THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. LXVIII-No. 36 NAIROBI, 19th July 1966 Price: Sh. 1/50 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES G~mmNo~~c~s-(Confd.) PAGE / PAGE The National Social Security Act-Appointments . 810 1 Transport Licensing . 823 The Trade Disputes Act-Order . 810 1 Air Services Licensing . 827 The Employment Act-Appointments, etc. .. 810 I Liquor Licensing .. .. .. .. .. .. 828 The Architects and Quantity Surveyors Act-Appoint- Lost Policy . 829 ments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 810 Probate and Administration . 829 The Agriculture Act-Management Orders, etc. 810 Bankruptcy Jurisdiction . 830 The Mombasa Pipeline Board Act-Authorization . 811 The Companies Act-Winding-up Notices, etc. 831 The Motor Vehicle Components and Accessories Act- Exemption . 81 1 The Societies Act-Registrations, etc. .. 831 The Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act-Commission 811 1 Local Government Notices . 832 The Courts Act-Appointments . 811 I Business Transfers . 838 The Criminal Procedure Code-Appointment . 812 1 Dissolution of Partnership . 838 The Prisons Act-Appointments . 812 I Changss of Name . 838 The Probation of Offend'ers (Case Committees) Rules- The Methods of Charge (EAPL) Byelaws 1962-Fuel Appointments .. .. .. .. .. .. 812 Oil Prices . 839 The Local Government Regulations-Nomination . 812 The Tax Reserve Certificate Act-Loss of Certificate . 812 SUPPLEMENT No. 65 The Dairy Industry Act-Appointments, etc. 812 Legislative Supplement Civil Aircraft Accident-Inspector's Investigation . 813 LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE Kenya Stock . 204-The Public Archives (Advisory Council) Regulations 1966 . 325 E.A. High Commission Stock . 205-The Electric Power Act-Publication of Accounts 326 Vacancies . 206-The Probation of Offenders (Central Probation Government of Kenya-Exchequer Return Committee) (Amendment) Rules 1966 . 327 Industrial Court Awards . 207-The Detention Camps Act-Declaration . 327 The Trade Unions Act-Registration . 208, 209, 210-The Prisons Act-Declarations . 328 The Government Lands Act- Determination . Plots for Alienation . SPECIAL NOTICE IN ORDER to avoid undue delay in the publication of the The Registered Land Act-Plots for Alienation . 821 Kenya Gazette of 2nd August 1966 (due to the Public Holiday on 1st August), the final time and date for acceptance of copy Tenders .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 821 for the above Gazette will be 9 a.m., Thursday, 28th July 1966. E.A. Customs and Excise Department-Tariff Inter- pretation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 822 Nairobi, J. MAC MILLAN, 19th July 1966. Governtnent Printer. The Trust Land Act-Setting Apart of Land . 822 1 810 THE KEN YA G AZEU E 19th July 1966 GAZETTE No'rlcB No. 2577 GAZB'I'TX NoTfcB No. 2579 (SOCISI 16) THE BM PLOYMENT ACT THE NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY ACT (Cap. 226) (No. 28 oj 1965) A PPOtNTMENTS AND CANCELLATION OF APPOINTMENTS ATTOINTMBNTS IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 (2) of IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 of the the Employment Act, the M inister for Labour hereby- National Social Security Act, the M inister for Labour hereby (aj appèints the following persons to be members ' of the appoints the following persons to be members of the National Labour Advisory Board :- Social Security Advisory Council for a period of three years :- Chqiyman Dr. James Plavian Chege Munene (Chairmanj. The M inister for Labour. The Permanent Stcretary to 'the M inistry of Labour or a Deputy Chairman person deputed by him in writing (Vice-chairman). Hon. F. Kubai, M.P. Employers' Representatives . ' . Independent M embers oavid àchmond. A'. R. H. Abass. James John M usundi. Dr. N. C. Otieno. Petor Edward Day W ilson. Dr. P. G achie. Thomas Hughes. M embers Employees' Representatives Sir Colin Campbell, BT. Senator C. K. Lubembe. Godfrey Nathanael Onyulo. W. H. D. Keymer. S. Njoka. G. C. Clark. B. A. Ohanga. Charles M unene. J. H. Feingold. C. Adongo. Chardwick Adongo. P. E. D. Wilson. W . N. Ottènyo. Mzamil Omor M zamil. D. Richmond. J. Karobe. Duncan M ugo. C. M alavu. G. N. Onyulo. P. J. M wangola. P. P. Ooko. Government Representatives The D irector of Personnel. The Permanent Secretary to the Treasury or person (b) cancels Gazotte Notice Nos. 1999/ 1963, 2571/ 1963, deputed by him in writing. 2953/ 1963, 4336/ 1963, 248/1964, 745/ 1964, 2055/ 1964, The Permanent Secrotary to the Ministry of Economic 3677/ 1964 and 84/ 1965. Planning and bevelopment or a pezson deputed by him in writing. Datcd this 13th day of July 1966. The Permanent Secrotary to the M inistry of Commerce and J. G. KIANO, Industry or a person deputed by him in writing. M inister jor Labour. The Director of Personnel or a person deputed by him in writing. ' The Permanont Secretary to the M inistry of Labour or a person deputed by him in writing. THE ARCHITECTS AND QUANTITY SURVEYORS ACT Dated this 12th day of July 1966. ' Lcap. 525) APPOINTMENTS TO THE BOARD OF RIGISTRATION OF ARCHITECTS AND QUANTITY SURVBYORS IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 of the Architects and Quaptity Surveyors Act, the Minister for W orks GAZE'I'TE N olqcs No. 2578 hereby with e:ect from 1st July 1966- ' ' (c) nominates- . THE TRADE DISPUTES ACT 1965 The Chief Architect, Ministry of Works (Chairtnan) ; (No. 15 oj 1965) and . ' ' ORDER UNDER SECTION 36-COLLECTDN OF TRADE UNION DUBS The Chief Quantity Surveyor, Ministry of Works, John Henry Baker, A.R.I.B.A., IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 36 of the Trade Disputes Act 1965, the M inister for Labour hereby as members of the Board of Registration of Architects orders every omployer who employs not less than 5ve members and Quantity Surveyors ; and . ' of ' the Common Services African Civil Servant Union (Kenya) (b) approves the nomination by the East Africa lnstitute of to- Architects of- ' ' (c) deduct every month Shillings four (4) in respect of trade Amyas Douglas Connell, A.R.I.B.A., union dues from the wages of each of his employees Frederick Arthur W ilkinson, A.R.I.B.A., who is a member of that trade .union ; David Stratton Thom son, F.R.I.c.s., 'F.I.ARB., (!?) pay 85 per cent of the total sums so deducted in any month, not later than the l0th day of the following as members of the said Board. months by crossrd cheque made pazable into the account of tlie Common Services African Civil Servant Union Dated this 11th day of July 1966. (Kenya) at the Barclays Bank, Ltd-, Market Streot, M uindi Mbingu Street, Nairobi ; D. MW ANYUM BA, M inister jor Works. (c) pmayo n1t5h ' pneor t celante ro ft htahne thoet al1 0stuhm sd asyo odfe dtuhcet edfo lilno waingy ' month, b# crossed chejlue made payable into the account of tho Central Organlzation of Trade Unions (Kenya), CIAZETTB 'qoTlcE 'qo. 2581 Account 'No. 140793-7 at the Barclays Bank, Queçnsway (CAB. 16/ 11 / 188/43) Branch, P.O. Box 30011, Nairobi ; ' THE AGRICULTURE ACT (J) notify in writing that trado union and that federation before the end of each m onth of the amounts of any (Cap. 318) payments made to the acounts of that trade union and of that federation in that month ; RIVOCATION oF ORDER FOR SALE (.e) notify in writing the Registrar of Trade Unions before sGazette Notice No. 1798 of 14th May 1966. the end of each month of the. amounts of . any payments made into the accounts of that trade union and of that THE M inister for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry tuhder federation in that month. the powers conferred by section 187 (10) of the Agrzculture Act hereby revokes the Order for Sale* published under In exercise of the powers oonferred by section 36 (2) .of the . sectlton 187 (4) of the Agriculture Act in respect of .the property Trade Dispytes Act, Gazette Notice No. 249 of 25th January owned by F. D. P. W icker, L.R. No. 6087, Fort Ternan. ' 1966,' is vaned accordingly. ' Dated this 1st day of July 1966. D ated this 13th day of July 1966. BRUCE M CKENZIE, J. G. KIANO, Minister /or Agriculture and M inister for Labour. Animal Husbandry. TH E M OM BASA PIPELINE BOARD ACT THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA (Cap. 373) THE OATHS AN D STATUTORY DECLA RATION S ACT AIJTI-IORIZATION OF W A-I'ER CHARGES (Cap. 15) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sections 6 and 8 A COMMISSION of the M ombasa Pipeline Board Act, the M inister for N atural Resources, after consultation with the M ombasa Pipeline To AIl To W honl These Presents Shall Cnome, G reetings: Board, hereby cancels G azette N otice No. 518 of 1959 and all subsequent Gazette N otices relating to the prices to be BE I7' known tbat on the 6th day of July 1966- charged by the Board for water supplied by it, and with effect SADRUDIN H AIDERALI THANAW ALLA from 1st October 1964, substitutes the following tariffs :- an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, was appointed to . per 1,:4)0 be ft Com missioner for Oaths under the above-m entioned A ct gallons for as long as. he continues to practise as such advocate and Sh. cts. this com mission is not revoked. (i) For water supplied in bulk to such W ater Undertakers and other parsons or class of Given under my hand and the Seal of the Court, this 6th persons designated in the First Schedule- day of July 1966, at N airobi. (t8 from the mains of the Board, with athe A. J. AIN LEY, exception of the mains of the M ombasa Chief Justice. N orth M ainland lnstallation . 4 10 /.f&/l Court oj Kenya.
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