Bibliography & Indexes Peter C. Bisschop and Yuko Yokochi - 9789004383517 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 06:22:10AM via free access Peter C. Bisschop and Yuko Yokochi - 9789004383517 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 06:22:10AM via free access Abbreviations AgnP Agnipur¯an. a AK Amarako´sa, see Amarasim. ha AVPari´s Atharvavedapari´sis.t.a Bd. P Brahm¯an. d. apur¯an. a BEFEO Bulletin d'Ecole´ Fran¸caised'Extr^eme-Orient Bh¯agP Bh¯agavatapur¯an. a BrP Brahmapur¯an. a CII Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum GES A Grammar of Epic Sanskrit, see Oberlies 2003 HV Harivam. ´sa, Critical Edition IIJ Indo-Iranian Journal Kane I to V Kane 1930{62 KKT Kr.tyakalpataru, see Laks.m¯ıdhara KR Kr.tyaratn¯akara, see Can. d. e´svara K¯uP K¯urmapur¯an. a LiP Li _ngapur¯an. a MaS Manusmr.ti MBh Mah¯abh¯arata, Critical Edition MtP Matsyapur¯an. a NCC New Catalogus Catalogorum P P¯an. ini, As.t.¯adhy¯ay¯ı PPL Das Pur¯an. a Pa~ncalaks.an. a, see Kirfel 1927 PS P¯a´supatas¯utra PW Sanskrit-W¨orterbuch, see B¨ohtlingk & Roth R¯am. R¯am¯ayan. a, Critical Edition RDhK R¯ajadharmak¯an. d. a, see Laks.m¯ıdhara RNPr R¯ajan¯ıtiprak¯a´sa, see Mitrami´sra R. V R. gveda SBr´ Satapatha-Br¯ahman´ . a SiP´ Sivapur¯an´ . a SkP Skandapur¯an. a, Venkatesvara Press SP Skandapur¯an. a, our edition SP I Skandapur¯an. a, our edition Vol. I SP II A Skandapur¯an. a, our edition Vol. II A SP II B Skandapur¯an. a, our edition Vol. II B SP III Skandapur¯an. a, our edition Vol. III SPBh Skandapur¯an. a, edit. by K. Bhat.t.ar¯a¯ı SPS Skandapur¯an. a, S recension (≈ SP) SBr´ Satapatha-Br¯ahman´ . a V¯aP V¯ayupur¯an. a (Venkatesvara ed.) 347 Peter C. Bisschop and Yuko Yokochi - 9789004383517 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 06:22:10AM via free access 348 Bibliography VDh Vis.n. udharma, see Gr¨unendahl1983{89 ViP Vis.n. upur¯an. a VmP V¯amanapur¯an. a References Agnipur¯an. a (AgnP) Sr¯ımahars´ .iKr.s.n. aDvaip¯ayanaVy¯asapran.¯ıtam Agnipur¯an. am, hind¯ıbh¯umik¯avis.ay¯anukraman.¯ısam. skr.ta t.ippan.¯ıh. samp¯aditam. samp¯adakah. : Ach¯arya¯ Baladevopadhy¯aya. Kashi Sanskrit Series 174. Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi 1998. 2nd edition. 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