Andreea Erciulescu Ôý:Ôý (Math Tutor) What (CSU) A lex. max- (CSU) -Ôý:çý if Mathematics is a min design for de- Solving Kakuro Puz- Psychomotor Skill? tecting sparse signals zles p.òç p.ò¥ p. Þ Brian Lindaman ∗Jerey Larson ♣Rebecca Ôý:ç (Montana State) Applica- Rasweiler-Richter -Ôý: (UC Denver) Students’ Conceptions tions and Algorithms (USAFA) of Repeating Decimals for Derivative-Free Mathematics in p.¥ò Optimization p.¥ò Molecular Biology p. ò ∗Rebecca Dibbs ∗Yang Zou (CSU) ♣Eric Robinson ÔÔ:ýý e perceived Spatial-Temporal -ÔÔ:òý (UNC) (USAFA) utility of precision Chaos p. À Dividing Products of teaching calculus p.òý Dierences p. ç ∗Mary E. Pilgrim ∗Jennifer Maple ♣Jacob Belka ÔÔ:ò (CSU) (CSU) Steady State (USAFA) Optimizing -ÔÔ:¥ Intervention in Calcu- Mode Interaction in GPS using mathe- lus I p. ý Anisotropic Systems matical programing p.¥ç p.ÔÞ Alexander Hulpke ∗Chris Smith ♣Michael O’Connor ÔÔ: ý (CSU) (UCCS) (USAFA) -Ôò:Ôý Using Video solutions Matrix types of Leavitt FalconSAT- Op- in Calculus p.çÞ path algebras p. ¥ erational Testing p.¥Þ Joe Champion ∗Joseph Newhall ♣Daniel Van der Ôò:Ô (UNC) (UC) Vieren (Regis) e -Ôò:ç Aecting the Self- Convex Cones and Rubik’s Cube: A Ecacy of Students Vector Eciency p.¥â Trans-Composite p.Ô Cipher p. â ♣Niles Armstrong Ôò:¥ý (BHSU) Pontryagin’s -Ôç:ýý Minimum Principle p.Ô¥ Þ Sat. Pure and History of Time Applied Mathematics Lory òÔÔE Lory òò¥ Anton Dzhamay George Heine (BLM) Ôý:Ôý (UNC) e Stereographic Pro- -Ôý:çý Geometric Congura- jection is Conformal tions Related to Ma- p.çÞ trix Factorizations p.òò R.M. Green Janet Barnett Ôý:ç (UC Boulder) (CSU - Pueblo) -Ôý: Polytopal subcom- Abstract Awakenings plexes p.òÞ in Algebra p.Ô Iuliana Oprea (CSU) Patrick Shipman ÔÔ:ýý A temporal route to (CSU) -ÔÔ:òý spatiotemporal chaos e Cantor Set and p.¥ the Analytical eory of Heat p. ¥ ∗Ryan Croke (CSU) ÔÔ:ò Solutions for ò+Ô Soli- -ÔÔ:¥ ton Equations p.ÔÀ ♣Christine Kistler Ôò:Ô (USAFA) -Ôò:ç Chaotic Behavior of Newton’s Method p.¥ý ∗ indicates a graduate student, ♣ an undergraduate student. Please provide support for our next generation of mathematicians. Invited Talks Richard Grassl University of Northern Colorado òýýÀ Burton W. Jones Distinguished Teaching AwardÔ e ah Ha moment Well designed problem solving episodes oen elicit such moments from a broad range of audiences ranging from secondary students , to mathe- matics majors, and to inservice teachers; for example, the nice Ôýth grade problem: How many positive integers are there whose digits are in strictly increasing order (like ò¥Þ)? has an unexpected ah ha moment.
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