i JTHE WASHINGTON HERALD MONDAY DECEMBER 17 1903 iS I I 1079 Zi 12 J 511 FREE SPORT AT HARVARD- Ofrelai 11 J HI 6 8 RIDERS CpU 8 < 957 NEW YORK HOLDS OUT TilE 1 Wonder will say today FIELD WORK IN 1908 St Lewis 58 81 t SIXPAl what Mertz Be I 15 39 6 2 95 It I Said That the Stadium Will Store Closes Daily at 6 p xu Nil Washington Smokers Articles Saturday at 9 p m HtebMH WaaMegtoe 95 137 12 7 Open Free of Cost to Students Detebantr New York K ISO 7 9 9 Boston Doc is said hero that Anderson Watagt B 151 286 19 15 953 IlLIt 13T ITT 21 10 952 over Haha CMeeo Harvard University will take the Told of Bikers in Races 7 919 Eiglilanders Block Deal for ¬ Tales Mertz Cleveland Leads American CbteBBC 51 JW 12 Stadium from tho Harvard Athletic Asso- 9 12 913 ONe N r York MS 133 In according to one 115 212 13 11 911 ciation the near future of Former Years League Baseball Clubs Lead IJiikirtell Doc ffillebraml manage Is the StaaJey Wa h BU B B 18 7 6 9t of the local papers Undor the Oobb Dftroit 86 187 14 9 931 ment of the college tho Stadium will be in SejboM PblMeipi fcilli 150 10 13 95 absolutely to Harvard men for Leader 16 31 2 3 017 free all Merteritj Xw York PITcHER foe DOPE WAS WRONG ON MILLER NO LEADERS AMONG NATIONALS Koey betas 91 M5 7 15 915 WANTED BY GRIFFITH athletic contest No admission VALUE J Caffya ClerscsHd 39 38 2 4 9iJJ can bo charged except such a merely nom- ¬ aTCHBIlS I inal one as would pay the running ex- ¬ GiVING M 213 61 3 990 nor St Lad penses of tho Stadium or some special Told by Kotb CM go Ii 76 W 1 900 Cnntlllon Offered Former Princeton Winner of 1807 Race Was Cross ant Scnlnily Rank Highest of ¬ Clarke Ck and 51 211 58 5 S to charge for a reservedvspace in some es- Phynlclnnn lie Would Xot Live Holding a 475 131 16 971 Stnr PlttMlturft for Outfielder ¬ that You can always count on the Local Players Each HMlliran OHMRO 118 pecially desirable position But the en- The Gifts 81 3 I 136 13 971 Miller Is Mans Third Place The Boston Club Also Weiner a litefitoii Gnnley but Waiver Was Rcfuwed- trance is to be absolutely That is Six Months Longer but getting the limit of value for Powers PhllaMpbla 57 209 79 10 971 free 972 liy Cincinnati positively on by who have Alive nnd Stronger than Ever We ad- wen Falls to Get n Firt The Official KfefaBW New York 95 331 Ire 11 Frank Fnrrcll Will decided those fan be obtained here will your money as as the 971 vise will Scfcwek lJ H deliibia 88 SK 110 19 Let Joe Kelley Go to the Giants I in charge the reform of Harvard athletics Riders Crazed for Want of Sleep the gIftsomething that Records of the Fielding 8 afford pleasure and en ¬ limit of satisfaction when P jn Detroit 47 liT 49 966 As things are shaping themselves it the man 81 348 73 1 9S joyment All the best known Heals CterckHd would you patronize Mertztailoring Graham bates 27 130 51 7 963 looks as if tho special committee brands of arc to be had MetiMhe Xew York 4t 213 38 10 96 also every college ¬ here In many different sizes and These three Mef tzspecials New York Doc New York demand that form of Every year comas the cry from the doc- Six of the eight clubs in the American CbrriawB DoMes 35 139 US 12 960 liThe sport shall be put on a selfsupporting flavors 7 1M 16 9Sa League Club will make a de- ¬ tors all ovor the country that sixday merit immediate investigation League are awarded a first position In the SctaaMt Detroit 2K American boosts by subscriptions No one sport official fielding averages The exceptions- Armbra ter Itoaton 66 SOS 99 17 053 termined effort to s cure pitcher Doe contests are brutal and extremely in ¬ 231 58 11 like football will be allowed to llfektjr St LOM 36 951 hereafter jurious to In 1S87 when Suits and Overcoats are Washington and Boston Lave Croes 7 Hillebrand famous as the star boxman the riders KHlr WaakhiRsm S 139 18 91 support other sports the Pipe G 59 17 University years ago Charlie Miller who was known as to order in the Mertz and Schlafly made closer contests for a Wakcndd WaaMoeUm 257 916 at Princeton several objection that Harvard cannot Sale first than any of the other Washington Ilneiow CfefchMl 34 122 30 10 tfiZ Illllobrand is technically the property of man of Iron won tho sixday grind at for 1000 York 116 33 12 933 afford to pay for such training as its way among the Thomas New K Washington club but the young man Madison Square Garden setting a record BY not give the man a Pipe players Cross is ranked third Hajdes W hHiet a W 200 68 18 937 the football teams have always had in the I played In 00 to go shortly after of 2093 miles with only four hours > carry a large line of Suits and Overcoats third basemen but the veteran Spencer Si Leek II 2 20 9J5 after agreeing there past the answer is made that the British W ¬ Chteapo K 36 7 3 939 sleep days was told by a to order in the Mertz many more games than OBrien or Brad- Hart leaving college decided that he wanted to university Rugby teams have no such in six he IMPORTED MEERSCHAUM- local Petcnon BoMeo 30 117 43 1- see play in larger city an impossibility committee of physicians from the board And FRENCH way tor 1250 ley who rank above the third a training and yet manage to play a better BRIAR packer OBrien filled In for the Browns- 3P1TCIIBRS under the circumstances which forces game than any American college eleven of health of New York City that he would In all the latest styles and sizes Suits and Overcoats Griffith New York 17 1 23 0 1000 any case no matter what objections- not live over six months That was the pipe for the den the pipe for In twenty games and accepted alt of his La llojr New York 11 2 17 0 1000 him Into retirement In are likely to be made it is believed that nine years ago Miller is alive the street the one you want is to order in trteMertz sixty chances but that does not mean Se4r r Detroit 9 7 59 1 955 At the American league meeting in Today here Our prices are right and 4 22 110 3 9iB the overseers will back up the 1500 that he was equal to such star Brad- ¬ Owen CUeaso Chicago last week Manager Cantillon of Harvard and stronger than he ever was and you can get the best at most wayfor New 3C 30 proposed hearti- ¬ Oarksoa York 3 1 m Washington had deal all cookod up reforms President Eliot weighs 230 pounds ley and Cross Hoax Yotk S3 5 38 1 975 a ly approves REASONABLE PRICES Nw of them and the committee Miller was always Full Dress Tuxedo Suits Schlafly ran third to Shean and Lajole Drwert PhBndeliiMa 36 3 68 2 973 by which Hlllebraad was to be traded to corpora ¬ superstitious and was appointed by the voto of the ¬ to ¬ WtoUr Union S3 13 SO 2 973 wanted number seven He had the num- U l1 order 2250 for secondbase honors and again a sub Pittsburg in exchange for Outfielder Gan tion and the overseers AGENCY FOR THE C1NCO HcmlMMfi 3i 10 88 3 971 most of laurels drwhmd ley when Cantillon asked the other As to the right of college ber in his races and when he stitute player carries off the haUL OetciaMi M 8 3S 1 971 But the to the title In 1865 given AND CO claim on In Stadium is no legal question went to Paris he was this MERTZ Shean was taken West by Connie Mack AKfook Chicaao 36 28 HC 4 m American league clubs to waive the there number In the great Roubet road race 46 949 Soldiers Field was given to the college on the last Western trip as were most of ltai lliitedrtpWa S K 2 Hlllebrand the New York club declined In WOO through some misunderstanding- 906 F Street Coomb ItriiaocqAiia 16 41 2 oos not to the committee by Henry- Wmn H his youngsters while many of the veter- ¬ 3 to de so as Manager Griffith and Frank athletic with the management of i Warner Joas CieT aMd X K Dl 4 L Hlgginson As the Stadium stands on the sixday race ans barnstormed in the East anti Shean 32 9 46 2 00ii0 Farrell believe that Doc HIHebnuid is he did not enter until two days before Iattertwn college property it legally belongs to the H tea 11 M 7S 3 116 the race He 308 9th St W was guilty of making only two errs in DoaohM DeueU just the man needed to strengthen the college whenever the corporation cares to asked for number seven twentytwo games Of course no one ithoajM OwfawU 38 It S3 1 6S local team in the box but was told that Aronson had It He IN COLLEGES- W hhnSoB 39 18 99 4 OOt claim it SPORTS ¬ fatten was given number eleven He looked up L would disoute Lajoles title to the pre- SMUA m 6 4 2 ge Salary Hlllebrand If Harvard cares to play football even diktat Fnt for Aronson before the race started and tried he Webb 41 3f M3 6 as Intercollegiate football on this basis and The faculty of the University of Penn- ¬ miership among second basemen and Chicaeo If Hlllebrand wants to play ball in New to swap Aronson Mnlltn Detroit 40 H IB 6 col- ¬ numbers but wouldnt The Price of expressed dis- really Is entitled to the place held by inI chance to sign with this positive understanding the swap won sylvania has Its unanimous KnaoM Wasbtogtoa 3t 5 tt 3 95i York he will receive a lege probably explicitly Miller the race with the approval recommendation mad Schlafly should rank next to authorities will not help of the Shean That Gteae Moatoo > K 38 2 93i a contract at a fat salary his release forbid the game of his teammate Frank Walter to them by the football committee thata Lajoie Is a compliment to the Washington Cbewiam X w York 41 U 93 5 IM from Washington meanwhile to be pur- ¬ making a record of 2T33 miles that Fegans Granville recess period should be set aside each second baseman Good averages may be l Bwen St Loitfe 9 3 II 3 951 outright stands today Aronson ran Into a box KUUwi Detmtt 2 33 2 901 chased RIDERS SAY JUDGES
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