Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly FRIDAY 30 NOVEMBER 1906 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Third Readings. [30 NovEMBER.] Supply. 1961 FRIDAY, 30 NOVEMBER, 1906. BRISBANE CRICKET GROUND BILL. THIRD READING. The HOME SECRETARY moved that the The SPEAKER (Hon. Sir A. S. Cowley, Herbe1·t) Bill be now read a third time. took the chair at half-past 3 o'clock. Mr. BARNES (Bulimba): I desire to enter my jJrotest against a measure of this kind being rushed through as it was during the early hours QUESTIO;\'S. of the mornilJg of to-day. TOTALIS.\TOH PERMITS. The SPEAKER: Order! The hon. member cannot do that. The only question before the Mr. COW AP (Fitzroy) asked the Attorney­ House io the third reading of the Bill. ·General- Mr. BARNES: My object is to protest 1. \Vhat is the total number of permits granted in :.gainst th•2 prmciple of the Bill in the direction each :rear to use the totalisator since the passmg of the Actf in which the trustees have allowed this particular 2. 1\~hat amount of tax has been vaid in e~lCh year for ground to be used. use of totalisator:.- The HmiE SECRETARY: That has nothing to do with the principle of the Bill. The ATTORNEY-GENEB.AL (Hon. J. W. l\lr.. J. LEAHY: Of course it has. You are Blair, Ipsv·ich) replied- approving of their action. 1. Total number of permits issued, 1349. (Of this number 175 pernuts have been cancelled.) Mr. BARNES : I think it has a. great deal to 2. Amount of tax paid to 23rd .\m.·ember, 19f16, do with the principle of the Bill. There are £98,030 l2s. 4d. (Amount collected prior to lst Sep­ certain things done by which the original inten­ tember, 1902, represents ~~ per cent. on the amount tions of the Government with regard to that invested, and since that date at the rate of 5 per cent.) ground ha,-e been fru.;trated altogether. I have no objection whatever to the ground being used for the original purposes for which it was ADDITIONAl. LICENSE FEE FOR CAmiEN. granted, but I wbb emphatically to protest Mr. NORMAN (Jliarpb01·ough), for Mr. agaimt the ground being used in a way which is Rein bold, aoked the Secretary for Rail ways- practically developing the gambling evil in this State, under conditions which are altogether 1. Is it a fact that licensed cab men must pay an against the good of the wmmunity. additional license fee of ls. per station per annum to enable them to stand at the various metropolitan rail­ The SPEAKER: Order ! I would remind way stations? the hon. member that t.hat has nothing to do 2. If so, and if this is only a relic of the times of the with the principle of the Bill, which is simply to old 11etropolitan Traffic Board, would Lhe l\finister give the trustets of the Brisbane Cricket Ground abolish this license fee now that the Government has the whole control? power to lease a certain portion of the said ground, and to mortgage the said ground, and for other incidental purposes-and nothing else The SECRETARY FOR RAILWAYS (Hon. D. ]'. Denham, Oxlcy), replied- can be discussed. 1. Yes; this small fee is necessary for the control of Mr. BARKE8 : I bold that if the trustee•, cabs ·within the station fences. under th,, conditions under which tbev have been 2. The Commissioner of Police does not control traffic working, llave been unable to vay the· rent which -within the railway station fences. has accrued, then it is only 'taving off the evil day ; and it seems to me that it would be very much better the t rather than that kind of thing should lDERAWAY LANDS. exist on that ground, steps should be taken to relieve the public of what I consider is a positive Mr. JONES (Burnett) asked the Secretary for Public Lands- nuisance in that cricket ground, apart from the purposes for which it was originally granted, 1. Is he a·ware that the Ideraway lands were open which wa~ for playing cricket. for selt;:\tion on 21st of this month, on which date a Land Court was held at Gayndah, at which court appli­ Mr. HAWTHORX (Enoggera.): I desire to -cations were accepted for eight portions under agri­ know whether the principle of allowing private ct:Jtural farm selection, and that the remaining portions Bills to be brought in under Government are still open? auspices is going to be adopted? 2. If ~o. will he correct his statement in I-IanscNl ,page 1876' , • The SPEAKER : Order, order ! The hon. Inentuer snou!u nave urscusseu tna-r; queRtion on The SECRETARY FOK PUBLIC LANJ>S the motion for the suspension of the Standing .(Hon. J-. T. Bell, DaliJy) replied- Orders. The House has given authority for l. Yes. these Bills to be brought in and treated as 2. The statement in question referred to the lands on public Bills, and it io not the time now to ques­ the Binjour Plateau, not Ideraway. tion the wisdom of the procedure. (~uestion-That the Bill be now read a second time-put and passed. HARBOUR BOARDS ACTS AMENDMENT On the motion of the HOME SECRETARY, the Bill was passed, and ordered to be trans­ BILL- ROCKHA:YIPTON HARBOUR mitted to the Legislative Council, by message in BOARD ACTS AMENDMENT BILL­ the usual form. IVARWICK SCHOOL OF ARTS LAND SALE BILL-CITY OF S0l'TH BRIS­ SUPPLY. BANE LOAN BILL-CAIRNS SCHOOL RESUMPTION OF Col\Iilf!TTEE. OF ARTS BILL. DEPAHTl\fENT OF AGRICL"LTCHE-CHIEJ>' OFFICE. THIRD READIXGS. * The SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE These Bills were read a third time, passed, (Hon. D. F. Denham, Oxley) moved that and ordered to be transmitted to the I,egislati ve £H,87G be granted for "Chief Office." The Council, by message, in the usual form. ' amoun~ asked for was an increase of £1,140 Hon. D. F. Denkam.] 1962 Supply. CASSEMBLY.] Supply. on the vote of last year. Of this amount £870 Hon. R. PHILP : I think he has done good wao attributable to the increases for the staff in work. the head office, and £770 for contin!(enciei'. It Mr. PAGET: You should make the poultry would be noticed that the Under Secretary's pay the intervst on the national debt. salary had been increa'•ed by £100, the chief Hon. R. PHILP: Then Mr. Fern has done clerk by £50, and the accountant by £25. There more than Dr. Maxwell. were other increases in the salariPs-namely, one The SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE of £30, two of £25, sewn of £20, seven of £10, was by no rneans averse to a continuance of and one of £6. There were also three new cadets­ Mr. Fern's services if he could see that any g-ood one a pupil to the botanist at £26, and two in the would accrue; but it was a remarkable thing chemical laboratory, one at £26, and another, that the uumber of poultry was less th,;n it was for a portion of the year, £18. Concerning the in­ last year. crea,;es to the Under Secretary, the chief clerk, and the accountant, he felt quite sure the Com­ Mr. HAW1'HORN: The prices were low last mittee would approve of these increa;;es. year, and people' did not go in for !eeding them so much. HoxouRABLE MEMBER~ : Hear, hear ! The SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE: TheSECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE: Not for )Joultry. It was remarkable, seeing the \Vhen he first entered the ofl:ice the Department prices of meat were so high, that there was not of Stock was 'eparate from tbat of Ag-r·iculture, more interest taken in poultry-raising. \Vhen and at that t.ime they had sevrn chief officers the l~stimates were framed his intention was engaged in the officowbose total~, larieR amounted that Mr. Fern should go at the end of the year to £2,610. These duties were now c .rried out by -not that he was dissatisfied with his work; four officers wl1< se salaries amounted to £1 475. but it appeared that the people were not in­ The salaries of the Under Se~retarv, chief cJerk terested in the smaller products. That was not. accountant. and agricultnral inspector had all oDly true of poultry but ,it was largely true of been incre rsed, yet he was enabled-to conduct the other products. Whether it was that people work of the department effectively and efficiently were too well off to attend to smaller sources at a sum £1,135 les' than it was conducted of wealth or not he did not know. In the before. Concerning the minor increases, hon. United States poultry headed the list of their members would agree with him that the increase productions with a value of £58,000,000. There of £30 to :i'.Ir. Brhnnich was well deserved; even W>l' a reference in the annual report to thP fact now he was by no rneans overpaid. that two weeks' egg-production in the United States yielded sufficient to pay the annual J\Ir. PAG!c'T: He certainly IS not. interest. on thA national debt. Their production The SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE· was l,G66,000,000 dozens of eggs per annum. Since last year the laboratory harl been removeci There was a big futur·• for poultry here, but, so from the unsuitable premises occupied in the far, there bad not been much interest taken in chief office to a more suitable building along the the matter.
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